As critical thinkers, we shouldn’t immediately discount the possibility that the assassination attempt on Trump was staged. To stay sane, one should start with the assumption that everything your five senses tell you is real before examining all the evidence and coming to a conclusion. [If you are too lazy to keep reading, I don’t think the shooting was staged]
In this day and age of AI and deep fakes, it would be stupid to immediately write off fakery because you have been told so or because your peers have come to that conclusion. And after the lies the Main Stream Media told during the pandemic, it is only right to assume that they twist the truth…and often. Equally, it would be soul-destroying to think that everything is not real.
Some Democrats have been derided for immediately claiming that the assassination attempt was faked. However, if it had been Biden who was shot, many Republicans would have made similar claims. After all, surviving the shooting has massively benefitted Trump, almost turning him into a martyr. Saying that, it was revealing to watch the media initially try to twist the truth and pretend it wasn’t even an assassination attempt.
When I first woke up on Sunday morning and heard the news that Trump had been shot, my first thoughts were that the shooting was real and I wasn’t surprised it had happened but to examine whether there was any evidence that it had been staged.
I thought that one of three things must be true:
Everything was real but had occurred due to massive levels of incompetence; or
Everything was real but had occurred due to to a deliberate conspiracy; or
It was all fake, either staged by Trump to boost his campaign or staged by Biden’s team to stop people talking about his dementia or, as in the UK with Sunak, to deliberately lose the election.
After watching the whole event numerous times and from numerous angles, I came to the conclusion that my senses were correct and the shooting was real. Trump’s last-minute head movement (which saved his life) and reaction to the bullet hitting his ear convinced me. Furthermore, Trump was already winning and Biden was already losing so option three just didn’t fit the evidence (although I remain open to changing my mind, if new evidence presents itself).
That left options 1 and 2, incompetence or conspiracy. With all that had happened both seemed equally likely.
A ladder had been placed on the building adjacent to Trump’s stage, allowing Thomas Crooks to scale the roof and take around five shots. Members of the public had alerted police officers almost 30 minutes before Crooks had fired but Trump was allowed to continue to speak. An officer confronted Crooks on the roof but after having a rifle pointed at him, returned to the ground. Snipers clearly had Crooks in their sights but weren’t allowed to shoot until shots had been fired. Even so, they only managed to shoot Crooks after a number of shots had caused havoc, rather than immediately after the first bullet. Trump’s security detail was slow to react and instead of getting him off stage straight away, allowed Trump’s head to pop up numerous times, which would have been blown off if there had been another shooter.
So what allowed all those things to happen? Incompetence or conspiracy? What if it was both? What if there was a ‘deep state’ conspiracy which facilitated incompetence. But when I say ‘conspiracy’, I don’t mean men sitting around a table in a darkened room, planning Trump’s demise. Instead, I mean a conspiracy of the state, which through its complexity has achieved a life of its own.
(There are men sitting around a table planning things but to suggest that everything that happens is due to their immaculate plans is giving them far too much credit.)
I was contemplating on this idea when, almost as if in synchronicity, this video of thinking-outside-the-box scientist, Michael Levin, popped up.
“If we could gain evidence that we were part of a larger system that was actually processing information…I don’t know exactly what that would look like but my hunch is that it would look like what we call synchronicity. I think that what it would look like are events that don’t have a causal connection at our lower level, mechanistically like physics, but at a larger scale in terms of meaning and the greater meanings of things that they do have some sort of interpretation. And I think that’s what it would look like to be part of a larger system - it would look and feel like synchronicity.”
Synchronicity: the coincidental occurrence of events that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality.
Developing Levin’s theory further, to us mere mortals, many of the events that took place on Saturday may look planned or part of a conspiracy when in fact they could be evidence of a larger controlling system, perhaps at a higher level of perceived consciousness. Call it what you like, ‘the deep state’ or ‘the shadow government’ but this all pervasive system could cause events to occur, which have no causal links in our lower plane, but are nevertheless connected.
Many conspiracies may be manifestations of this larger, interconnected system beyond our conventional understanding.
Imagine you are a single cell within the human body, part of a vast and intricate society made up of trillions of your peers. Each cell, including you, has a specific role and function, contributing to the overall health and operation of the body. Communication among cells happens through chemical signals and physical interactions, akin to citizens in a bustling city exchanging information.
One day, you notice something strange. Your neighbouring cells are sending distress signals. Suddenly there’s a flurry of activity with neurons firing more rapidly, immune cells on high alert and unusual inflammation in distant tissues. To most cells, these events seem random and unconnected. To critical thinking cells, there is a pattern and some start to suggest a number of cells are in on a conspiracy.
In fact there is a conspiracy but not on the individual cellular level. The headache, rash and fatigue are all connected with the immune system reacting to an infection. From your vantage point, as an individual cell, it seems like chaos but being the critical thinker, you can comprehend the patterns. However, as hard as you try, you will never fully understand the coordinated response to a systemic issue at a higher level.
So how would this work in practice?
First of all we have to assume there is a higher, larger system that is processing information and ‘alive’ somehow. By alive I mean it has some form of consciousness which may be as simple as having the goal of staying alive or growing in strength. This system may be ‘the West’ or ‘the State’ and has arisen due to the complex interactions humans make within the system (similar to the complex interaction neurons have within the brain). Furthermore, there are probably an infinite amount of systems all interacting within each other.
Whatever the motivation of this larger system (it may have none), it enables things to happen to further its goals. Developing on Dan’s thread as examples, the current system rewards and encourages DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) ideologies and policies, resulting in Director Kimberly Cheatle leading the US Secret Service. Cheatle goes on to prioritise diversity, increasing female officers to 30%. Furthermore, she runs Trump’s security detail on barebones staffing and resource levels.
A number of Democrats have even gone further and tried to introduce legislation to ensure no Secret Service protection for convicted felons sentenced to prison.
You can’t blame any one individual as to how Cheatle reached the top, the decisions made by the interacting teams on the day or the actions of any individual officer. But all these choices made by the system as a whole resulted in a sniper being allowed to scale a nearby roof, be observed for around thirty minutes and fire a number of shots before an amateur effort to remove Trump from the stage. An amateur effort including some female officers who were too small for their role in covering and protecting Trump.
It looks and feels like a conspiracy to assassinate Trump, because it is, but not one that can be pinned on an individual because the conspiracy exists within the system.
Another way, the system conspires to get what it wants is through ‘Stochastic terrorism’. This is when mass communication is used to incite random acts of violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable.
The system allowed and facilitated inflammatory rhetoric within the media and the establishment which labelled Trump as Hitler or Satan. By inciting such extreme hatred against Trump, a lone assassin was always destined to come out of the woodwork. Young men want to be heroes and what better way to be remembered forever than by killing Hitler or Satan before they managed to take power.
Again, there are so many oddities about Crooks, his past and the shooting that it looks like a conspiracy. And, again, it is a conspiracy but not one that can be pinned down on a single individual or even a shady group. Instead it is a conspiracy of a higher system which recruited the sniper in plain sight but one which we lack the faculties to understand.
When the system conspires to do something and is in full swing, the optimal conditions are created for its intentions to manifest itself. Individuals within the system make conscious and deliberate decisions which help the conspiracy move on one more notch but none of these decisions on their own were directly involved in shooting Trump.
The lone gunman is a predictable outcome from a complex organisation comprising of, amongst others, the judiciary, the Secret Services, the media and any other three lettered organisation you want to include.
This animated system will now investigate itself, make a few findings, fire a few people but do whatever it can to stay alive and thrive. As may have happened with the Lucy Letby case, the system won’t hesitate to throw humans under the bus to ensure it is not investigated and weakened.
A complex system, working in a higher dimension to us and one which is almost impossible for us to comprehend is fascinating and needs a lot more analysis. To most people the world seems like it is in chaos whilst to others there is a conspiring cabal. In fact, the conspiracy is beyond human understanding - but are some individuals able to tune into it and get a sense of the direction things are going, almost seeming prophetic in the process?
So synchronicity is the term for what happens when a "science" guy tries to contemplate the divine but cannot disconnect his ego?
Great article...
From my view there's so much manipulation and outright fraud in all "media" now during such events that it's impossible really to know where reality is. Hence my time is spent on things in my immediate vicinity that I can control and to learn useful skills I can apply towards gradually leaving this insane fake largely digital world. We'd all be better off in Galt's gulch.