Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

So synchronicity is the term for what happens when a "science" guy tries to contemplate the divine but cannot disconnect his ego?

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I have a different take that “synchronicity” is when we affect reality without a direct correlation/connection: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-reality-of-magic

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Makes sense to me as Jung was incapable of disconnecting his ego!

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Great article...

From my view there's so much manipulation and outright fraud in all "media" now during such events that it's impossible really to know where reality is. Hence my time is spent on things in my immediate vicinity that I can control and to learn useful skills I can apply towards gradually leaving this insane fake largely digital world. We'd all be better off in Galt's gulch.

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Totally agree. To that end I have started paring down sub stacks, holding on to less than a handful which I enjoy reading as well as the reasoned, civilised, broad-view comments. NE is by far one of the most thought provoking, always well presented.

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

You forgot to mention the woman heading Secret Service was specially appointed as a favor to Jill Biden. Maybe it's not complicated.

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I think I get your point - nobody said “assassinate Trump”. But, an endless list of politicians and writers demonized him. Diversity was more important than competence for the USSS. A local policeman is chased off the roof, but the speech goes on.

A combination of apparently unrelated decisions and incompetence created the perfect conditions for a very bright loser to blow Trump’s head off on live TV.

I don’t see this as some sort of meta-intelligence but more like a series of unlikely events all stacking in the same direction. The sheer hatred directed at Trump may have motivated the shooter, we may never know, but it does give the appearance of a diffuse conspiracy.

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It is chaos theory at work. Biden farts in Washington and Trump gets shot at. :)

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Sir! I wanted to touch on the following phrase: “ I came to the conclusion that my five senses were correct and the shooting was real.”

In the age of deep fake and AI, how can we then trust our senses of what we see on the TV, knowing that what we’re seeing on the TV may be fake?

I address that in my assessment of the incident: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-trump-assassination-attempt

I’ve had more articles on the incident since then, but use that article to address the comment on trusting our senses when what our senses are seeing may be fallacies.

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Its becoming increasingly hard to trust anything so I need to start somewhere and work backwards!

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Precisely. And even if we could trust our senses of sight and hearing when watching an event broadcast through the medium of a screen, I'm not sure how our Naked Emperor was able to smell, touch and taste what was going on! All my senses can tell me about what happened is that I've seen some stuff happening on a screen and heard sounds that were apparently connected with it, and that now there are endless words to read on the subject of whether it what the screen showed was real or not. My intuition however tells me that this is one massive distraction from other stuff that's way more important.

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I sniffed and licked the screen. My point was you will go insane if you think everything is fake so you need to trust what your eyes see and then work backwards, analysing the evidence and revising what you initially saw if the evidence points that way.

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And if what your eyes saw was an optical illusion? I don't think you go insane - I think you just realise that reality is not what is being presented and so you start to get on with what you know is actually really around you - what you really can use al five senses to perceive, and maybe more importantly listen to the inner voice as well. Taking a broadcast as the starting point is grasping at straws, I think, though we have been bombarded with this lens on "reality" for over a hundred years now and it's hard to kick the habit.

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You only know that it was an optical illusion by examining the evidence. You can't immediately know it is an optical illusion. Your inner voice can tell you something is wrong and to look into it, not immediately say it is fake.

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You may like my article here Helen: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/false-flags-and-fake-false-flags

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Yes. For example (just one of a gazillion), the more whopping Boris Johnson's lies and the more outrageously he behaved the more people just seemed to lap it all up even though they must have known at some level he and it was all a load of baloney! It's very much like observing a parallel universe. Hard to get your head around what you are seeing. Like something is in a permanent state of malfunction.

I am sure you'd love me to take out a paying subscription to your interesting blog but I already have too many Substack subscriptions. I'll check out your free stuff. Thank you!

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The pony tail girls should never guard Trump again. They should hand in their badge, sunglasses and scrunchies

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

I’m sure they have moved on to another play.

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DEI = DIE? There are other “victims”—they will lose their jobs—they will be radicalized.

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

There is a 4th option, which is important to factor in, given the growing number of contradictions to all of the 3 scenarios listed: which is that camp T and camp B are both manipulated by camp X.

Which is not the same as the Uniparty concept! It more refers to the Cecil Rhodes conceived "circles within circles within circles" concept, where the outer layer of the onion do not necessarily know that they are being pitted against the other "side". In this case most people by now have heard of the "deep state", some have also heard about two factions within their MICIMATT controlling domains, but there are also a few serious thinkers who see the invisible hand pitting these against each other.

For me the only certainty is, that there are multiple narratives played and presented to us on sliver plates, algorithmically, personalised for our current belief systems. Its "Panem et Circenses" or in other words: a Kabuki (the simile, which now more and more start to use to describe the phenomenon). The target is our attention and the usual questions is: what could be more important which they are trying to move your attention away from?? War and Peace?

One tell-tale sign to be able to answer this question: what are the narratives of the newly nominated VP? E.g. about a bigger bomb needed to deal with Iran? Or how the main enemy is China?? How much is he connected in with Peter Thiel and his oligarchy co.? Did you see how "we lied and stole" Pompeo was enthused about the appointment??

So to me my 6 senses tell me that the picture has glitches, so its an artificial projection.

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To me this is the most logical supposition. It'd been bread-and-circuses for so long now it feels as if we're immune to reality, long before 2020,

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Exactly! I think Covid was a harsh eye opener for many people in this regard, including myself btw.

But thats exactly what should give us hope, as it shows that the weapons used against us have double edges and can swing back to hurt their masters too. They just pushed their agenda too much and relied overconfidently in their technocracy intended to control, but it backfired, as those people who started to see the cracks in their projected reality, now connect and find each other through the internet, they process and share information about the history and ways how the oligarchy operates.

This should give us hope that there is a way out. Maybe not easy, and not expected from institutions, but from our own selves.

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Was 10/7 caused by incompetence or DEI? Was the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan caused by incompetence or DEI? Was the attempted assassination of Trump caused by incompetence or DEI? Incompetence and DEI are the “tell” and “cover” for a carefully planned event.

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

“A complex system, working in a higher dimension to us and one which is almost impossible for us to comprehend is fascinating and needs a lot more analysis.”

It’s not working in a higher dimension to us. We are IN IT. And I doubt it’s that complex.

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Quite right! And whatever that greater overall system is composed of, it is individuals who are ultimately responsible for making their own choices at whatever level or circumstance they might find themselves in; good and evil exist in all of us in a lifelong battle for control and dominance and in today's culture the materialist and self-serving ego predominates and is a prime motivator in human actions; and those actions generally reflect a lack of moral conscience and spiritual development which make it easy for the psychopathic controllers to use to their advantage...as we continue to see and experience.

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We’re really so damn weak, aren’t we?! 🤣

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I actually think it is the Sunak option #3. The DemoncRATs didn’t move decisively & quickly enough to remove LGB-FJB AND replace Kneepads Harris. Since Biden’s “debate” performance & ongoing interview debacles that just cement what we all saw on debate night, I don’t think there is ANYONE willing to step into the Biden administration cluster f@&k. Trump was already beating Brandon & now the assassination attempt has solidified Trump as martyr AND superhero.

So - knowing they can’t win, even if they try to cheat again - it solves the Biden-Harris removal problem if they’re willing to cede power for 4 years & hold their powder until 2028.

There is an additional benefit that some or all of the terrible things that have been deliberately done to the country over the past 4 years will come to a head & implode on Trump’s watch - cratered economy, internal terrorism a la all of the illegals, a global WWIII, another scamdemic, etc. & they’ll point fingers to set themselves up to “win” in 2028

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

That was a very fascinating and thoughful article, thank you. I do like especially your analogy of the human cell in the body, an accurate assessment.

As to the event, I would say as with everything in life, language drives the story. I mention some points in my post if anyone is interested.


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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I am very much in agreement - perhaps you could say in sync! - with what you have said here. It is the conclusion I came to as well.

And that sort of synchronicity - perhaps from reading and perceiving so many of the same things - feels to me on a personal level a visceral example of how such a system could build in the way you describe - with any worldview.

Not sure if this makes any sense, hope it does..😊

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

What your talking about as being "synchronicity", is actually "chorum sensing".😉 Same, same, but different.

Every cell in ours or other living organisms use it.💯👍

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I like your approach.

My own philosophy is to be open to all possibilities, but question everything. So I too have been wondering about the claims of a staged event (which I have also heard from some "white hat" groups, which claim that everything has been planned, with a view to a Trump victory and bringing down the Deep State). But there was a real bullet, which killed a real person - hard to fake something like that, and not very nice, if it had been planned.

And I like the organic intelligence hypothesis!

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I think it's true that large organizations, especially bureaucratic, tend to behave like living organisms. Any individual member who resists going along with the collective "will" is removed or misses out on promotions because he/she doesn't fit in with the corporate "culture". There could be a whole interacting ecosystem of such collective "organisms". In this case Trump was perceived as an intruder who triggered a response from the immunological system. Keep in mind that if we use a biological metaphor; then these collective organisms may be regarded as more akin to jellyfish then humans and are not truly sentient, which is why they so frequently end up destroying the environment that supports them.

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Jul 16Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter



Great article NE!

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