...and how much shit has been piled on my doorstep (including from family and friends) for standing firm and not taking the shot...? They can go and fuck themselves. Oh wait they already did.

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Nobody can say that to me. I DID try to tell them. Over and over and over. I not only told them all the ferrets died, but I also sent them the information I was reading. As early as April 2020 I was sending out a chart I made showing what the March 28th "models" predicted (40,000 North Carolinians in the hospital with Covid by April 17th even with the shutdown), and what actually happened - around 800 North Carolinians in the hospital. I pointed out this was even with the shutdowns because all those people were supposedly sick before. Despite my county hitting the national left-wing news (New York Times) for being the least compliant based on cell phone data, my friends swore it was because we did way better than expected. I we got threatened, attacked, our livelihood threatened, people were calling to have our children removed. Friends and family who weren't all Covidian got terrified, threatened, and bullied into these shots by the Covidians. Millions were forced to get a jab that has forever harmed their bodies and far too many are no longer with us.

We were not silent, we were silenced. Fuck the Covidians. God may have mercy on their souls but I sure as hell wont in this life.

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“We were not silent, we were silenced.” - That single sentence nails it!

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I think THAT needs to go viral.

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You see how they're trying to shift the narrative to "It's Trump's fault because of Operation Warp Speed" ... so connect that to "Antivaxxers are MAGAts and Domestic Terrorists" and notice how they're further radicalizing the Left, i.e. the most likely victims of Pfauci Scientism. Trump is the Left's Hitler Avatar and Antivaxxers are to be seen as loyal Nazis who somehow knew the jabs would kill off the Virtuous & Angelic Liberals.

"Perhaps Trump was warning people at his rallies?" is the paranoid thought they want coursing through the sheeps' obedient minds.

I once asked a German, "What was Hitler actually saying in his speeches that hypnotized people." He told me, "I can't understand a word he says... it's mostly a dialect that isn't used anymore."

Most people who hate Trump have never heard the man speak unedited or out of context. The evil is all in their heads.

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OWS was the last ten minutes in a very long game of EOs (multiple presidents), legislative changes, DOD control, and weird science that began decades ago.

But yes, they'll try.

We mustn't let them succeed.

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Which is why we call out their narratives ahead of time.

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As Irina acknowledged

“We were not silent, we were silenced”

The statement of the day!

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Right on. I sent my adult children SO much info and warned, and pleaded, and begged them not to get jabs. I sent them treatment protocols. But they told me I didn't know what I was talking about. One blurted that I had poisoned her mind for 25 years with my cynicism about vaccines, if she took my side she would have no friends, no boyfriend and no career, and she was DONE with me. Broke my heart. Irreparable loss.

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I am so heartbroken for you. These fights remind me of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Children turning on their parents for this “cause” that ended up starving 40-60 million people to death. I hope one day they find their way back to you.

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so sorry, I hope one day she comes home to you , in one piece and you can be dear to each other again.

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Amen to that! And I’m sure they never even read what you sent and just deleted. The closed-mindedness of some people still floor me!

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I think that was a hashtag for a while #alltheferretsdied

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You weren't alone, I tried to wake up an entire forum in my operation: WAKE THE FUCK UP! What did I get? "Why don't I follow the science?" Which finally came to crickets as they were dying left and right. And I fought The Wuflu off when I first had it (nobody knew what it was yet) with simple Ativan and quinine. It was their stubborn, arrogant word salads that has the blood on it.

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Save those emails for future reference.

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Haha - all I need to do is FOIA myself. I contacted the elected buffoons from my district at the city, county, state, and national letter attaching hundreds of studies and pictures of data charts WITH links to the source data. I emailed, texted, and printed out thousands of items for family and friends. There were hundreds of thousands to millions of people at least as active as me, as well as the thousands of doctors who lost their careers and even medical licenses screaming to the world. It’s how independent voices (not mine) that knew this was harmful built Substack and Rumble. It’s a huge piece of the DeSantis and Youngkin appeal.

This crap argument of silence is violence has exactly zero chance of holding water because there is no universe in which those of us opposed to, and with concerns about, these vaccines were silent and every single person who got vaccinated at least in the US was privy to the EXACT SAME information.

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Absolutely spot on !

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Mic drop.

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Amen to that one Brian Perks👍🏼🎯

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Hahaha! They did, for sure.

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I’m with you on this one!

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I like that! Great response

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I saw that article yesterday as well. I left a comment on it, to the effect that I *did* try to tell people, and I got told in effect to wear a tinfoil hat.

Screw 'em. They were too invested in The Official Story. I bear no guilt whatever. My efforts were rewarded with no longer having access to my own sons and their families. The vaxxed's guilt is the point from which apologies should stem.

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Yes, I believe satire or fake. I saw another version yesterday that said “to be published June 6, 2023.”

Perhaps it was satire on the original here….


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Oh MY GOSH! That's some heavy gaslighting! Yeah, I don't remember the vaxed people EVER displaying any negative behavior towards the unvaxed. I mean, calling for the unvaxed to be charged with murder, eliminating the unvaxed from society, calling for them to be shunned at hospitals if they needed medical assistance...nah, that was all just like the "mostly peaceful protests" in the Summer of Love 2020.

Is this site a knock off Babylon Bee? I don't think so.

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It's a non-Christian knock-off of the Babylon Bee. Very much satire.

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It's really like The Onion. Pretty misogynistic at its core.

The Onion is now owned by the company that publishes Jezebel, so I agree that it is evil. But like I said, "it's a non-Christian knock-off of the Babylon Bee. Very much satire." That's a pretty good set-up for being evil, wouldn't you say?

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No, it wasn't satire unless that's the business they're in. I've never heard of this website but here's another article about how all the "far right Extremists that make up Rumble" are discriminating and hating on vaccinated people. Such rubbish. If they're mad at someone, it should be the government and the doctors and employers who told them the vax was "safe and effective" and "the right thing" to do.


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Indeed, it is pure DARVO and and gaslighting. And the fact that they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and quote the execrable Andrew Tate of all people as a supposed example means they don't really have a case at all.

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It's not a satire site, it's a heavy leftist site. The article itself seems pretty bonkers, obviously the reality is that anyone trying to warn got shut down hard. I couldn't tell if it was a joke, but kind of concluded it was not a joke, but that the author had brain fog and cognitive dissonance from too many boosters.

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"Free riders". Seriously? The gaslighting, DARVO, chutzpah, and hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife!

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I looked up IQfy and it appears to be a real opinion site.

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iqfy.com; Opens a new tab·IQfy is a lifestyle and social commentary imprint of the Sunshine Initiative. We design and publish storyful…


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You can lead the vaxxed to water but you cannot make them drink (or think...)/

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Yep - it's why I experience Schad when I read about them destroying their bodies by injecting the Rat Juice.

F789 the Vaxxed.

This needs to be made into a bumper sticker (sneak into a parking lot and apply to the bumpers of all the cars hahaha)

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can’t make out if this article is tongue in cheek or serious. Notice, however, that there is no mention of the way in which the unvaxxed were treated in many countries having their liberty taken away from them; ring treated like lepers; being threatened with fines or imprisonment and, in some cases, being stopped from earning a living. No, that’s now inconvenient!

How on earth we had sole access to the truth is not explained and no mention of how hard many of us tried to convince those we loved from taking a vaccination. My marriage was on very shaky ground. I spent hours arguing with my husband and he still went and got a vaccination. I said I would leave if he took any more - and I meant it. None of this was easy but now we are supposed to apologise to those who did no research and took what was the easy way out at the time. I feel deeply sorry for those injured or who have lost their lives but no, I won’t apologise to anyone for the stance I took.

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It is satire. Here's their comment policy on the post.

"Comments are open again on a trial basis. Your comment may be invisible for up to 30 minutes while under review by our brave volunteers."

"Update: 20 minutes into this experiment and we have already lost one volunteer. Immediately cease using the comment form to send abuse -- try to write positive messages of solidarity instead."

Can you imagine a real person writing that, seriously?

It's closer to The Onion than to the Babylon Bee.

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I think it's important to remember that this type of obfuscation and redirection will come from point sources trying to control the narrative. I don't believe your average person would personally conclude the position noted in the article, but if it's externally generated and pushed and sold, it will likely take root. The groups responsible for this charade are quite crafty and resourceful - if this line of action doesn't work, they'll create another to avoid culpability and negative attention. They are trying to retain the tens of billions, the control, and avoid the noose. They have everything to gain and will not stop from this type of play, mostly, because it's effective. Did we know that the world is significantly peopled by sheep and lemmings? Some, but to this effect, no. I think the state of psy-ops has progressed to the point that they can nearly do what they want, and the people will nod and comply. A very, very serious and concerning situation. The 4th turning indeed.

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Just another instance of driving a wedge further between us so we don’t unite against the perpetrators.

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You've been nudged.

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these cultists are largely democrats and they have proven over the years that they don't even remember the argument they were making last month compared to now let alone 3 years ago. They are small, weak minded non-thinkers. they shift their talking points on a daily basis according to what CNN or other dem sources tell them, even if 180 from yesterday. If this article tells them us unvaxxed are the killers - again even for 180 degree reasons - they will stay on the attack. they are ultra dim bulb people.

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You are absolutely right. They will gaslight, lie, and throw out every narrative they can until they find one that sticks. It will likely work for the most part.

We have to remember that millions of people voted for Joe Biden (probably, maybe) who came out of hiding to campaign less often than a groundhog. These are not intelligent people. They will not admit their mistakes and own up to the consequences. They will stand up straight and defiantly argue that they did nothing wrong much like a certain group who once got together in Nuremberg.

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Well, they are increasingly bearing the unfortunate consequences of their sheepledom. They were of a mindset that 1) Doesn't question anyone in authority 2) Wants an authority such as the Dem party to define everything for them AND tell them what to think and what to do 3) They are intellectually lazy and don't research anything other than superficially and from the oh-so comforting like-minded sources 4) They always trust and never verify. I could go on....

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I tried to warn everybody. I have receipts.

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I was shouting it "loud & clear" while being called lots of names I won't repeat here. They had access to exactly the same information they only had to look for it. If they are trying to make scapegoats of us again I won't tolerate it. #proudlynotvaccinated

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I hear you, I wont' tolerate it either, but I also won't give my energy to them anymore by getting upset and reacting. It's exactly what the Bernays and Scwabs of the world want us to do I believe

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I agree Roman. Whether it’s satire or not. It’s just one more way to keep the anger circulating. And if it’s not, it’s just another attempt to test the waters with people’s reaction so they can figure out which angle/direction they want to go with in the media. We could have some fun with them blaming us. Let’s get creative. I for one am not falling for the anger bait. Don’t give them what they want.

I remember friends and family telling me I was selfish and it wasn’t just about me. The conversations pretty much went like this.

“You need to take one for the team.”

I looked them in the eye and kindly asked, “Will the team pay my bills?” “ Will the team take me in and care for me?”


“Are you afraid of covid?” I asked.

An emphatic “Yes”.

Well, I’m afraid of the jab, so why is your fear more valid than mine?”

“Uhhh, that’s different”.


“Because people are dying”

That was the standard response. I made difficult choices to step away from friends and family. I wanted nothing to do with those who treated others cruelly for not taking the jab. A couple of months ago one of those friends reached out in an attempt to make sure “we were okay”. I agreed to meet her. She just wanted to see how I was doing because she cared about me and “sensed” things were not ok with me.

I said “yeah I was pretty disappointed with people’s cruelty, but I’m better now. Can you believe the truth is finally coming out?”

She asked, “what are you talking about?”

“Pfizer admitted the shots were never tested for efficacy.”

She put her hands up and said “Oh, Audrey I don’t want to argue with you. We don’t believe the same things.”

I said, “It’s on video, you can watch the Pfizer executive admit it ON CAMERA.”

She says, “Oh Audrey you and I have very different sources.”

I was dumbfounded. So even now with more and more being revealed, still no acknowledgement or willingness to look at the data/proof.

I shake my head in disbelief. Oh poor poor Audrey 😉

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LOL @ we have different sources. My source? Pfizer clinical trial docs. Your source? Elmo's pediatrician....

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So maddening! I completely sympathize with you. This idea that if something wasn't shown by a prefered source, then it didn't happen. As though goverment and media companies are the ones who get to decide reality, not the real events that really happen!

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I know Shelle, but the shameful part is I used to be one of those people who had no clue about how the media and government operates. Thankfully, I was onto the Pharma cartel many years ago. It wasn’t until the plandemic that I learned about all the shenanigans. Lol, I’ve had a rude awakening.

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unreal, but not surprising. I like how you asked her that question about being afraid...it's a valid attempt at least at getting others to see the truth, but they have to feel it first...good for you on setting those boundaries. It's tough, but well worth it in the end.

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Thank you Roman. Indeed. Definitely worth it.

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Why do so many conflate beliefs with facts?

You can believe the news about Pfizer doesn't matter or believe its actually a great thing, or you can refuse to discuss it, but you can't believe its not real because we have the evidence straight from the horse's mouth.

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Yeah...I got the 'fact checked' treatment from my sister. No idea of whom was doing the 'fact checking' but I was immediately wrong. She still will not look at the evidence, and we are barely speaking. Amazing how fast the ferret studies 'disappeared' as well...

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It’s so disheartening Sue. I’m sorry for the strain it has caused in your relationship. I’m in the same boat with my sis. Cheers to truth!

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Audrey, how do you think your friend would react if she was told that all the excess mortality and injection-related injuries are just various forms of "Long Covid"?

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Anne, I suspect she would feel better about herself as she wouldn't have to acknowledge/face the truth.

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Me too, I knew they'd turn around and say "no one ever told us". You saved your emails? (:

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I saved everything

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Good on you. Spiritual insurance

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Go Judith !!!🤗😉

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I wish I had but most were in phone conversations or in-person

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Funny how police crackdowns on protests, media smears & tech censorship like a boot on our necks for 3 years morphed into unvaxxed choosing silence as a strategy to inflict harms.. it's insanity!!

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If excess deaths were not caused by the jab, they simply would have said unjabbed are dying in excess too.

They have not, the silence is deafening and bloody obvious!

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Great point- it's what they don't say that speaks volumes.

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I am STILL not responsible for other people's health.

They did it to themselves.

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"I am STILL not responsible for other people's health."

This was one of the things I tried so hard to get across at the time - the government is not there to "protect my health". That is my responsibility. Everything that flowed from that overreach of government was wrong and to be distrusted.

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I was not silent.

For my troubles I was de-platformed (such as my insignificant reach was) and vilified by the righteous ignorance of those who believed what the data showed was clearly unbelievable.

Family members and friends have shunned me, yet I recall very few instances in this unfolding debacle where I was wrong, or amplified something that was untrue at the time.

Hey vaccinated folks, this is on you. Your choice, your funeral. Learn to read and choose a wider range of sources, rather than consuming the MSM amplified "Narrative" of lies.

Sadly, this stupid exercise will probably lead to something akin to Marek's, from which no-one will be safe :(

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That site, IQFY, is definitely satire. Just click on any of the topic headers for headlines that will give you a chuckle. Like: 6 gods who used their powers to get laid, and Why having a toddler is like being in a cult. That being said, 'it's your fault for not warning me' as the new narrative would not surprise me. Nothing surprises me any more these days.

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I totally read this as satire and some of the other articles, like you say, were in the same vein and just couldn’t stop chuckling! It’s like the author decided to go on a fishing expedition to see how many bites they would get and boy they got a frenzy of comments back- they probably thought it was like shooting fish in a barrel!🤣. This was my take on it anyway, it’s almost a parody of the Atlantic article but going all out with the ridiculousness of it all…..

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And the rainbow colored comment warning was funny too: (and last I checked 85+25 is 110% - so people are 110% triggered!)

Sorry, commenting has been disabled.

While 85% of you are wonderful people and we'd love to hear from you (feel free to reach out at contact@IQfy.com or our @IQfy_ twitter!), the other 25% of recent comments have tended to be the result of targeted troll storms. Abuse from this vocal minority has traumatized our moderators and caused harm to the community.

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Those should have been enough to let anyone know it was total satire so how did this go so wide of the mark with those who have commented feverishly to counter the article? That made me chuckle even more!😁

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Have you read the comments on that article? If it's "clearly satire" no one who subscribes to their publication knows that or is trying to quell the uprising blood pressure that's being displayed.😕

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Yes I did read the comments but there are efforts from other readers of the article that read it as satire like I did to get that across - even the comments from the ‘author’ about commenting were hilarious…some of the commenters have seriously lost their sense of humour….we have to find some humour in this whole shit show and this was funny to me. It’s almost a parody of the Atlantic article asking for an amnesty….it’s in the vein of a Babylon Bee piece and someone even punted that🤷‍♀️

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Someone else posted this. I don't even know how to describe this method of psychological manipulation.


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I think that it may be a real opinion site. I looked it up and this is what I found:



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IQfy is a lifestyle and social commentary imprint of the Sunshine Initiative. We design and publish storyful, smarter content to uplift feminine folks globally.

If you look at the articles, it appears that they may be serious....

Very few followers

Lunatics, but I think they mean it.....

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It is us that they are laughing at.

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" “the unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands”.

I don't think this will fly. I lived within a 95% vaxxed bubble, like I was an alien all of a sudden. Not a single person in my network will claim any such nonsense. They have all canceled me, muted me, banned me, suspended me, but they all fucking know.

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To the extent that we knew what they didn't was only because we clicked on the same internet we all have access to, and read some things. Critically.

It's not my fault other people are lazy.

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We have a very old dog sometimes she vomits and eats the vomit. That’s all I have to say about this. Looks like a case of twice baked vomit.

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My own boss recently told me thwt he wants half my retirement if he's damaged by the vaxx since I didn't have to take it ultimately. That's how they think.

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Couldn't believe what I'd heard him say. I did a double take and replied that his job was never in jeopardy though.

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Just your luck, you will probably outlive him... No need to pay a dead man.

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WOW!!! That is unbelievable!

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It's fucking safe and very effective. He can't be damaged by it, can he?

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I doubt he believes that anymore hence the comment.

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Assuming your boss is serious, and that he was compelled to take the shot, his complaint is with the parties who compelled his compliance, not with a subordinate who thought critically and had the stones to say no. In any case, your boss is not taking responsibility for his decision (And is bats*** crazy).

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last time I checked, the UNvaccinated were shut up and shut down anytime we opened our mouths, we were not ALLOWED to talk.

last time I checked, it was the Vaccinated cultists who were attacking unvaxxed folks and openly cheering for them to die.

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And this line of bs will be used by the stupid to continue to attack those who can see through the bs. Just more of the same. <yawn>

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I think that guy is simply an idiot.

I warned the governor of my state on his Facebook page and was pommeled by his electorate, so I quit FB,

I warned the local television station, and that time there were others too, the tv station opted with the local hospital administration and dismantled the forum.

The blood is on their hands.

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Thank you for the link to the article. The comments are the best bit and I'm still reading through them 😉 I'm unjabbed, aged 61 in Italy - it has been bloody awful tbh. When they brought in that stupid Green (Nazi) Pass and then made a Super Green Pass, it was like a dystopian movie.

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Same here in Greece, the government stated mandating the jab was legal. They did backtrack eventually but all teachers etc. had to be tested three times a week.

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I think that was slightly better than Italy. At least in Greece, you could opt out by testing. In Italy teachers either got it or were suspended, WITHOUT PAY for a year. And not just teachers , also police/healthcare/doctors/hospital staff etc etc. Many had no choice and that was heartbreaking. Some who could afford to lose pay , accepted the suspension. But in a country with very high unemployment, many were forced. I'm still in shock I think - I passed these last 3 years through a mixture of horror/depression/anger/disbelief. I still wake with a feeling of anxiety most days - partly because I feel nothing will ever be the same again and partly because I believe it's not all over yet. 😔

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