...and how much shit has been piled on my doorstep (including from family and friends) for standing firm and not taking the shot...? They can go and fuck themselves. Oh wait they already did.

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I saw that article yesterday as well. I left a comment on it, to the effect that I *did* try to tell people, and I got told in effect to wear a tinfoil hat.

Screw 'em. They were too invested in The Official Story. I bear no guilt whatever. My efforts were rewarded with no longer having access to my own sons and their families. The vaxxed's guilt is the point from which apologies should stem.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

can’t make out if this article is tongue in cheek or serious. Notice, however, that there is no mention of the way in which the unvaxxed were treated in many countries having their liberty taken away from them; ring treated like lepers; being threatened with fines or imprisonment and, in some cases, being stopped from earning a living. No, that’s now inconvenient!

How on earth we had sole access to the truth is not explained and no mention of how hard many of us tried to convince those we loved from taking a vaccination. My marriage was on very shaky ground. I spent hours arguing with my husband and he still went and got a vaccination. I said I would leave if he took any more - and I meant it. None of this was easy but now we are supposed to apologise to those who did no research and took what was the easy way out at the time. I feel deeply sorry for those injured or who have lost their lives but no, I won’t apologise to anyone for the stance I took.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I think it's important to remember that this type of obfuscation and redirection will come from point sources trying to control the narrative. I don't believe your average person would personally conclude the position noted in the article, but if it's externally generated and pushed and sold, it will likely take root. The groups responsible for this charade are quite crafty and resourceful - if this line of action doesn't work, they'll create another to avoid culpability and negative attention. They are trying to retain the tens of billions, the control, and avoid the noose. They have everything to gain and will not stop from this type of play, mostly, because it's effective. Did we know that the world is significantly peopled by sheep and lemmings? Some, but to this effect, no. I think the state of psy-ops has progressed to the point that they can nearly do what they want, and the people will nod and comply. A very, very serious and concerning situation. The 4th turning indeed.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I tried to warn everybody. I have receipts.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Funny how police crackdowns on protests, media smears & tech censorship like a boot on our necks for 3 years morphed into unvaxxed choosing silence as a strategy to inflict harms.. it's insanity!!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

If excess deaths were not caused by the jab, they simply would have said unjabbed are dying in excess too.

They have not, the silence is deafening and bloody obvious!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com


I am STILL not responsible for other people's health.

They did it to themselves.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I was not silent.

For my troubles I was de-platformed (such as my insignificant reach was) and vilified by the righteous ignorance of those who believed what the data showed was clearly unbelievable.

Family members and friends have shunned me, yet I recall very few instances in this unfolding debacle where I was wrong, or amplified something that was untrue at the time.

Hey vaccinated folks, this is on you. Your choice, your funeral. Learn to read and choose a wider range of sources, rather than consuming the MSM amplified "Narrative" of lies.

Sadly, this stupid exercise will probably lead to something akin to Marek's, from which no-one will be safe :(

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

That site, IQFY, is definitely satire. Just click on any of the topic headers for headlines that will give you a chuckle. Like: 6 gods who used their powers to get laid, and Why having a toddler is like being in a cult. That being said, 'it's your fault for not warning me' as the new narrative would not surprise me. Nothing surprises me any more these days.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

" “the unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands”.

I don't think this will fly. I lived within a 95% vaxxed bubble, like I was an alien all of a sudden. Not a single person in my network will claim any such nonsense. They have all canceled me, muted me, banned me, suspended me, but they all fucking know.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

We have a very old dog sometimes she vomits and eats the vomit. That’s all I have to say about this. Looks like a case of twice baked vomit.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

My own boss recently told me thwt he wants half my retirement if he's damaged by the vaxx since I didn't have to take it ultimately. That's how they think.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

last time I checked, the UNvaccinated were shut up and shut down anytime we opened our mouths, we were not ALLOWED to talk.

last time I checked, it was the Vaccinated cultists who were attacking unvaxxed folks and openly cheering for them to die.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I think that guy is simply an idiot.

I warned the governor of my state on his Facebook page and was pommeled by his electorate, so I quit FB,

I warned the local television station, and that time there were others too, the tv station opted with the local hospital administration and dismantled the forum.

The blood is on their hands.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Thank you for the link to the article. The comments are the best bit and I'm still reading through them 😉 I'm unjabbed, aged 61 in Italy - it has been bloody awful tbh. When they brought in that stupid Green (Nazi) Pass and then made a Super Green Pass, it was like a dystopian movie.

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