Before 2014, the CIA and Soros NGO invaded Ukraine and performed a coup. They bombed their own people to convince them it as Russia. They tried to assassinate the duly elected President, who fled to Russia for asylum and is there now, waiting to be restored. The CIA overthrew the Ukraine gov't and put in evil Nazis and hired Zelensky the actor to be the face. Ukraine is now a totalitarian country. Oliver Stone did 4 great interviews with Putin from 2016 to 2019, watch them on Rumble. He also did 2 great documentaries on the Ukraine coup by the CIA and Evil State Dept, Victoria Newland. EVIL> They have now wiped out 400,000 young men and women to fight this war. Putin gave speech after speech warning the "WEST" he would not tolerate the evil and corruption and biolabs on his border. Russia is always the foil for our evil State and Military. Yet, it is China who poses a far greater world risk to us yet they own Hollywood so I get sick at seeing all the spy pictures with Russia as the enemy. Do you know who wins in the Chinese movies against the U.S.? Yep, the Chinese movies overthrew the evil Americans all the time!

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yeah, my view is they're all puppet actors, Putin included. In the US, half the population has been trained to say "Russia, Russia Russia!" The other half has been trained to say "China, China, China!" This "Big Baddie" ruse serves the globalists who run the entire money laundering / killing fields game and profit from war$$$$ everywhere. And yeah, Nuland engineered 2014 ... and she's still around.


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China owns Hollywood? Oh vey, don't tell Joel Stein, the Jewish reporter from the LA Times. Stein is famous for saying it like it is: "Jews totally run Hollywood."


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China has bought the main corps though you won’t see them. But there are NO movies allow that attack the CCP— only Russia. Aren’t you bored of all the Russ spy movies? The truth is CCP IS our main enemy. Look at Tim Cruise last movie produced by Chinese. Rich Jews did start up the movie studios— secular Jews not religious Jews.

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"China has bought the main corps though you won’t see them." In other words, don't ask me for evidence, just believe what I say.

In your own comment about the corruption in Ukraine, you mentioned three Jews who are involved at very high levels in that scam: Hungarian Jew George Soros, Ukrainian Jew Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and American Jew Victoria Nuland.

Of course, there is a long history of Jews screwing over Ukrainians. The Jew Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor that starved millions of Ukrainian farmers and their families to death (1932-1933) - though you've probably never heard of him.

And Kaganovich was only one of thousands of Jews who overran both Ukraine and Russia during the Red Terror of the Bolshevik Revolution (1918-1923). Jews made up 95% of the Bolshevik central government, and 40% of the high ranking officers in the Cheka (secret police) during that time.

But go on. Keep ignoring all the secular and religious Jews who are over-represented in just about very area of power in the modern Western world, and see how it all works out for you.

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Anna, you have understanding of these fake Jews. One has to wonder how did they get so powerful? Russian revolution all financed by the fake Rothschild Jews. They killed millions of Russ people. So you are right that when we try to call them out, we are accused of antiSemitism

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And Oliver stone didn't interview Putler, he allowed him to speak on whatever topic he liked for as long as he wanted without once being challenged.

Stone was an obsequious creep and admitted that Putler would have shut down the "interview" if he'd been challenged. How nice of him to give Putler the floor.

It was little more than pro-Russian propaganda.

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Feb 27Edited

And Oliver Stone's documentary on Ukraine leaves out the genocide of the 1930's LOL. Of all the things to leave out? Wow.

Look on the bright side. Stone flew all the way to Russia to get the Sputnik vaccine because he didn't trust the western ones. I remember the picture with Vlad smiling while looking at Stone and thinking "Long way for an Astrazeneca dude".

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The collectivization was a commie-imposed program that affected land-owning farmers from Ukraine to Kazakhstan. It was enforced by the regional governments, ie the Communist governments of the Socialist Republics of Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, etc. It coincided with a multi-year drought which greatly reduced harvests throughout the grain-growing regions. Huge numbers people starved, and not just Ukrainians.

Nationalist (Bandera et al) in Ukraine not surprisingly, welcomed the German army a few years later and participated rather enthusiastically in the ensuing regime change, but were never fully trusted by the Germans. The Soviet Red Army drove the Germans and their allies out of Ukraine and re-established a communist government, which had to deal with remnant ultranationalists (sabotage, etc) for a decade. Many of these quasi Nazis were among the refugees who immigrated to Canada and the United States.

They and other 'Monday Morning Quarterbacks' persist in viewing today's Russia with the same lens their memory and indoctrination holds of the Communist USSR and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in particular. They have little awareness of the internecine battles between the various Ukrainian nationalist groups and the horrific actions they perpetrated against their countrymen, the Polish, Jews, Roma, etc who were not deemed true Ukrainians. The ethnic cleansing that these ultranationalists carried out in the Nazi era were re-attempted in the post-Maidan coup years, against the Russian speaking UKRAINIANS from Odessa to Kharkiv, with literal shelling of the people of Donbas who refused to accept the illegitimate administration which had taken control after the coup. Fourteen thousand killed, mostly civilians, accompanied by build up of an army and of huge fortifications in anticipation of a forceful re-capture of eastern Donbas and expected response by Russia.

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Thank you!

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Basically, the Ukrainians starved themselves, then Stalin swooped in to save them?

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you can always bash, but he told the truth. He did 4 long interviews and Putin started with his childhood, and went all the way through to 2019. You learned nothing because you still see Putinand Russia as the Deep State wants you, as enemies. But they are NOT enemies and in fact, our gov't is far dirtier and hides their corruption. Communism is what it is. You should be so angry that our own gov't leaders are fakes and traitors and have lied to all of us for over 100 years. That is why Putin laughs at American criticism from ignorant naive citizens like you all.

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Absolute crap from beginning to end. Did it take a glass of vodka to kick that off or the whole bottle?

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Itemize your complaints and present your evidence Alan.

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“Russian speaking Ukrainians” is no different from saying English speaking Americans!

So what? Stalin forced the Russian language on them in 1938 by mandating Russian in the country. That doesn't make them Russian any more than making Americans English.

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Better brush up on your history. Ukraine is a dialect of Russian and only in recent decades has it been highly differentiated, deliberately, as part of a policy to separate the people. The Donbas was assigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic fairly early in the life of the USSR and Crimea in the mid-1950's, under the premiership of Nikita Kruschev. Several of the post war Premiers of the USSR were Ukrainian.

And again, you are conflating present day Russia with the USSR which is long gone. Russia supports the language and culture of all of the constituent parts of Russia. The Russian language remains the official language throughout as a commonality which connects everyone, but not at the expense of local languages.

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The earliest Indo European culture and language have been traced back to the Ukrainian steppes.

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Russian is not the official language of Ukraine and Ukrainian is not a “dialect of Russian” either.

Talking rubbish is most definitely a dialect of Russian and you are clearly fluent in it.

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You are slow, aren't you. Of course Russian is not an official language of the Ukraine of the last decade. One of the first moves made by the coup administration in 2014 was to outlaw Russian. This was one, along with several other reasons that Russophones did not accept the new, illegitimate government. That government instituted laws and programs to eliminate Russian language and culture from all the areas it controlled and demonized Russia in every imaginable way. The despicable oligarch cum President, Petro Poroshenko spoke of making the Russophones worse than second class citizens. "While our children are going to kindergarten, your children will be hiding in dark basements." He refused to implement the terms of the Minsk Accords which he signed and which were guaranteed by Germany (Merkel) and France (Holland) and were to leave the Donbas oblasts as part of Ukraine, with a certain amount of autonomy and with language and culture rights. (Every much like the province of Quebec in Canada, the cantons with their 4 different languages in Switzerland, the Flemish and Walloon regions of Belgium, and many other countries which have civilized and democratic relations between ethnic and language groups within the federal national identity.) Unfortunately, Poroshenko & his successor, Merkel and Holland all planned to ignore the accords, which they only sought in the first place because the Donbas rebels had defeated the Ukrainian army in its 2014/15 attempts for subjugate Donetsk and Lugansk. All three stated later that the accords were just a ploy to give Ukraine the time to rebuild the army, with the help of the NATO countries, whose intention from the start was to weaken Russia. Well, that is backfiring bigtime and now the the people of all the countries involved are paying the price.

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This is a tweet from a woman named Maria Mateiciuc, who recently visited Ukraine. She paints a very different picture of what is going on there, compared to what we've been hearing from the MSM:

'I just got back from Ukraine, where I was visiting some friends. Everything we have heard about what’s happening in Ukraine is a lie. The reality is darker, bleaker, and unequivocally hopeless. There is no such thing as Ukraine "winning" this war.

By their estimates, they have lost over one million of their sons, fathers and husbands; an entire generation is gone.

Even in the Southwest, where the anti-Russian sentiment is long-standing, citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Zelensky; they will go to jail.

In every village and town, the streets, shops, and restaurants are mostly absent of men.

The few men who remain are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service.

Army search parties take place early in the morning, when men leave their homes to go to work. They ambush and kidnap them off the streets and within 3-4 hours they get listed in the army and taken away straight to the front lines with minimal or no training at all; it is "a death sentence."

It's getting worse every day. Where I was staying, a dentist had just been taken by security forces on his way to work, leaving behind two small children. Every day, 3-5 dead bodies keep arriving from the front lines.

Mothers and wives fight tooth and nail with the armed forces, beg and plead not to have their men taken away. They try bribing, which sometimes works, but most of the time they are met with physical violence and death threats.

The territory celebrated as having been "won back" from Russia has been reduced to rubble and is uninhabitable. Regardless, there is no one left to live there and displaced families will likely never return.

They see the way the war has been reported, at home and abroad. It's a "joke" and "propaganda." They say: “Look around: is this winning?”

Worse, some have been hoaxed into believing that once Ukrainians forces are exhausted, American soldiers will come in to replace them and “win the war”. There is no ambiguity in these people.

The war was for nothing - a travesty. The outcome always was, and is, clear. The people are hopeless, utterly destroyed, and living in an unending nightmare. They are pleading for an end, any end - most likely the same "peace" that could have been achieved two years ago.

In their minds, they have already lost, for their sons, fathers and husbands are gone, and their country has been destroyed. There is no "victory" that can change that.

Make no mistake, they are angry with Putin. But they are also angry with Zelensky and the West. They have lost everything, worst of all, hope and faith, and cannot comprehend why Zelenky wishes to continue the current trajectory, the one of human devastation.

I didn't witness the war; but what I saw was absolutely heart-breaking. Shame on the people, regardless of their intentions, who have supported this war. And shame on the media for continuing to lie about it.'


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💯 I have a friend in Poland who told me in 2022 that was exactly what was happening from day 1. It's a killing field the globalists entirely and purposefully engineered. Ukraine lost the war almost immediately -- April 2022 -- but the globalists refused to let that stop the money laundering $$$$$$$ op, told Zenlensky he couldn't surrender, and kept the killing fields going. It's abdominal to the people stuck there. Meanwhile the media puppets repeat the memo: https://youtu.be/e3F3owL3iQo?si=w7QZtELMt79jEnOK

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Thank you for this, Suzanne. I'm ethnically Ukrainian (although I've never been there) and so I have been hungry for truthful reports about what has been going on there for years. There is so much misinformation - but the report from your Polish friend rings true.

It's ironic that the vax rates in Ukraine were never very high - at least not compared to Western countries - and yet they are still experiencing a massive de-population, just like the rest of us.

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I recall she also said the first chunk of the war was mostly fabricated drama. The Ukrainian journalists she knew were shaking their heads at the propaganda. (Sounds like some other crisis I know ...) She also said the first "refugees" to stream into Poland were the wealthiest Ukrainians -- they had fancy cars and went shopping at all the elite stores, stores most Poles can't afford -- and Polish people were forced to put them up in their homes. To refuse this could mean jail. She heard many stories of refugees having affairs with wife / husband of the family and breaking up marriages. The Poles sure did not like that. Meanwhile young men in Ukraine were being essentially kidnapped and thrown into the army, as you describe.

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I thought some of those early Ukrainian "refugees" were a little suspect. I remember seeing footage of some of them in Ireland at the outbreak of the war - they looked more like thuggish gangsters than people fleeing a war!

But the behaviour your Polish friend witnessed - that is really disgusting. I also had no idea that the Poles were forced under threat of jail to put the Ukrainian refugees up - that's something else the Western MSM conveniently glossed over.

I can't imagine what the Ukrainians suffering inside Ukraine must think of the ones who left - not only are they living the high life in the West, but they are not speaking out about what is really going on.

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the media is curiously uncurious it seems. Winning!

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Sometimes all sides are bad. The Russians and Ukrainians are really, really brutal. The American clandestine services are full of people with highly-inaccurate assessments of their own intelligence and cunning, and some of them are quite evil, and the American government has been run by morons for an awful lot of generations now. Ditto European nations.

In my view Putin is quite an evil person and even evil people can have some reasonable or strategically rational motives in some of their actions.

I think generally speaking all of us everywhere are being well fucked-over by our respective leaders and the government machinery that serves them.

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"Are the Americans preparing to abandon Ukraine" - Sadly that was always the plan.

There was an old joke about the British Empire that now applies to Empire USA: "The only thing worse than being their enemy is being their ally". Very true as they will just use you like cannon fodder then declare victory and go home leaving you holding the bag.

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The biolabs in Ukraine since 2012, are worse than what Wuhan was cooking up. They have been experimenting on the Ukrainian people's, in particular, the Ukrainian-Russians, for decades. 😐🤔🤐

Ukraine is set to become the WEFs poster child technocracy city over the next 10yrs. Trialling all the fancy new nanotechnology and bio-synthetic technology.😉

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Nobody does smoke & mirrors better than the CIA.

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As I stated earlier today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ after a linked article by Jon Miltimore, this all starting to come to the forefront. Wonder what the catch is???

Linking your take tomorrow.

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No. Don't you get it, that local rulers often don't act in the interests of the citizens? Big shots in the local governments hope to move up the hierarchy. Look at how many Ukrainians became Premier or high excecutive level in the USSR.

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Ever since the fall of the soviet union the US has been directly involved in shenanigans in Ukraine. While I do not know why CIA mouthpieces (like the NYT) are giving us a bit of a limited hangout about 2014, but there is significant utility for this disclosure which could include fostering a pullout like Afghanistan. But I do not think that is the case that we are "pulling out", this is a long game and we aren't going anywhere. One element of utility of the hangout could be to take our eyes off that fact, including our role in the 2004 "Revolution of Dignity" which was a color revolution fomented by our intelligence agencies. We might "act" like we are withdrawing support and may even eventually slow hostilities with peace... but we aren't leaving their doorstep anytime soon. Especially when the other hand is attempting to goad China into hostilities.

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At this rate, those people who have Ukrainian flag curtains, but don’t know why. Will soon only be left with rainbow flag quilt covers for comfort

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True story. They'll move on to whatever is the next "current thing."

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That’ll be a bit of a bummer.

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Poland provoked Hitler, right? The Poles bear the blame for everything that happened to them as a result.

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Repeat after me... to make sense of your claims, the majority of which are fundamentally wrong or are nothing more than extrapolations, would take more time than I have right now.

No, neither the CIA, nor Nuland, set up a coup.

Maidan protests started 4 months before the "revolution" and was entirely the fault of Yanukovych going back on the promises he made to the people when he was elected.

Why do you think it was called "Euromaidan"? It wasn't because the Americans started it, it was because Yanukovych promised to take them to Europe and joining the EU to gain prosperity in the same way that the Baltic states had done.

He was threatened by Putin that it was going to be a really bad idea if he pursued that direction and instead was offered a nice fat bribe, called a loan, as well as cut price gas and oil.

That wasn't what he'd promised and it wasn't what the people wanted. If you truly think that Zelenskyy was their puppet, then tell me why he was elected with a resounding majority based on clearing out corruption and taking the country, eventually, into the EU. And don't conflate his election with the revolution either, that was 5 years afterwards when Ukraine was still being run by oligarchs.

The people knew what they wanted and Zelenskyy set about giving it to them.

The biggest threat, ever, to Putin was, is and always will be, former soviet countries practicing democracy, moving away from the kleptocratic system of government and developing industries and generating wealth that is invested in the people and the country. The polar opposite of Putler and his thieving oligarchs.

If you want to believe in conspiracy theories, like the crap in the email, then I believe that Tower Bridge is for sale... want to buy it?

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As for the "coincidence" of the invasion date, that's no coincidence, Putler loves celebrating dates, it was pretty much nailed on he'd do something on that date... even though he repeatedly lied about plans to invade, even the day before.

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The evil is pervasive among the bureaucracy and our challenge is daunting. We need Superman and in a hurry.

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Ain't no hero coming to save anyone. We're on our own and don't forget it. We say no and we stand our ground come hell or high water. It's the only way that's ever worked.

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agreed. We are the only heroes we got.

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I wish to hell it would migrate to the MSM Nightly News. Honestly, people are so stupid.

Clueless. Brainwashed. THAT DAMN TV.

I knew in my gut with the first look at the Azimov battalion....CIA.

And now our CIA is telling us that we are all Nazi's....white supremicists, and the biggest danger

to our country.

Its enough to make one want to stand in the street and scream at the top of one's lungs.

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"Azimov battalion" - WTF? Issac has a battalion? Cool. (Azov) LOL

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Brand just a real expose of CIA corruption with using Ukraine to undermine Russia and provoked the invasion

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Just more troll bullshit. Nobody has outlawed Russian, you lying creep.

Lies, obfuscations and downright rewriting are the tools of your trade.

Get back in your vodka bottle and stop wasting your time.

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