I am curious if the email you registered has the word "naked" in it - this seems to be a disturbing story and I am trying to dismiss simplistic explanations
🤔 Unless the algorithm has problems with Emperor too!
Then it's gonna have to be:
Some Random Dude Who Ditched His Duds For The Sake of Ditching His Duds To Express Thought Patterns and Opinions That Bare The Obvious Glaring In Your Face Birds of the Mocking Species Reading Items of Interest.
Given the current hyper-sexual focused times, I would think "Naked" would be a real plus. The problem is the non-affirming, exclusionary Cis-gender term "Emperor". As he was both the first and the most exalted how about renaming your column the Supreme, Indigenous Naked Misinformation Czar? (Czar is an ok term when it is used to punish anti-nakeders, alt-right wackos.) Just a thought.
Of course if you do change the name you'll have to modify the story line to have the little boy canceled and censored, with the benign all knowing, benevolent Government dictator being re-annotiayted Czar for life, in the good way.
If Substack becomes a tool for censorship like FB, IG, or any of the “colluding Technology/government platforms then Substack would lose, I reckon, a Huge portion of its readership population.
I say this to everyone who I know is anti-establishment: separate your online/political life from your "real" life. You need to fortify yourself from "attack" from the authoritarians and the state or pseudo-state institutions. I use separate phone numbers (skype) and email addresses (pronto mail) that are never used for personal affairs. I have more than one bank account (diversify to local credit unions, regional banks, brokerage accounts). I have cash for several months, if need be, same for food. Use of a VPN, PMB etc. I could go on and on but sadly it is necessary. FORTIFY yourself!
If you think they will not go after the dissidents (most of you all) next year….you are fooling yourself. I EVEN do this for substack, who says substack will not cash out and become another facebook. I even still keep my bookmarks of the old blogs to my favorite writers...because you never know when they will "disappear"!
I agree and disagree. Yes they already "know" but they have to filter alot of noise to focus on the individual, especially a moving target. BUT history has also shown that dissendents who are embedded in their local community, find protection. Don't make it easy for them by being a target, but don't overestimate their numbers either.😉 #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget
Good advice. Hard if you have already got everything going as real life. Here we are trying to be 'authentic'. I've been trying to be real. Same person I am online as in real life. I know you are saying - the administrative parts should be separate though. But it feels like an impossible task for me now.
I was the same way in the begining. I have slowly but surely reduced my families exposure. It has taken me several years. Those Canadian trucker never thought the .gov, and their banks would freeze their accounts. Paypal tried to implement a $2000 fee for being anti-establishment. It is about reducing pressure points .gov/banks have on you and expanding the number of options you have.
This is a noble but flawed strategy that I've come to believe is rooted in idealism that does not apply in the real world. Authentic while disagreeing with tyranny is a prescription for pain.
I will contemplate this. I'm not convinced at first glance, this is worse than the pain of living a lie. I've gone through the dark night of the soul through addiction/alcoholism, came out 15 + years ago striving to stop lying and be authentic. Wouldn't have it any other way.
It's not about the internet. It's about real people you are trying to build real relationships with. Not anomalously. How creepy if everyone was anonymous that I was building friendships with. Maybe that's why we fight and take the risk.
What a sorry State we are in, it's the Big Brother State of collusion between Social Apps and their attempt at controlling the Covid - Psyop dialogue.. we know the Bill GATES of Hell puppet masters and We Will Not Comply.. Used FaceCrook about 4 times in my life... none of the others... to busy with the REAL World.. Substack, Rumble and a few others still censorship Free but we know BB is trying to shut it down.. or take it over.. Stay Awake!
"That doesn't mean -- I know it will be interpreted to mean, unfortunately, by the bigots who run The Examiner, for example -- That doesn't mean that you have to break anything. One thousand people sitting down some place, not letting anybody by, not [letting] anything happen, can stop any machine, including this machine! And it will stop!!
We're gonna do the following -- and the greater the number of people, the safer they'll be and the more effective it will be.
Likewise, we'll do something -- we'll do something which hasn't occurred at this University in a good long time! We're going to have real classes up there! They're gonna be freedom schools conducted up there! We're going to have classes on [the] 1st and 14th amendments!! We're gonna spend our time learning about the things this University is afraid that we know! We're going to learn about freedom up there, and we're going to learn by doing!!" (https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mariosaviosproulhallsitin.htm)
I think you underestimate the likelihood that all your emails are linked, thereby linking all "risky" activities on their blacklists. Do your emails have cell phone number registration in common?
"If you have nothing to fear, you have nothing to hide", they say while desperately hiding the 1/6 videos and the Nashville shooter manifesto and the Hawaii fire death count......
Anything goes and nothing matters in the avoiding of accountability, while they preside over our demise, as they sing the praises of progress and democracy.
We saw this with the little kid who got suspended. The woman was there simply to repeat the line that it's out of her hands and the district is a fault, but if you went to the district they would say that the state is at fault, and on and on and on. Nobody is ever responsible for anything.
The credit bubble of 2008. Fukushima. Coivd Policy. East Palestine. Lahaina. The people (many of them) do as their leaders do, just like every little kid at some point has said, "I didn't do it!"
I run an alternative health research organization. We spend so much of our energy and time and money trying to get paid. Merchant accounts are a huge weak point in the system. The only thing that keeps it all going is that there are some banks out there that would rather make money and we are strictly legal and legit.
But health is the most censored area of the modern world. Big Pharma owns the mainstream media and the politicians.
We have to work so hard so we can take credit cards. The banks end up with 3 - 5% of the gross for doing really nothing.
Years ago, people were going to start using debit cards, with PIN codes and only 15 cent transaction fees, and the banks killed that. Walmart sued over it and lost. So instead we had “check cards” which are branded Visa or Mastercard and have huge fees.
That’s if we can accept cards at all. The Trump administration was friendlier about it but the Bidens have been getting to every small business they can possibly kill.
Hang in there and try to diversify your revenue streams. It will get better I think.
NE, can you start a Nostr account so that in case anything else is shut down we know where to find you? You don’t even need to keep it active- it could just be a placeholder for you to come back to later if you need it.
No centralized control on Nostr means that you can’t be shut down, and there’s no creepy biometric ID verification. However, no centralized control also means that anyone could start an account in anyone’s name! This is going to get very interesting if Nostr really takes off.
But if you share the account name (called a pub key) on here, we’ll know it’s you.
Nostr “clients” are basically the equivalent of apps and are centralized, but you can move between them with no repercussions. If one of them has a spam or algorithm system that you don’t like, you can move to another client and retain all of your followers (and follows).
This can be extremely frustrating trying to get through the "technology' ai to a human. When you reach the human it can be just as bad. they all seem to be very rigid in their 'rules" although the actual rules are very vague.
We lost our ACX / Audible account with almost 100 audiobooks recently. KDP got offended and instead of saying No they deleted our account. Then that affects our audiobooks. Getting answers is near impossible. When answers come they are ridiculous.
I hope this pre crime monopolistic tech way to do business is not sustainable. It's got to be frustrating for so many people.
I saw this coming a decade and a half ago with the iTunes strategy. If everything you own in an electronic state is in the cloud, you will lose it all if a company goes bankrupt, formats are sunset, devices no longer supported, or even if power is not available. Can you imagine needing that poison reference book to save your child's life but you can't read the electronic copy and you don't have a hard copy? And how much more anger if you are told no access because of your belief in freedom?
I am curious if the email you registered has the word "naked" in it - this seems to be a disturbing story and I am trying to dismiss simplistic explanations
let' hope so, let's see if my appeal is successful
May have to go with a new name like:
Undressed Emperor
Lack of Attire Emperor
I Identify as a Non-Clothing Emperor
It's In The Wash so Piss Off Emperor
🤔 Unless the algorithm has problems with Emperor too!
Then it's gonna have to be:
Some Random Dude Who Ditched His Duds For The Sake of Ditching His Duds To Express Thought Patterns and Opinions That Bare The Obvious Glaring In Your Face Birds of the Mocking Species Reading Items of Interest.
Dude for short.
Hope your appeal works out for you my friend.
Much Love
Skyclad Ruler?
En Buff Baron?
Stitchless Steward?
Non-sartorial Satrap?
Caesar sans Skivvies?
I rather like that last one.
LOL...all indeed very good names!!
How about DaEmpgotonoduds?
Thank you!!😂
How about fully clothed pauper on opposite day?
Oh thank you, good hearty out loud laugh.
I was going to recommend Frances Leader's post today. But this was precious.
Given the current hyper-sexual focused times, I would think "Naked" would be a real plus. The problem is the non-affirming, exclusionary Cis-gender term "Emperor". As he was both the first and the most exalted how about renaming your column the Supreme, Indigenous Naked Misinformation Czar? (Czar is an ok term when it is used to punish anti-nakeders, alt-right wackos.) Just a thought.
Of course if you do change the name you'll have to modify the story line to have the little boy canceled and censored, with the benign all knowing, benevolent Government dictator being re-annotiayted Czar for life, in the good way.
Did you read Frances Leaders post today? It's not related to your being naked.
How about "Naturist Emperor"?
Let's hope that's it - the alternative pretty much sucks.
If Substack becomes a tool for censorship like FB, IG, or any of the “colluding Technology/government platforms then Substack would lose, I reckon, a Huge portion of its readership population.
And writership population.
I say this to everyone who I know is anti-establishment: separate your online/political life from your "real" life. You need to fortify yourself from "attack" from the authoritarians and the state or pseudo-state institutions. I use separate phone numbers (skype) and email addresses (pronto mail) that are never used for personal affairs. I have more than one bank account (diversify to local credit unions, regional banks, brokerage accounts). I have cash for several months, if need be, same for food. Use of a VPN, PMB etc. I could go on and on but sadly it is necessary. FORTIFY yourself!
If you think they will not go after the dissidents (most of you all) next year….you are fooling yourself. I EVEN do this for substack, who says substack will not cash out and become another facebook. I even still keep my bookmarks of the old blogs to my favorite writers...because you never know when they will "disappear"!
Lol don’t kid yourself. They know exactly who you are. You won’t be able to hide if they want to come for you. Ask any dissident in history.
I agree and disagree. Yes they already "know" but they have to filter alot of noise to focus on the individual, especially a moving target. BUT history has also shown that dissendents who are embedded in their local community, find protection. Don't make it easy for them by being a target, but don't overestimate their numbers either.😉 #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget
"you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"
Good advice. Hard if you have already got everything going as real life. Here we are trying to be 'authentic'. I've been trying to be real. Same person I am online as in real life. I know you are saying - the administrative parts should be separate though. But it feels like an impossible task for me now.
I was the same way in the begining. I have slowly but surely reduced my families exposure. It has taken me several years. Those Canadian trucker never thought the .gov, and their banks would freeze their accounts. Paypal tried to implement a $2000 fee for being anti-establishment. It is about reducing pressure points .gov/banks have on you and expanding the number of options you have.
This is a noble but flawed strategy that I've come to believe is rooted in idealism that does not apply in the real world. Authentic while disagreeing with tyranny is a prescription for pain.
As someone who has experienced pain along it's full spectrum-
Physical, mental, emotional.
1) it really does make you stronger. 2) you find out who you really are- fighter or otherwise 3) tyranny only wins when good people do nothing.😐
#doornotdo #thereisnotry #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget
I will contemplate this. I'm not convinced at first glance, this is worse than the pain of living a lie. I've gone through the dark night of the soul through addiction/alcoholism, came out 15 + years ago striving to stop lying and be authentic. Wouldn't have it any other way.
The internet does not need to know you, and they have no need to, other than to scrape your information to sell.
It's not about the internet. It's about real people you are trying to build real relationships with. Not anomalously. How creepy if everyone was anonymous that I was building friendships with. Maybe that's why we fight and take the risk.
What a sorry State we are in, it's the Big Brother State of collusion between Social Apps and their attempt at controlling the Covid - Psyop dialogue.. we know the Bill GATES of Hell puppet masters and We Will Not Comply.. Used FaceCrook about 4 times in my life... none of the others... to busy with the REAL World.. Substack, Rumble and a few others still censorship Free but we know BB is trying to shut it down.. or take it over.. Stay Awake!
Welcome to the technocrats' new digital utopia! They are hellbent on their totalitarian agenda.
Yes but there are so many more of us & without us none of their machinery will run.
I guess you know Mario Savio? If not go and look up his gear and levers of the machine speech.
Old enough to remember the original..
And it is labor day. How fitting, don't you think? =;)
"That doesn't mean -- I know it will be interpreted to mean, unfortunately, by the bigots who run The Examiner, for example -- That doesn't mean that you have to break anything. One thousand people sitting down some place, not letting anybody by, not [letting] anything happen, can stop any machine, including this machine! And it will stop!!
We're gonna do the following -- and the greater the number of people, the safer they'll be and the more effective it will be.
Likewise, we'll do something -- we'll do something which hasn't occurred at this University in a good long time! We're going to have real classes up there! They're gonna be freedom schools conducted up there! We're going to have classes on [the] 1st and 14th amendments!! We're gonna spend our time learning about the things this University is afraid that we know! We're going to learn about freedom up there, and we're going to learn by doing!!" (https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mariosaviosproulhallsitin.htm)
Too many do not know or do not remember.
Instagram is owned by Facebook. Have you sinned in your heart while on Facebook?
The Digital Universe knows of your transgressions.
No, not on Facebook with that email either.
Wow. Maybe you skipped the Personal Pronouns box? Or some other suspicious lack of appropriate virtue-signaling behavior?
I think you underestimate the likelihood that all your emails are linked, thereby linking all "risky" activities on their blacklists. Do your emails have cell phone number registration in common?
Wow. Technototalitarianism.
That is just plain evil.
Look to “parallel economy”. It’s supposed to be an alternative to the major card processing outfits that won’t censor.
I think Bongino is somehow involved.
The new Transparency, said WEF overlord Schawb. It won't be a problem if you are good....
"If you have nothing to fear, you have nothing to hide", they say while desperately hiding the 1/6 videos and the Nashville shooter manifesto and the Hawaii fire death count......
Anything goes and nothing matters in the avoiding of accountability, while they preside over our demise, as they sing the praises of progress and democracy.
We saw this with the little kid who got suspended. The woman was there simply to repeat the line that it's out of her hands and the district is a fault, but if you went to the district they would say that the state is at fault, and on and on and on. Nobody is ever responsible for anything.
The credit bubble of 2008. Fukushima. Coivd Policy. East Palestine. Lahaina. The people (many of them) do as their leaders do, just like every little kid at some point has said, "I didn't do it!"
The karmic aftermath is going to be epic....
Welcome to the new age of soft tyranny
So sorry.
Don't know if this is relevant but hope it helps -
Extreme Global Internet CENSORSHIP: Draconian New Law Took Effect On August 25th
Clicked "like" but hate it. The internet had such potential, but turned 180 in the wrong direction. The worst in humans shines on brightly.
Stripe is not censorship free. They withdrew processing from Gab.com.
Stripe is a big concern.
I run an alternative health research organization. We spend so much of our energy and time and money trying to get paid. Merchant accounts are a huge weak point in the system. The only thing that keeps it all going is that there are some banks out there that would rather make money and we are strictly legal and legit.
But health is the most censored area of the modern world. Big Pharma owns the mainstream media and the politicians.
We have to work so hard so we can take credit cards. The banks end up with 3 - 5% of the gross for doing really nothing.
Years ago, people were going to start using debit cards, with PIN codes and only 15 cent transaction fees, and the banks killed that. Walmart sued over it and lost. So instead we had “check cards” which are branded Visa or Mastercard and have huge fees.
That’s if we can accept cards at all. The Trump administration was friendlier about it but the Bidens have been getting to every small business they can possibly kill.
Hang in there and try to diversify your revenue streams. It will get better I think.
NE, can you start a Nostr account so that in case anything else is shut down we know where to find you? You don’t even need to keep it active- it could just be a placeholder for you to come back to later if you need it.
No centralized control on Nostr means that you can’t be shut down, and there’s no creepy biometric ID verification. However, no centralized control also means that anyone could start an account in anyone’s name! This is going to get very interesting if Nostr really takes off.
But if you share the account name (called a pub key) on here, we’ll know it’s you.
I'll look into it.
Nostr “clients” are basically the equivalent of apps and are centralized, but you can move between them with no repercussions. If one of them has a spam or algorithm system that you don’t like, you can move to another client and retain all of your followers (and follows).
This can be extremely frustrating trying to get through the "technology' ai to a human. When you reach the human it can be just as bad. they all seem to be very rigid in their 'rules" although the actual rules are very vague.
We lost our ACX / Audible account with almost 100 audiobooks recently. KDP got offended and instead of saying No they deleted our account. Then that affects our audiobooks. Getting answers is near impossible. When answers come they are ridiculous.
I hope this pre crime monopolistic tech way to do business is not sustainable. It's got to be frustrating for so many people.
Thanks for the interesting post.
I saw this coming a decade and a half ago with the iTunes strategy. If everything you own in an electronic state is in the cloud, you will lose it all if a company goes bankrupt, formats are sunset, devices no longer supported, or even if power is not available. Can you imagine needing that poison reference book to save your child's life but you can't read the electronic copy and you don't have a hard copy? And how much more anger if you are told no access because of your belief in freedom?
Probably just put myself on another list...
Nothing to do now but embrace the lists.