It's always good to remember that far too many intelligent and creative people are missing certain essential brain wiring that keeps us from doing really bad stuff just because we can.

The roads to many hells begin with "What if..."

The older I get, the more I value the dumb ordinary people who would never want to do these things because they have a certain basic understanding of decency.

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I've just likened this illness, this social illness, to a herpes virus, that is within most of us but lies dormant until we're weakened. I think most of us have the capacity to be corrupted, but it's kept in check by our moral health. Rock that health with threats and existential anxiety, and the health of our being, of who we really are at our best, is compromised. And if not treated, the corruption grows like a cancer.

Historically, humans are not a nice, nor quite sane, species. A little push, a bit of a tweak is all it takes. There can be just one day between health and sickness, between morality and a frenzied insane need for power, money, control.

Thoughts and ideas came from the following post:


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I think we're unwilling to recognize how many people are miswired. It used to be quite easy to kill them off because they'd be most likely to engage in extremely risky behavior, such as being the baron's henchguys or the ones sucked up into various military misadventures, and one always hoped they'd be picked off before they did too much breeding.

Now they thrive in corner offices and scientific labs, and they're very lousy parents but do a little too much reproducing.

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We recognize them. We're surrounded by idiots and a$$holes, but with my idealism, naivate, and a bit of projection, I never realized that they could ever amount to anything....certainly not becoming Supreme lord creators of the universe types.

Have you ever seen videos of those octopi that can camouflage themselves basically into invisibility? That's how these sick persons breed....they appear normal for a moment, long enough to procreate. And for some reason, these ill traits always seem to be the dominant genetic disposition.

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No, they're not dominant, but the traditional approach--excluding them from the herd--is a lot harder to accomplish in huge urban environments. Too much camouflage.

As I said, there were lots of handy violent occupations where their cunning and skills were made good use of. But those who survive to come home are always a problem.

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If not dominant, how are there so many of them? I understand that they're especially advantaged in clawing their way to the top....but to be everywhere? Where do we have leadership that has fended off this illness of corruption, greed and misuse of power and authority?

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They are many because the old selection mechanisms which kept them as a tiny percentage are out of action since about 200 years ago.

It's like if you breed dogs and happen to get a super-aggressive one, completely untrainable and instead of putting it down mercifully or at least castrating it you allow it to breed with equally aggressive dogs.

And then you put this new breed in the same area as the normal domestic ones.

The domestic ones must then either flee, become equally aggressive and dangerous or simply suffer and die.

To combat what is happening, we the peoples must introduce evolutionary selection pressure on politicians and business leaders.

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Everything in life is resources and power. The alpha pairs delegate to henchguys. You have a big enough population with high survival rates, you get what seem to be a heck of a lot of the bad ones.

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This is a problem of the soul influencing dna and vice a versa.

Cain and able were brothers. But why was one a lying murderer.

Some of it is dna. Some of it is going to happen to ur family no matter what. Matrix agents.

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I read the post you linked us to, but I find more richness of concept in your comment here. I'm writing an article now, trying to figure out some kind of truth about people's characters, as have played out within the Great Covid Hoax. May I cite your thought (either paraphrase of quote)? (Wondering why you yourself don't have a substack!)

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Thank you for the lovely compliment! You are very welcome to use what I've posted in any way you like. It's a wonderful community we've got here with substack. I do worry that we stay within an echo chamber of discourse and free speech though, while the censorship and propaganda rain unchecked all around us.

Oh, had there been substack in my life a decade ago it'd have been a much cherished outlet.

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To me being in an echo chamber is a culture that denies other views what we have here at Substack is more of an oasis of thinking and sanctuary for honest debate. My activism spans decades w a few notable chapters where collective thinkers formed communities & each time its own Camelot.

But Substack is by far the broadest and most explosive organic eruption & flippin loving the people, the process and crowdsourced learning. I don't worry about any presstitute swill missed when gems abound & too many wonderful authors w inspired discussion threads & enough corp echo chamber filtered in! :~)

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Pamela Drew

Well said!!!😉😁

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But on the other hand it's such a welcome refuge, after all we've been through!

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It was not the knowledge of creating mRNA that did the damage it was the government purchase of two jabs for everybody and other fascist anti freedom actions by the world DOD.

FASCISM is the problem with the health and defence industries. In this instance you can not fit a strand of dna between them.

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Feb 9, 2023
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To be fair, someone else would've gotten there sometime or other. The natural world too is pretty full of, using EGM's phrase from the other day, malign creativity. We invented civilization to try and hold all the bad stuff in check but, unfortunately, people run it.

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Oddly for some of us... who’ve never refused a vaccine before... just didn’t feel right. Glad I listened to that.

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And going forward, I will refuse all of their vaccines.

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Ohhh for sure.

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That was a god aka ur spirit and soul

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Absolutely frightening that these people presume to think they can control these types of experiments. They are fools and the world will pay the price. Thank you.

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Atlantis had these dna hybrid experiments too. Hence it blew up

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I'm getting a feel for the big picture now - the Covid response was a LIVE DRILL for upcoming biowarfare.

The global response to C-19 was obviously a vast over-reaction to a virus with very low IFR (less deadly than influenza for most of the population according to the latest Ioannidis paper).

However, the C-19 response could be justified for a virus with a MUCH higher mortality risk, say > 50% (or even > 5%). Hell, I'd comply if a super-infectious ebola was spreading rapidly.

Consider this: For many years, governments and military have been extremely concerned about the threat of bioterrorism and biowarfare. Hence the international proliferation of gain-of-function research in government BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs (which no doubt parallels experiments in illicit labs). More recently it has become very easy for anyone to synthesize DNA/RNA molecules, and regulation is virtually non-existent, so the threat is now very high.

To prepare, high-level military officials, government, and elites have been planning responses appropriate to biowarfare scenarios. These plans are designed to replace existing pandemic preparedness plans, which are appropriate for naturally-occurring viruses but not for deliberately engineered viruses. (Hence the existing plans were quickly thrown out in most countries at the beginning of the pandemic, Sweden being the main exception.)

In 2019, preparations culminated in the first major tabletop exercise - Event 201 on 18 October 2019. Note that the 2019 Military World Games began in Wuhan on 18 October 2019 and were considered the first "superspreader event". This may or may not be a coincidence.

Regardless, Event 201 was quickly followed by the release of C-19, a virus designed to spread quickly but be harmless to the vast majority of the population. C-19 enabled the new bioterrorism response framework from Event 201 to be tested live in the real world.

The entire response was coordinated in the background by powerful figures in government, international organizations (e.g., the WHO, which deliberately delayed declaring a pandemic so that C-19 could spread far and wide), and senior military figures. Propaganda was a central part of this process.

The mRNA technology was also already prepared and ready to go. It was considered the best way to fight future bioterrorist attacks due to its speed of deployment and flexibility. Military thinking tends to be utilitarian, so even the documented 1/800 rate of serious side-effects would be considered very acceptable "collateral damage" in the context of a future seriously dangerous virus - they consider anything is justified for the "greater good". (Unfortunately this DNA/RNA tech makes it easy to force human cells to produce any protein, so it could be used as a weapon itself.)

Primary challenges were vaccine hesitancy (for which they tried multiple approaches, including mandates) and the logistics of injecting billions of people. These issues will be solved in the near future by aerosolized versions of mRNA vaccines, which can be sprayed indiscriminately so are difficult to avoid without a full respirator.

Another problem is supply of food and essential services. They don't really have a good solution yet, hence the pushing of masks as an interim measure. Surgical and N95 masks are known to be virtually useless, but perhaps they are developing new mask or respirator technologies, and are conditioning the population to get used to masking.

The results of the live drill are now being incorporated into the new WHO pandemic framework, to be enforced from next year

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Enforced. They can try it. The herd is spooked now. And learning more everyday.

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You might have missed their point.. if covid was really a live drill for something much worse coming, then the future looks pretty bleak, no? New man-made viruses released every few months, followed by more lockdowns and new untested vaxes being sprayed on folks to counteract the viruses, holy crap!

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It’s powered by a PsyOp that relies on submission to authorities that no longer have credibility. The herd is no longer manageable.

The wolf/sheep dog threat is losing its bark and bite.

The chaos has to be manageable to achieve their new order. I don’t think it will be.

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I hope so. Many more people are waking up, but I’m still astounded by the many people believing in vaccines, paxlovid and masks

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They fall for wefbot ukraine warmongering easily

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You’re missing the point. If they could manufacture deadly viruses, they would’ve done it already.

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"If they could manufacture deadly viruses, they would’ve done it already."

Should read: If they could manufacture deadly viruses, that they themselves knew they could be completely safe from, they would’ve done it already.


Why manufacture a live and deadly virus, which will mutate beyond your control, when you instead can manipulate an existing one to become more infectious but not more lethal, drum up panic, and inject the undesirables with something that over time destroys their immune response?

Far safer for you, if you belong to the tribes running the plan.

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I don’t believe in deadly viruses anymore. But there is someone knowledgeable with that in-between opinion, look up Jay Couey. I listened to him interviewed by Eric Coppolino for 3 hrs, but I do believe he has his own podcast or channel somewhere not on Youtube

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Thats true, the human race havent yet perfected truly killer viruses. BUT this might happen soon because all the biotech is ready now.

I know it can be hard to think outside the box and this will be an unpopular idea but what if our governments and military are NOT actually trying to kill us all? Maybe they worried about some rogue state or terrorist that WILL try and kill us.

So a virus that kills a big % of people is actually bigger threat than locking everyone up and giving them experimental vaccines. Govts dont give a toss about all the suffering and deaths from the vaccines and other stuff, because a super dangerous engineered virus could wipe out much of the population.

Is this what you mean Jeff? It kinda makes the insanity of the last few years make some sense. Though this would suck even more..

Why weren't militaries/govts not upfront about the real threat, and still pretending covid had a natural source?

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No, that doesn’t make any sense. Our governments are just trying to protect us, by maiming, killing, gaslighting, polarizing, dividing families and controlling and sterilizing us—to protect us from worse harms? Who is going to create this killer virus? Wouldn’t it be the same ppl “protecting” us?

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Dunno really, OP should answer this.

But can share my own thoughts. Maybe these make no sense either. You can let me know!!

TBH I have scratched my head for 3 years over why govts been lying and hurting us so much. Havent heard any sensible explanation yet. What do you think?

Are they plain evil.... do they want to depopulate the earth or something? Why? How would elites make more money if they kill most of their consumers?

Or could govts know something important that we dont? What if they have strong intelligence about terrorists working right now on viruses with high kill rates?

Then theyd have to make a big utilitarian choice..

1/ Could try to fight new virus using non-pharma measures plus quick but semi-effective mRNA injections with side effects, killing maybe millions but saving most of the human population.

2/ They could do nothing and allow billions to die.

You ask whose gonna make this virus? Could be anyone!! Check this out.....


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I believe you are on to something.

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Yes, this is sobering.

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Makes sense. I’ve thought along those lines. It certainly never made sense as a public health response.

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Knowing that the “vaccines” were in the can and ready to go, delaying their release until after the 2020 election was just an added bonus for those in charge, knowing they needed a compliant resident rather than a lame duck in his second term that had a history of pushing back against the deep state.

Yep, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming into focus.

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I believe the counter to this is that these capabilities are vastly overstated.

How much of Covid seemed entirely fake and manufactured? How far could a manmade virus really go?

Is all that is needed a small release, some imagery, some news, and then you can create whatever scenario you wish to all of us who mainly receive all info filtered through our screens?

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Read Jon Rappoport. Ebola also fake

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Hello Jeff: I think you nailed it. We do not know if the original release was intentional or accidental. It may have been China but it was likely a US release as a pretext for everything that followed. They had the countermeasure and the drill in place. All of the depopulation and genocide theories are provocative but incorrect.

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2020 was designed with a 10 to 15% kill rate for all pops. It failed due to divine intervention.

They keep trying genocide with food and wars tho

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It wasn't a drill. It's a biowarfare already against the plebs.

Otherwise which biowarfare are we prepared for? All countries were together on the coercion and forced quakcination... They can't prepare against each other by the same measures can they?

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Why would pretty much every government in the world suddenly decide to try and kill their citizens?

Is warfare necessarily between nation states anyway (what about the 'war against ISIS')? Extreme political or religious groups or even individuals can put together a bioweapon without much difficulty now. Have a look online. Countless articles from scientists, journalists, governments, military, and international orgs like the WHO on these threats. Its been a major topic for years now.

Seems pretty feasible that Event 201, the global covid response, and the resulting new WHO pandemic plan are how our glorious leaders are reacting to the threat. Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Not so sure about his claims that covid was deliberately released as a live drill though, seems a step too far.

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I highly doubt. Why your reasons are sound and bioterror could be done by anyone I highly doubt that a drill would be done with a poison shot. It just doesn't make sense.

Why do they want war against the plebs?

-too many people

-too much pollution

-too little resources

-medical singularity

-ai/robots make human power irrelevant

Etc. These don't have to be true enough if our superiors believe in it.

Edit: also population reduction you have to look through other narratives too: like pushing the gender fluid propaganda to reduce your fertility, assisted dying suddenly on the table everywhere etc.

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You think Event 201 was about good intentions???

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It is likely what the nazis tell thenselves. They r saving us from what they gave us.

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Ask and it shall be given to u.


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Check out the substacks of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts for all the information about how the covid shots were a DOD project using the Pharma companies as fronts. The proof is there.

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We love their work but their speculation that this event was a preplanned intentional democide may be wrong.

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How do you explain that the quakcine is still called safe and effective? H1N1 vaccine was pulled from the market for much less. It was and is an intentional democide.

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It is about the MRNA Technology. They want this thing to be the be all and end all. They cannot admit they were wrong and killed people.

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They knew it killed people

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Seems to me that the alleged defenders of society are more committed to being offenders of good health, and the human rights of people they're supposedly protecting and liberating. With friends like these no one needs enemies.

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Usa attacked germany. So much for nato democracy, eh libya serbia ukraine

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The Pharmaceutical Industry is so completely Wrong headed.. it defies explanation.. Live in alignment with Natures Organic rules and you never need any Pharmaceutical Snake Oils...Its products function in the Land of Sick Care not Health Care.. the DoD functions in the Land of War and War criminality, manufacturing more and more Horrific weapons...for more varieties of War... doing absolutely nothing whatsoever in the furtherance of Peace... time for Americans to wake up... get outside and exercise everyday, eat organic food, drop all Big Pharma products Completely as well as all Big Pharma/Military Industrial complex Investments...

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Do u know where they get these medicine patents from?

Extracting plants and venom

Truly doctors were once called poisoners and they still r

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Demon-inspired-Paperclip Fourth Reich DoD-BigPharmafronts-franken-cyborgification-chimeric-geneticengineering-cybernetic-golem-creation-synbiolivingnanoelectronics-Transhumanism-wet-dreams-of-Mengele-totalenslavementsurveillanceandcontrol-experimentation on the general population and all biologic life middle-finger-sarcasm-to-God spiritual warfare-assault without consent. (without consent because they're seeding it into us / doing it to us, whether we take jabs or not).

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Thank you for writing about the dark side of the US military. I find it absolutely amazing that they can use tax payer funds to carryout this research under the guise of protecting the public and then turn around and use us as Guinea pigs.

However GENE DRIVING is a whole other level and I in particular am very apprehensive and untrusting about how this will be used especially if BAD BOY BILLY GATES of the EPSTEIN SAGA and the like are involved.

Keep up your good work and thank you.

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Apocalypse. Armageddon. Mark of the beast

Once u lose ur divine dna u r now a beast

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Yep. The biggest in history.

But when DARPA lets the cat out of the bag, you can be sure that what they tell you they have been working on, is NOT what they are working on NOW.🤔🤨

Look at Spartacus Substack for DoD examples. Look at their geoengineering research and EMF experiments. mRNA and gene manipulation is past tense because they worked out that the other 98%"junk" DNA plus the environment (epigenome) are more effective triggers for gene modifications.

It is all a distraction. The whole covid shebang. Now the question is, what requires entire populations to be distracted or AKA docile through stress exhaustion & therefore unable to think coherently?🤔🤔😐

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Aliens. Pentagon progrqms admit ufos shut down nuke launches

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Gene Drive Technology...thank you for teaching me what that means.

Thanks for putting into understandable words what Sasha and Katherine have been telling us what

has been done by our government(s) for the past 40 years. Keeping. Saving.

I think most people can understand this.

Thank you dear Emperor.

May I print and post out (with credit of course)?

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NE, this pov is only one side of the coin. You are looking at the US government as the sole bad actor. I think you want to add China CCP as the stealth wicked agent in the equation. Sure there are plenty of blame that can be thrown at globalists, WEF, DARPA or DoD, as many Substack community are doing right now. But The US government is not attempting global genocide and any attempt at making that argument seems to me to be morally implausable. That said, however the CCP has no moral constraints on them to not do evil. They have no standing in the nations as a moral high marking, except for a history of mass murder (60-70 million), persecution, enslavement and indoctrination (chinese musilms) cheating, and stealing resources (ask any global corporation). I ask you to consider the strategic tactic of them secretly influencing truth tellers to attack the wrong enemy. I suggest viewing the covid vax as an espionage tactic to destroy the west and specifically our US military. you might want to read JRNyquists current blog posts/essays. Thnk you NE.

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I don't see the US as the sole bad actor. I'm sure all military powers are working on this stuff.

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Who released the 5g weapon in china wuhan?

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Please do not underestimate the Chinese communist party to control and spy on its own citizens. 5G is a tool for control. Communism is not a respecter of humanity and Gods laws. It seeks power--Democrat party in the US is controlled by similar communist ideology and their sole pursuit of power unveils their true spirit.

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I am not underestimating the marxist bolsheviks. Russia got off that slave farm and the costs were high. Usa right now diving deep into bolshevik soviet totalitarian democracy lol

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The goal of marxism is to destroy the west. McCarthy and Nixon started to warn and alert the leaders in America in the 40's and 50s that we actually had Soviets within the American government. This has been verified by the Venona decryptions. America has been under attack by communism for a long time. Recommend read JRNyquist and others to understand the agenda and the tactics. And by the way, you think Russia has disavowed Communism--think again. Gorbachov and Putin never disavowed communism. They just changed their names. What we are witnessing is international communism taking over more and more countries.

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You are incorrect. Stop thinking of russia and usa like this is 1993. This is 2023. Russia is nonlonger marxist. While usa is no longer a free democracy or republic.

Marxist did change names. Called nato stan now

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i recommend reading JRNyquist and Trevour Loudon. International communism has teamed up with globalists to fight against Jesus Christ and his followers. Its going to be one big battle and then throw into the mix global islam.

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It would be compelling if not refreshing to find anyone within the US military hierarchy who was acting in good faith to protect US citizens. A decision to run a guesswork countermeasure program may still have been reckless, but morally understandable at least to some extent if the actors truly believe we are at grave risk.

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" .... if they had known they were taking part in a US Department of Defense (DoD) experiment?" While the DOD aspect wasn't known, it was obvious it was an untested product, an experimental drug. After all, why would a legitimate vaccine need Immunity from liability?

Given all of the arrogant ignorance spewed on those of us who questioned the rationality of subjecting ourselves to the jab, by the Jabites, which includes family and friends, I'm indifferent to their self-induced plight.

Cold? Cruel? I reckon.

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In spite of the global censorship of the truth before, during and after 2020. The truth was and is available for those who were/are looking for it. I've referred people to web sites that they never bothered to visit. Some folks can't seem to grasp that it's not the job of MSM pundits to tell them anything about health or much of anything else that will benefit them.

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One of the most baffling aspects to me was people who were well aware of Deep State Gazette's (MSM) duplicity, for some reason they believed them about covid. And now they believe them about Ukraine; it's stunning how thick people can be!

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It's always safer to never trust or believe pathological liars about anything. Especially most of the people we see on the television. Most of those folks make their living lying to the masses.

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But wait, they must know what they are talking about, after all, THEY ARE ON TV!!!


Humans are the primary example of making simplicity complicated!

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You right. If you are not a member of liars club international and on television. You don't know nothing and don't know what you're talking about.

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I hope you wouldn't lie about that ....! Hahahaha, I agree! 🤠

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They were stillnwatching tv. And tv is full of mind control memes.

The easiest mind controllednslave is the one that thinks they r free and immune to lies

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All that's been said is correct, but you left out the lynch pin. EVERY night MSM would unceasingly hit them over the dead with fear porn. That was why at first I couldn't be angry if they took the vax. A year after we knew the chemicals in it. I just gave another substack a copy and I had published it on One Political Plaza, I found it difficult to feel any empathy for the braindead "Mask up dude."

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And if the shoe was on the other foot. The brainwashed wouldn't be grieving or losing any sleep over anybody else that had been tricked into destroying their immune systems either. I regret the unnecessary and avoidable suffering of people though. It's unfortunate that so many people fell for the lies and the propaganda. No one I knew had any control over rejecting the lies except for the people who decide to believe them.

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God is testing u all. Many failed

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Ukraine ftx needs more money t9nfight putin

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I hope that's sarcasm. The midget is the last thing we should concentrate on.

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Floating out bait for cia fbi shills. See who agrees

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and fbi

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If Sasha is correct, that "blurred line" may have been obliterated completely during this debacle, and this entire evolution has been orchestrated and coordinated by the Federal government.


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Look at a map of Cambridge MA (or any other high-density think tank location), and the proximity of biotech & defense R&D labs. It's creepy.

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