”When will they just leave us alone!“

Never. The answer is Never.

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Well I don’t know about the rest of you but anyone pushing anything this hard makes one run in the opposite direction. Good products sell themselves and this stuff is some of worst crap ever conceived. Put this in combination with the censoring, the data manipulation, the lack of actual real science, the WEF agendas so symmetrically aligned to the current state of play and so on. I know what they’re doing and it ain’t got nothing to do with protecting no public health. Quite the opposite.

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Do not comply.

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Turn them off, tune them out, and, keep saying NO.

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The whole variant after variant point is moot for the fact that we are going to have to live with the virus, which means expecting a new variant to come as with all other viruses.

We're in a strange predicament where it feels like both Groundhog Day and also some newly stoked fear and paranoia. I feel like we should have known better than to fall back into paranoia, yet here it is again. Just keep getting boosted and take your PAXLOVID, nothing about eating better, getting out and getting sunlight, or exercising to make sure you are healthy and fit in case you do get ill.

I am both fascinated and horrified that this appears to be happening once again. I do wonder how many people will go along with it all once again.

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They will not leave us alone until we make them.

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I fear that it is not at all over for the vaccinated, who seem to be getting it more frequently and worse each time (immune imprinting, immune suppression ...?). I worry for them when it mutates again.

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I am so sick of this fear-porn.

The max number of hospitalised COVID patients (in one day) I saw over the last three months was 25. That includes people who came in for something else but tested positive for COVID. (granted this is only one hospital and on the small size). Point is, that number was over 2 weeks ago... so IDK why they are talking about a surge NOW....

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I do as well. My oldest got jabbed and boosted. I have no doubt he will pay a price. My dad was 95 and perfectly healthy. Jabbed and boosted. And dead in 5 months. And as I said, in hospice with stage 4 cancer and dying they forced him to get another booster and a flu shot at the same time. He died 5 days later. They murdered him. I did not get to see my mom during the last year of her life due to lockdowns. My brother won’t talk to me. I’ve lost nearly all my friends. I had to quit my part time job. I’m retired so the job was not a big deal. But I enjoyed it and was forced to quit because I said no. It can be lonely here on the dark side.

I thank God every day for my wife, my youngest son and his wife. They are all standing in the breach with me, unjabbed, undaunted, and unafraid.

Stay strong.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I couldnt disagree with this comment more ... "“the nation’s attempt to ‘live with covid’ is the straw that is breaking the NHS’s back”. No, the NHS is struggling because it ignored so many people for over 2 years creating a huge backlog of problems (unneccessarily) and is now filling up with people with a host of problems which are NOT Covid, but in my view caused directly by the 'vaccinations' degrading peoples' immune systems. Medical problems that were previously held in check have now been released to cause havoc

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The Prime Minster said “Vaccines were our way out of this pandemic"

- what, the same pandemic they're using to push for more vaccination?

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They can all fuck off! Do not comply.

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Just leave us alone.

Sadly there are still many who, like my fully vaxed and boosted friend who is sick w COVID, are utterly and completely invested in this lie. My friend is so afraid (although she would call it being prudent and responsible) that she has boosted her young daughter AND refuses to physically hug her daughter who is experiencing a “robust” response to her booster such that she is having severe pain. My friend doesn’t want her daughter catching her COVID.

(My husband pointed out that it wasn’t very smart to get your kid boosted while you are at home sick, due to the immune suppression post-vaccine. But, my friend likely doesn’t believe that is a true phenomenon.)

I mean, HUG YOUR CHILD! Comfort your child! It’s basic maternal nature. 😭😭😭

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It is a bit like asking a mosquito to leave you alone. However, we have some lemon balm plants and a lot of dragonflies, and while the rest of our area has a lot, our yard is relatively free. We can take action to create little havens until the totality rises above the consciousness waterline where this mess dissolves in on itself and in those sanctuaries, we can plant the seeds of tomorrow in love and in peace.

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Where Covid is concerned the whole planet is suffering from One Party rule. When the vast majority of the global population is opposed to all of this Covid Fascism and vaccine tyranny, where is the political opposition speaking out on our behalf? The answer is nowhere. We the people have been left all alone to fight this battle ourselves. The politicians who know better are simply cowards. Well, so be it! Just say No! Do not comply, and spread the word. There really is no other choice.

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Well, to be fair, if *you* were hooked on an exhilarating drug, would you willingly kick it?

This was--you should excuse me--The Wet Dream Fairy's gift to every bureaucrat in the world. They will never stop trying to make us believe. Never ever ever.

Start from there. All strategizing gotta proceed from the Know Thine Enemy playbook. Mengele just wanted to expand the frontiers of medicine and Eichmann just wanted to be the very bestest planner in the whole wide world.

Everyone's just a permission slip away from Very Bad Things. Just don' let 'em get near that pad again.

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