A “rules based order” sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.

Who is making these “rules” and on what basis?

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Second one's easy, it's based on whatever "The Experts" say.

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Thank God for people like you NE who can see things CLEARLY. And tell the others (like me). I knew

about the monetary things but the i:ts our fault cause we didn't get vaccinated" "rules based order" gave me a shiver up my spine. That I would live to see such days...return.

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But in a way, he's right. They couldn't herd the flock like they wanted because some of us refused to be sheep. Becoming ungovernable is the only strategy I see working to thwart their plans.

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On a lighter note, I do see the sheep presenting us with a class action defamation lawsuit soon, including image rights. Should be epic.

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"Rules based order”? Not sure about that. The common people among the Dutch think otherwise... (Yes, there is a news blackout on the current situation.)

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You nailed it. Since we can’t control the central banks, I think that the only rational response is to take our soon to be worthless currency and turn it into concrete physical objects that will help us weather the coming storm — food, water, seeds, tools, generators, books, etc.

Complete self-sufficiency is impossible for most people, but we can move ourselves in that direction.

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"So many of today's problems are as a result of yesterday's solutions"

- the great Thomas Sowell

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It's definitely the bloody unvaccinated who caused inflation! Who else.

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Can you even imagine the mindset of a person spewing that BS.

It’s mind boggling

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Actually, the future will be shaped by those of us in the US who respond, and institute a US order based on the rule of law, and apply that law to our ruling elites. No more insider stock trades, private servers, or congress people accruing hundreds of millions in personal wealth. The rot is at the top, cleaning it up starts at home...

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You know they are in deep shit when the chairman of the federal reserve blames inflation on the unvaccinated.

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Potluck of thoughts your update kicked loose:

You know what happened in the eighties all over the West don't you?

That's when the generation born during and right after WW2 started to edge out and then in the nineties replace their elders in all business and governement positions. The hippie generation. The pot smoking utopian idealists of the sixties. The ones taught by marxist professors during the early sixties, professors adhering to the Gramsci school thought and the idea of the Long March through the instituitons as a method of communist revolution rather than armed and open revolt - subvert soceity slowly, making it seem like a natural progress: Conquer language and lay claim to all positively charged words and terms, leaving only the negative ones for your opponents, automatically making them the bad guys. (What the words actually used to mean is of no matter - the idea originates with none other than Lenin, who was no dunce. He actually wrote down his ideas on this and they became part of how the GRU and KGB worked, and still works to this day.)

Indoctrinate the educators, the activists, and the entertainment industry. Get rid of partisan leanings - anything which serves your struggle for power is good, everything that works to your advantge is good, morally and technically. The rest is semantics. Learn to control double-think: you must beleive your own words even when you consciously lie, without experiencing dissonance. 2+2 is what benefits you right now, not what it was 5 minutes ago or will be tomorrow.

Always create chaos and disorder, always foment discord and corruption in any organisation, always endorse those on your own side, no matter where they come from or what label they wear: ride the chaos as if surfing.

And finally: only ever leave your opposition options which goes against his outspoken values and ehtics, forcing him to be hypocrite ither openly or tacitly. (Example: Saudi, chinese and russian media regularly expose western nations' curbing of free speech as an example of us not really believing in the values we try to impart to their domestic activists. This undermines the West's credibility and defuses domestic demands for democracy etc.)

Solution? a) join the system, it may be very profitable; b) step outside the system without challenging it, which can be ardous and a hassle but very liberating; c) attack the system meaning you get squashed or co-opted with no profit; or d) offer an alternative path, gathering enough followers to make you a contender meaning you'll get a seat at the kiddie table (at first) to see if you can 'play ball' - witness any of the european nominally nationalist parties (Front National in France f.e.); in their rethroics they challenge the system, in actual political programmes it is more like the difference between pinstriped or polka dot prison uniform they offer - it's still within the confines of the game and status quo (see c) above as to why).

May have mentioned it before, but barring a massive racially centered and nationalist anti-global capital movement (which would get you the Serbian treatment from the US), that's it for the foreseeable future. Repeated crises in the capitalist liberal democratic system, turning it into supra-national corporate state capitalism and completing the EU's journey to a less efficient version of the Soviet Union in the 1930s, before demographic change simply does away with Europe altogther (which will be before the end of this century, all else being equal).

But I'll be very happy if I'm wrong.

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The last video was the most telling for me.......for those of you who still think this is all just one big clusterfuck of institutional incompetence, the use of identical language by leaders from different sides of the globe almost simultaneously has been a constant factor during the whole plamdemic. This has been a well planned operation from day one and is only unravelling because so many of us refuse to buy into their BS

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The crash was preplanned and deliberate. The present financial spiral starts with the Subprime Mortgage Debacle of 2008. Clinton, who was then the President of the US, removed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. This largely caused the financial crisis because banks were no longer prevented from operating as both commercial and investment banks, and the repeal allowed banks to become substantially larger or "Too Big to Fail". The Act had been put in place by President Roosevelt to deal with the Depression in the 1930's. The "Too Big to Fail" nonsense then led to massive govt bailouts by taxpayers throughout the West. This meant govts raided pension plans, future infrastructure money ... and of course - MASSIVE GOVT DEBT - which led to $44$4 printing - and so here we are ladies and gentlemen - In the Land of Oz.

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IMPORTANT LINK: If you, or someone you know, has been injected, use this website "How Bad is My Batch", to find out more information about the injection given. First click the specific brand at the top and then key in the batch code and it will provide you with any associated disabilities, illnesses or harms. https://howbadismybatch.com/

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Lucky them who can find out their batch number.

Contracts with many governments ruled out the possibility.

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It does, however, establish that the batches were rigged for "plausible deniability".

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This is shocking footage from scientists attending the World Health Organization Global Vaccine Safety Summit in December 2019. These scientists express considerable concern about the longterm safety of vaccines. Scroll down to see WHO video.


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Germans, when Inflation use to go above 1% (apparently);

"OMG! OMG! It's Weimar again! Hitler's coming back! Hitler's coming back!"

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The rules based order? Like, no rules for us, and, sorry, a LOT more rules for you. You will eat the debt, because there will be no forgiveness?

Glad I sold my house 6min before the peak, and am going about preparing for the coming shocks:


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Happy birthday William.

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Nice grift . . . appreciated. And I admit that I used to think that the terms "preppers" and "nutters" were synonymous :-(

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In the Parker Brothers game of Monopoly, each player is given $1,500 at the start of the game. Whenever you land on an unowned property you may buy that property from the Bank at its printed price. If you do not wish to buy the property, the Banker sells it at auction to the highest bidder.

The buyer pays the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property. Any player, including the one who declined the option to buy it at the printed price, may bid. Bidding may start at any price.

Now imagine that instead of every player starting with $1,500, the Bank (Uncle Sam) gives each player $15,000. It is easy to see how increasing the money supply affects the amount of money bid at auction.

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Nice to see Cindy in her nurses' costume.

Where's the syringe.

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Man. The 30% of the folks sure have a lot of power...

Mr. FED...You can suck my unvaxxed ...

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