Well whether or not it was the original intent is irrelevant.

I can guarantee you now that every slimy commie on the planet has seen the potential to use “health” as the best means for total control.

Do not comply.

Don’t comply with anything these demons want.

Do the opposite at every turn.

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It's straight out of the commie playbook. Stalin's USSR was famous for psychological incarceration of dissidents. Using some other "health" issue as an excuse is the same tactic.

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Someone mentioned inan interview that during the Cold War, The West played up democracy so as to separate 'us' and 'them'. Some of us believed they actually respected democracy.

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Representative democracy should be disrespected as it's fucking stupid. There's no way to recall your representative or undo their damaging actions, so it spirals into disaster.

The only way democracy can possibly work is if people are able to directly vote on every issue via referendum. If not, it always leads to the shit-show we're all living in currently.

Before you knee-jerk and say "But hardly anything would get done!", realize that's exactly the point

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Which is why the founders of the US created a constitutional republic, and hated democracy.

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They also restricted voting to white property owners.

Even if we return to that (dropping the "white" part) that alone won't allow us to keep the republic, as you don't own property anymore, you lease it from the state (because of property taxes).

We're going to have to explore and adopt other solutions, e.g.

One thing we can do is end all taxation, except for a LAND TAX ONLY (no tax on structures), with the following conditions:

No tax up to a certain amount of land (say 50-100 acres, average price). This way a family can self-provide if they want.

Progressive taxation if you want to own more than that, so it gets punitive if you want to own say, 1000 or more acres.

Any property not titled in the name of a living man or woman (all legal fictions, e.g. corporations, trusts, governments, etc.) are taxed at the maximum rate of 90%. No hiding your ownership. If you want to be a "lord of the land" then pay up, rich guy.

This eventually solves most of the wealth disparity problem.

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I always said the problem with the land ownership rule is that they would find some loophole, and collectively buy land, so they would all be landowners.

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In the cold war "us" was the free world and "them" was the communist world, now the elites have decided "us" means the elite and "them" means the people who actually want freedom.

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The last 2 years are just a taste of what is in store for us. Tyranny under the disguise of keeping us safe in a pandemic of their own making. Do not comply. Our children need us to stand up to this.

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I wouldn't be so sure. They've experienced so much pushback (they're throwing eggs at King Chucky the Kiddy Diddler FFS) I think they've had to take a step back.

They'll try again for sure, which is why we need to keep pressing while they're on their back foot.

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I have seen compliance from the vast majority.

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The vast majority follow the 10%, they were never important, and never will be.


Be the 10%

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I feel this so strongly. Part of why I can’t let go of trying to make people aware is because our physical salvation is intertwined. We all need to say “No”.

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Thank you for this. I was always totally frustrated when no one would answer the question about why certain ethnic groups were more susceptible to being ill from Covid. Many news headlines portrayed this issue as racism with zero explanation/ research into cause. We know that certain ethnicities are more prone to certain illnesses because of physical and biological differences such as black people needing more Vit D, people in the northern hemisphere being more prone to MS etc. What they never talk about is how they were pushing through DNRs on people with learning disabilities without the consent of their families. It's utterly disgraceful. The truly vulnerable were at significantly more risk but they're not the groups that MSM talked about and not for the reasons they want us to believe.

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But Hankock looks so good in the Jungle!

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What a coincidence that their solutions just happen to also give them huge amounts of money and power, again!

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I know that journey!! They start with using words that are supposed to mean something generally normal, and turn them upside down!! Good story, thank you.

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Did not expect much better from Chelsea Clinton and coauthors... The biggest human right violation, according to Chelsea Clinton et al., was not hypervaccinating ethnic minorities!

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Exactly, I should have looked at the authors before I started reading. Anyway, it's always good to know what they want to happen!

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DEMONcRATs are the biggest racists on the planet, as evidenced by their rabid support for disproportionally trying to vax minorities & demonstrably aborting in minority communities

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Beautiful writing, insane content. I applaud and appreciate your efforts, NE.

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How many times can “equity “ be used in one article? The abuse of language by progressives is evil. They use a lot of sanitized language to make their tyranny sound virtuous and humane when it is the exact opposite. It’s frustrating that so many people continue to be fooled by this tactic. It’s frustrating because all it takes is few simple questions to expose the article as the BS that is. Define equity, what inequality are you referring to? What about the horrific effects of lockdowns on the most vulnerable? Etc. Any honest persons could pick this nonsense apart , but sadly their isn’t a lot of honesty going around in our corporate media or government, so the content and ridiculous claims of the article go unchallenged.

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Whenever you see the term ‘health equity’ think ‘health tyranny’. It is also the official go to substitute topic for anyone wanting discuss the safety of products - instead we have to discuss the unfairness that they haven’t got them in Africa. What a farrago!

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What a lot of bullshit about Sweden. Ignores Baltic neighbors. Ignored Norway and Finland's lack of lockdowns (Finland closed schools and public buildings for two weeks, that was about it). Doesn't look into any other factors. Sweden still did far better than the vast majority of countries that put their citizens under house arrest.

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Outright lies about Sweden from The Lancet. They ignore the difference in population numbers, they ignore that 85%+ of all deaths were among elders with more than two comorbidities, and thatof the remaining casualties the vast majority was the impoverished and handicapped living in what counts as nursing homes here; people with already poor health and comorbidities too.

Also, when routines for hygiene in the various types of nursing homes were tightened and enforced more rigorously, infection rates plummeted and not only for Covid but for all common diseases: the flu almost disappeared and winter vomiting disease dropped to below 10% of the normal average.

It's really a new low from The Lancet.

When it peaked in March 2020 (!), about 550 people were hospitalised in ICU due to Covid. Then we had the usual resurgence during winter 2021, with about 400 ICU cases at the same time, at the most. And in winter 2022 it was about 110. Right now, ICU for Covid stands at (checks icuregswe.org) 7. Seven people need ICU for Covid. What a pandemic...

Official data from Socialstryelsen, the agency responsible for among other thingsoversight of the healthcare system and collection its data:


English version, summary of the above:


Basically, The Lancet lies outright and knows it too. Disgusting.

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You get to ground yourself with articles like this because when there are so many lies you can be sure that any gaslighting is exactly that, gaslighting and not you maybe getting the wrong end of the stick

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Not to mention putting Dazak in charge of their lab leak team.

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You suggesting a problem with a fox guarding the hen house ?

What could go wrong ?

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We all outgrew the lancet when they published their fake news HCQ story and pulled their own pants down so you could clearly see the words “SHILL” writ large

They should be denied the oxygen of publicity for ever more

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Yup. Nature has been pretty shite as well. BMJ seems to be the only big journal willing to publish half decent stuff.

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I'm COMPLETELY SURE that the 2024 elections if they are, will be controlled as best they can be under the guise of HEALTH, but not mandates. They know that we will no longer accept them.

Not only DO NOT COMPLY, RESIST, RESIST until you cannot breathe.

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Thanks for taking one for the team and reading this endless BS.

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Same old BS by the same old establishment jackasses.

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Now our eyes are opened to how propaganda works we can see it in its various guises, from TV to Newspapers and also these so-called “scientific journals”

They are all mouthpieces for Gates, Soros & Schwab, either directly or by funding the writers who are shilling for them.

Once again, thank you Covid for opening our eyes to this multi level deception 🙇🏻‍♀️

The deep state own goals keep coming 🤦🏻

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Last time I checked Sweden was doing quite well, lowest death rate in Europe? This is Gaslighting on steroids! PAT.

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