The US, my country has themselves to thank for pushing Putin into the arms of China. Well done Joe Biden and crew!

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Joe Biden….the weak, doddering, corrupt old fool is the symbol (and cause) of a declining country.

Fire him and his Party and things will start improving almost immediately.

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So weird watching the decline of western civilization as we knew it

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Strengthening the UN and the WHO … not that much different than the Davos monsters!!

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All countries forced the poison on their own population in the last years. (scam in cooperation between WIV, ecohealth and UNC) Remember that the citizens of Russia and China are already extremely suppressed and enslaved. The only bloc which still relatively free is the western bloc. So 'weakening' the west will enslave the western population also. The war is between the elite and the plebs.

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Exactly! The CCP al?ong with Bill Gates & Big Pharma are among the WHO’s biggest sources of funds. The WHO & UN are now captive to the commands of these people or benefactors. This US should & must Exit the WHO.

The Director General of the WHO is a Marxist who is not a Medical Doctor & got that position due to China’s support.

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Agree wholeheartedly

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Folks ought to look into who/what established those things. They both stink along with anything related to the Davos crowd.

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Geez. Are any two nation-states more aggressively colonialist these days than China and Russia? They always were of course.

And geez twice. I mean, damn straight one prioritizes one's own security over anyone else's. These guys must've been laughing themselves silly, crafting that statement.

And here we are in the West led by Enfeeblements in Chief. And I ain't even got a basement to hide in.

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“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”

This explains the rapprochement of China and Russia, still more apparent than real. They are traditional rivals and harbor no existential trust for one another. The “fault” lies with the United States, who blew the perfect opportunity to create a new world order post 1991. That world order would have seen a newly emerged Russia, a nation that demonstrably wanted to join the club of the West post Soviet Union, a club led by the United States. This was the club that was, after all, the hands down winner of everything geopolitical and ideological. And just like all clubs, membership is a self-managed affair, one where members have the freedom to be seen at the clubhouse, or not, as political diktats emerge. But a club it nevertheless remains, one which could have driven a powerful check, in time, to the emergence of China and their hegemonic dominance across much of the 21st century world. But it was an opportunity egregiously and foolishly squandered. Now we have hugs which, while photo ops at heart, remain hugs nonetheless.

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Hey, but at least there are no mean tweets! Gotta focus on what’s important.

I think this is what the criminal America-haters who have seized the apparatus of government up and down the republic have been aiming to do for decades.

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War is stupid in so many ways it impossible to cover them all. Killing for power, wasting enough money to pay off our debt and invest. Europe has used us to pay for their safety at our detriment, we taunt and terrorize others while claiming our superior Nancy type status. 1984 is not a date it’s a prediction of the use of technology to enslave an obedient population. Covid proved obedience is easy to achieve.

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Thanks for this article

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Is China dumping u.s. treasury bonds today? It is a Friday after all. I will check.

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This Judas embrace is a bad sign that we, that is the West, is indeed losing the great global chess game. We're about to get checkmated. Thanks for the heads up. Must find a way to retreat, meditate and pray...

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Meantime, while all that was happening....


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I don't get the difference between "international law" and "rules-based order".

Rules v. Law.

I'm not grasping the significant difference.

Anyone got any insight?

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International law is ACTUAL law. The so-called "rules based order" is the term used by corrupt western leaders when they ignore international law and do whatever the hell they want. Clearer?

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One is written and clear, the other is arbitrary and made up as you go along?

IF that's the case, then there IS no international law. The so called International Laws are all arbitrary, and applied only by the strong on the weak. Or applied to enemies not friends. I don't think I need to give examples.

The very idea that a country can "ignore international law" would seem to back up this view.

So, I put forward that there IS no (real) international law.

Or have I misunderstood?

Thanks for replying, by the way.

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One is written and clear, the other is arbitrary and made up as you go along?

IF that's the case, then there IS no international law. The so called International Laws are all arbitrary, and applied only by the strong on the weak. Or applied to enemies not friends. I don't think I need to give examples.

The very idea that a country can "ignore international law" would seem to back up this view.

So, I put forward that there IS no (real) international law.

Or have I misunderstood?

Thanks for replying, by the way.

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