Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I've learned a lot here.

It's no big thing relative to this piece, but could we stop referring to 'democracy' as if it equates with freedom? It does not. It is the tyranny of the majority. In practice, it is more like the tyranny of the minority.

Freedom isn't a form of government; it is a minimum of government, regardless of its form.

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Agree, I was just using the term as it is used in the book

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Because NIPAH VIRUS (NiV) is the next one that is coming, or to be more precise, mandatory nanotechnology "vaccination" against NIPAH VIRUS. This new formulation is great for both Ebola virus (EBOV) and NiV

Vance's AmplifyBio, West Jefferson, Ohio, United States of America is involved

A 28-Day single-dose acute toxicity, local tolerance, and immunogenicity study of PHV02

was conducted by AmplifyBio in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), 8 weeks of age.

Isn't 28 days acute toxicity, local tolerance, and immunogenicity study more than enough? Didn't Trump say that they're all very, very good?

"I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good,"


Received: January 28, 2022

Accepted: June 8, 2022

Published: June 27, 2022

Nipah virus (NiV) disease with high lethality is a priority for vaccine development.

With funding from the Coalition of Epidemic

Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), we are developing a chimeric vaccine (PHV02) composed of recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing the envelope glycoproteins of both Ebola virus (EBOV) and NiV. The EBOV glycoprotein (GP) mediates fusion and viral entry and the NiV attachment glycoprotein (G) is a ligand for cell receptors, and stimulates neutralizing antibody, the putative mediator of protection against NiV.

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Totally agree. No wonder the powers that be spent years giving the term anarchy a bad rep.

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“The measure of the state’s success is that the word anarchy frightens people, while the word state does not.”-Joseph Sobran, American Journalist

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Anarchy must be the biggest curse word between normies. Sure the brainwashing with the punks succeeded phenomenally.

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In the US our founders did not create a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic which was a brilliant and intricate design intertwining the God of Jerusalem, the Rationality of the Athenians, and the law of Rome, and a realists understanding of human nature. This intricate system insured majority rule while protecting minority rights.

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Well, except that it failed to assure minority rights, but it was a good try.

Keep in mind that all governments at all levels are controlled by the two parties, and that the two parties have NO GOVERNMENTAKL AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER. The constitution is a piece of paper in a museum. The parties only reference it when it works to their advantage. They ignore it when it works to OUR advantage.

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They issued a caveat at the founding that it was designed for a moral and religious people only. As we have become less religious and moral our social pathologies have increased dramatically (most ignorant of the correlation) and to your point, more susceptible to sentimentality and sloganeering by our betters.

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When you get down to it, for any culture and any government to persevere, it has to be made up of moral, honest people. You can't successfully prop up immoral and unethical people with regulations and laws.

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Sure. Works for me!

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's quite pathetic how these men (and they usually are men) get wealthier and wealthier and more paranoid. How they forget they are only human (cut them, do they not bleed?) and are not gods. How they get so far removed from the rest of humanity that they see them like Harry Lime did from the top of the ferris wheel in The Third Man.

If I had sold a company for $1.5bn I would take my share and retire. It shows great hubris and arrogance to think you are so important that no amount of money is enough and no amount of fawning politicians and acolytes and servants are enough.

The revolution or whatever they think it will be will be the one where the rest of the world remembers where they stored the guillotines and who deserves to meet one!

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The revolution the elites are pulling off is the shot not heard round the world. We are suggesting ourselves into servitude thinking we are liberating ourselves just like we thought the m-rna jabs were protecting our health not jeopardizing it.

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How so?

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The elites have weaponized silent systems through mass fear, anxiety, exhaustion, and atomization using technology like social media, iphones, pornography, indoctrination, emotions, abortifacients, and have created compliant subjects lacking the critical thinking and will to resist their enslavement. All of it marketed as a form of liberation from traditional constraints (God, parents, real friends, sexual inhibitions, gender identity, etc).

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Narcissism plain and simple.

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We could construct hope perhaps from the idea that Theil, like Frodo, is out to destroy the RING of POWER. Since there is no literal RING, to get close to the seat of power symbolized by the RING, Theil has joined Bilderberg and is now on the Steering Committee. Let's see, Frodo fell under the RING's power and only accidentally let it fall into the volcano of Mount Doom. Wasn't Frodo struggling with Gollum and into the volcano the Ring on Frodo's severed finger with Gollum fell?

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Vance could be Sam Wise.

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I believe that the human male, distanced as he is from the act of giving birth and not held directly responsible for the daily care and nurturing of both young and old members of society, has deemed himself superior to and unaffected by the basic human physicality and realities of women's lives. It is women who must deal with life and death matters in the most intimate ways as their role in life. It should be honoured and respected and not cost them economically.

Because of this paradigm, the human male is bereft of connection to his own vulnerability as a human and to himself as an individual. Thus, he is lost spiritually. It is not enough to be protector and provider because he secretly, deeply envies woman's ability to give birth. So, until he can invent artificial means of creating a human fetus without the woman's contribution as reproductive vessel, he will continue to be unfulfilled. He hates that he needs women. He despises the fact that he cannot live without her. It wasn't always so but technology has given him the belief that he may be able to bring about the destruction of her after all. She is the source of his suffering. One only needs to look at the violence of today's porn to understand men's drive to dominate, control and abuse female humans. One only needs to look at how Peter Thiel, among other men is funding transhumanism and enabling the takeover of women's spaces, sports, jobs by men pretending to be women. Legitimising the placing of violent rapists, pedophiles and murderers IN THE SAME PRISON CELLS AS WOMEN. This could only happen in a world that HATES women, and children for that matter.

Ultimately, the human male desires the erasure of the female sex entirely. Until then he will continue to try dominating, controlling and ultimately wrecklessly destroying all that is sacred and beautiful.

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Reminds me of this.

"He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers, nor for the one desired by women, nor for any other god, because he will magnify himself above them all. And in their place, he will honor a god of fortresses— a god his fathers did not know— with gold, silver, precious stones, and riches." Daniel 11:37-38

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Clearly transsexualism dispenses with women.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Yes, exactly. See Whitney Webb's articles on Palantir and Thiel. He is not a good guy and he is a mentor to Vance. I don't like Vance. Deep tech and surveillance are in his jacket.

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Basically he's another Obama

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Straight out of the freaking playbook, alright.

Or script. Or whatever.

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Around 2014, I was working for the LAPD, in the Commercial Crimes Division, and Palantir was a new computer program that allowed the Department to track ANYONE. Just for kicks, I entered my license plate, and there I was, photographed all over the city in my car. It was sobering to know how well tracked I was, and I’m not even a criminal. Stand by…

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That sounds about right . . . and was 10 years ago. Since that time, we've lost quite a bit of ground on privacy. Look what the FBI has been allowed to do with 702 and FISA. We are extremely close to closing the door on personal privacy - the all-knowing police state in America is at hand.

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And he’s got creepy eyes.


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What do his eyes have to do with anything? And saying they are creepy is just your opinion.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Windows to the Soul, or lack thereof, my friend.

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You can tell an awful lot from someone's eyes.

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But it's your opinion of what his eyes reveal, based on your opinion of him.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I didn't know about the Thiel connection. It changes my view of this man who suddenly looks like he will carry Trumpism forward into the next decade. I distrust all of these people. We all should because they are fighting wars we have nothing to gain from. Any war however 'just' will bring down our civilization. Full stop.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"You don’t need to order every individual move, just plant a seed into the system and watch it manifest."

Obama is a master at that. His simple statement "Reward your friends and punish your enemies" is possibly the most impactful utterance he has ever made. It was the clarion call to the left to begin their war on anyone who disagreed with them on anything. And it was intentional.

Are we looking at a "battle of the titans" emerging? Team Obama on one side and Team Musk on the other? One of the common themes in history is that powerful people always want more power. ("Poor man want to be rich, rich man want to be king, and a king ain't satisfied 'til he rules everything."). Another is that most powerful people will not play second fiddle to anyone. So those two themes always collide - resulting in a battle of the titans - bringing down almost everything.

Neither "Team" is noble, and the conflict is nearly inevitable.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

What exactly is "Team Musk"? He's just as bad as the rest. Every company he owns/runs forwards the dystopic NWO. He's certainly NOT on "Team Humanity", despite him suggesting that name. Nor is he on "Team Freedom".

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But who is the Chess Master?

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there are several...Soros, Musk, Thiel, and probably a handful more who remain behind the scenes from various countries...all vying to be the Grand Master...

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I don’t think any of them are up there.

More like down on the board, I suspect.

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Who do you think? Obama is way down the board...I don't think it's Schwab.

Maybe it is "Mary Smith from Topeka Kansas"...someone you'd never think of...

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I couldn’t even begin to guess.

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The devil himself and his fallen "angel" frenz.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Now this is the sort of piece I pay my subscription for. I appreciate your news roundup but I get most of it from other sources.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Wow it’s too much to think the end of individual liberty will die because a few overly intelligent people want to save themselves disregarding the rest as expendable. I feel a darkness growing and our time to act getting shorter.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Profoundly insightful in understanding the warped philosophy and stunted emotions and Mensa IQ’s of the architects of the Great Rebellion against the laws of nature and Nature’s God. Marx could only dream of accomplishing a global planned humanity let alone a transitory global planned economy.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thank you for this.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Crazy Days and Nights is a little more succinct:

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2024

Blind Item #2

The payment billionaire finally got what he wanted. He has the possible #2 in his pocket who could very well be the A++ lister in the future. It is amazing what can occur in "meetings" back in the day that leave you vulnerable to being exploited.


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I hope some journalist is willing to ask him to explain how he is independent of these folks.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Fascinating and horrifying all at the same time. Ever grateful I have had a full life and will be gone when the sh.. hits the fan

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You and me both! I've said that around 100 times in the last year or so.

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How very short sighted of both of you. I intend to do everything about this BS as I can, and watch with amusement as the psychopaths burn in the flames they intend to throw us into.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

WikiLeaks supporters met Peter Thiel's Palintir in liberated Global Intelligence Files!


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a must read for all - a proud disclosure boasting of just some of the capabilities of the weaponized surveillance state we are all immersed in

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Who can one trust? Better yet… is trust really a thing? Or is it an illusion of propaganda?

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When you can listen to your own body intelligence you can know who to trust, what is good and what is not. Do you trust yourself? That fact that you say ‘is it an illusion of propaganda’ shows how good the propaganda has been and how successful the campaign. “ We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

World is small and coincidences happen but this story is just too much.

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Mithril...interesting choice, with specific meaning I'm sure...

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Jul 19Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Interesting story. Will have to keep it in mind and see how it all pans out in the future.

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