Jul 21Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The Google campus was originally called The Shire and Google's original motto was "don't be evil" Then, according to Jaron Lanier, who wrote 10 Reasons to Delete Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, the algorithms became a trade secret around 2014. Any grand narrative or epic can be distorted and twisted to serve power or other agendas (like all religions), and l do love Lord of the Rings, as do many, many people, so to cloak nefarious agendas in that symbolism makes sense, if they are indeed nefarious. LOTR is mythic, and we are in a mythic time according to Martin Shaw, a mythologist and Christian convert. (Girard was also Christian) and it may be that "the precious" has taken over the tech bros' minds, since, as Tolkien describes, it wields incredible power to corrupt. But Tolkien also created Tom Bombadil, the mysterious genius loci who laughs at the ring and on whom its power of making the wearer invisible doesn't work. It is thought that Tolkien was influenced by the horrors he saw during WWI, but I have wondered if he was, as creative people often do, accessing a kind of nonlocal nontemporal sense of a future, a huge wave of disturbance and atrocity tsunami-ing backwards from now.

Thank you for doing this research Naked Emperor, though what is afoot seems ambiguous.

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And they left Tom Bombadil out of the movies. Interesting

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Tolkien certainly had access to information about pre-flood civilisations. He also had views on what poor excuse of garbage is passing for “civilisation” under the filthy Hanoverian usurpation of demon worshipping communist freemason baby killers.

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What pre-flood information did he have?

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This was a very worthwhile essay, Nakedemperor. Personally, I have been unable to stomach reading Girard (maybe I am just lazy), though he may be practically correct regarding how most people function, psychologically. If Thiel is exploiting this--reverse engineering Girard, then I say shame on Thiel. I am not saying that applying H.L. Menchen's observation that, "No one in this world, so far as I know ... has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people" cannot make people a lot of money, it is just that it is far better to bring ourselves to higher places. Back to Girard, there is just too little meat there for me in Girard. It is my hope that we have a chance--for the time being--of seeing a second society develop parallel to whatever is happening, or is being guided or influenced to happen by the competing oligarchs. If we can, I hope that by invitatory education--as opposed to crude indoctrination, coersion and propagandization/advertizing--we can gradually elevate mankind to appreciate and pursue genuine intellectualism, rationality, self-agency and authentic creativity (contrary to the mere dissolution and self-gratification of the consumerist, passively-entertained porno-fornie culture). This is contrary to Veblenesque/Girardian copying and displays. The power that all of the oligarchs have is largely the result of our acquiesing, our resorting to malignant obedience, and the surrendering our wills to be who each of us can become and were meant to be. Unlike cheap forms of self expression (e.g., wasteful and expensive, self-mutilating tattoos; SM posting in skimpy underwear; spasmodic jerking to monotonous pseudomusic, etc.), we are capable of rich interior lives suited to each individual, engaged conversation, problem solving in our immediate environments (which will be good for our extended environments---just watch), childrearing, and civilizational upbuilding. We do this not by mimicry, but by saying first, what is correct as I can determine it, then with sincerity asking how this can work in coordination with the best intentions of others. This will, of its own accord, produce viable cultures upon which rational policy decisions--humbly and delicately chosen and tried--can be developed and with which these decisions can interact. I know, I am espousing an idealist aspiration. Sometimes it is useful for steering the ship to know the destination.

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Jul 21Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

You seem to forget that the average man, no matter how intelligent, remains emotionally a 12-year-old boy. My fellow high schoolers, a very long time ago, were equally obsessed with The Lord of the Rings--perhaps because a new paperback edition came out around that time.

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Yep, that’s what we’re dealing with: 12-year old boys.

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Jul 22Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thank you for these two essays.

We plebeians never get to see the backroom stories, and I frequently wonder about the WEF groomers who have brought us the likes of Newsom, Trudeau, and Ardern, among many (most) other politicians of our epoch.

Senator Vance at Yale Law, Bush alma mater and source of the Bonesmen, makes me curious about the continuity of the Republican/CIA axis. Your review of Peter Thiel clarifies much of this.

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Jul 22Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

A lot of this makes sense in explaining JD Vance’s meteoric rise and in making him and Thiel out to be the good guys. But isn’t the alternative hypothesis as credible? Isn’t it possible that they are both joined at the hip to the CIA deep state and have no intentions of interfering with the great reset? wasn’t Trump the one that ordered the VAXXXes warp speed? I doubt the founder of Palantir didn’t know about 911. Maybe there was another reason why PayPal was the first IPO out the gate after 911!

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You said it about PayPal, not me!

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Good guys???

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Certainly in their own minds if this hobbit hero BS is credible. More generally what motivates these guys? Don’t they have to think of themselves as good guys? Otherwise, how do you justify running all these genocides?

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Peter Thiel is a WEF and young global leader member. Trump was a regular attandee to WEF. Nothing to see here. The same globalist cabal in different disguise.

regarding JD Vance only thing I have to know about him that he is a big fan of viktor orban and I don't need to know or think more.

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Jul 21Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This kind of explains what happens to boys/men's brains that don't get developed..... GROUP THINK - RITE OF PASSAGE & MASKS - Jason Christoff (2min)


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Jul 21Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I feel as if I am on my way to hell in a hand-basket and it is being lowered very, very slowly.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This is well-written and a fun read.

Like you personally opined, I cannot bring myself to believe that Thiel still believes the official narrative of 9/11, but psychological momentum can be a hard thing to break. Strauss, like Machiavelli, wrote words which keep one in favor of existing power structures, and so his writing appears to be fear-based, rather than truth-based.

I like and agree with Murray Rothbard's negative take on Strauss. A short synopsis is that he was a wolf writing in lamb language (just like Machiavelli). A better explanation -- better than Strauss' -- of modern "civil society" atrocities comes from my piece [ https://deepd1ve.substack.com/p/in-spite-of-2-evil ], though perhaps Thiel isn't as enamored with Strauss anymore.

p.s. Your first part about Thiel/Vance is what it is that inspired me to write my piece.

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Jul 21Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Good thesis but it is way too early to speculate...

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it's better to speculate early before it's too late

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Jul 22Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

So Trump is now just a Trojan Horse to enable Vance and all he represents into the White House? The Democrats are being tossed aside by TPTB for this purpose. It never gets boring, does it.

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Miri is agreeing, and taking a few steps further in her predictions... https://miri.substack.com/p/what-event-triggered-world-war-i

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Just like when the traitor Nixon saved us from the LEFT in 1968/72 Actually somewhat boring!

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Jul 22Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Terrific piece of work! Thanks.

So many contingencies, so much time…there is a veritable eon between now and November. And once the election is over, if Empire deigns to allow Trump to legitimately win, what crazy things will they have in store before he is inaugurated? And if he is inaugurated, whew, that’s too far out to even speculate!

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Jul 22Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Why do you mis spell whitehouse?

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excellent point

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Are you talking to me? I am probably too stupid to know what you mean...

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If you were running for office and had a moon face of a teenager, you’d grow a beard too. Just sayin. I’m tempted to say that I think all this speculation should stay on the other side of the Pond for now. And truly, God is in control , not Gandalf.

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Only some of it was speculation

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I forget where I read that “JD Vance has a punchable face.”

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Only to a bully LOL

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when I look at JD Vance I see evil and I don’t know why because I want to like the guy.

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That’s your intuition speaking.

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Let us hope for him to have one of Tolkien's favorite plot points, eucatastrophe, rather than an Isildur moment.

I with a touch of confidence predict Trump will be a bigger man than Biden and step down for any upcoming health reasons, meaning a 'President Vance' is on the horizon.

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Oh good lord! really?

All these man-child tech oligarchs need a good slap from their mothers.

I have read, re-read and thoroughly enjoyed the works of Tolkein and the films were absolutely brilliant. However, they are not a roadmap to Utopia, they are works of fiction. I'd vote for Aragorn any day but he's a fictional character. And I would love to meet Tom Bombadil who was sadly absent from the films.

Personally, the references I make most in daily life are to the late great Douglas Adams. The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy is a more likely reflection on the dumbness of these technogarchs that LOTR.

And let's not forget that they all like Star Trek and seem to think The Federation is a Good Idea! (I adore James T Kirk but there is no way he would survive five minutes in the totalitarian fascist entity that is the Federation of Planets!).

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