Oh man I love hearing people talk about inflation! This is a great breakdown. I only have one thing to add, onto this section:
"It’s the same old story. Create inflation to make the rich richer by increasing the value of their assets, whilst reducing their debts. If it goes a bit wrong, blame it on the plebs and introduce austerity measures to return inflation to where you want it. And within a short period of time, the gap between rich and poor hugely widens causing social tension and unrest, especially when mass-immigration is used to reduce the wages of the least wealthy."
The super insidious thing is that when normal people can no longer afford to keep up on payments for their house/business, the 'elites' use newly printed cash to buy those assets up for pennies on the dollar -- widening the gap between "those who have ties to the literal money-makers" and those of us who don't.
So they win on the way up by getting the new money first and lending it to us at interest, they win when we try to 'beat' inflation by putting assets into the financial system, they win when they get bailouts after the system collapses, and they win when they use those bailouts to buy up the assets we can no longer afford.
The whole system stinks, and we can't fix it unless we first fix the money.
That's a textbook explanation. The real world: inflation comes from Government but also the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) to buy the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:
Jerome Powell has admitted that he wants to increase unemployment and lower wages to tackle inflation. Hundreds of thousands of people have been laid off from tech companies since he started raising interest rates. Plus companies have said that they are raising their prices just for the hell of it and they are also doing shrinking inflation. Raise their prices whilst reducing the amount of products in their packages.
Weird how it’s always the poor who suffer the most when the PTB fck with the economy. After market crashes they then buy up foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar. Obama bailed out the banks who then foreclosed on people that they had screwed and then they bought up homes for pennies on the dollar and kept them off the market to increase supply and demand. How anyone can look at the sellout Obama and think that he was a good president is just beyond comprehension.
Travel restriction is one of the hallmarks of totalitarianism. It's interesting to see it brought in so incrementally so that it didn't spook most folk too much.
Peak oil is bogus. Take Canada for instance which not only has reserves but has the second largest land mass and a population the size of Tokyo. Yet the politicians want drastic energy reductions by 2030, etc. It doesn't take much thought, how scarce can their resources as a nation possibly be? But thinking has been outsourced to bought and paid for "experts"
Given all sources of oil are in decline being second largest doesn't take much effort does it?
Educate yourself (or alternative just keep regurgitating the bs from cnnbbc that told you to think that oil is forever)
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
No it's all planned. The rationale given to the public is never the real reason. Read Club of Rome or the RIIA or the CFRs publications on the matter from decades ago. Energy reduction is just another means to population reduction the elite keep droning on about.
Do you understand the implications of population reduction?
Think of what happens to growth if population declines.
Think of what happens to the financial system if there is a cull.
Think of what happens to the global supply chains -- you know - the things that ensure the spare parts for the electrical grid -- autos - trucks - planes - oil refineries - chemicals -- medications -- food --- you know -- all that stuff you need to stay alive...
The whole thing collapses
I'd like to be able to summarize this is a tweet but it's a bit more complicated than saying 'we'd be f789ed'... how about this
Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: a study in global systemic collapse.
No if it was a psy op it would be made more accessible to public. You'd hear it shouted from the rooftops and by all the "Experts" throughout the media. But instead they keep their publications dry and over-priced to keep out the riff raff. Peak oil, like climate change, is a fraud to bring in austerity and population reduction.
"Ministers are clamouring for more and more immigration .."
The Elites have already sent all the jobs out of country that they can, back to the old labor cost cut move through worker replacement.
Sounds like the Elite English Patriots are just like the Elite American Patriots, more love of money than country. Maybe we should just move them out to where they sent our jobs?
Biden and the Dem controlled Congress passed insane amounts of new social spending.
Having so much money in circulation created inflation,
as any Econ 101 student knows....
“Too many dollars chasing too few goods” is a well known cause of inflation.
They increased the money supply by about 30% over an 18 month period, creating inflation and devaluing the dollar.
And the only way to slow it down is to slow the economy, which will probably end in recession.
I am old enough to remember the last time that inflation got out of control and how absolutely miserable it was (I was in high school, late 1970’s with Jimmuh in the WH and Biden in Congress ).
I thought that we as a society had decided to never let inflation like that ever happen again.
I guess Biden forgot.
Hey, maybe we can bring back the “Misery Index”......
The US is already in a recession, the economopundits just keep changing the definition to hide the facts. The roots started both with the enormous COVID relief packages fueling inflation, and then hit overdrive when fraud Biden announced his war on cheap energy. Boom! The US went from being energy self-sufficient in 2019 for the first time this century to dependent again, with pipelines and drilling leases cancelled and regulations hiked, forcing most smaller energy companies under. Gas price is still double what it was in 2019, which affects the price of EVERYTHING that is transported or grown on a mechanized farm. Add the hike in natgas prices driving ammonia fertilizer prices up, and here we are with 25-50% higher food prices .
The silver lining is that the price of new and used cars and houses are soon going down, down, because sales have been dropping for a while. Everything else, nope, because energy prices aren't going down as long as the climate cultists are in charge.
Partially wrong. Part of the huge inflation and finflation (inflation of financial assets) is caused by masons counterfeiting currencies.
Wake up!
there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the mason Georgia guidestones:
- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)
- 9-11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)...
- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:
PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.
Notice how the trolls and imbeciles emerge (they've been programmed to insist thorium is replacing oil and other nonsense from bbccnn) the moment someone presents logic that indicates depletion of affordable energy is in play with Covid.
This is what the PR Team does NOT want anyone to know. They want the mob to believe we are transitioning to renewables - EVs - thorium - or whatever.... they spent billions trying to convince the mob of this
Anyone countering that narrative needs to be trolled
We have depleted the easy to extract resources -- e.g. with oil we now frack - drill deep under the oceans and steam oil out of sand.
Oil is the master resource - when it takes more energy to extract what is left that filters through the entire economy -- transportation costs +++... oil and gas is used as the feedstock for fertilizers and pesticides so food costs +++ ..... this drives inflation across the board.
Expensive energy kills growth. Over the past two decades the Central Banks offset the head winds with stimulus - including record low interest rates - that puts more money in everyone's pocket.
What cannot continue will stop. As it was in 2019
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://archive.ph/UUfl2
SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECTSTORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. Butt he critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf
“I’m sitting here staring in the face at the biggest and probably the broadest asset bubble — forget that I’ve ever seen, but that I’ve ever studied,” Stanley Druckenmiller said at the May 2023 Sohn Investment Conference.
Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts)
In a meeting of the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, director-general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus sounded an alarm that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over.
“The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains,” Tedros said. “And the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.”
NE - Ambitious Goals By 2030 - "Three new clothing items per year, no personal transportation or meat". Amongst many others, 1243 C40 WEF ESG City Mayors are in on it. Your already f-ed in the A, you just don't know it yet. Sadly, we're going to look back and call these the good old days.
The White House's New Excuse for Biden's Economic Failures Is Something Else
In January 2021, the Consumer Price index pegged the annual growth of inflation at 1.4 percent. In May 2023, the annual rate of inflation was 4.0 percent. That is, "after four years of Donald Trump," inflation was below the Federal Reserve's target of two percent inflation. ***Under Biden, inflation spiked to 8.9 percent before falling to its current rate of 4.0 percent — twice the Fed's goal.***
The Elites want you dead: Honest Joe Biden whose only concern is the well being of all of us: The American case will serve to raise awareness of how much skulduggery has been deployed by governments against their own people.
Few people realise that the ‘vaccines’ were developed and coordinated by the military, through pseudo-legal mechanisms that enabled them to evade normal regularity processes designed to protect populations from potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products, to which private commercial companies are subject.
The US case is a civil lawsuit for damages against the Department of Defense (DoD), which is the de facto developer and distributor of Covid vaccines, and names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III as defendant. This case is important because for the first time it targets the Department of Defense at the top of the pyramid of malfeasance.
Please see Sasha Latypova’s testimony and her discussion with bioweapons expert Dr Meryl Nass -
Which begs the question, what is the DOD going to get out of the Gene Drivers they have injected into everyone who volunteered and has had the experimental, laboratory made, synthetic mRNA vaccines, where the vaccine makers have blanket immunity from prosecution and the vaccines were paid for and ordered by the DOD after 2016, by which time Moderna had their vaccine ready to go.
#ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 (Patented 2013) because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
Uğur Şahin who created Biontech, got the CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG formula from Moderna's patent and using a computer came up with the Biontech formula which they sold on to Pfizer and Pfizer paid US$3,5 million to the CDC to approve Pfizers mRNA vaccines before and ahead of Moderna's vaccines.
Bill Gates funds the CDC and he bought US$50 million of Pfizer's shares 8 weeks before the CDC approved the Pfizer vaccines for injection and distribution, which Bill recently sold for about US$450 million - if that is not "insider trading", I don't know what is.
The Chinese are taking normal people and manipulating their DNA and making them into Super Soldiers - do you think the DOD is going to do the same thing to those normal people who the vaccines don't injure, then kill, or kill first - those people are suitable for Super Soldier modifications obviously, while those who die from vaccines are not required in any manual capacity as everything is automatic and computer driven, so win/win - kill off the overburden of human rubbish, landfill, animals which "we" are regarded as being by King Charles III, Bill Gates, Faucet and others
Let's see: Human population world wide 2023: 8 billion. By June now 7 billion, by Christmas probably 6 billion, you do the math after that.
Read the rest of this post on my substack starting off with: Honest Joe Biden whose only concern is the well being of all of us
Coal production is rapidly accelerating. So much for your theory. If they really cared about energy inflation they would be going full bore on Nuclear Power. They aren't so they don't.
Energy Future Unveiled! THORIUM Molten Salt Reactors, An Easy way to massively increase our Energy supply:
Coal is in deep depletion as well - the reason for mining more coal is because what's left is brown coal - low energy stuff... to get the same energy you need to dig up more.
Same goes with all resources. Copper concentrations have collapsed so the response is you just dig up more ground to make up for it.
Do I need to explain why digging up more ore to get the same amount of copper leads to inflation? Surely you can work that out?
Brown coal still has an EROI of ~50:1 so it don't matter that you have to dig more.
It don't matter how much ground is dug up if the time price is stable or even falling as it has. If copper gets too expensive you would see it first in wind/solar/batteries which easily require 200X or more per unit energy. So why is wind, solar & batteries expanding rapidly? If copper & materials in general became in short supply wind & solar would die LONG, LONG before any other energy source. Why ain't they dead yet? Why the incessant hype about moving to 100% renewables by the IEA & Bankers & EU leaders & Biden among many others?
I agree Peak Oil is quite likely. But Oil is not that critical now. We can replace Oil with gas, coal & nuclear quite readily as we have been the past 40yrs.
Don't be ridiculous. The USA has been pushing the replacement of Coal for electricity with Shale Gas aggressively. Pretty much banning new Coal power plants. While China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Pakistan, India all the big expanding economies of the Developing World are pushing new coal power big time, i.e.:
"...Reuters reported late Wednesday that the government of China is doubling down on coal usage, accelerating the approval of new coal mines and fast tracking the construction of mines that have already been permitted for construction. .."
"...Global coal consumption levels reached an all-time high in 2022, led by India and China. On the supply side, increased exports by countries such as South Africa and Colombia—whose combined share in total European imports has been 35% since August 2022—have partially offset the reduction of Russian exports to Europe..."
As you see Coal is on the upswing 2021 which will increase much more in 2022. With LNG prices too high for Developing Nations to afford they are switching to coal. And everyone knows China (& presumably other nations) is hiding a lot of its coal consumption.
And I already showed you that coal production in 2022 is the highest ever, exceeding 2014. And there are always articles claiming overreporting of Coal reserves & Oil & Gas and everything else, been doing that for 50yrs or more.
Net energy is not a significant factor in coal or gas production. It is only a serious factor in wind, solar & batteries. Focus on the real problems not made up ones.
Oh man I love hearing people talk about inflation! This is a great breakdown. I only have one thing to add, onto this section:
"It’s the same old story. Create inflation to make the rich richer by increasing the value of their assets, whilst reducing their debts. If it goes a bit wrong, blame it on the plebs and introduce austerity measures to return inflation to where you want it. And within a short period of time, the gap between rich and poor hugely widens causing social tension and unrest, especially when mass-immigration is used to reduce the wages of the least wealthy."
The super insidious thing is that when normal people can no longer afford to keep up on payments for their house/business, the 'elites' use newly printed cash to buy those assets up for pennies on the dollar -- widening the gap between "those who have ties to the literal money-makers" and those of us who don't.
So they win on the way up by getting the new money first and lending it to us at interest, they win when we try to 'beat' inflation by putting assets into the financial system, they win when they get bailouts after the system collapses, and they win when they use those bailouts to buy up the assets we can no longer afford.
The whole system stinks, and we can't fix it unless we first fix the money.
There needs to be greater social awareness of the "Cantillon effect"
That's a textbook explanation. The real world: inflation comes from Government but also the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) to buy the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:
ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:
Jerome Powell has admitted that he wants to increase unemployment and lower wages to tackle inflation. Hundreds of thousands of people have been laid off from tech companies since he started raising interest rates. Plus companies have said that they are raising their prices just for the hell of it and they are also doing shrinking inflation. Raise their prices whilst reducing the amount of products in their packages.
Weird how it’s always the poor who suffer the most when the PTB fck with the economy. After market crashes they then buy up foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar. Obama bailed out the banks who then foreclosed on people that they had screwed and then they bought up homes for pennies on the dollar and kept them off the market to increase supply and demand. How anyone can look at the sellout Obama and think that he was a good president is just beyond comprehension.
Spot on, as usual.
Setting up the fiat crash to also introduce CBDC.
Yes, but the poor keep voting for this crap. The rich can’t do this without the government implementing the policies.
Travel restriction is one of the hallmarks of totalitarianism. It's interesting to see it brought in so incrementally so that it didn't spook most folk too much.
Exactly. Like everything, it all happens in little steps, very little resistance so it moves forward unhindered slowly towards the goal.
It’s soft totalitarianism. You’re supposed to believe it’s for your own good, or the common good.
Yep. The collective. To all become one. It overlaps with New Agism. They're bringing in a new age alright.
Travel restrictions conserve energy... they make sense when we are into deep depletion
Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/
Peak oil is bogus. Take Canada for instance which not only has reserves but has the second largest land mass and a population the size of Tokyo. Yet the politicians want drastic energy reductions by 2030, etc. It doesn't take much thought, how scarce can their resources as a nation possibly be? But thinking has been outsourced to bought and paid for "experts"
Given all sources of oil are in decline being second largest doesn't take much effort does it?
Educate yourself (or alternative just keep regurgitating the bs from cnnbbc that told you to think that oil is forever)
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Oil Discoveries are at record lows https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/icbkDFACM4iA/v2/800x-1.png
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://archive.ph/tjl6J
Our energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2022/07/28/the-worlds-self-organizing-economy-can-be-expected-to-act-strangely-as-energy-supplies-deplete/
No it's all planned. The rationale given to the public is never the real reason. Read Club of Rome or the RIIA or the CFRs publications on the matter from decades ago. Energy reduction is just another means to population reduction the elite keep droning on about.
Or maybe Club of Rome was another psyop...
Do you understand the implications of population reduction?
Think of what happens to growth if population declines.
Think of what happens to the financial system if there is a cull.
Think of what happens to the global supply chains -- you know - the things that ensure the spare parts for the electrical grid -- autos - trucks - planes - oil refineries - chemicals -- medications -- food --- you know -- all that stuff you need to stay alive...
The whole thing collapses
I'd like to be able to summarize this is a tweet but it's a bit more complicated than saying 'we'd be f789ed'... how about this
Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: a study in global systemic collapse.
David Korowicz
No if it was a psy op it would be made more accessible to public. You'd hear it shouted from the rooftops and by all the "Experts" throughout the media. But instead they keep their publications dry and over-priced to keep out the riff raff. Peak oil, like climate change, is a fraud to bring in austerity and population reduction.
"Ministers are clamouring for more and more immigration .."
The Elites have already sent all the jobs out of country that they can, back to the old labor cost cut move through worker replacement.
Sounds like the Elite English Patriots are just like the Elite American Patriots, more love of money than country. Maybe we should just move them out to where they sent our jobs?
In the US, it wasn’t just pandemic spending.
Biden and the Dem controlled Congress passed insane amounts of new social spending.
Having so much money in circulation created inflation,
as any Econ 101 student knows....
“Too many dollars chasing too few goods” is a well known cause of inflation.
They increased the money supply by about 30% over an 18 month period, creating inflation and devaluing the dollar.
And the only way to slow it down is to slow the economy, which will probably end in recession.
I am old enough to remember the last time that inflation got out of control and how absolutely miserable it was (I was in high school, late 1970’s with Jimmuh in the WH and Biden in Congress ).
I thought that we as a society had decided to never let inflation like that ever happen again.
I guess Biden forgot.
Hey, maybe we can bring back the “Misery Index”......
The US is already in a recession, the economopundits just keep changing the definition to hide the facts. The roots started both with the enormous COVID relief packages fueling inflation, and then hit overdrive when fraud Biden announced his war on cheap energy. Boom! The US went from being energy self-sufficient in 2019 for the first time this century to dependent again, with pipelines and drilling leases cancelled and regulations hiked, forcing most smaller energy companies under. Gas price is still double what it was in 2019, which affects the price of EVERYTHING that is transported or grown on a mechanized farm. Add the hike in natgas prices driving ammonia fertilizer prices up, and here we are with 25-50% higher food prices .
The silver lining is that the price of new and used cars and houses are soon going down, down, because sales have been dropping for a while. Everything else, nope, because energy prices aren't going down as long as the climate cultists are in charge.
Partially wrong. Part of the huge inflation and finflation (inflation of financial assets) is caused by masons counterfeiting currencies.
Wake up!
there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the mason Georgia guidestones:
- Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)
- 9-11: 2 "planes", yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)...
- J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
It's such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:
- At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:
- COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:
- Wake up videos:
- It's genocide for depopulation:
- It’s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:
ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:
Now, are you really ready for this?:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.
Notice how the trolls and imbeciles emerge (they've been programmed to insist thorium is replacing oil and other nonsense from bbccnn) the moment someone presents logic that indicates depletion of affordable energy is in play with Covid.
This is what the PR Team does NOT want anyone to know. They want the mob to believe we are transitioning to renewables - EVs - thorium - or whatever.... they spent billions trying to convince the mob of this
Anyone countering that narrative needs to be trolled
Let me correct this.
We have depleted the easy to extract resources -- e.g. with oil we now frack - drill deep under the oceans and steam oil out of sand.
Oil is the master resource - when it takes more energy to extract what is left that filters through the entire economy -- transportation costs +++... oil and gas is used as the feedstock for fertilizers and pesticides so food costs +++ ..... this drives inflation across the board.
Expensive energy kills growth. Over the past two decades the Central Banks offset the head winds with stimulus - including record low interest rates - that puts more money in everyone's pocket.
What cannot continue will stop. As it was in 2019
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://archive.ph/UUfl2
Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/
The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html
The response to this was Covid - that was cover for the mother of all stimulus....
And that kept the global economy alive for the past 3 years.
But again - what cannot continue - will stop.
Now we have the blowback -- relentless inflation.
Usually inflation can be stopped by making money more expensive -- ie. increase interest rates.
But this is not usually - this time is different. The inflation is unstoppable.
They can no longer throw cheap money at this or we will get hyperinflation.
So they keep bumping rates up -- telling us this will surely be the last time. It won't.
The UK increased rates half a percent when they saw this horrifying situation https://wolfstreet.com/2023/06/21/inflation-shocker-in-the-uk-core-cpi-spikes-to-30-year-high-driven-by-spike-in-services-even-as-motor-fuel-prices-plunge/
The US was supposed to stop - but they are now saying 2 more rate rises in the coming months.
Cuz inflation is NOT abating. It will not abate.
This has nothing to do with impoverishing people... and enriching the rich. The rich are going to get hammered too - see Commercial Real Estate is starting to blow up - the poor do not own office towers and malls https://wolfstreet.com/2023/06/19/why-a-pause-points-to-higher-for-much-longer-cre-blowups-banks-cre-the-housing-market-whats-the-deal-with-inflation-and-of-course-new-used-cars/
It is about trying to delay the collapse of civilization. Delay - not stop.
There is no stopping this.
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/
SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECTSTORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. Butt he critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf
Excerpt from https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220
Connect the dots:
“I’m sitting here staring in the face at the biggest and probably the broadest asset bubble — forget that I’ve ever seen, but that I’ve ever studied,” Stanley Druckenmiller said at the May 2023 Sohn Investment Conference.
Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts)
In a meeting of the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, director-general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus sounded an alarm that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over.
“The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains,” Tedros said. “And the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.”
NE - Ambitious Goals By 2030 - "Three new clothing items per year, no personal transportation or meat". Amongst many others, 1243 C40 WEF ESG City Mayors are in on it. Your already f-ed in the A, you just don't know it yet. Sadly, we're going to look back and call these the good old days.
High inflation is similar to war. You send the poor/young to die and protect the wealth of the ruling aristocracy.
The White House's New Excuse for Biden's Economic Failures Is Something Else
In January 2021, the Consumer Price index pegged the annual growth of inflation at 1.4 percent. In May 2023, the annual rate of inflation was 4.0 percent. That is, "after four years of Donald Trump," inflation was below the Federal Reserve's target of two percent inflation. ***Under Biden, inflation spiked to 8.9 percent before falling to its current rate of 4.0 percent — twice the Fed's goal.***
The Elites want you dead: Honest Joe Biden whose only concern is the well being of all of us: The American case will serve to raise awareness of how much skulduggery has been deployed by governments against their own people.
Few people realise that the ‘vaccines’ were developed and coordinated by the military, through pseudo-legal mechanisms that enabled them to evade normal regularity processes designed to protect populations from potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products, to which private commercial companies are subject.
The US case is a civil lawsuit for damages against the Department of Defense (DoD), which is the de facto developer and distributor of Covid vaccines, and names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III as defendant. This case is important because for the first time it targets the Department of Defense at the top of the pyramid of malfeasance.
Please see Sasha Latypova’s testimony and her discussion with bioweapons expert Dr Meryl Nass -
Which begs the question, what is the DOD going to get out of the Gene Drivers they have injected into everyone who volunteered and has had the experimental, laboratory made, synthetic mRNA vaccines, where the vaccine makers have blanket immunity from prosecution and the vaccines were paid for and ordered by the DOD after 2016, by which time Moderna had their vaccine ready to go.
#ModernaGate: Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 (Patented 2013) because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG
Uğur Şahin who created Biontech, got the CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG formula from Moderna's patent and using a computer came up with the Biontech formula which they sold on to Pfizer and Pfizer paid US$3,5 million to the CDC to approve Pfizers mRNA vaccines before and ahead of Moderna's vaccines.
Bill Gates funds the CDC and he bought US$50 million of Pfizer's shares 8 weeks before the CDC approved the Pfizer vaccines for injection and distribution, which Bill recently sold for about US$450 million - if that is not "insider trading", I don't know what is.
The Chinese are taking normal people and manipulating their DNA and making them into Super Soldiers - do you think the DOD is going to do the same thing to those normal people who the vaccines don't injure, then kill, or kill first - those people are suitable for Super Soldier modifications obviously, while those who die from vaccines are not required in any manual capacity as everything is automatic and computer driven, so win/win - kill off the overburden of human rubbish, landfill, animals which "we" are regarded as being by King Charles III, Bill Gates, Faucet and others
Let's see: Human population world wide 2023: 8 billion. By June now 7 billion, by Christmas probably 6 billion, you do the math after that.
Read the rest of this post on my substack starting off with: Honest Joe Biden whose only concern is the well being of all of us
Coal production is rapidly accelerating. So much for your theory. If they really cared about energy inflation they would be going full bore on Nuclear Power. They aren't so they don't.
Energy Future Unveiled! THORIUM Molten Salt Reactors, An Easy way to massively increase our Energy supply:
Coal is in deep depletion as well - the reason for mining more coal is because what's left is brown coal - low energy stuff... to get the same energy you need to dig up more.
Same goes with all resources. Copper concentrations have collapsed so the response is you just dig up more ground to make up for it.
Do I need to explain why digging up more ore to get the same amount of copper leads to inflation? Surely you can work that out?
Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/
Brown coal still has an EROI of ~50:1 so it don't matter that you have to dig more.
It don't matter how much ground is dug up if the time price is stable or even falling as it has. If copper gets too expensive you would see it first in wind/solar/batteries which easily require 200X or more per unit energy. So why is wind, solar & batteries expanding rapidly? If copper & materials in general became in short supply wind & solar would die LONG, LONG before any other energy source. Why ain't they dead yet? Why the incessant hype about moving to 100% renewables by the IEA & Bankers & EU leaders & Biden among many others?
I agree Peak Oil is quite likely. But Oil is not that critical now. We can replace Oil with gas, coal & nuclear quite readily as we have been the past 40yrs.
I see math is not your strong suit
Thorium? I thought flammable ice was the new 'thing' hahahaha
Don't be ridiculous. The USA has been pushing the replacement of Coal for electricity with Shale Gas aggressively. Pretty much banning new Coal power plants. While China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Pakistan, India all the big expanding economies of the Developing World are pushing new coal power big time, i.e.:
"...Reuters reported late Wednesday that the government of China is doubling down on coal usage, accelerating the approval of new coal mines and fast tracking the construction of mines that have already been permitted for construction. .."
"...Global coal consumption levels reached an all-time high in 2022, led by India and China. On the supply side, increased exports by countries such as South Africa and Colombia—whose combined share in total European imports has been 35% since August 2022—have partially offset the reduction of Russian exports to Europe..."
As you see Coal is on the upswing 2021 which will increase much more in 2022. With LNG prices too high for Developing Nations to afford they are switching to coal. And everyone knows China (& presumably other nations) is hiding a lot of its coal consumption.
And I already showed you that coal production in 2022 is the highest ever, exceeding 2014. And there are always articles claiming overreporting of Coal reserves & Oil & Gas and everything else, been doing that for 50yrs or more.
Net energy is not a significant factor in coal or gas production. It is only a serious factor in wind, solar & batteries. Focus on the real problems not made up ones.