"... the control group methodology was not followed due to ethical concerns about denying people the benefits of vaccination."

Oh please.

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Exactly. What a joke

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NE & Oracle - "the control group methodology was not followed due to ethical concerns about denying people the benefits of vaccination." Oh please.

Oh behave, tongue in cheek... Absolutely true. One may avoid paying taxes, but you can't deny people the benefits of disease & death. Besides, any C19 control group would leave the perpetrators completely unmasked.

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"We destroy the mechanism that could shed light on the question of whether our product is actually net beneficial, because it would be unethical to withold the unproven benefit of our product from those people - so making sure the question can never be actually answered is the only ethical way!"

Yeah. That sounds logical. After a month of sleep deprival, I suppose.

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We just injected 6-7 billion people multiple times with an experimental treatment based on 2 months data where the raw data was withheld for a disease with an IFR of 0.3% ...

We did that to people who didn't need it. Children under 12 with an IFR that is statistically zero risk (0.002%) and those with natural immunity were told to get the shots.

Everybody must take the holy sacramental injections. EVERYBODY. What a cult.

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I’ve seen that phrase used a few times in the last few days and I had much the same response, but couldn’t quite articulate it. You just did it for me!👏🤣

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Aug 19, 2023
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The War on Alternative Medicine has been going on since the 1770's. Dr. Benjamin Rush was America's first Surgeon General and the only doctor to sign The American Declaration of Independence. He is responsible for the inclusion of Freedom of Religion in The American Constitution. He argued vociferously for the inclusion of Freedom of Medicine, but was denied - https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Benjamin_Rush

Rush believed that Americans should cherish the right to Medical Freedom in their Constitution, much as the right to Freedom of Religion is expressly guaranteed in that document. Rush is reported to have argued that "Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship…to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of Medical Science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a Republic…. The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom."

The AMA was founded in 1839 and immediately started to vilify and ostracize homeopathic doctors in its ranks. - Info. taken from "Death by Diet" by Robert R. Barefoot and above webpage.

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Aug 19, 2023
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Yes, I agree. Dr. Rush is a kindred spirit. He is one of us. God Bless Him !

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We both were so pleased to be included in the control group, a necessity when developing proof of an epidemiological fact. The definitive treatises on the plandemic are about to be written. That scares the wits out of Trudeau , macron,obiden and their evil murderous minions.Unjabbed, unpoked, unliberal, and Unfazed.

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NE, I disagree that not publishing in a journal is a red flag. The real red flag is that there isn't a journal in the world that will publish findings that counter the "safe and effective" narrative. They have all be hijacked by Big Pharma. I'm really glad this study was done, but I could have told you all of this even without it. At least now there is real proof--should anyone actually care to see it.

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Fair point but I'm sure one of the more obscure non-peer-reviewed journals could publish it. Also I'm hoping when he says book-format, he doesn't mean he will be selling a book.

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I would go so far as to consider all these "scientific" journals that have published nonsens and censored other POVs - being unscientific and such no option for publishing scientific research to start with. In times, when access to the papers is given via internet, there is no reason to publish in the big journals available in all the libraries. Why not choosing a journal published in one of the countries out of reach of pharma censoring?

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People are burned out by the last few years of info bombardment, but let’s hope it gets to enough people to make some difference in bringing people together. Individuals working it out for themselves, coming together from all walks of life, and making sure it doesn’t happen again. The lunatics will need a new asylum as we want our one back!😀

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Yes! I pray enough people have awakened so that the majority will not fall for another round of lies and the fear mongering. I was stunned by the number of people who bought into it all. And even more stunned when the entire world fell into lockstep. That's when I knew something seriously sinister was going on.

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The neighbours were told. They just chose not to listen until shot # 3 was deemed "mandatory" and you had to "keep up with your shots to be fully vaccinated", after which they realized that the "heretics" were right - you cannot comply your way out of tyranny.

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There's an (initially UK-based) control group here:


Set up in the early days as an initiative of (I believe) Dr Mike Yeadon. Now has thousands of members around the world, submitting monthly health reports.

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My wife and I have also been members of the VCG since 2021.

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I'm a proud and long time member. Now waiting to be transferred to the new website to order the cards!

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The ethical concerns about the control group not getting the bioweapons, whoops, I mean vaccines, made me laugh. The PTB tried to eliminate the control group, because they already knew what keeping the control group around was going to reveal. " Hey, would you like to participate in a nanotech biological experiment on humanity"? " Eh, no thanks".

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You've avoided being part of the biggest biological experiment in human history because you were in the placebo group. This is unethical.

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He can easily publish this in a journal, he just has to state the official narrative, "Vaccines are recommended in the fight against Covid" ... then go on to present data that proves the opposite.

Like many studies we have seen on the jabs. First, pay homage to the rulers and then present evidence to the contrary.

It is a bizarro world.

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Exactly. "Whilst Covid vaccines are definitely safe and effective and have saved millions of lives...we show the opposite but are hoping the editors haven't read down this far".

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Analysis of arguably one of the world's best vaccination health datasets by a Dr. Aaby concluded the following:

Live attenuated vaccines result in more benefit than harm but deattenuate over time causing outbreaks of the disease they are intended to prevent, while fragment type vaccines result in more harms than benefits.

So is it possible that the vaccination concept may actually be a non-starter?


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I have many friends who are not vaccinated as I myself am not. We all ended up getting coved but had no severe consequences none were hospitalised and none had to go to a doctor.. All my vaccinated friends also got covid. Amongst them were a couple of unexplained deaths, myocarditis, long covid and three hospitalisations that I know of. Some of my group of friends only knew they had covid due to mandatory testing during the lockdowns in Australia.

I personally have lost faith in the scientific medical establishment and since the results I have observed with my own eyes differ from their results I don’t find it of benefit nor would I base an opinion on it. There is so much propaganda and lies out there./

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"the control group methodology was not followed due to ethical concerns about denying people the benefits of vaccination"

This is called _assuming what you are trying to prove_

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This was the biggest red flag that either there was something to hide or the brainwashing ran deep. Or both.

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The drug corporation studies knew their drugs were toxic and eliminated the control group to hide the effects. In fact, for years, drug corporations use other vaccines for control groups which absolutely buries adverse effects as both groups show them. This has always been a scientific fraud.

But it is true this kind of data would not be accepted in standard journals which are all industry controlled.

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And who has allowed all of this nonsense ?????? Congress, Parliament, Scientific Community ....

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I think there are 2 treads of culpability and they weave into each other. One is the Pharma industry with its massive power and control of the govt agencies designed for oversight of the industry . The second is the conglomerate of oligarchs, financial interests and government that coalesces into somewhat anonymous groups like the WEF or the WHO that do plan in secret and without public input how they want the world to be divided and run all for their benefit. The covid debacle demonstrates how the use of a health fear was used to gain control over the public with forced compliance. For example in agriculture, growers traditionally built their own seed collectors and often shared them in their community of growers. Monsanto gaining control over the FDA created the argument these were unsanitary and needed to be banned which the FDA did. All this was done as part of Monsanto's goal of gaining total control over our seed supply which meant controlling our food supply and this is totalitarian. Today we have GMOs with their toxic chemical sprays taking over almost all of our mono crops such as corn and soy and canola. Of course many of our vegetables are now GMO and heavily sprayed . The international organizations such as Codex Alimentarius support this while simultaneously working to ban anything organic, and natural. Most people know nothing about this UN created agency back in the 1960's with the goal of controlling the world thru food altho they word their goal in more subtle ways.

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The Battle we are in is Cosmic. It is being fought primarily at the Quntuum Level with obvious outward manifestations. We are dealing with another "Whore of Babylon" - https://ca.thegospelcoalition.org/columns/ad-fontes/who-is-the-whore-of-babylon-and-why-does-it-matter/

Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, the Flood of Noah's Time, the asteroid Apophis could hit off the coast of California on April 13, 2029 (# 444 for day / month / year)


Now I am going out for coffee and croissant. Best Wishes !

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We do think in different paradigms but am familiar with yours.

Peace to you, too.

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All of the above is obviously a push for control. What you have left out is that Congress has allowed laws to be passed, such as the 1986 Prep Act, which disallow the suing of corporations for liability issues related to injury. There are many other such "laws" which go contrary to the Public interest. The "revolving" door from corporate to govt positions is clearly a conflict of interest. The whole "System" is riddled with corruption. Having said that, the neighbours and family also stink. They were largely compliant until shot # 3. They were cheering on "death to the unvaccinated". We are in what Walter Strauss calls a Fourth Turning - a crisis which arises from an 80 year old paradigm which has now passed its useful application. The rot has set in. We need renewal and a reset of traditional values without racism. What has essentially happened is that the big corporations have taken over govt. The "institutions" and "personnel" who were suppose to "protect us" are largely a joke. The public / family need to stand up for themselves and organize / demand accountability.

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We are on the same page. That was such a free give-away to the corporations in the PREP ACT. When has any other industry been legally given a held harmless status with product that is mandated, especially for young children. The reset we need is a complete undoing of an economic system that supports the growing control of all government institutions. The problem with education is not that it is done badly but that it is doing exactly what it is supposed to doing. Training people to fit into the economic structures we have but giving access better to some than to others who are actually denied meaningful learning. And of course in this system the vast majority of people are not taught to think independently but to adhere to authorities and follow the rules in goose step. Some profit from this while most don't. Racism, like sexism and classism, which most people never even think about, were developed to promote the economic system which can then reward a single demographic while keeping others in a place of being 'less than.'

As a student of sociology and politics for many years it is clear to me that to make the change you suggest requires another type of economic system. Capitalsm was always known to be a system that would do exactly what we see it doing. When it began to develop it was noted that without very strong controls it would absolutely work against democractic principles. Perhaps you are familiar with Thomas Pikity (sp?) who is an economist. He did a study on Capitalism with the goal of showing how well it worked, etc. His conclusion shocked him as he discovered the opposite truth. People, at least in the US are petrified to question this system and instead just work on what I call bandaid issues. And this is true for both Right and Left politically. Racism, for example, cannot be significantly changed unless people come to grips with the economic importance of maintaining this even tho it destroys people's lives but serves to keep people divided. Divide and Conquer is always best for the ruling elite.

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I agree with most of what you have said, but I will disagree on a few key point. Marxism / Communism is not the answer. The Critical Race Theory Ideology is Marxism in the guise of "social justice". Christopher Rufo and Professor James Lindsey unpack this. What we have is not "Capitalism". It is not "free markets" because "laws" are "passed" and large sums of money are dolled out to large corporations by Congress. We have a collapse of institutional accountability and appropriate regulatory oversight to protect the Public. We also have unacceptable instances of racism by police officers who should be better trained and selected.

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'No LIABILITY' tells you all you need to know about the SAFE & EFFECTIVE Covid injections called 'vaccines'!

I'm a member of the Vax Control Group (International) and we submit our experiences, health issues and knowledge on a monthly basis. This is valuable information that will be used to demonstrate the underlying reasons covid was 'modified' for use upon humanity and the real purpose of the 'DEPOPULATING injections they call "VACCINES"!

MickFromHooe (UK) unjabbed to live longer!

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Excellent piece and very timely given the new push by the W.H.O and Co, to gain the same amount of control over Traditional Medicine systems as the current allopathic one. Respectfully, can I please ask that you use your influence to draw attention to the following, as a matter of urgency. They are making a final grab for the "One World Health" prison, by going after Traditional Medicines, which they Interestingly set the stage in 2019. 🤔🤔😐But now they are working on their 2024-2034 plan. Go to https://www.who.int/news/item/10-08-2023-who-convenes-first-high-level-global-summit-on-traditional-medicine-to-explore-evidence-base--opportunities-to-accelerate-health-for-all They specifically want to control access, using climate change and sustainability framework, to collar the access to traditional plants, practitioners modalities, and regulatory self-capture these alternative medical systems. In the exact same way that they did the allopathic medical system and education, as they did agricultural industries, as they did environmental industries, and as they did during covid. Same playbook, and it works because the people are systematically primed. They are meeting this year to plan out the 2024-34 plan, which includes the "One Health" platform and digital ID. If they control the traditional medicines, and practitioners, then if you are not in the system, you will not have access to medicine. Full stop. Please share this, it is even more important than the IHR changes and the "pandemic treaty" power grab that WHO has done.🙏🙏🙏

Gaining final control of the traditional medicines, especially when combined with the SDG goals that focus on the natural world as legal entities and "protecting" the natural resources from humanity, means that ALL medicines, even the ones that cannot be patented (unless nature "becomes" an entity, in which case it could), will be subject to restrictions, accessibility, regulatory capture and profiteering.🤐 #desperatetimes #sayno2who

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Nature (incl humans) is being replaced by GMOs of every useful species. The Internet of Things is designed to include all living things in the planned Internet of Bodies.

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Thanks....added this in


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You can always refer to the US control group study as well.

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I'm part of a control group that is based in UK although I don't live there. Would be great to hear some updates as they too have amassed a huge amount of data based on monthly reports over 2 years.

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I’ve been doing that study too, every month

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Same here must admit have been a bit slack responding to their health surveys. Will have to remedy that. Will look into that one and see what they have come up with I’m sure they have found similar things

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Im part of that group too (but in the States), Carol Ann.

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What is the US control group study to which you refer?

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Great information I’ve come to expect from TNE. The pharma monsters will never give up. Why do you think they need to abuse poor ignorant Africans? To avoid detection and liability. That’s true racism and evil. Who in their right mind would participate in a drug trial for any amount of compensation ?

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Covid fear mongering tapped into the feeling of loneliness, of having what people themselves described as meaningless jobs, the anxiety and stress of these experiences, and provided a goal, a virus to be got rid of, and a path out of it, a return to normality. It brought masses of people together. But it was all built on lies. That came, and are coming to light. Those that identified with the narrative, that desperately needed a purpose, will be slow to disassociate from their position. Hopefully enough will do the same thing is never allowed to happen again. Non conformity is our best tool in the future.

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Non conformity is independent thought. Independent thought and courage have always been our best defence - Galileo, Tyndale, Socrates ...

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