CO2 is to global warming what face masks are to covid.

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All I can say having watched a few days ago is superb!

It’s been passed to my ESG obsessed colleagues for a starter.

If anyone doubts we’ve been monumentally lied to after this, they are beyond help.

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All of human history seems driven by the fads of people with enough money and power to indulge them and force them on the rest of us.

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It ain't a fad. It is an integral part of a devious and malicious plan to force World Tyranny upon all of us. As well as a Malthusian view of humanity, which the ultra-rich have often embraced, because it both increases & justifies their extreme concentration of wealth & power.

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All of human history is the same.

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That is true, but nothing of this scale has ever happened, not even close. They can put essentially every person on Earth in a digital prison, monitored 24/7 and massacred at their leisure with their bioweapons. No one is safe, nowhere to go, no hiding place. This is a Dystopian future to the nth power. Fools are just walking all of us into a trap, of which their may be no way out.

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"The sky is falling!" is all of human history too.

All catastrophic times are permanent horror to the people trapped in those moments. But nothing lasts forever.

But really, a taste for apocalypsing is hard to overcome, ain't it?

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So you are saying that the psychopaths who are pushing us into a war with Russia, which any expert on the subject warns could easily go armageddon, is nothing to worry about? More apocalypsing? You are seeing their genetically engineered chimera viruses = bioweapons are nothing of concern?

You ever hear of gain/loss? Risk/reward? You are willing to put all of humanity at risk, billions of lives, because you got some arm waving argument that its nothing new under the sun and don't worry about it. Listen to you and die, or don't listen to you, fight back before its too late, and live. I'd go with the latter.

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Thank you for fan fictioning my comment with as much fabulism as you could concoct to obscure my plain speech.

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Explain how humankind could ever escape again, when currency is digital and they control what you can spend on, how often, how far from home, with whom etc etc? When you no longer have your own car, and need to hail a 'self-driving' piss-pod? When everything you need to survive and function can be switched off or degraded, while AI watches everyone and everything at all times.

How to escape when the whole planet is a prison?

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I'm sure people hearing hoofbeats on the steppes felt exactly the same.

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But with enough money and power, government can make the weather worse! Who doesn't love that idea?!?!?!

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It always irritates me to remember that no matter where the weather goes, cockroaches will find it congenial.

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This documentary is a must-watch - even if you already know all the arguments about the data showing that there is just no such thing as anthropogenic global warming.

What was truly stunning was listening to these scientists describing how corrupt the whole field of climate change research has become. You either get on board with the narrative, or face complete social opprobrium. In defiance of all logic!

Surely, we must be getting close to the end of this insanity. It's not the "climate change deniers" we have to worry about - it's the "climate change hysterics."

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What a coincidence: I just watched it, and then this post came in.

I taught earth science to seventh graders back in the 1970s. That was the time when the students kept asking, "Is it true that we'll have an ice age in the next hundred years?!

I can personally vouch that this video is dead on accurate. But don't take my word for it, take the word of the multiple scientists in the video who call out the lies and hypocrisy of the 'scientific community'. Back in the beginning of my career, scientists were much more independent. Now, they are vassals of the progressive authoritarian state.

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If only we could redirect those trillions towards ridding the earth from all our man-made poisons, then we might actually benefit ourselves with less cancer, Parkinson's, autism, Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, etc. Everything related to the climate hoax only damages our environment more.

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Great movie--I found it very helpful and informative.

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The field called economics which used to be called political economy has the same issue

If you want a career in economics you have to be a Keynesian and say money printing is good

There are few like Michael Hudson who have been able to have a career without that but they are outliers

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And yes the dinosaurs seemed to have lived under high temperatures and high CO2 concentrations

And were ginormous

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I can't resist observing that when Professor Niv Shaviv is touching a neat series of compacted sediment layers, referring to their use in the reading of climate history, that there is a massive layer of catastrophic turmoil beneath them -- the thickness of the presumed multi-million year tome of the geologic record to which he is referring. The lower layer looks like it must have been deposited over a short period and pushed around during its consolidation.

This is not necessarily to presume that his arguments are proven false by it -- it's not pertinent to his demonstration, and I'm not a geologist -- but what explanation could be given to the strange appearance of this crazy giant layer below the staid progression presumed by normal "uniformitarian" geological theory?

I have seen a video of a geologist examining sedimentary layers deposited during the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. He observed that the sediment after six months was hard enough to appear as stone beneath his pick, and that the "stratigraphy" of the layers -- to the reading of normal geological science -- presumes millions of years of accumulation.

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I studied geology, ecology, climatology, and geomorphology at Oregon State University in 1985. One of the professors stated that "Global warming" was coming and would be a complete hoax based on faulty data. He hoped that we would continue to be "scientist" and question the data, test the results, and trust the Earth to kill us all off to save itself.

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What do you think of Del Bigtree's interview with Jim Lee on the Highwire a few weeks ago? If you haven't seen it, I recommend it -- I watched the whole thing carefully, but need to take notes, so I'm planning to watch it again. It seemed to me that Jim Lee and Dane Wiggington are the best commentators on geoengineering, with Lee's meta-analysis providing a novel perspective.

Anyway, you've studied this. I understand climatology to be a roomy discipline, where no one can be right all the time -- the most "unsolved" of sciences. but I would value your comments, since Lee comes to Wiggington's conclusions while presenting a presumed methodology and set of data apparently unknown to the engineer-naturalist.

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I will have to watch it and research a little. The internet has been scrubbed of so much data and replaced with scam studies by AI in an incredible rate the past 7-years. Maybe Julian has some backed up on the hazards of EV exposure? Deadly.

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Thank you. Well worth watching, although it does lead to many other questions. It does seem to, intentionally or otherwise, gloss over the problems of ecocide, genocide and habitat destruction in the name of human progress and dominance. Cheap food and clothes in the west does come at the expense of the rest of the world/nature. It seems an impossibility to the speakers at the end that people are capable of behaving altruistically. To question climate change is not synonymous with being an environmentalist I think.

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Anthropogenic climate change, climate change and environmentalism are all different. It is important to keep focussing on the problems you highlight.

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A general note regarding fear of idiots with fancy technology who think they can take over the world:

Afghanistan is still in the hands of the Afghans, isn't it?

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You seem to believe the US even wanted to takeover Afghanistan. Funny how they had soldiers guarding the poppy fields and the CIA distributing opium, which increased dramatically after the US invaded. And first chance they had for another good war they abandoned Afghanistan, like they could care less about it.

And Afghanistan wouldn't be in the hands of Afghans if the Bankers did like they are doing to the Gazans right now. Starve them, infect them with deadly diseases, and where will they get guns & ammo from when Pakistan & all other nations are also part of the NWO?

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What do you smoke? It might not be good for you.

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First a word salad and now a grade six level response. Grow up.

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You poor darling.

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I don't doubt the instrumental falsehood of it all -- but then why the apparent Geo-enginering/chemtrails?

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The Chem trails are possibly coal ash dust dispersion, as this is the only "safe" way to process it back to nature. The elites sell the coal ash dust as a "shade" for the sky to combat global warming, better aviation jet fuel economy, smoother flight, and it keeps the "plasma beings" out of the sky around air traffic, keeps spy balloons and satellites from spying, blurs DEW's ability to focus on targets... There are other selling points, which must be effective as well, because the U.S. buys coal ash dust from China by rail tanker cars loaded onto container ships, headed for airports and airfields daily. Coal dust ash is the cheapest way to improve aviation jet fuel economy, ride comfort for jet planes,AND it saves the planet, plus a lot of other great stuff? Really?

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Did you have a chance to view the Jim Lee interview with Del Bigtree on The Highwire?

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I have not. But will look into it. Thanks

I see the chemtrails all the time. First noticed them in the late 90's and all my friends said I was nuts. But now it is so apparent, only the hard-fast deniers do not believe, especially when you see a criss-cross / checker board across the sky, turning a nice sunny day grey and gloomy by afternoon.

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Exactly my same experience. Point it out to friends family, they will not accept it. Even when it’s right there in front of their very eyes. Human beings are like blind mice.

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It is unbelievable -- so obvious

Last summer i was at the beach playing with the youngest kid and their friend in the surf when a big ole spraying jet started flying by with two nozzles on either side of plane blowing that white whatever the hell it is which blended into two whitish plumes behind the plane. As the plane was directly overhead, I saw the spraying stop for a few seconds, then start up again. (like they had to switch tanks). When the substance first came back out of the nozzles it was briefly a bluish color, then quickly turned back to whitish.

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What I’ve read it’s Aluminum, barium, strontium, sulfuric acid cocktails, but anyone looking up at sky and not down on screen you’d think would ask wtf is that? One of my life long goals to see this shit stop!!!

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i suffered from sinus issues since the late 80's, mainly seasonal

but in the last several years, they seem to be all year long, off and on, and not related to any particular season or such.

Tend to blame what is going on above

and wonder if this caused the illness during the alleged pandemic

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Look up geoengineering lol

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I have listened to Dale Wigington a few times and he seems to say we are all doomed any day now, and seems dead serious about it.

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That vaccine-induced herd immunity is mostly myth can be proven quite simply. When I was in medical school, we were taught that all of the childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime. This thinking existed for over 70 years. It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.

If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.

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Agree 100% - the movie is extremely well done.

At first, I was reluctant to spend the time watching something I already knew pretty well - but it was well worth it: every relevant point is covered, with just enough detail to be convincing, yet without fluff. And it did it in a way that held my interest... and I even learned some new things about the climate scam!

This one is a definite keeper, and a wonderful resource to share with others who are still into climate alarm, or unsure.

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