May 14Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I guess old Phil thought being a virus was a step up from the lifetime he spent as a parasite.

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May 14Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Simply stated these Climate zealots are eugenics cultists on steroids. To them I say… you want to cull humanity to save earth ??? You go first! Pax

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May 14Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Ah. A wife and two sons. Ready to toss 'em into the volcano as a good-faith gesture? I'd guess not. It's always other people's unspeakable anguish they're happy to contemplate.

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Show by example Bill. We promise we will follow. 🤞

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I can enjoy show 'n tell without promising anything.

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May 15Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

1927 was a good year for America, as was the 1940s yet the climate hoakers don't like to talk about that. I've been around for a while, I remember the 1970s, my old mum remembers the floods & snow that battered the uk in the 1950s. In the late 1800s scientists were talking about a mini ice age & within a matter of years they'd changed their minds & now it was global warming. When you talking of reducing co2 levels to that of the 1920s, don't they realise that the population back then was a quarter of what it is today ? No heating for homes, no electricity for hospitals, no air travel, no power for electric vehicles, were talking the dark ages for most people. No Internet, no mobile phones, Facebook servers alone use as much electricity as a small city & what about food production 🤔 These people are completely insane, my local council wants to extend the existing cycleways, get people out of cars. One of the routes would cut through a local farm & despite the land owner objecting he was overruled. The project will cost millions, destroy miles & miles of countryside & only a handful of people will ever use it. The demographics of this area is 40% extremely wealthy & the rest living on handouts. The 40% drive rangers versus, luxury car brands, the rest steal anything that isn't locked down. We have major problems with alcohol, teenage pregnancy, drugs, shoplifting, vehicle theft & they want to build a cycle path? No youth centers, no near bye colleges, no cinemas, we don't even have a clothes shop, it's nothing but expensive charity shops, coffee outlets, florists & an aldi. There's talk of making us a 15 minute neighbourhood, imagine trying to survive in this area if your banned from owning a car

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May 14Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Lately I seem to be learning more and more about how depraved and delusional those in charge are and I just thought Hillary calling us Deplorable was an anomaly. Silly me.

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May 15Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The British royal family may not be a virus, but they certainly are an infestation.

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Every time one of these clowns says that the solution to the problem is for us to die, I suggest that we both commit suicide; him FIRST. No takers, yet...

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Scientism is a cult. Scientism and their worshippers, “fake scientists” have given us a world full of illusions. From climate change to viruses and more. The faster we wake up to reality, the faster we break free from their cult:



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I recently read some of Arthur Koestler's "The Sleepwalkers", moved by reading the work of some conservative Roman Catholic apologists. I'm not a Roman Catholic. I can recommend their work, titled "Galileo was wrong" authored by a man named Sungenis without seeming a proselytizer -- his book can hardly be found, so no one is likely to be misled by it. But Koestler's book is available through the public library and was a fascinating read for the time I was permitted to have it.

The philosophical dueling, the kinds of evidence put forth, even by a virtual non-astronomer as Kanon Koppernnigk was, to me, mind boggling even upon scant inspection. I had thought heliocentrism to have been the hardest of hard "scientific" assertions. It's merely the winner among apriori assumptions. Oh, well . . . follow the Science.

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May 15Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Four thousand years ago priests cut out people's beating hearts atop pyramids to "Make it rain"....

Nothing has changed.

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May 15Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's a waste of time discussing climate change... the Men Who Run the World know it has no scientific basis... so why do they demand the Ministry of Truth push this fraud?


Let's go Big Picture... I will now explain in detail... why EVs.... which are not in any way shape or form 'Green'.... exist.

Why the Ministry of Truth runs endless hype campaigns on cnnbbc....and why governments subsidize them to the tune of hundreds of billions...

Consider this statement: We are steaming oil out of sand, drilling miles beneath oceans for oil, drilling hundreds of thousands of holes in the ground, dropping in bombs - then sucking up the dregs.

Surely -- given we are completely reliant on fossil fuel energy to power our civilization --- we should be concerned that these methods of oil extraction ... appear to be ... shall we say ... desperate.

Surely any objective observer would look at this and think.... hmmm.... if there is so much of the easy stuff remaining ... why are we doing these things

The thing is ... we are desperate... see https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

So how do EVs fit into this equation ... and renewable energy... and how about climate change????

These are what I refer to as The Three Pillars of Bullshit.

It goes like this... the Men Who Run the World need their barnyard animals to remain productive... positive... happy. If the animals were to get wind of the desperate situation with respect to energy ... they would get spooked... in fact they would panic.

And panicked barnyard animals are NOT productive. If they conclude that the cheap and easy energy are on the downslope ... they fall into despair. They begin to believer there is no future... why breed - why study - why invest -- etc... alcoholism and drug abuse would explode higher ... etc...

Barnyard animals MUST believe the future is awesome --- they must believe their progeny will have the same opportunities to pillage and buy lots of stuff just like they did.

The Men Who Run the World - and their minions ... are very much aware of this.

They need to cover up the desperation situation with some fancy PR.

One bright thing in the Ministry of Truth -- which was tasked with the coverup ... suggested inventing this thing call Global Warming (they changed it to Climate Change cuz some places were cooling .. no problem the barnyard animals will believe whatever cnnbbc tells them).

Notice how fossil fuels are The Enemy? How we Must wean off them? No mention of the fact that they are in deep depletion... that's a no-no. Instead they are evil -- we must ditch them...

Enter renewable energy --- transitioning to renewables is IMPOSSIBLE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_mile_of_oil

Doesn't matter. The Ministry of Truth overcomes this by pounding the barnyard animals with messaging (and catch phrases)... convincing them that we are on the path to a green wonderful future -- where everyone gets to buy loads of stuff - HURRAH!!! HURRAH!!!

Let's insert EVs here... ICE vehicles are EVIL. We must transition to EV's ... Zero Emissions. Well ya they are charged and manufactured with fossil fuels ... But..BUT (hat tip to Jeff Green) ... eventually we will phase out fossil fuels and go totally green.

Unfortunately... this is impossible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_mile_of_oil

Governments know this ... the bosses of governments (The Men Who Run the World) know this ... of course they do -- they are not stupid.

But they also know that they MUST ensure that the barnyard animals remain hopeful ... positive... productive...

They cannot be allowed to understand that we are f789ed.


The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

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May 15Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

A significant concern is the mindset of the 'expert' class. Many are pure stuffed shirts, only interested in advancing their status and career, these will agree to anything that is consensus, or from a senior figure if doing so seems good for their advancement.

Another core element are the statistically inclined, borderline autists (and more severe cases) who focus on hard numbers and 'trusting the science' as the bedrock of the faith. This group are far less concerned with issues like ethics, empathy, or human rights than they are extreme Utilitarianism that serves esoteric needs such as the advancement of civilization, i.e. the science and technology they worship.

The other major faction are the sociopaths, people who have gotten to the top because their lack of morality has helped them excel at either business or politics. As part of the elite, all they care about is maintaining their quality of life. If the hordes or peasantry become a threat to this, then killing them off is only rational to them.

The only thing holding these groups in check is the fact that the lower levels of social power: journalists, law enforcement, the military, etc. still have some element of 'regular' people, with moral codes and some ability to exert a restraining influence on the most extreme positions adopted by the true elite. As these 'silver class' ranks get purged of those with backbone and principles, we run ever greater danger of fanatics becoming an existential threat.

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IMO the "expert" class is a product of the #elite which gives its orders through the WEF, WHO, Bank for International Settlements and BlackRock Investments. Its agenda is published as the #GreatReset here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/

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There is certainly encouragement from above in specific areas but part of the problem is that this is innate to the system of power politics. Well adjusted people do not naturally gravitate to power positions, instead they either find a way to enjoy their own life (raising family, or stable careers they enjoy) or they look to contribute to society (through NGOs, research, teaching, emergency services, etc.). Without serious effort to counterbalance them, less altruistic people will tend to gravitate to the positions they are least suited to fill. We need a system capable of finding modern versions of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, people whose primary credential for governance is their lack of desire to hold the position.

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WEF's #GreatReset agenda requires human population to reset at 500 million. #ClimateChange is the excuse. Unfortunately, the DoD has made depopulation a military operation known as "#Warp Speed".

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May 14·edited May 14

Yes. Does anyone know why? Why our own dept of defense is killing us but letting in over 11 million unvaxxed immigrants? obviously we need replacing...and the only thing i can think of is that somehow our dod wants this country and what it stands for GONE. In other words our military is not needed. Because? Invasion...or soft coup? Do the traitorous people in our DOD really think they will be spared when the coup is over? Can they be THAT ignorant of history? Or common sense?

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It helps to be ignorant of history.; I recall an interview of Bill Gates by Colbert. When Gates pronounced the phrase "Final Solution", Colbert, with evident consternation, observed that the expression had been used once before. The billionaire simply laughed.

For common sense and a little math, there was an interview of David Keith, also by Colbert. When Keith blandly referred to a "reassignment of risk" from one population of a few "tens of thousands" to another, Colbert also displayed some consternation.

My question to Keith would have been: Since the two populations are of equal number, and presumably of equal value, why bother reassigning risk to one rather than the other?

But Keith's featured ballpark figures betrayed a snaky hypocrisy. "Ten thousand" is about the number of the world's population who normally every hour. He likely preferred some figure like "a few billion", but wanted it to sound like small change.

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Or warped.

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May 15Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

There is a new book out by Joh Sanford called "Toxic Prey" just about this subject.

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The theory that a reincarnated Prince Phillip caused COVID is more likely than the “natural origin “ theory.

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Assuming the quote attributed to Prince Philip is true I assume its quite warm where he now resides. May his confederate's soon follow.

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His wife joined him in hell not long after.

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May 14·edited May 14

Yes. I believe this.

I want dear Lord..to see these traitors in our DOD and Deep State lined up and shot before it is my turn.


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