Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I had a harsh exchange of letters with a Scottish charity that was promoting vaccinations - I argued that as a charity, they were in breach of their charitable purposes, and that there are strict rules prohibiting the promotion and advertising of prescription medicines in the UK to the general public.

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Good for you.

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It's a good point about all those who were giving medical advice.

Every clotshot recommendation should have been accompanied by a disclaimer.

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One of my arguments was that, as their charitable purpose was protecting the rights of a protected minority, that one of those rights was to refuse the vaccine, and so they should have been fair handed.

Another was that they were promoting something with known risks - and that they were not accepting any responsibility or liability if someone was hurt as a result.

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Really good, otherwise they make proclamations, they look around and no one is objecting, so they are emboldened.

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My view too: they were riding for a hiding, because they failed to accept that within every minority, there are also minorities. So, maybe 90% of their minority want to take the vaxx, but what about the 10% who choose not to?

Tricky, eh?

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The timing of the take down is particularly suspicious as it's so soon after the death of another prominent TV doctor with a lot of clout. He also fiercely promoted the injection and demonised the unjabbed through outright lies.

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Interestingly he was only ever a TV doctor and writer, he never worked as a doctor. His first degree was PPE at Oxford and some are suggesting that as a recruiting ground for spooks. There are very odd circumstances around his “death” apparently.

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"In 2017, Mosley was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science by the University of Edinburgh."

(from his Wikipedia page)

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He did the 'Trust me I'm a doctor' series on TV which seemed to give a balanced view of treatments and drugs, both for and against or at least the risks. However, I have never actually seen them, only read up about the series. Nevertheless, to then promote vaccines enthusiastically seems odd.

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cf. Dr. John Campbell who is actually a nurse.

In some circles Campbell is also widely followed and assumed be a physician.

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This. Michael Mosley wrote an article on why VACCINATED immunity was better than natural immunity following infection and recovery. Now why would a Doctor* want you to have a unnecessary procedure ?



"In 2017, Mosley was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science by the University of Edinburgh."

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As others state. Moseley never practiced as a doctor. He wrote a horrible hit piece in the Mail about how filthy unjabbed types weren't welcome at his Christmas party. I always switched off the radio when I heard his voice after that.

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I never had much time for him, but like many, I suspect, I presumed that he was a medical doctor because of his focus on health matters. Of course we live in looney land and it turns out that he was only a quack, if anything. He and his death are very curious, bearing the memory holed article in mind.

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A friend who is a retired medical doctor described Moseley as a quack and charlatan .

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Ha! Definitely not someone who should have had as much influence on the population as he did. So many people trusted him implicitly, and it breaks my heart to think of how many people were scared and shamed into having a terrible thing done to them because of him and his so called 'expert' opinion.

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Indeed. I see his career in journalism was always at the BBC which rather says it all!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Oh yea Mosley just died LOL. Another true believer bites the dust. RIP.

They are finding out what pimps do to their "ho's" LOL. In his dishonour here he joins a long list that is getting longer every week.


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I was prepared to go along with the heat stroke explanation.

The way his route went backwards and forwards.

You think not?

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"heat stroke"?? The second half gives it away.

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Sorry, what second half?

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The "stroke" part LOL

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I have read the DT since 1969 and whilst it’s right wing stance is obvious it’s other stance since 2020 was less obvious for a time ie it’s in the pocket of Gates and Co

It’s censorship of readers comments re the jab, masks etc is obvious, it’s promoted the jab hard and one truly memorably bad article in Jan 2023 in conjunction with the British Heart Foundation was pushing the jab when its was blindingly obvious there were massive problems.

The recent DT article re adverse effects from the jab I suspect is a one off which seems a frequent DT ploy.

Clearly the DT has had its wrists slapped re the bribed Dr’s

My solution is simply that after 55 years my sub will not be renewed later this years.

The DT simply cannot be trusted now.

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Me too!

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I threatened to terminate last year I was so fed up with it but in the end renewed out of habit but no more.

The propaganda is getting worse in my view and it’s blatant.

I just don’t believe anything I read in it now.


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My take on the media today is that the (up until now) mainstream is now regarded as corporate news. Mainstream circa 2024 is now off-TV.

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I’m non legacy media now with just a peek at the legacy media occasionally.

BBC not been watched or listened to for years.

It’s filled with utter nonsense.

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Gave up the Economist and FT over a decade ago and the Times 5 years ago for similar reasons. Stopped engaging with the Torygraph more recently, partly because of their dire science coverage (covid, climate, everything else) but mainly because of their idiotic warmongering. Leaves me with the Speccie, the Critic, and the Oldie.

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100% agree. I thought at one point Sarah Knapton in the DT was ok but how wrong can one be.

The warmongering in the DT is appalling.

I stick to the Duran now and Judge Nepolitano for political views.

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Turn off JavaScript and the pay wall evaporates.

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I grew up with the DT in my family so I was used to it. I don't know that it was ever that good but was certainly better. I only occasionally bought a paper copy in recent years and whilst some articles where still useful, the promotion of Covid as a thing and the vaxxes etc. appall me.

Still, it gave me an excuse to comment on some of its articles.



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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"The thing I am actually shocked about is how little money the doctors were paid by the pharma companies!" - Doctors are the cheapest whores.

After Pfizer paid the record fine of $2.3 billion dollars, Aaron Siri went over the numbers and the average purchase price of a doctor was $3,000 and that means half sold out for less than that!

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Sheep Farm podcast were referring to Dr Raj as Angry Bird with those eyebrows. Made me chuckle.

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

You are on point about AZ being the fall guy. Another thing I saw on twitter was the number of injuries by type from AZ. Blood clots were one of the rarer one, while nuerological issues were an order of magnitude more common, yet they only report on the "rare" blood clots.

The angry bird had to delete his social media after the pushback he got. Got to hurt a narcissist like that.

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And as Michael Yeadon has pointed out, all the vaccine manufacturers used the same design.

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Murderers & common street whores to be bought off for so little. Bet they still sleep well at night.

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Now name the American TV doctors who did the same thing. I have my suspicions.

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Gosh. Strange how long it took the Telegraph to report this ... ?? Doesn't do much for their credibility.

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This can of doctor worms stinks. Need I say more?

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I trust nothing I read about in newspapers or see on TV. They will lie, deceive and obfuscate the crimes committed by the establishment or simply misdirect the public. Of course they disperse their lies with a smattering of truth but the trick is we don't know which is which.

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I'd guess they have been gagged by a lawyer...

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Now we reach the 2nd part of the "great denial". Anyone who promoted these shots anywhere, will start deleting the internet trail and denying any promo and quietly checking their legal options.😉

It will become very risky to be "remembered", as the masses begin to comprehend what has been stolen from them- health and time.😐😐😤🤐

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

"The thing I am actually shocked about is how little money the doctors were paid by the pharma companies!"

Sounds like $10 blowjobs under the bridge.

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You’ll have to give me directions 😁

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I liked many responses but for all my substack subscriptions the like is not working.

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If you update your browser, you might find the like button works again

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Jun 13Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

They've been willing to open the door to the limited hangout of the AstraZeneca jab with it's "rare" side effects, but opening the door to celebrity doctor compensation on one vaccine opens up questions about conflicts of interest on all of them. And this is at the same time that Moderna is tinkering with its flu Covid mRNA jab and the bird flu hype is being shoved down everyone's throats to keep this failing platform active. And people are still dying mysteriously and suddenly from that which cannot be named even those who didn't take AZ. This article got taken down because the dots were too easy to connect methinks...

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