PATRIOT Act wasn't just in the works, it was pretty much already written and waiting when the towers came down.

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And it had been rejected before by the senate because of its egregious violations of our basic rights. Like everything else, it was pushed through in the glamour of a convenient theatrical disaster.

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This was one of those 'unspeakables' while it was happening, and the internet was still young enough that controlling the information was still possible from the top down.

If we want to look for today's leaders, we should be looking at the people who were speaking up against the USA PATRIOT Act back then!

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Dennis Kucinich.

When I heard RFK Jr say he was going to be working with Dennis Kucinich wasn't surprised. They gerrymandered him out of a job

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If this was news to you, then learn the lesson: you're still looking in the wrong place for your news!

Bookmark the Corbett Report, The Gray Zone, Unlimited Hangout ... (other suggestions please)!

RFK is undoubtedly not perfect. I'd be surprised if he was. But the example given in these comments of him talking about not mandating vaccines unless they were shown to be safe, looks more like not having thought it through rigorously. But how many have? Can YOU explain why it's wrong ON PRINCIPLE, an understanding which is desperately needed now.

Here's my attempt at making it clear.


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Fun fact.. after Patriot Act sailed through Dubbya Bush created a Bioterrorism Czar & appointed Monsanto's George Poste. What followed were profiles of organic consumers as possible links to bioterrorism in FBI training. Scant evidence remains but scroll down in news items to this...

"Report unusual activities, FBI agent tells farmers

January 28, 2003

The Enterprise (Patrick County, Va.)

If your neighbor hates genetically modified corn, and he experiments with explosives in the backyard, you probably should report him to local police, an FBI agent told farmers.

Reporting unusual activities is a key to fighting agroterrorism, said Jerry Lyons, an FBI special agent who serves in the weapons of mass destruction countermeasures unit. "You might have one piece of the puzzle that could solve the case."

Lyons and former Lt. Gov. John H. Hager, now assistant to the governor for commonwealth preparedness, addressed farmers and agriculture leaders on December 2, during the three-day annual convention of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation.

When asked for clues that someone might be interested in engaging in terrorism, Lyons said a potential bioterrorist might strongly oppose the consumption of milk or the use of genetically modified crops. However, it's difficult to put together a profile of a domestic or international terrorist, he noted."


oops Poste Monsanto profile too!


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Fast forward to Monsanto in Ukraine and pushing GM food onto the EU market. What do we have happening today?

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US State Dept has been heavy gmo pusher for decades & Russia bans them so that has always been a factor. With invasion of Iraq CPA81 put in place a Monsanto dream framework w fab Engdahl piece on that in 2005.


Also WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables show how jack boot tactics have been applied to EU and others to accept these horrid seeds of destruction.


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Good memory on that -- the early 2000's was precisely a hornet's nest time for a lot of those things happening. Seems like some people have much better insight than others -- and the latter is taking over the globe with poison and destruction.

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By some measures an unfair advantage as an old timer w Washington career under my belt decades before 9-11.. enough roots in NYC to remember Twin Towers nicknamed Nelson & David for Rockefeller brothers who made windfalls on development & later dubbed biggest white elephants in NYC real estate for asbestos & trouble adding Internet wiring. :~)

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WTC 7 was my redpill back in the day....

I had no idea of how the two senators were connected. The further we dig the more rotten history becomes. Pretty much everything we were taught was a lie.... Like those shifty "Japs" sailing across a huge ocean just to bomb a Naval Base 'cause they were evil......

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I'm a big fan of Seymour Hersch. His books and lectures and articles (now on substack) give us an inside view of how things work. His motto is "It's worse than you think."

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Official Stories by Liam Scheff (murdered of course), is a good one too.

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I am always shocked with how most friends are unconcerned with the government’s limitless and unchecked surveillance powers (e.g., those exposed by Edward Snowden). Thank you for illuminating how some of these problematic policies become law (and once codified, are extremely difficult to repeal). I am impressed by RFK Jr’s breadth of knowledge when it comes to government and corporate corruption, and his willingness to identify it publicly.

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Yes. It’s a tad disturbing that people are okay with limitless and unchecked power... ‘Meh’ is the usual response.

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An attempt to pass essentially the same legislation following the OKC bombing (another USG operation) failed - 9/11 was the event needed to pass it as the Patriot Act..

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Ahhh, good old Fort Deitrick.😉 I would suggest we all just cut to the chase over alot of unanswered questions and events, occurring over the last, I don't know, 60 years!!! Just go straight to Fort D, and check with them😉

I personally would like a check of all official ( and unofficial) personnel and flight logs from and to Fort D, between August 2019 and December 2019. I think there would be some things of interest to see.😐🤔😉 BTJMO.

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You will probably find batches of the original genetically engineered COVID-19 virus.

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And Morgellons.

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It is hard for an intelligent person not to become a "conspiracy theorist" today.

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At this point, isn't it a bit amazing that the deep state has gone to the trouble of manufacturing crises to enact their dystopian totalitarian state when, given that every politician in DC is in the pocket of TPTB, all they had to do was pay for the legislation they wrote and send it to their bought-and-paid-for POTUS for signature. Why bother trying to convince US, when they have full control of (s)elections and can place any politician (puppet) in office that they want?

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It seems like they're drunk on their own Hollywood-esque drama narrative and enjoy spinning up the next mass shooting or raging wildfire. Probably the same neural circuits being activated as pyromaniacs.

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They need the herd. It’s more important than you think.

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Yes, the herd pays the taxes that keep them going and keep them wealthy. That part I understand. But the herd will be here, and continue to pay their taxes, even if they come to understand that they really have no voice in the operation of their government, and really no power to vote in something different. If 200 million Americans can be convinced to poison themselves, they can be convinced to do most anything, IMO.

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We’ll agree to disagree. Thoughts don’t work the way you suggested. Issues and feelings of the voting public about them aren’t always hierarchical or linear. Our own Revolution proves that.

There’s also the chance that the Regime breaks the dollar with the economy. The Iron Laws are the Iron Laws for a reason. It will eventually break - all corrupt socialist shitholes eventually do. It’s only a question of when, not if. A lot of people are quickly coming to the conclusion with the obvious treatment of Trump v. Lyin’ Crooked Joe and the Crackheads that were not far removed from Venezuela: oil rich nation that wound up with the proles eating their pets.

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Daschle got the message and then took the money and shut up. Like many others that signed the NDA when receiving money for 9/11 victims.

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What is the road out of this mess?


And most importantly SWARMING.

We need to make new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.

If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:


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Yeah I don't want to live in an apiary either.

There are no magic cures to human nature. We just need to remember there's no "modern;" there's just now and every generation must fight for itself all over again.

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Our failure to realize that the evil is coming from inside of us and cannot be stopped by external machines or mechanisms or soviets or swarms. Each of us has the ability to see the Light within and let it out. Fear is like a dark shadow that obscures the light within and causes us to scurry around in the dark as a being of evil instead of a being of light. As an extremely simple first step, just realize that if you wouldn't want it done to you, don't consider doing it to someone else. We are not separate and it is an illusion that it is possible to harm another without harming yourself. Isn't it true that since Cain slew Able this is the motif of evil. That I can do something to someone else for my personal benefit without it affecting me. Isn't that the source of guilt because we know it isn't true.

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I like the idea, but the problem isn't the polarized masses not being able to find solutions to problems.

Humans are naturally good at that.

The problem is that there are some who are already the "queen" of the hive, and they have no interest in "leaderless" solutions. They're not going to allow anything like what you describe to take their position away. They'll own and control the AI or whatever mechanism you use.

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What always complicates any story of truthtelling and resistance to regimes and machines is the individual natures of many of the characters. As in that old joke about even paranoiacs can have enemies.

It's easy to discredit/smear an innocent person who might be mighty weird in lots of ways. Of course it also sometimes happens that the person friends and colleagues might swear "would never do anything like that" sometimes indeed has actually done it.

And, too, sometimes there are a few individual/separate group malevolent actors all trying to accomplish mischief at the same time and whose purposes happen to target the same people or institutions. Sometimes they make opportunistic use of what one of them has started.

I think RFK Jr. is one of the worst of all possible standard-bearers for truth because he happens to be batshit crazy and highly unstable in so many ways. He comes from a dynasty of mediocre thugs and losers propelled by the raging ambitions of the paterfamilias into positions they were never qualified for, and he's carrying on the mission of his grandpa.

To everyone who regards themselves as being on "our side"--I beg, implore, plead and urge that the highest standards of rigorous fact-tracking and evidence-examining always be used. It's so easy to discredit a truthful story by using a few weak parts to smear the whole.

Plenty of really unbelievable things do happen. And plenty of really plausible theories can turn out to be incorrect. We gotta be exponentially more cunning than the bad guys are, and they are mighty, mighty smart. (Sometimes they're just lucky but that's not something we can easily thwart.)

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Don't worry about it. They won't let him win the Demonrat primaries, but he will expose the corruption, and that is a very good thing.

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Amazing how people die so conveniently for the deep state. Thanks for this summary.

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I reported on Ft Detrick and USAMRIID (August 14,2019) for IRL Media.

We were banned by YouTube shortly after posting

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Bomb cyclone hurricane over Maryland

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Weaponized Patriot Act.

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Looks like some anthrax suspects commit suicide while others go on to advise presidents. 🤔


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advising on hydroxychloroquine

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Total security chaos in Haiti.

More than 5,000 people have fled their homes in recent days in Port-au-Prince in the face of the terror imposed by the gangs.

Armed groups have taken control of 80% of the capital with rapes, murders, looting and house fires.


I went to Haiti after the quake and even then you did not go out after dark. The place was already in the hands of violent gangs

Now imagine -- total collapse of the global financial system, economy and supply chains

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all the coal black hate-tians will be in the US soon most are here in NYC

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