Anecdotal reports now supported by scientific investigation again.

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Conspiracy theories once again verified to be plot spoilers.

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Conspiracy Hypotheses, please. :-)

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I thought I was the only one autistic enough to point out the distinction between 'conspiracy theory' as a general understanding of conspiracy vs. 'conspiracy hypotheses' as specific narrative frameworks.

Cheers m8

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Indeed not. My squire engaged the scientific method when he analyzed the veracity of the term’s usage.


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Yep, not conspiracy theories...but spoiler alerts.

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I joke with my kiddos "Hey I know you can see the lunch, but we haven't gotten an official study or a peer review...so um, yeah, we can't verify that lunch is real."

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And the highway signs downtown TO still say “protect yourself and others, get vaccinated”. 😡😡.

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There was a whole commercial on tv last night about going and getting your booster now and keeping everyone safe! I wanted to throw up

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But transmission isn't affected by...arrrgh. On the plus side, I sang "Be the truth you're here to be" in a downtown area just as work was getting off and people were going to dinner. I danced to know music and had unshaven legs. I got a big smile from a lady in a mini van and a couple of people walked by who looked like they needed the message!

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Call out the 120 Democratic and 91 Republican Representatives currently in the U.S. Congress who voted to pass the multi-billion dollar 21st Century Cures Act (2016) that enabled uninformed consent and pushed "Real World Evidence" during the past two years. - RightingTheWrongs.org

Contact our officials to hold them accountable to: preserve our Constitutional rights by ending and preventing mandates, compensate and provide help to the vaccine injured, and remove liability protection enacted through the PREP Act (2005 and 2020).

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Sadly, no matter the evidence of adverse consequences from the vaccine rollout, the push to vaccinate the entire population on the planet continues. How do we stop them?

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You may find this piece of interest: https://lilychili.substack.com/p/nightly-nerd?s=w

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Thank you, Lily.

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Anybody on substack have anything on the other vaccines ? AstraZeneca, J&J etc .. ? Thank you!

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Check out realnotrare.com

Those negatively impacted individuals tell which vax they got.

Veritas Strikes Again! AstraZeneca CEO – ‘Millions of [Immunocompromised] People Can’t Be Vaccinated’




A heart wrenching story of a doctor (she has a physical therapy degree) whose body is being slowly killed by the results of Modernas magic. She “believed” in it.


Good article about Moderna. Author's wife was Nurse Manager of a CCU. They both got vaccinated early on, she told him they are not taking any more.


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Thank you. I already watch proyect veritas and the others except for the odyssey video I was wondering if somebody had more research on the other shots I believe all the vaccines have side effects but not a lot of people are talking about them, I know some people that took Pfizer, J&J, and I think AstraZeneca and some still think they are safe ? My family stop talking to me because I didn’t get the shots because I told them about the side effects and of course they listen to the crazy media 24/7 safe and effective trash. Thank you again!! 🙏

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I understand how you feel. Sometimes I hear myself talk about the shots and if I feel that I sound completely bonkers. If I, like so many others, believed the shots were safe and effective and someone told me the things I'm telling people I would probably think they were crazy. But I know we're not crazy. My husband and I both served in the USMC. We had negative experiences with other shots. Some years we had 2+ flu shots because they'd give us the wrong ones. My husband has shots on his record that no one (not even military doctors) know what they are. My husband had a bad experience with the Anthrax vax. He was one of the first to get it --- when they weren't sure how many shots of it they were going to give them (thought 6 but ended up being 4) or how much to put in the syringe. He was on a ship when many of the sailors refused to get the Anthrax vax (hey, sailors are smarter than marines....lol). He also was given a drug for malaria before going to the Philippines---normally they'd give them hydroxychloroquine but because they weren't in the USA they decided to try something different --- Lariam. Some marines ended up getting malaria. Now they find it causes all kinds of problems and it's a drug prescribed for last resort in the military. My rambling point is that we are not crazy. NONE of these "vaccines" are safe or effective. They rushed this crap out. The clinical trials were rushed and tainted. They unblinded the groups. After 2 months they offered the placebo group the real "vaccine" (was it to get rid of a control group?). Too many people have had problems from these shots. VAERS is way underreported for a variety of reasons. Experts believe that only 1% to 10% of adverse effects are actually reported. Read reports at https://openvaers.com/covid-data/covid-reports

My parents both got boosted. I tried to talk them out of it but they are older, my mother had cancer in 2017 and they were afraid. Plus they live in a liberal community with some of their neighbors already getting their 4th dose. BUT they've agreed to hold-off on a 4th shot (so I guess that's progress). I have many friends that were double-jabbed very early on but now that they see what's going on they aren't getting boosted. Some of them feel duped about the first 2.

Please stand fast. I'm sorry that your family stopped talking to you. Please try to find like-minded people that you can spend time with.

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Great article! Thanks for sharing.

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Check Dr Naomi wolf website and videos on the war room today’s video is not available yet ... https://dailyclout.io/blog/

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Thank you 🙏 I hope you and your husband are doing well. My husband got vaccinated because the doctor told him he needed it because immunocompromised plus work mandate we think he had some side effects ? The specialist asked if he was getting the booster shots and he said NO, the worst part is that he told him “I didn’t get my children vaccinated because the side effects”. I was going to get vaccinated but kept moving the date maybe next week maybe next month maybe by my birthday but... I found Dr. Malone videos on tucker & dark horse podcast and I told my husband about it and he replied don’t get the shots, we been taking zinc & vitamins since he saw the news about Wuhan he researched about virus 🦠 and then added other stuff from FLCCC we haven’t got sick he got tested because surgery and doctors appointments never got a positive test and I haven’t feel the need for taking the test. I know 2 young man in the army and I believe they took the shots. My neighbors some took the shots one of them got 3 shots and I think he got enough plus he had Covid couple months ago. Our neighbors next door only took the first two and said no more the mom and son had Covid also around January. My other neighbors they were aware of the side effects because they knew somebody and other people getting sick from the shots, they never got vaccinated and the 2 son’s. My neighbors cross the St she never got the kids vaccinated for the flu so I don’t think she is getting the kids shots. My family had Covid the first year of the plandemic and couple months later got the shots because the Dr. (NY,NJ,CA) I tried to tell not to get them because they already had natural immunity but they told them they need the shots for better protection they haven’t talked to me since Christmas... thank you for sharing and my best wishes for You..husband..family,friends!! 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

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Check out this podcast (TNT radio)if you like and also the interview with Jonathan weissman https://open.spotify.com/episode/0KuTPD9mtW8sysGNL1pbto?si=hOzZYC73SJqErm1E35c_Ww

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Also Merck helped JJ produce and their main production facility has some ISSUES known via whistle blower.

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look up "FDA downplays red flags Durham"

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Gnome: Have you seen this? It's about Pfizer but it's really good info.


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I been sharing so many articles with friends and txt them to my family even though they don’t talk to me https://tv.gab.com/channel/starcrest/view/dr-ryan-cole-they-knew-6265ddbe9bf7176aaa4eabb8

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FOI 3459

Document 1 - number of adverse event reports where death was a reported outcome by state and territory to 5 Dec 2021. Note: Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 5 December 2021, over 39.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been given. The TGA has identified 11 reports of death that were linked to vaccination from 702 reports received and reviewed up to 5 December 2021.

Document 2 - number of adverse event reports by state and territory to 5 Dec 2021

FOI 3459 document 1 (pdf,66kb)

FOI 3459 document 2 (pdf,43kb)

8 January 2022 FOI 3508

Number of Adverse Event Reports held in the AEMS as at 12 August 2021 and 21 December 2021

FOI 3508 document 1 (pdf,631kb)

Look up tga.gov

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From tga.gov.au

Number of serious adverse events reported following covid-19

vaccine injection correct up until 17 December 2021 14,597

Number of serious adverse events reported in persons under the

age of 18 correct up until 17 December 2021 346

This document contains the number of cases included in the TGA database as ‘serious’ adverse events up

to 31 January 2022. These include reports classified as serious by reporters (who may be include health

professionals, consumers, state and territory health departments and pharmaceutical companies) and

reports classified by the TGA as serious against internationally accepted criteria.

Reports classified as serious by some reporters may not meet the TGA’s serious criteria and may represent

common and expected reactions, such as injection site pain, fever, headache and/or nausea. Not all serious

adverse events have an ongoing impact on the patient, with many reports indicating full recovery.

The TGA classifies an adverse event as serious if it:

• results in death

• is life-threatening

• results in inpatient hospitalisation or prolonged hospitalisation

• results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity

• is associated with a congenital anomaly or birth defect

• is a medically important event or reaction

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Well Moderna's has a sequence that is identical to a known moderna patent for a cancer treatment. They have not denied it.

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Yeppers. Astrozeneca's foia of adverse events for australia is blacked out 100%. 100% percent.

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They have updates I think once a month and they have all the Covid vaccines https://dailysceptic.org/ https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ https://healthimpactnews.com/ https://dailyexpose.uk/category/world-news/

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IKR - it's ALMOST funny.

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Product Information (PI)(link is external)

Consumer Medicine Information (CMI)(link is external)

VAXZEVRIA (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) Decision Summary

The decision summary provides a short overview of the TGA's evaluation process leading to the registration of a new prescription medicine on the ARTG.

AusPAR: VAXZEVRIA (previously COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca)

An Australian Public Assessment Report (AusPAR) provides information about the evaluation of a prescription medicine and the considerations that led the TGA to approve or not approve a prescription medicine submission.

AusPAR: VAXZEVRIA - Booster dose in individuals 18 years and older

Advisory Committee on Vaccines meeting statement, meeting 19, 3 February 2021

An independent expert committee that provides advice on an application to register a new vaccine

Therapeutic Goods (Poisons Standard) (COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) Labelling Exemption 2021

^This is actually their approval package but if you read them you'll find interesting stuff

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Thank you everybody for sharing information ❤️

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I like that this study article is being talked about in the MSM. I think some people are still falling for the lie that myocarditis or pericarditis are mild, not a big deal.

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Great article. Sharing!

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"Heartbroken", https://torontomoon.substack.com/p/heartbroken (from Feb 9, focus on Ontario data)

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"It's the gene jabs, stupid."

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We need line item control over out tax dollars so funds can go to the legions on Substack and small advocacy groups who have done the work our "regulatory" bodies are paid to do & don't.

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"In the interim it is vital that following vaccination..." what is sounding vital is that these unsafe and ineffective vaccines stop being given. Sure the jabs cause some increase in life threatening conditions but we're going to give them anyways, even though they also do not work...

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All I could think as I was reading was

"Boy, sure sounds tough trying to disentangle an observed effect from all these various causal factors SHAME NO ONE THOUGHT TO TEST THE VACCINE BEFORE FORCING IT INTO BILLIONS OF PEOPLE" Sorry-not-sorry for shouting.

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Here's a slide from a Oct 22, 2020 (BEFORE the vaccines came out) presentation by the FDA titled "FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working List of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***"

It was presented by the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XTiL9rUpkg&t=9219s (a second later the slide goes by in about 1/3 of a second).

Take a look at all the different "possible adverse events" that they had identified BEFORE the vaccine program rolled out.

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Why didn't they recommend stopping all mRNA drugs? It's insane that the people who are involved in doing medical studies are too afraid to say what must be said. They know if they do they'll never be funded again-it will be the end of the 'science' career. Western medical and scientific research is for the greater part not science. It is the most disgustingly corrupt sewer pit system of distorted analysis that supports the agenda of big business - so much so it is genocidal and a real threat to humanity.

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It is in the journal Scientific Reports, which is published by the Nature company but does not have the cachet of Nature.

Thanks for finding it!

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Thanks, that was too long for the already long headline but I'll make that clear in the body of the article. However, it's still published by Nature!

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