The withdrawal doesn't matter because the mindset that allowed the general populace to accept the pass hasn't changed.

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Exactly but enjoy the small victories now and again!

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Of course they have set everything up to just take things further later... but I will celebrate the fact that there is a growing number of us who can never be fooled again.

Yes, our numbers are still minuscule in the wider picture, but it is hubris that brings down even the gods.

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Same mindset that Germans had when Jews were made to wear yellow stars.

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Celebrate but maintain vigilance. It hasn't gone away, it's just being reformatted😉

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for the next plandemic, currently scheduled for 2025 https://catastrophiccontagion.centerforhealthsecurity.org/ since covid isn't scheduled to end until may of that year

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Well, NHS shut down the digital health pass while the EU has just approved the digital ID (including health, passport, and eventually cbdc) to move on ... Their platform was passed to the WHO/UN. and I guess it will come back to the UK from the rear door

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Yup. After the next election they will bring it back to align with the EU.

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Indeed! Canada (one of the 5 eyes) has already signed off to align their digital ID with the EU’s one.

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i read the daily mail online daily (yes, what a rag, but there've been times when the most reviled rags broke news the others wouldn't lower themselves to investigate), and i've been horrified by the number of uk maternal and neonatal deaths in hospital due to incompetence and all the consequences of the money squeeze. just garden-variety bureaucratic fuckups and lousy quality of staff and reduction in availability of highly-specialized care.

but they had plenty of rotten dough to throw at this.

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Like Australia, the 'infrastructure' is now in place. We'll see what they roll it out for next......

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Tis a small victory, but one nonetheless.

For them to "announce it" it in some obscure 2-liner statement (probably on page 45, in small print, under an ad that no one reads in a paper no one's ever heard of before), is in itself a proof of admission that what they did was wrong. Or they would have announced it as gleefully as you did.

As for no one talking about it anymore. Wrong. It may have taken the back burner in "the news" considering ongoing world events right now and the fact that everyone is in survival mode due to failing economies, crashing financials, winter and war, however, the discussions are far from over on who, how, why, and who benefitted. The controllers WANT everyone to think it's over and that it never happened, but rest assured, that is NOT the case. Not by a long shot! Those who were responsible, world wide, WILL be held accountable. Power needs to be restored to the rightful Elected holders, then look out! The biggest mass genocide the world has ever known will NOT go unpunished.

*Insert "Quick Trial" here.

*Tips hat

Much Love

And Merry Christmas

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They are planning on forcing digital ids after their big “cyberattack “ incoming .

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The next test will be the final one.

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The covid pass was a trial run with the technology. As you say, it will be back.

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Which management consultancy made millions out of it and track and trace which is now on phones by default.

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Would have been more of a victory if everyone had said "No" from Day one!!. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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No. It wasn't a useless and discriminatory waste of tax-payers' money.

They learned a lot. Next time it'll be more efficient.

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Yes, they are several steps closer. Each time they will try and make the noose tighter until it will be impossible to remove.

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I'm with you all good is good and enjoy the small victories as they come.. especially on Saturdays!

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You are right - it is a small victory and worth celebrating!

And if we think of it as a trial run, then they have all the infrastructure and know-how to set it up again, even more effectively and comprehensively. There is no doubt they are all pushing for Digital ID, along with some type of social credit system that links to the programmable central bank digital currency, and the covid pass (or whatever version was in one's own particular country) was a good way to test it out.

(But let's hope that the next attempt will fail miserably too!)

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Congratulations! Hopefully all the stealth mandates are gone as well. We still have them in the US, mainly in health care, education and government jobs but you will also find private employers here and there that require vaccination to be hired. Unbelievable that this is still occurring

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Isn’t is suspicious that those we chose to represent us are refusing to reveal the results of their efforts or decision making that have failed, but eager to tell us what they want us to know?

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