Another thought: here in the States, the government cretins actually paid people not to work, probably in a lot of cases better than what they made slogging 40 hours a week. That has created a seismic shift in a formerly hard working ethic here. And tons of people have never gone back to work, or insist on working from home, etc. When you’re not engaged in your job & co-workers, it’s easier to claim you’re sick when you’re just flat out used to doing what you want at home w/ little-to-no oversight.

All of that said, if the jabs aren’t killing everyone or causing immediate damage, they’re slowly decimating immune systems, & more w/ every jab. We never knew what the “long term” effects of the poisons would be, but we’re finding out now & in decades to come

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My office job was converted to remote, and I took fewer days off. I didn't have to stay away because I was infectious, or wasn't well enough to travel, needed to nap because of low-grade sickness, or had to keep dashing to the bathroom - I could take care of myself and work. Most of my job only piled up, waiting for me, with only the most urgent being done by someone else. Also, in the office I would walk around to get drinks, etc., and stop to chat with others. Working from home, I was actually working. I worked better, with *less* supervision. And no problematic bus journey at the end of the day.

On the other hand, the social engagement we had at work, the human side of things, meant that we would notice if someone was off sick, missing from their desk for a long time - not to monitor them: sickness is sickness! - but out of concern. If we had still been in the office when the rate of sick days went up by 57%, everyone would have noticed and perhaps been more suspicious of the bioweapon that was deployed just before the big increase. Working from home meant that you couldn't see those gaps, and also that you couldn't discuss anything without being monitored, because you were using work tech to communicate and it could all be recorded.

All this ended for me anyway when I refused to have the bioweapon injected into me, and they fired me for it.

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Good for you for keeping your principles; I hope you landed on your feet after, or have been reinstated. My office “closed” but gave everyone the option to come in or work from home. I have no discipline to work from home (I can think of 10,000 other things I want or need to do) & needed office structure, + the computer, copy machines, office supplies, etc.

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Thank you. I haven't had any offer of reinstatement, and have ended up converting this into a retirement. I was a regulatory coordinator for clinical trials, and in light of recent events I have lost whatever trust I had in the validity of allopathic medicine and in the integrity of their trials. We were supposed to ensure that people who joined these medical experiments were properly informed, and protected, and their privacy ensured. We were steeped in the Nuremberg Code and related principles. All of that was trampled on, spat upon, burned up, and then flushed away with what has now happened, and as far as I know not one of the hundred plus colleagues that were also steeped in those principles saw that, but if a few did, they still thought it better to go along with accepting a (potentially) deadly injection and in some cases encouraging others to do the same. And I had and have affection for them, and am sad about it, because they will be harmed, and they are people I wish well.

I didn't know the patients, but I really cared about them knowing what they were getting themselves into, so that they could make their decision. I really cared about the reports of the adverse effects of the experimental treatments getting to the attention of the people who were tasked with protecting the patients. All of the drugs and other treatments they were trialing had downsides, but I thought at least I could make sure they knew: I don't believe in that whole medical system anymore and can never go back.

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Wow Elephile, what a tragic irony in that line of work! Quadruple kudos to you for caring about the bodily autonomy & informed consent of your patients, for caring about them too. I can’t imagine how anyone you worked w/ could not see the glaring hypocracy of all of you had been doing vs what happened in the scamdemic. At least you were close enough to retirement to take that. I hope you’re enjoying that - to the extent any of us can enjoy life at all, knowing what we know now (including likely worse to come for all). Best wishes to you & yours 🫶🏻

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They needed to pay people to accept the lockdown.

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And boy, did they LIKE it

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As much as I’d love to blame the injections, I think you also have to factor in that it remains less socially acceptable to go to work with symptomatic illness than it was previously.

Also, three years of elevated infection consciousness has had a psychological impact too I think. People seem to more readily allow themselves to relent to being ill and to rest; as opposed to piling in the Lemsip Max, driving through the adrenaline and getting themselves on their feet.

I make no comment as to whether that is right or wrong (I don’t know) but I think it might impact the stats.

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Good point

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But he did mention how 2020 was low, despite it being socially acceptable during the pandemic.

If the shot can make you sick, and most people got the shots, it's a huge influence.

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Yes, but if you got a mild Covid in 2020, you were probably working from home and would continue to work. Maybe at half speed. In 2022, you might just stay home and take it off. And maybe do a bit on the laptop but call it sickness to avoid going into the office.

I don’t know. I think it’s likely a mix of stress and jabs causing people to be more susceptible to minor ailments. The serious vaccine injuries are also there, but they will be dwarfed by this.

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I contend that the vaccinated without huge injuries still get sick more often.

It's like past vaccines, they did a study on kids with and without vaccines and turns out almost no allergies or severe issues in the unvaccinated group!

We will see what the data shows, if we can access it, haha.

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Yes, group in USA has stats, and pediatric doc who has book out, much less sickness, allergies, autoimmune, ADHD, Autism, obesity, etc. Dr Chris Exley on S/S is expert on aluminium which is in lots of jabs, can cause problems, not just kids but also adults. Dementia people's brains examined and high levels found.

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Do you have a link to the study? I have heard this mentioned before but it would be useful to show to the vax faithful.

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When I worked years ago in a kindergarten classroom, we were supposed to never call in sick, ever. I was experiencing problems from a booster shot I needed to work there and called in sick a lot. My co workers gave me the evil eye for days after calling in.

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Anyone else noticed how many people are seriously embarassed, mortified even if they cough or sneeze in a public place? I do think it's a combination of all factors, not least the psychological impact of being deemed a disease vector in 2020/21 ...

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I've seen a huge increase in minor sickness in my team. I've also had many executive level friends express their loss of motivation or energy towards their professions as they've been shown it can be simply taken away from them by lockdown. Small business also struggling for profit in inflationary market with labour shortages. All part of the plan i reckon

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Going off 25 years in office work...

I've seen senior management in private sector get ill regularly, something they previously seemed impervious to (we're talking alpha people highly intelligent, big salaries, active physically, with active social calendars). Omicron hit them all Jan 2022 then Cold after covid after cold. And they are all triple/bivalent system -lovers etc. Oh and a few have had heart problems.

However, I also know my unavaxxed family got hit hard in summer 21 delta, we're back feeling vindicated all last year, but this spring 23 we've been hit by gastric flu, colds, and headaches. I wonder if we have split undulations of vaxxed/unvaxxed no? Like Eugypius 's West Germany Bs GDR data but continuing.

Still with unvaxxed clearly being the better option, but nevertheless it seems that the health hit is real for us too.

Anyone else had a rough start to 2023?

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Yes! Ugg. My husband and I (unjabbed) both had a flu that turned into bronchitis for the past month! That’s never happened before since we had covid in 21’. I made my husband test in case it was Covid, since we had to attend his brothers funeral. The fully jabbed brother that recently died of 4 blocked arteries! Anywho it was negative, for what it’s worth. 🤷‍♀️

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Thanks, sorry to hear about your brother in law.

I'm pretty good on nutritional diet, some supplements where necessary so we're largely over chests with chicken broth, mushroom soup, deep sea fish, Vitamin D foods etc.

But the lingering gastric is a tougher nut to crack.

Good luck to us all!

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If something had weakened the immune system of most people, everyone would bear the brunt of the increased infectious pressure around them. Our immune function may be interdependent to a degree. Wouldn't surprise me anyway.

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Yes, we should consider all possible reasons for this spike. Once we do that ... we'll have our answer.

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Is spike the clue?

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The spike is due to the Spike

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With the mask studies coming out now I think the long term wearing of those is having an effect too.

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My daughter, just 32 yrs, has been sick off work 3 times since getting them. I am not sure of dates she received them. However she required urgent meds with strep throat first time, 2nd time, 3 months later, took to her bed with she says, "a cold from hell" that lasted a week and quite recently more time off with "flu like symptoms." I doubt it was a typical flu as she recovered quickly. She manages others and is consciencious and hard working. It does worry me she is ill so frequently because this is not how she used to be.

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Justa guess. People are taking more care of themselves (immune systems).

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So staying at home just in case?

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Not necessarily staying home, just taking better care of themselves. Like not having a wild n crazy lifestyle. Normal is good enough. The UK still has lots of misconceptions. Still believing Climate change for one. Almost all the crap we've been through, but they have a 'king' who is really dead still hammering away.

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So why are they off sick more?

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Maybe they think they are sick. Unless they have 5G, that will do it by itself.

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What about the jab?

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That can kill you, so of course!

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I am not convinced on the 5G thing as I live in a big city where it has been rolled out. I was one of the last people to catch the deadly 'rona (after smugly watching all the vaxxers around me catch it). Belief in a deadly pandemic seems far more likely to give you a severe case of the 'rona than being in the proximity of 5g masts.

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I think telling people their jobs are non-essential doesn’t help....;)

Maybe people re-evaluating their lives and now thinking work is not that important in the scheme of things?

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I know the graph said absence caused by mental illness is down, but how did they determine that? And how do they verify that someone's illness isn't a symptom of a mental health issue? It's widely understood that "The Body Keeps The Score" (by Bessel van der Kolk). How do we know that these illnesses weren't cases of the body keeping the score?

In my own life, I know that COVID has caused all kinds of issues. I became so depressed. So did my husband and child. We basically stopped living. About a year ago, I woke up suddenly and said, "What are we doing?" And let me also say that I never bought into the narrative; I knew the shots were poison; I knew masking was a farce; I knew 6-ft was junk science. But somehow, we ground to a halt here at my house until that day last spring. I can't tell you what a struggle it has been to drag my family back into living. My husband flat out refuses (every now and then, he shows a spark so I haven't given up hope). He went from never missing work to telling me he had months of sick time and might as well use them. He's depressed! But anyone looking at only his data regarding absences wouldn't know that. That makes me wonder how many other people's data was analyzed without knowing the background.

We also know that mental health is steadily on the decline across the world. You can't see with your eyes everyday what's happening to your world, be blatantly lied to over and over that what you're seeing isn't what you're seeing, and not lose a grip on sanity. In other words, when you gaslight the population, it's going to cause a lot of mental illness.

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Good points. Sorry to hear about your family.

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We're working on it. God is in my corner and I'm trusting the story. We're going to be okay.

I have simply observed that the plandemic has caused a lot of people to become erratic. I know families that have been ripped apart because some followed the COVID line to the letter while others were more cautious. It caused unbelievable tension in workplaces because irrational fear was promoted and logic and reason suppressed.

Our government and media has been gaslighting us for decades but COVID bright it out in the open, put it on full display. And then they gaslit us about gaslighting us! It seriously effects mental health; I would even venture to guess that we don't understand all the ways it effects mental health.

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I'm in Canada, and the businesses (large and small) in the towns close to where I live are all having problems finding staff and have high rates of people calling in sick. When I ask the managers who have to deal with this what is going on, they just say, "People are lazy. They don't want to work."

That answer doesn't really satisfy me. Where are people getting the money to live off of? Especially with the ever increasing rate of inflation? Even eating at McDonald's has apparently gotten more expensive.

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Same in the UK, constantly seeing signs saying staff off sick.

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McDonalds is taking full advantage of situation, using inflation as an excuse to raise prices far in excess of the actual inflation rate. And they aren’t the only ones.

I hope that people remember those who took advantage and act accordingly.

I’m done with McDonalds.....

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Employees are looking at the treadmill of the office and opting out. There are productive industries you can do from your garage. Such as knitting wool socks.

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Mask wearing causing MIES too

Employers asking people to stay home if sick as well, that's a societal shift.

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We really need to compare these statistics with other countries. I gather the absentee rate has grown in the USA but not sure if anywhere else. It will probably turn out to be climate change 🙄

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Gee I wonder why!???? 😳

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Other idea: due to lockdowns, societal changes: antigenic drift/shift of all kind of illnesses

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