The most shocking thing is they have any approval at all. Ignorance and a refusal to accept what’s obvious is systemic among the comfortable.

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Trump is nothing more than the vessel of our discontent. To place him on a par with Biden is foolishness, and in effect pretends none of this happened:

Operation Crossfire Hurricane predicated on a fraud committed by Hillary;

FISA fraud to enable unlawful wiretaps on a President and his staff;

The Russian collusion hoax/Mueller investigation;

Two impeachments;

Political and criminal persecution of a host of Trump allies;

A stolen 2020 election; and, most recently…

Lawfare — both civil and criminal — brought by democrats in multiple jurisdictions in the hope of bankrupting the leading Presidential candidate and sending him to prison.

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This once great country, now in rapid decline, has become nothing more than a banana republic. I'm heartsick. I'm 66 and never in my wildest dreams believed we would become what we have.

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Operation warpspeed happened. The rest is distraction.

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Then you'll like Miles Mathis:


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Thanks for this... just looked him up... interesting man.

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Good times, hard times... I believe we are in the End Times!

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The G7 picture is of puppets, not leaders or even low level managers, just puppets doing what they're told to do. By design the puppet draws the ire of the mob rather than the true operators.

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Weak men create hard times stage, excellent article. All of them are self serving and weak, as watchmen they have failed and have betrayed every man, woman and child in their respective countries while gathering wealth to feather their own nest. Well dressed preening criminals.

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What is the goofy pope with a small p doing at the G7. The guy is a priest, not the president of any country. Stay out of it pope. Stick to what you know. Even the catholics are not happy with this pope. Many Catholic family members have left the church because of him.

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He is another globalist puppet who pushed quakcines to "save" lives and approved to close churches and hold no mass during the scamdemic.

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A horrible little man

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Seven WEFers, traitors and useful idiots....... I like this title better.......

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The G7, in full Group of Seven, should be called 'The seven deadly sinners'!

'Group of Seven' anagrams to 'feverous pong', the top and only 2 word phrase.

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Great article

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Very apt quote, and it's not just the G7 leaders it applies to, but ALL of our "watchmen" - the public health officials, the regulatory agencies (environmental, health, and the rest), the "justice" system. These are all supposed to safeguard our health, freedom, and well-being. And the justice system is supposed to provide checks and balances against the abuses of power by the other arms of government.

All of them.

In just about every country. (I'm in Australia - we are small, but mighty - in both tyranny and ignorance!)

"Greedy dogs who never have enough", who "look to their gain from every quarter"... yes, very apt.

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absolutely brilliant! I so appreciate that you didn't make the 'leaders' evil - just tragic. And changing the times is not up to them, but up to us collectively - by each of us regaining our own inner power, and then using connection, compassion, curiosity, care, joy, and love to make the changes for ourselves, all of life, and the planet.

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I think stage four hasn't even begun yet but when it does, there will be some folks in for a verrrrrrry RUDE awakening.

Stage three right now.

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We're in the lower third quarter, approaching fourth. Some parts of the world are already there.

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Perfect choice for a verse(s). Will be using it myself today in my Verse For The Day, although I have used both in the past as well. Linking today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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You nailed it; again. Of course we are in the fourth meme. I'm afraid the fifth one is on the way...

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And what about the Rest of the World? China, Russia, the other now 10 full members of The BICS. Does a dysfunctional G7 really believe that it is still important?

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