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Didn’t synchronization already take place for the past 2+ years though? Serious question, not being confrontational @ all. I was most horrified by that synchronization & mass compliance globally

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Thanks for asking ! There is a difference between synchronization and mob rule. What we have been experiencing is scapegoating by a stupid and sometimes vicious mob who fell for the bait set up by the elites. The unvaccinated are the CONTROL GROUP which destroys The Narrative. Hence the threat to the elites. I have also Posted the Del Bigtree speech on this Commentary Section. Please listen to it. Synchronization is different. It is the concept of a spark of Light becoming stronger. The video I have Posted explains it beautifully. There is a Phase Change when the audience is clapping which is very discernible. As the spark gets stronger, ORDER is maintained. If you have ever watched a vicious mob, they are also focused when they are going after a scapegoat. There is order also. But the key difference is that they are TAKING LIGHT without earning it. A murderer takes Light without earning it. The spark that grows brighter on the other hand, is GIVING LIGHT and illuminating everything around it. We are giving Light at the Quantuum Level of Reality. That is the key difference.

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I watch Del’s Highwire every week, he’s my hero!

But when the “scamdemic” reared, no one had voted or advocated for it (other than our “betters” when they realized or had planned all along to use it as an excuse for all of the tyranny later). Certainly later, mobs jumped on the blame-&-demonize-the-UNvax’d.

I still feel like all of the draconian measures were absolutely synchronized by western leaders, as soon as they realized they COULD ape the Chinese model. And not about to stop

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The Plandemic has been planned for 100 years. The Spanish Flu was the first instance of attempted forced vaccination. There were protests at the time. I have a photocopy of a photo from downtown Toronto. The protest could just as easily been from last week. China has facilitated viral research with Western operatives. Charles Lieber is a traitor and convicted felon. Where there is one rat there are always more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_M._Lieber

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Yes of course, it can be traced back to eugenics propounded by Rockefeller, Sanger, et al. And the Free Masons, I think, which goes back centuries. I don’t understand it all except the evil seems to have coalesced & the window to escape it is very, very narrow now

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God knows this. We are in The End of Days. This World will fall just like Atlantis did 10 000 years ago.

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