Not to ask the obvious, but with so few people getting shot 3, fewer getting shot 4, fewer shot 5, yet excess deaths increasing, does this mean the mid term side effects are actually worse than the short term? What does that mean in 3, 5, 10 years? Can the body heal?
It’s been a year and a half of death and heartache. While I’m incredibly happy my healthy husband and I didn’t get these stupid jabs, and I’m incredibly grateful we ensured our school aged kids didn’t get jabbed, a lot of people we know and love did. It’s heartbreaking. “I told you so” sucks on this. I keep hoping to see things return to normal and every new month the bad data keeps coming but the majority of even our wokest friends haven’t been jabbed in a year or more. But the heartbreaks keep coming like knives every few months.
It’s hard to predict what the future is going to be. I had an adverse reaction to the anthrax vaccine in the marines and have lots of autoimmune disorders, mainly neuropathies. Not sure what will happen with this MRNA. It’s a whole different monster. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse than it is.
You will need to say ur farewells eventually. This is a major turning point and bifurcation of timelines. They will go to their chosen fate and those who chose self responsible will go to another.
Probably have to factor in the huge apparent variability in the shots. Lot to lot, vial to vial—lack of standardization, controls, and manufacturing oversight. Some with mRNA, some without, some with broken sequences, metallic impurities, etc. A vast unknown. And factor in some getting intravenous injection vs intramuscular. Lots of variables and so much unknown, but the outcomes are bound to vary across the board. Probably no one simple way to think about this.
The mid term (18 month to 3 years post shots) is appalling. There is a possibility of ADE, mad cow, alzheimers, right side heart failure due to micro clots, telomerase synthesis disruption (leading to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia) and immune system destruction.
Tell the vaxxed to go to and on the protocols tab start in on the "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" protocol.
The human god herd immunity has protected us from all these dormant diseases and cancers. By disabling our immuje system with an aids injection that bypasses most of the immune system.... this is the first step to world wide genocide.
After this they can blame all deaths on cancers and diseases. Why do u think moderna or pfizer invested in anti cancer mrna drugs... cause they know the shots cause stuff....
It was prophesied by seers and psychics called prophets that in the last days of god s apocalypse the living will envy the dead. Take a good look at the mutations and pain the survivors are receiving.
I suspect that given it alters the DNA ... a single shot is considered enough to contribute to the attempt to generate The Bossche Mutation (which I suspect is the end game)
We are just a few months away from new releases of mRNA based vaccines - for RSV and the Flu. More will follow. If you have children you must be on high alert. These vaccines will show up at all Pediatrician clinics and the vast majority will push them on parents, many without saying a word about the underlying technology(after all it’s in the fine print paperwork that comes with the vaccine, somewhere, if you can decode it). These vaccines are Genetic Therapeutics not vaccines and they remain very dangerous. The Lipid Nanoparticle transport technology is both inflammatory and cancer inducing. That’s just part of the risk. Recall that the Covid vaccine has hundreds of ingredients(~270 for Pfizer) and we still don’t know what they are. And beware the food supply. Bill Gates has said that this is where vaccines are headed in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy. The salad has been identified as a future vaccine carrier. Everything Bill Gates has said about vaccines in the past 10 years has come true. They will become even more deceptive and devious in their strategy to get vaccines into every arm(or mouth or nose). Remain on high alert, and Just Say No!
They have basically managed to skip real clinical trials for mRNA. Just started Turtles all the way down. That basically describes all vaccine clinical trials to date. Instead of comparing them to an inert placebo, they compare them to a previous vaccines, which in turn was compared to a previous vaccine, all the way back until randomized control trials weren't a thing.
Yes, and I heard recently that they may have inserted harmful placebos in place of inert saline to make the vaccine look better by comparison. This I would never have believed, until now.
Been saying this but lemme say it again: Government paid for the shots and PUSHED them hard on the peasants. Government will not investigate government for government wrongdoing.
Obviously, we the peasants, pay for everyone and everything in government. The point I was making is that once gov had our money, they tasked (paid) Pharma to develop and manufacture the poison and then they pushed it hard. Gov will not investigate nor punish their misconduct.
Just wondering if everything is extremely, you know, complicated.
I've been in Scotland and the rest of the UK during summer months, and it was still possible to be chilled to the bone on a bad day. I've been in England during the winter, with people who had those crappy storage heaters that don't heat much of anything, and I wonder if people of all ages, under all sorts of physiological stress from all sorts of things, are now more vulnerable than ever to every opportunistic illness. So--another way for the vax-debilitated to be in heightened danger of death? Something to add to the list of tangential vulnerabilities?
The cold kills many more people than the heat does and we all know we are trying to make do with extra jumpers etc instead of turning on the ridiculously priced heating, so I definately think the financial inibility to heat homes could be an additional factor for many. But nevermind, it will make Greta happy
absolutely, the evidence continues showing each jab debilitates the overall immune system to some degree.. 4 jabs and the body becomes tolerant of the covid virus. As variants continue to evolve you are more and more susceptible. The exact opposite of what Pfizer and Moderna state.
I know the weather isn't unusual. Just saying that if one's physiological systems have been already damaged, extra environmental stress will be extra hard to deal with.
Bear with me here. One of the anomalies of the jabs has been why there have been so many very fit and young people drop dead. In reality, these victims make up a small percentage of the total number of people who suffer "sudden adult death syndrome" but they are more conspicious - because normally young people in their teens, 20s and 30s don't drop dead, such cases are extremely rare. So why are the the young and fit suffering from cardiac failure? A reason suggested to me by Scottish Unity (@scojw on twitter) is because the payload in the jabs is lipophilic; i.e. they go to where the fat is. And super fit athletes and sportsmen don't have much body fat, except for around the heart muscle. This makes sense and explains the puzzle. It also lends support to the bio-weapon thesis; the jab eliminates (or more often seriously damages) the hearts of the young and fit, so can significantly impact military personnel. But this raises the question of why the west (or the USA at least) have been so keen to impose the jab on their own soldiers. (edited for typos).
This is a "new to me" term. I looked it up. Good idea. It's a 21st century adaptation of the age-old stoves or ovens from (say) Scandinavia. A massive stone/brick oven is built in the center of a dwelling. It has a relatively small fire box. The relatively large thermal mass absorbs and releases heat for many hours. Nowhere near as romantic as a "normal" fireplace hearth with its blazing fire (bearskin rug optional) but far more efficient heating wise.
I grew up where it got cold in winter, but no longer have that problem. I live in central Florida, where I can count on one hand, maybe two, the number of times I need even an electric space heater during winter.
I live in the US, but have visited friends in the UK since 1973 and their struggles to keep their homes warm on limited incomes has been appalling to me. Of course I was born and raised in NYC with steam heat radiators and heat and hot water were always part of the maintenance or rent charges, so life elsewhere always came as a pretty severe culture shock regarding the basics of life. When I moved to New England (oh, the irony) the reality of utility costs for heat and hot water smacked me in the face with a shipload of 2x4s.
The UK government is doling out subsidy for huge investment in future mRNA products manufacturing so there will be plenty more parties and plenty of need for more allies in the future
"they (ONS - ?) have recently changed how they calculate the five year average (of excess deaths) and now include 2021 and 2022, even though these were abnormal years." Yep, THAT won't skew the numbers at all.......
A far as I know NRS (National Records Scotland, the equivalent of ONS), also include the 2020 year in their 5 year baseline/average. It was 2015-2019 but is now 2016-2020. Scottish Unity did a post on this a few months ago. The magnitude of actual excess mortality will be further disguised when they start to use 2017-2021 as the baseline.
I think people have been saying "Hopefully these excess deaths will start to disappear" for quite some time now! The authorities will probably just only use the "Pandemic Years" data to show that there are no excess deaths. I heard a programme on the BBC World Service the other day saying that young people, especially women, around the western world are deciding not to have children because they have exciting careers and that explains the decline in the birth rates. So that's all good then isn't it (not)?
It’s a coincidence that so many Coincidences are appearing lately. All pontificated by a very small group of WEF participants who appear to have discovered perfect solutions for absolute problems they constantly redefine. I always thought corruption was bad but mostly about money. These self righteous super intelligent arrogant “pricks” like Jacinda are instead purely evil or are aliens hatched from their pods preparing for the invasion from their home planet. See the CNBC VP for a perfect display of an arrogant pig as he throws his cigarette on the ground while threatening an unapproved Rebel News journalist for asking embarrassing yet valid questions.
Moob-man Gates has already warned of a new scamdemic that will really get our attention this time. Also, some other hack said out loud very recently how lucky-unfortunate it was that Wu-Flu hadn’t targeted & killed children because then no one would have had ANY excuse not to Vax, mask & go along w/ all the rest. I’m guessing that’s the cocktail they are teeing up next.
Yes that video of him saying it will get their attention next time was so freaky - the stuff of nightmares! I'm sure I heard something about them having one of their role playing games of another pandemic that targeted kids and young people but I may be mistaken with that.
Everything that happened the past 3 years to all of us was terrible & the demonization & discrimination of we defiant ones was unhinged but if the “next” one has babies, little kids & young people dropping dead we are absolutely 🔩’d
They certainly are, but only since insisting kids be jabbed. Kids were virtually immune from the WuFlu “virus” itself. I’m saying they’ll gin up something that kills the young 1st, instead of the vulnerable old & infirm w/ co-morbidities of any age as in the 1st round 2020-2022
Governments will never acknowledge any mistakes because a) the entire narrative would collapse, b) they are worried sabout liability and accountability and increasingly c) they are worried that there could be a massive wave of unrest if the people finally understand they have been systematically lied to and gaslighted.
Now I know what the blackhole piercing my soul was 3 years ago. The only part I knew then, for sure, was it was about "Our Children." Some days I have no words. Just silence. Alone silence.
Not to ask the obvious, but with so few people getting shot 3, fewer getting shot 4, fewer shot 5, yet excess deaths increasing, does this mean the mid term side effects are actually worse than the short term? What does that mean in 3, 5, 10 years? Can the body heal?
That's the fun part, no one has a clue. Safe and effective.
It’s been a year and a half of death and heartache. While I’m incredibly happy my healthy husband and I didn’t get these stupid jabs, and I’m incredibly grateful we ensured our school aged kids didn’t get jabbed, a lot of people we know and love did. It’s heartbreaking. “I told you so” sucks on this. I keep hoping to see things return to normal and every new month the bad data keeps coming but the majority of even our wokest friends haven’t been jabbed in a year or more. But the heartbreaks keep coming like knives every few months.
It’s hard to predict what the future is going to be. I had an adverse reaction to the anthrax vaccine in the marines and have lots of autoimmune disorders, mainly neuropathies. Not sure what will happen with this MRNA. It’s a whole different monster. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse than it is.
You will need to say ur farewells eventually. This is a major turning point and bifurcation of timelines. They will go to their chosen fate and those who chose self responsible will go to another.
Probably have to factor in the huge apparent variability in the shots. Lot to lot, vial to vial—lack of standardization, controls, and manufacturing oversight. Some with mRNA, some without, some with broken sequences, metallic impurities, etc. A vast unknown. And factor in some getting intravenous injection vs intramuscular. Lots of variables and so much unknown, but the outcomes are bound to vary across the board. Probably no one simple way to think about this.
Let's go to the safety trial data to see ... oh wait....
Watch the all cause mortality numbers (ACM)
The mid term (18 month to 3 years post shots) is appalling. There is a possibility of ADE, mad cow, alzheimers, right side heart failure due to micro clots, telomerase synthesis disruption (leading to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia) and immune system destruction.
Tell the vaxxed to go to and on the protocols tab start in on the "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" protocol.
The human god herd immunity has protected us from all these dormant diseases and cancers. By disabling our immuje system with an aids injection that bypasses most of the immune system.... this is the first step to world wide genocide.
After this they can blame all deaths on cancers and diseases. Why do u think moderna or pfizer invested in anti cancer mrna drugs... cause they know the shots cause stuff....
It was prophesied by seers and psychics called prophets that in the last days of god s apocalypse the living will envy the dead. Take a good look at the mutations and pain the survivors are receiving.
To heal one would need to look outside pharma poison cartel and death doctors. God and healing has always been offered.
Harvard is still requiring boosters for undergraduate students.
The genuinely smart and capable of innovation ones whose parents also have a brain certainly are.
I suspect that given it alters the DNA ... a single shot is considered enough to contribute to the attempt to generate The Bossche Mutation (which I suspect is the end game)
The waxxines cause aids. Slow kill. Also the waxxines spread from person to person. Social network weapon.
We are just a few months away from new releases of mRNA based vaccines - for RSV and the Flu. More will follow. If you have children you must be on high alert. These vaccines will show up at all Pediatrician clinics and the vast majority will push them on parents, many without saying a word about the underlying technology(after all it’s in the fine print paperwork that comes with the vaccine, somewhere, if you can decode it). These vaccines are Genetic Therapeutics not vaccines and they remain very dangerous. The Lipid Nanoparticle transport technology is both inflammatory and cancer inducing. That’s just part of the risk. Recall that the Covid vaccine has hundreds of ingredients(~270 for Pfizer) and we still don’t know what they are. And beware the food supply. Bill Gates has said that this is where vaccines are headed in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy. The salad has been identified as a future vaccine carrier. Everything Bill Gates has said about vaccines in the past 10 years has come true. They will become even more deceptive and devious in their strategy to get vaccines into every arm(or mouth or nose). Remain on high alert, and Just Say No!
They have basically managed to skip real clinical trials for mRNA. Just started Turtles all the way down. That basically describes all vaccine clinical trials to date. Instead of comparing them to an inert placebo, they compare them to a previous vaccines, which in turn was compared to a previous vaccine, all the way back until randomized control trials weren't a thing.
Yes, and I heard recently that they may have inserted harmful placebos in place of inert saline to make the vaccine look better by comparison. This I would never have believed, until now.
Waxxines were not originally injected.
They were taken orally. What changed? Posions are injected into the bloodstream
Was it the meningitis vaccine used as a placebo for covid?
I don’t know. Perhaps more will come out about this. If this indeed occurred I suspect very few people knew about it at the time.
Yup. A racket. Or two.
Been saying this but lemme say it again: Government paid for the shots and PUSHED them hard on the peasants. Government will not investigate government for government wrongdoing.
In fact, we paid for the shots, every which way, specially those who were injected.
Obviously, we the peasants, pay for everyone and everything in government. The point I was making is that once gov had our money, they tasked (paid) Pharma to develop and manufacture the poison and then they pushed it hard. Gov will not investigate nor punish their misconduct.
Just wondering if everything is extremely, you know, complicated.
I've been in Scotland and the rest of the UK during summer months, and it was still possible to be chilled to the bone on a bad day. I've been in England during the winter, with people who had those crappy storage heaters that don't heat much of anything, and I wonder if people of all ages, under all sorts of physiological stress from all sorts of things, are now more vulnerable than ever to every opportunistic illness. So--another way for the vax-debilitated to be in heightened danger of death? Something to add to the list of tangential vulnerabilities?
The cold kills many more people than the heat does and we all know we are trying to make do with extra jumpers etc instead of turning on the ridiculously priced heating, so I definately think the financial inibility to heat homes could be an additional factor for many. But nevermind, it will make Greta happy
absolutely, the evidence continues showing each jab debilitates the overall immune system to some degree.. 4 jabs and the body becomes tolerant of the covid virus. As variants continue to evolve you are more and more susceptible. The exact opposite of what Pfizer and Moderna state.
Binary bio toxin. Each alone is not that lethal. Combined.....
Scotland is usually cold in winter, so it's not likely anything unusual. Scots often have a good layer of bio-prene to keep them warm.
Fatties were at extra risk from covid, so probably from spike protein as well.
I know the weather isn't unusual. Just saying that if one's physiological systems have been already damaged, extra environmental stress will be extra hard to deal with.
Bear with me here. One of the anomalies of the jabs has been why there have been so many very fit and young people drop dead. In reality, these victims make up a small percentage of the total number of people who suffer "sudden adult death syndrome" but they are more conspicious - because normally young people in their teens, 20s and 30s don't drop dead, such cases are extremely rare. So why are the the young and fit suffering from cardiac failure? A reason suggested to me by Scottish Unity (@scojw on twitter) is because the payload in the jabs is lipophilic; i.e. they go to where the fat is. And super fit athletes and sportsmen don't have much body fat, except for around the heart muscle. This makes sense and explains the puzzle. It also lends support to the bio-weapon thesis; the jab eliminates (or more often seriously damages) the hearts of the young and fit, so can significantly impact military personnel. But this raises the question of why the west (or the USA at least) have been so keen to impose the jab on their own soldiers. (edited for typos).
I've got super modern storage heaters . Wonderful and the cat loves them 😜
This is a "new to me" term. I looked it up. Good idea. It's a 21st century adaptation of the age-old stoves or ovens from (say) Scandinavia. A massive stone/brick oven is built in the center of a dwelling. It has a relatively small fire box. The relatively large thermal mass absorbs and releases heat for many hours. Nowhere near as romantic as a "normal" fireplace hearth with its blazing fire (bearskin rug optional) but far more efficient heating wise.
I grew up where it got cold in winter, but no longer have that problem. I live in central Florida, where I can count on one hand, maybe two, the number of times I need even an electric space heater during winter.
Going a little off piste badly here but…. Is your low tariff period 12-7 am?
I live in the US, but have visited friends in the UK since 1973 and their struggles to keep their homes warm on limited incomes has been appalling to me. Of course I was born and raised in NYC with steam heat radiators and heat and hot water were always part of the maintenance or rent charges, so life elsewhere always came as a pretty severe culture shock regarding the basics of life. When I moved to New England (oh, the irony) the reality of utility costs for heat and hot water smacked me in the face with a shipload of 2x4s.
edited for spelling
I'm glad you can afford them. My friends couldn't.
These doctors are so late the party is over!
The UK government is doling out subsidy for huge investment in future mRNA products manufacturing so there will be plenty more parties and plenty of need for more allies in the future
"they (ONS - ?) have recently changed how they calculate the five year average (of excess deaths) and now include 2021 and 2022, even though these were abnormal years." Yep, THAT won't skew the numbers at all.......
Such honesty and integrity - criminals.
A far as I know NRS (National Records Scotland, the equivalent of ONS), also include the 2020 year in their 5 year baseline/average. It was 2015-2019 but is now 2016-2020. Scottish Unity did a post on this a few months ago. The magnitude of actual excess mortality will be further disguised when they start to use 2017-2021 as the baseline.
Im pretty sure we wont read about this on any scottish or uk newspaper...will we?staggering silence...the collusion of msm is astounding
I think people have been saying "Hopefully these excess deaths will start to disappear" for quite some time now! The authorities will probably just only use the "Pandemic Years" data to show that there are no excess deaths. I heard a programme on the BBC World Service the other day saying that young people, especially women, around the western world are deciding not to have children because they have exciting careers and that explains the decline in the birth rates. So that's all good then isn't it (not)?
It’s a coincidence that so many Coincidences are appearing lately. All pontificated by a very small group of WEF participants who appear to have discovered perfect solutions for absolute problems they constantly redefine. I always thought corruption was bad but mostly about money. These self righteous super intelligent arrogant “pricks” like Jacinda are instead purely evil or are aliens hatched from their pods preparing for the invasion from their home planet. See the CNBC VP for a perfect display of an arrogant pig as he throws his cigarette on the ground while threatening an unapproved Rebel News journalist for asking embarrassing yet valid questions.
I think there is worse to come; some of the heart damage, cancer, autoimmune & neurological issues could take a few or many years to manifest.
Luc Montaigner warned about CJD (prion disease, like mad cow disease).
Moob-man Gates has already warned of a new scamdemic that will really get our attention this time. Also, some other hack said out loud very recently how lucky-unfortunate it was that Wu-Flu hadn’t targeted & killed children because then no one would have had ANY excuse not to Vax, mask & go along w/ all the rest. I’m guessing that’s the cocktail they are teeing up next.
Yes that video of him saying it will get their attention next time was so freaky - the stuff of nightmares! I'm sure I heard something about them having one of their role playing games of another pandemic that targeted kids and young people but I may be mistaken with that.
Everything that happened the past 3 years to all of us was terrible & the demonization & discrimination of we defiant ones was unhinged but if the “next” one has babies, little kids & young people dropping dead we are absolutely 🔩’d
They killed the kids
They certainly are, but only since insisting kids be jabbed. Kids were virtually immune from the WuFlu “virus” itself. I’m saying they’ll gin up something that kills the young 1st, instead of the vulnerable old & infirm w/ co-morbidities of any age as in the 1st round 2020-2022
If u want to see a game that is a clone copy of 2020, look up a ytube story summary of deus ex game.
Governments will never acknowledge any mistakes because a) the entire narrative would collapse, b) they are worried sabout liability and accountability and increasingly c) they are worried that there could be a massive wave of unrest if the people finally understand they have been systematically lied to and gaslighted.
Right on cue the Guardian publishes this article about extreme heat in July 2022 killed 638 people. Classic diversionary propaganda. They have been blaming climate change for a while for excees deaths.
The first graph may as well be subtitled, "pre Covid", "pre Covid", "Covid", "post Covid", and finally, (you guessed it), "Vaccine"
Also, check out this report, covering excess deaths in 41 countries - you can't blame the NHS for all of them!
Who was the 'licensing minister' then responsible for the vaccine?
Now I know what the blackhole piercing my soul was 3 years ago. The only part I knew then, for sure, was it was about "Our Children." Some days I have no words. Just silence. Alone silence.