What Covid has also exposed is that our governments are acting outside of all laws because they are able to hide massive corruption behind a veil of secrecy.
But of course the next big thing they’re teeing up in global lockstep are laws to ban “hate speech”, mis- & disinformation - which will encompass such things as criticism of government, or “vaccines”, “science”, etc. And who will be the arbiters? The government & the so-called scientists & the medico-pharma complex, to name a few. My understanding is there are attempts right now in France, Canada, Ireland & probably in the works in the rest of the West
The only hope is for the majority of the population to wake up and push back. It is getting harder and harder for people to ignore the consequences of reality.
I have my doubts about the masses of asses. Have you noticed almost NO ONE will talk about what was done to us all over the past 4 years? Not the politicians, the healthcare profession, the scientists, the media, the businesses, the churches, on & on. The only ones willing to talk are those of us who were right all along & it seems like we can only talk to each other. The rest want to forget, to move on, to pretend it never happened or wasn’t that bad. Out of shame, culpability, fear (of reprisal)…. That seems to be the default for the majority
The medical people are talking, but amongst themselves. I learned from my LPN roommate while in hospital in February that she had been advised by doctors to not bother with boosters if not legally mandated.
Chaos is necessary to get people to submit to martial law.
Sure, Bidet is just overtly violating the Constitution every day now, like flying in 320,000 criminal aliens from Latin America so that they don't have to bother crossing the border themselves:
Forgot to mention ... most also believe that Covid is what is causing the millions of vax injuries and deaths. There is no cure for stupidity - other than death
I had a new client on my table last week (massage therapist in a chiro office), and she was telling me she’s a nurse in a med spa, does menopause hormones, IV infusions, among other things. So it seems like she’s solidly in the alternative therapy, functional healing space and I’m thinking she’s probably seeing through all the ‘safe and effective’ BS. As we’re chatting, she says they have had SO MANY new autoimmune patients since covid, that covid was just horrible, and I said “well, yes, and the vaccine caused a lot of issues too.” And this woman says, I kid you not, that it’s really covid, they haven’t seen any vaccine issues, and it’s because some people have latent autoimmune issues in their bodies and the struggle with covid, because it was such a horrible virus, brought out the autoimmune condition. Now, I don’t doubt for a minute that the covid virus caused autoimmune issues, because I believe it was created in a lab with a toxic spike protein. But that same protein is what they used in the so-called vaccine! After that, I changed the subject because I didn’t want to argue with a client on unstable, but I kept thinking.... you were soooo close!
I have a horrible feeling that it will keep going a lot longer before crashing to the ground. We truthers are making small inroads and seeing small gains, and we have to celebrate those wins. But the veil of secrecy - and censorship - is just getting stronger and more institutionalised. Most people (the ones who are not obviously affected by jab injuries) just want to leave it all under the carpet and go back to their "normal" lives.
It seems to me to be we have a dumbed down nd indoctrinated people as George describes: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
Surely the CDC has broken the law. An FOIA is a request for information. I have the same problem here in NZ. Everything is hidden behind the Privacy Act. They are literally concealing the dead bodies.
"Commercially sensitive"????!!!! What the everloving efff is that supposed to mean?? No matter how much you might despise these people, it is far from enough.
What Covid has also exposed is that our governments are acting outside of all laws because they are able to hide massive corruption behind a veil of secrecy.
The crime just builds and builds. It will all crash to the ground soon. I foresee absolute chaos.
But of course the next big thing they’re teeing up in global lockstep are laws to ban “hate speech”, mis- & disinformation - which will encompass such things as criticism of government, or “vaccines”, “science”, etc. And who will be the arbiters? The government & the so-called scientists & the medico-pharma complex, to name a few. My understanding is there are attempts right now in France, Canada, Ireland & probably in the works in the rest of the West
The only hope is for the majority of the population to wake up and push back. It is getting harder and harder for people to ignore the consequences of reality.
I have my doubts about the masses of asses. Have you noticed almost NO ONE will talk about what was done to us all over the past 4 years? Not the politicians, the healthcare profession, the scientists, the media, the businesses, the churches, on & on. The only ones willing to talk are those of us who were right all along & it seems like we can only talk to each other. The rest want to forget, to move on, to pretend it never happened or wasn’t that bad. Out of shame, culpability, fear (of reprisal)…. That seems to be the default for the majority
The medical people are talking, but amongst themselves. I learned from my LPN roommate while in hospital in February that she had been advised by doctors to not bother with boosters if not legally mandated.
Definitely not Trump.
He's still pretending that the toxxine helped in some way, when it obviously did not. Very disappointing.
Nah ... most Vaxxers still believe the vax saved the world -- some might accept that some folks died from the vax but it was a price worth paying
Maybe. I try to hope.
I worry that it will be admitted openly at a time when chaos will be convenient.
Yes, chaos is convenient as an excuse for martial law and suspension of Constitutional rights.
Why bother with chaos? Biden and his Obama/hard left controlled Executive Branch are already shredding the Constitution without it….
Chaos is necessary to get people to submit to martial law.
Sure, Bidet is just overtly violating the Constitution every day now, like flying in 320,000 criminal aliens from Latin America so that they don't have to bother crossing the border themselves:
Yeah, I have had similar thoughts....
Forgot to mention ... most also believe that Covid is what is causing the millions of vax injuries and deaths. There is no cure for stupidity - other than death
I had a new client on my table last week (massage therapist in a chiro office), and she was telling me she’s a nurse in a med spa, does menopause hormones, IV infusions, among other things. So it seems like she’s solidly in the alternative therapy, functional healing space and I’m thinking she’s probably seeing through all the ‘safe and effective’ BS. As we’re chatting, she says they have had SO MANY new autoimmune patients since covid, that covid was just horrible, and I said “well, yes, and the vaccine caused a lot of issues too.” And this woman says, I kid you not, that it’s really covid, they haven’t seen any vaccine issues, and it’s because some people have latent autoimmune issues in their bodies and the struggle with covid, because it was such a horrible virus, brought out the autoimmune condition. Now, I don’t doubt for a minute that the covid virus caused autoimmune issues, because I believe it was created in a lab with a toxic spike protein. But that same protein is what they used in the so-called vaccine! After that, I changed the subject because I didn’t want to argue with a client on unstable, but I kept thinking.... you were soooo close!
I have a horrible feeling that it will keep going a lot longer before crashing to the ground. We truthers are making small inroads and seeing small gains, and we have to celebrate those wins. But the veil of secrecy - and censorship - is just getting stronger and more institutionalised. Most people (the ones who are not obviously affected by jab injuries) just want to leave it all under the carpet and go back to their "normal" lives.
But the broad electorate doesn't care.
You mean all the people living in pleasantville. Who think everything is fine. I agree with you.
It seems to me to be we have a dumbed down nd indoctrinated people as George describes: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
George Carlin
No, that's not what I mean.
Surely the CDC has broken the law. An FOIA is a request for information. I have the same problem here in NZ. Everything is hidden behind the Privacy Act. They are literally concealing the dead bodies.
I think the past four years have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that they're not too concerned about the law.
The first sign that this Covid game was rigged was when they changed the definition of the word 'vaccine'. Humpty Dumpty anyone?
those of us 'in the know' already know this, but now research is indicating that at least 70% of "long COVID" cases are from the jab... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/shocker-70-of-long-covid-cases-are?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
How surprising!!
Quis costodiet ipsos custodies? (Who will watch the watchers?)
I am surprised Del Bigtree’s Icahn has not pursued the redacted paper issued.
NE, this is priceless. thank you for posting this.
Redaction is just another way of giving tax payers the finger!
This is what the 3Ps, Private, Public, Partnerships are all about. Not allowed to know or examine and test what is in vials either.
We are in a state of serfdom where we are bound to the will of the Government, they seem to think they own our very bodies.
"Safe and effective" is a BS phrase from now on!
"Commercially sensitive"????!!!! What the everloving efff is that supposed to mean?? No matter how much you might despise these people, it is far from enough.
What did Orwell say, something like a boot stamping on your face forever....
Yellow is the color of lilly-livered cowards!