Jun 7Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Now that everyone is OK with Ukraine suspending elections until after the war, I think the plan from the Biden camp is to get us into a nice war with Russia so they can do the same thing. Show me an election and I’ll show you a Democrat plan that can steal it. They poisoned 2/3 of the human population to win the 2020 election, WWIII is small potatoes for a 2024 election win.

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Well said!

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WW3 may not be small potatoes for us. They have bunkers. I need to buy more batteries and ramen noodles.

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You should have that already, now is the time to buy more guns and ammo.

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That is exactly what I was thinking. They are flooding the media with pools insisting the race is to close to call but that conflicts with everything we see and hear and it was only a month ago that Trump was winning in all the swing states. Biden is a disaster and everyone knows it. Any sane person can see the criminal charges against Trump are political. They already concocted a global pandemic why not a global war?

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Jun 7Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The puppeteers keep poking the bear .

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Dark Brandon is like a character straight out of "Tales from the Crypt."

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Jun 7Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

No. The West is not the Great Satan. It's The Great Satan's politicians - perhaps I should have said bankers? Of course it is a farce (think Shakespeare). Check out the 2014 documentary film "Everything is a Rich Mans Trick" on YouTube (it's 3 & half hours!)

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The Europa documentary (on Odysee) offers an interesting alternative narrative of history too.

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Jun 7Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"This significant change in Russia’s foreign policy follows new guidance from President Joe Biden allowing US weapons to hit targets within Russia."

May God have mercy on us all.

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Jun 7Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The article is explicit: "Biden gives approval.....

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Jun 8Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

You are so right - "This.... won't end well."

This "game" only ends badly - and NOBODY wins.

Fools. ALL of them. Sit down and talk it out - before time runs out and this foolish game is over. As are we.

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Jun 7Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Why are we surprised that Russia and its former allied Soviet republics have finally decided that the US and NATO have crossed the latest of many red lines? Years of US and NATO provocation were received with guarded tolerance however now retaliation is imminent.

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How do The West's politics lead to a senile old man starting World War 111?

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hint: it didn't start with the senile old man.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Because the West/U.S. is the Great Satan and has become more (or at least as) evil then any other nation on this earth. It leaves one wondering was it all a farce from the get go. So far removed from what we believed it to be.

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If you think it's that simple..... 🫣

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The usurper of the 2020 Presidency is not Biden but Obama Hussein and it is he who makes most of the decisions along with the Cabal of 1% Elites.

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We must trust the «intelligence» of the peoples, or, failing that, that of the devil who pulls the strings because, it is clear, fortunately or unfortunately, that it is not the poor old man who leads the boat. They are the cannon merchants and the masters of finance, and they will lead us unscrupulously into the abyss…

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"Stolen elections have fatal consequences" has been proven for the Israelis, Palestinians, Ukrainians and Russians.

As loathe as people are to admit that a man who said "grab 'em by the pussy" would be the lynchpin of world peace - they will soon have to face that reality, when the mess wrought by the deep state and it's incontinent and demented meat puppet in just 4 years, comes to their door.

Will they ride their orange man bad tribal stupidity, to the dignified transfer of their drafted children, as obiden checks his watch for pudding time?

We are not only allowing our selves to be LARPed into WW3, we are inviting insurgents into our "borders" to conduct an additional asymmetric war, we are not prepared to fight.

This is what happens when you allow a system, government, bureaucracy, or ruler to grown beyond your ability to control or kill it.

I agree with George in his comment - "time to buy more guns and ammo".

Things are much worse than you think.

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They know the herd is easy to be scared.. CBDC is brewing and your privacy/personal freedom is evaporating. That's why you are "scared" with ww3 news every day...

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Hegelian dialect!

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Hint 2: The West's politics?

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