This book is a blistering and brilliant indictment of Gate, Fauci, and big pharma. There is a new outrage on every page, but RFK Jr maintains calm throughout, leaving it to his facts and figures to tar and feather the grotesque members of the medical cabal that has brought pain, suffering, and death to millions.

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I was on the waiting list for this book to come out, before it was released. It’s a mind blowing book, especially in June 2021…I didn’t receive it until November 2021!

I couldn’t put it down! In all honesty, there are parts of the book that made me cry…absolutely frightening in my personal opinion (are you human?).

Fauci (and others) are absolute DEMONS. I knew evil exists, being a deputy for 23 years, (force retired). But damn! These “people” are walking around with a special “pass”. Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!

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Team Kennedy sent out an email to donors asking us to provide examples of how Kennedy has been censored. I replied, noting that independent bookstore owners conspired to censor Mr. Kennedy's books, including The Real Anthony Fauci.

Here's a Substack column I wrote about this last Spring - with a specific example. (Nobody knows how many books Mr. Kennedy would have sold if independent book stores would have simply stocked the No. 1 NY Times' best-seller in the world!)


P.S. This link includes a link to my own book review of "The Real Anthony Fauci" that I published on my Substack. Citizen Free Press actually picked up this review, which gave my new Substack a quick 20,000 "reads." I also note that zero mainstream media news organizations reviewed the book.

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Simply a superb book.

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In my book review, I called it "the most important book of my lifetime."

It's important because the book is not just a critique of Fauci and the disastrous Covid response. It shows that all of science is now corrupt and captured. We don't have real science any more.

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Read it and think Fauci is just about the most evil SOB on our planet. So many damning claims would get RFK Jr. sued if not true. IMHO Fauci is not at the top of the evil pyramid it’s the military/industrial/spook cabal that he appears to be a useful idiot for. Not sure I like RFK all that much but his book is a must read to understand Fauci and what we are up against.

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Great book. Great research. Good guy. Not my choice for POTUS, but great book.

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People keep saying they don't like Kennedy, which is fine and their opinion.

But here we have a guy who wrote TWO supremely important books that could change the way we think about Science and government.

He was no doubt right on the connection between autism and vaccines - and that all "vaccines" are suspect. That took tremendous courage.

He started CHD - a non-profit that almost single-handedly is taking on Big Pharma.

He started The Defender, a journalism site that does the taboo journalism the mainstream press won't do.

He's become a champion of free speech and is leading the fight against Big Brother and censorship.

He or his attorneys have filed or helped fund countless important lawsuits - many of which are pending at the moment.

He's also a great critic of the military industrial complex and the Intelligence Agencies, which he thinks murdered his uncle and maybe his own father.

And he's running for president because he knows someone like himself needs to be in the White House if all of these corrupt organizations are going to be exposed and their key leaders purged.

Who else has used his life to bring about all this change or fight for such important causes? I can't think of anyone else.

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Thankyou Bill for defending Bobby’s record and achievements. I agree about that book being the most important in our lifetime as it exposed the deep corruption at the heart of our government and regulatory agencies. The fact that Faust (as I call the evil one who sold his soul to the devil) is the highest paid public employee earning even more than the president due to him overseeing the bioweapons program in our country is totally sickening. Voting for Bobby like my hair is on fire 🔥.

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I like Trump because he has been proven in the cauldron of actual accomplishment and we already know the type of President he is going to be. That aside you are correct that RFK Jr. is a very accomplished person too. I hope he can be put in a position of high authority in the Trump administration.

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Just wondering…what kind of cigar are you smoking? LOL!

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I believe that was a NUB Connecticut by Oliva. I was sitting in front of the cigar shop where I work part time on my days off.

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Right on!👏🥃

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Book recommendation:

Dr. John Coleman

The committee of 300


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I have the book! AND…


This is from YEARS ago! It’s excellent…ya gotta keep up with his information! 💥

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This is great book. It is long; take your time.

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A must read and a must in your library to document the Covid Era.

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Why do people have to announce that they like or dislike Bobby Kennedy or Donald Trump? “His book is good but I don’t like him.” “I don’t like Trump’s personality but I like his policies.” Are we in high school cliques?

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being resourceful enough to write the book says everything about RFK Jr….

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Pretty sure CHD has the pdf for free but my bookmarks are Wayback! :~)


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What is CHD?

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Childrens Health Defense.. started in 2007 as Childrens Mercury Project when moms of autistic kids got Bobby to move from environmental law to adjuvants in vaccines & their most important document posted at the site where meddlers now impede the progress of parents at the heart of the organization.


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Oh thanks!

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A hard-hitting and concise summary of collusive corruption between Anthony FAUCI, Bill Gates and industry leaders to propagate a destructive and overwhelming narrative on the world.

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Sorry. He wasted a second book on Fauci who is a distraction from the real decision makers.

In 2012 the USA DOD DAARPA ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go within 60 days if needed. Fauci et al are just co conspirators to what the government did to us.

Bobby never cried for us to have free/open access to ivermectin and tweeted lockdowns were great.

He’s a green agenda candidate. That’s all China wants is a climate lunatic president so they can send their EVs manufactured in Mexico into the USA/Canada under the free trade agreement.

Bobby is duping us with help from the intel community so they can keep their power.

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He's not a climate lunatic. RFK jr.: "Climate change is being used to control us through fear. Freedom and free markets are a much better way to stop pollution. Polluters make themselves rich by making the public pay for the damage they do. You show me a polluter, I’ll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market." https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1679287184254287873?s=20

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Excellent book. Now hope RFK Jr can become the next president... it be a long shot but gotta hope.

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