May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

That cake was baked years ago. They were just waiting for the moment it was needed to be removed from the deep freeze, thawed, and then reheated and served. The looming Trump 2020 landslide was one reason, among others, that the right moment arrived.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Yes, planned over a decade ago.

We have to consider that they planned this to occur during the HRC administration.

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Yes. Agree. We also need to consider that all of “it” can be logically traced back to Prescott Bush, who helped fund the Nazi War Machine, then Operation Paperclip, and then to GHWB and through the family lineage (and the non lineage members of the family, Bill, Hillary, Obummer among others). During the Cold War the Marxists tried without success to upend (I would argue overthrow) the US government via outside influence. Unsuccessful in that effort they turned their attention to elite capture….the long March through the institutions…so to speak. And they have been at it for decades.

The Nazi’s were not defeated in WW2. They just moved their base of operation elsewhere, including here in the good old US of A. Trying to make normies understand that what is ‘happening’ to them (and the country)versus what is being ‘done’ to them (and the country) is a nearly impossible task. Which is a major reason we are where we are.

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Yes the Nazime never has stopped, and in Ukraine we have Zelenskyy, whom governments, includind Biden, support and pay, and just besides the ultra nazist Klaus Schwab during 30 years having e the actual plan in which we now are in.

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That was the plan, the lockdown would have been more draconian and heralded a new dark age. Much as I hate vaccines, the theory goes that project warp speed by Trump stopped them enacting the Clinton FEMA extermination plan and was a calculated move to free society

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I’ve been following the extensive investigation of Dr David Martin whose commentary was featured in the documentary Plandemic 2 -Indoctornation. According to what he’s uncovered, this plan of Problem: mysterious virus outbreak - Reaction: mass panic hyped by the media - Solution: rushed inoculation of 7 billion frightened people has been in the works since 1999. His testimony to Reiner Fuelmach’s Corona Committee is not to be missed. https://www.bitchute.com/video/LiSf1T8e0eLJ/L

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Try this link instead... https://www.bitchute.com/video/NoWoDs2I3T0n/

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Yes, this Link works. Thanks.

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It says page not found on the link....

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No 'surprise' there.

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That video won't come up?

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That video won't come up?

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The page you are citing has been removed. No surprise.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I will turn 70 in about a week and have been pretty cynical all my life, but I am not capable of the level of cynicism necessary to function in today's world.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

That's a good thing. That type of cynicism does no one any good, and it is hard to not go there.

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Thank you, Richard! I wish my posts were as edifying as yours. ;-)>

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

My own research of both the mRNA and Adenovirus Vector vaccines demonstrates that they were already developed before 2020, with evidence from multiple patent filings going all the way back to 2003 and much documentation for additional patent filings all the way up until 2018 in both the US and Europe. The Chinese filed a patent for their C19 vaccine in February 2020.(Source: What Really Happened in Wuhan by Sharri Markson). There is evidence that the research that took place at the WIV lab in Wuhan, China(and elsewhere including in the US) specifically related to Coronaviruses and the enhanced human pathogenicity of the laboratory engineered Spike/ACE2 binding/Furin Cleavage characteristics all took place in parallel to the development of a highly bio-engineered vaccine to be used as the ultimate bio-weapon in combination with the pathogen. In other words, the virus and the vaccine were a matched set from the beginning and were designed to be very closely coupled, contrary to historical pandemic/vaccine developments where the vaccine follows the pandemic by anywhere from 8 to 15 years, sometimes much longer. I believe the light speed and warp speed clinical trials were simply a ruse, show trials to demonstrate that the process was being followed but which we now know were shoddily executed with corrupted with manipulated data and hidden results.

The bio-weapon used against us was always a Virus/Vaccine paired ordinance, a choreographed sequence intended as just the beginning of a plan to selectively depopulate the earth and usher in the age of Transhumanism.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Exactly, it was always a Muti-part bioweapon, the varying dosages of "vaccine" were just continuing proof of the "experiment." And for me, that is proof that this has not run to its fruition yet. Is the next "part" of the deployment even in a coronavirus? Or any virus?

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@ Richard Noakes

Put it into simple words and a few stark points. Post it up on a web page somewhere. Give us the link. We can - millions of us - make QR codes of that link (or you can provide it) and we can email them around and we can print them out and stick them up and we can print onto 'calling cards' and hand them out, leave them around....

It is quite evident now that no one is going to help us.

We have to do it all ourselves.

And the first 'it' is to educate our fellow citizens who simply don't know all this, they never see columns, posts, articles such as this.

Our educators are not going to educate them.

Our govts certainly not - putting their own necks in the noose.

Our doctors cowed into silence, not even promoting an 'underground resistance'

Our lawyers, nope, next to nothing happening.

Our media, nope, nothing happening.

Who else might we expect help from?

I don't know. But we're clearly not going to get any.

So there seems like a lot of us when we're interacting in columns like this but in fact we're a very small percentage.

But given ammunition like this and techniques like that we can flood the world, we can make a difference, I'm sure of it.

You might notice that in that direction we've done nothing as yet? Nada. Nil.

Back in Samuel Johnson's time in London 300 years ago broadsheets and flyers were ubiquitous. They didn't have the internet or phones or tv or radio back then.

All 'broadcasting' was done by pasting things up in the street and handing out flyers.

And it is still an excellent technique even today. Political parties use it at every electon, don't they?

If such as yourself in possession of very important and very pertinent and provable to indisputability facts make them available to 'us' and we employ those techniques I'm sure we'll get somewhere.

But p.s. how can you have a vaccine '99% graphene oxide' ? That'd be sludge at best, virtually a solid wouldn't it? Certainly would if it were iron oxide.

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Thank you for that. It is appreciated. But it is not quite what I had in mind, unfortunately. I think linking to that won't persuade many doubtful voters. But thanks anyway.

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Oh... you sound a lot like myself. :) You know 'Atlas Shrugged' ? Perhaps he did, perhaps we should, too.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Appreciate your writing, thanks very much. Everything about this is “ interesting “ timing. Nuremberg 2.0 please.

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Circumstantially, they are all murderers.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I'm not a virologist, nor a scientist, but I've been following so much stuff, that A) the virus was released in 2019 (possibly some version in late 2018). B) It was slow moving, and needed a faster moving variant. Delta worked...spread much faster. C) Big pharma wanted mRNA "vaccines" forever, Mareks be damned. D) These shots enhanced natural variants to emerge, but I still want more info on where Omicron came from.

Thanks to independent researchers like you, those of us who are looking see bigger patterns, but, unfortunately, too many others still have their head in the sand and will take each new booster forever.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Both making a deadly COVID virus and an even deadlier mRNA injection were years in the planning by Fauci and Gates. They even had the “balls” to say it would probably hit during the Trump administration.

Joseph Mengele….. “The more we do it to you, the less you believe we are doing it”

Bill Gates’ dream and brainchild is vaccinating 7 billion people.

Massive population reduction, a eugenics plan – in part through vaccination and other means (Ref. Bill Gates, “if we are doing a real good job vaccinating, we may reduce the world population by 10% to 15%”. 

(See “Innovating to Zero!” speech to the TED2010 annual conference, Long Beach, California, February 18, 2010).

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But what he means by that is childbirth deaths will be reduced drastically in the third world and people will stop having so many babies as insurance against early death - children being the only life insurance they have in those nations.

He's quite clear about that.

On other grounds he might be a raving monster, I don't know, but that often quoted 'ground' for calling him such just gets us laughed out of court upon cursory investigation. Best not to use it.

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Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan is a Twisted ‘Messiah Complex’ giving him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the #GatesFoundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”

Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philantropic practices as “ruthless” and “immoral”.

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.

Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.

After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.

Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development.

They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.

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Never trust a man with tits 💉🤦🏻

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Thank you for this awful post. Terrible. But, I think, true. The accounts within it I have read in other places. Perhaps the books about vaccines that I have.

How do we best save such posts?

And how do we best get a link to them that we can use?

Currently I have to copy into a text file for the one and link to the whole substack post for the other.

You won't object, I think, if I copy your whole post onto a page on a site of my own? Such as perhaps 'covidhonesty.com' ?

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Well I for one wouldn't mind looking at what you've got. I use yahoo and the max attachment size it accepts for sending is 25MB. Probably the same for receiving from some other mail company I guess. Would they fit into that or are easily divisible into such chunks and that not too much hassle? Failing that I could perhaps put an upload facility on my covidhonesty.com site. And for an email address you could use admin@covidhonesty.com if you do feel like sending me some of your material.


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I think a part of the reason for that, at least, is that our Democratic system does not allow of any voice or control by the people.

It's a fatal flaw.

Because of the first and 'noblest' principle: that we're governed BY the people and FOR the people.

Everything is heirarchiically structured. Top down. All power, all instructions, flow down from the top. Everything. All of our politics and all of our businesses. Everything.

A structure we are very familiar with. It's almost instinctive.

The brilliance of democracy was that it put, notionally, the PEOPLE at the 'top' of that 'pyramid'.

And the flaw is that in fact the PEOPLE are NOT there at the top. Just a handful of their 'representatives'.

And right there is the problem. The representatives do NOT represent or even care for the people or even identify with them.

So all that comes down from the top is oblivious to the concerns of the people.

And there is NO mechanism for 'feedback'. There are no 'sticking points' on the way down. No 'nodes' where effects and feedbacks may be assessed. Where efficacy may be measured. Where changing circumstances, new factors may be considered and reported back UP.

There are no 'UP' mechanisms. No feedback.

Such UP measures as may seem to be there are not designed as UP measures originating in the people. They are merely responses from functionaries to commands sent down from the top: "Count all these things: report back". Like that. Reports. Required by the system. Strictly controlled.

So ironically in the name of the greatest system every devised by man to allow man self expression and a say in his own society we finish up with a society within which he has increasingly less and less say.

That's why nothing happens. The top is completely divorced from the bottom.

And spends it's whole life walking on the bottom: the 'down trodden', treading on them.

And the downtrodden are allowed no other actions but lying down and being walked on. And the final irony: they, of course, do it to themselves. The police themselves according to how the top tells them to do it. They attack themselves, they harm themselves, just as they are told to.

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Forget all that and remember how it all started.

It started with communities of people who wanted a few of their members to take care of administration whilst they got on with the daily chores of living. So you can see that all public bodies can only spring from service to the people. I never knew this until the ‘pandemic’ and I remind ‘them’ ( my servants ) at every opportunity. I even give ironic thanks to titty Bill for inadvertently waking me ( and millions like me ) the hell up. I get comfort when I see soccer moms reminding school boards of this on random videos.

The snowball is rolling now and the deep state is in its path...

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Leaked documents show Ukraine biolabs knew about COVID in September 2019.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Perhaps someone can enlighten me on the math. After two years of a highly infectious virus only 6% of the population was considered a 'case'? I don't see the numbers rising exponentially as I expect they should.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Those jackals created the virus, then created the "cure" with the vaccine. If lightspeed really existed, they would have rolled out a variant version by now, would only take them a couple of weeks, right? All the hard work is done?

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I am always laughing about this. They said mRNA is the tech of the century and it can be updated by weeks for future variants.

I am still waiting for any update... and probably we will still wait in the future. They will double down how good is the initial one to repeat it 4/5 times...

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

No one in his right mind can possibly believe their timing..

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Just like HIV, a non existent virus didn't cause sickness, but the treatments did. Oh yeah they too depended on BULLSHIT PCR tests

Same scam over and over. Viruses are bullshit, period.

If you don't agree, show me a single proof of transmission

I have one good one about the Spanish flu that was comprehensive and didn't show transmission even when infected blood was injected...

Most other viruses didn't even get this kind of testing


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I think it is an interesting topic and I'm constantly looking into it but where is the proof that viruses are BS? I agree terrain theory has its merits and bad health, toxins etc exacerbate the situation but again, so far, I have not seen any conclusive proof to say viruses are BS.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

The burden of proof is on those who claim the virus exists, is transmissible and causes disease.

Some claim that viruses exist, but are made by your own cells and are not contagious.


Has a single full viral particle been isolated from a sick human being? Dozens of professionals have been looking for such a study and have not found one yet.

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No, the burden of proof on people advocating terrain theory if they claim that one is true - prove terrain theory as more plausible, via the usual scientific strictures.

That's all it takes. No need to disprove virus theory at all if terrain theory can be proven true and a better explanation.

Unfortunately, as it almost always is, the only proof is arguing that the current paradigm is wrong, based on circumstantial evidence where the current theory fails to give adequate explanations (or as is more often the case: where they do not understand how the hypothesis was proven in the first place). Compare if you will with how devout maskees argue that masks work contrary to all evidence.

For an example, try to explain how Semmelweis study was due to terrain. Might want to start with a testable stringent definition of what goes into the term "terrain" too - if it's too wide, it becomes umproable due to numbers of intersecting/interdependent variables.

You see, I have no horse in the race viral theory vs terrain theory, I just hold both to the same level of scrutiny. And remember, one theory being wrong or faulty does not make another one right.

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If someone claims that something exists, the burden of proof is on them.

A claim has been made that a virus exists.

A claim has been made that it can be transmitted from one person to another.

A claim has been made that once transmitted, it will cause disease.

I agree, if germ theory is faulty, that doesn't make terrain theory right. No alternate explanation needs to be proven in regards to the above claims. The above claims are the starting point. If they cannot be validated, we just have theories.

Regarding Semmelweis, if fewer deaths followed after handwashing, then no theory need be validated to adopt the practice. The problem here is adopting or not adopting a practice because it aligns or does not align with someone's current view. Of course we want to know WHY it is the way it is, but to ridicule evidence as was done in his case was clearly harmful.

If it someone came along and said everyone should be injected with toxic materials to prevent them from getting sick, it should certainly be refused until those proposing the injection can prove their claims. It starts with a virus. That is the first claim to be proven.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They can claim its all because it was mRNA and not partial live or dead virus. I'm not even sure that makes sense.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Has the virus or any virus been proven? If it has been proven, please cite the paper. The paper must cite the full intact genome sourced from a sick human being, not assembled in a sequencing computer program.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

They were talking to PEI on 6 Jan …BEFORE the lancet article came out on 12 Jan?! Did I understand that right? What were they talking about?

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My bad, 6 Feb. Changed it now

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Still. Highly suspiciously fast. I work in pharma. Nothing is that fast.

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May 4, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I forget who Sophocles was, but I love the great names folks use on these forums.

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