I will probably get flamed for this, I usually do, but…

I’ve no doubt the military perform all sorts of weather manipulation using HAARP and other technologies.

But the images of grids in the sky that folk endlessly post on social media claiming they represent ‘chemtrails’ are just persistent contrails.

I say this as someone who used to believe in chemtrails and was quite disturbed by the phenomenon.

Until I took a deep dive into the subject.

Contrails are ice crystals formed when condensation from the jet engine hits the air at around minus 20 C. It freezes.

Whether the ice crystals melt immediately or hang around is down to atmospheric conditions, such as pressure, humidity, temp etc.

There is nothing sinister about a contrail that persists.

Anyone who thinks there is has to explain what physical law dictates that the ice crystals have to melt quickly.

I will now reach for my asbestos hat and gloves.

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I grew up watching plains leaving contrails in the sky. Those were very short-lived and would soon dissipate leaving the sky as blue as it was before. What we are witnessing right now, is of a very different nature. These trails do not just go away, they get wider and completely cover the blue skies as if they were clouds (but they are not), thus turning a bright and sunny day into a gray and cloudy-looking one. Not an expert on the topic, just my observation. Whatever it is, it is quite disturbing we do not know what falls on our heads. And no way to control it.

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samghjk – during the height of the Battle of Britain, between July and October 1940, the skies across southern England were criss-crossed with condensation trails as the air conflict between the Royal Air Force and the Luftwaffe was taking place right before the eyes - and to the amazement - of the British people far below on the ground. They only had to look up to see the evidence the raging daily battle.

In the seventy years that have now passed since the first jet airliner (the De Havilland Comet) flew over Britain in 1952 - leaving its own condensation trail - the volume of air traffic has grown at a compound rate of more than 4% per annum. That means that that there are now an enormous number of jet aircraft in the sky serving the insatiable demand for travel. It can be estimated that on a Friday evening (a peak traffic period), there are over three million people in the air over the eastern United States. The reason why you are observing far more contrails now than you were in the past is simply a product of the mathematics of economic & technological growth – not a conspiracy to poison us.

However, all the evidence points to the fact that the way the inadequately evaluated mRNA injectables were rolled out globally in a contrived atmosphere of great fear, stoked by a lying corporate media, as being yet another story. People are well justified in suspecting malfeasance on somebody’s part for that, and accountability must be demanded for the enormous harm that has been caused to the global population.

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That said, we did not witness them on such a great scale just a few years back. Never noticed any where I live, for that matter (in spite of heavy regular plane traffic). I am not saying we are being poisoned, but so far I have not seen any convincing "benevolent" explanation on what this might be

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I see them in conspicuous grids. Is someone flying out to Attu or something? All the time?

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If the ice crystals don’t immediately melt then we would expect the air currents - which act like ocean currents at that altitude - to smear them across the sky over a period of hours. It’s to be expected. If you think contrails did not persist in the past, do a Google image search for jet contrails world war 2 , or similar. I say this with great respect.

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I just said what I personally witnessed looked very different from what I see today. Even if those existed during WWII, it was definitely not widespread before in our every day lives. Why would we have to experience war zone treatment?

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Born in the early 60's and my grandma lived near an airport. Persistent geometric grids of trails are unnatural. Used to have an occasional clear blue sky around here.

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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY respectfully posting, please watch this

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I’m also an observer since early 1970s. In my area in Texas (Spring near The Woodlands), there has been significant increase in the trails across the sky exactly as you describe. What is also significant is this: the planes spewing the chem-trails are obviously active while at the very same time that a commercial airplane (American, Continental, etc) flies overhead - there is absolutely no con-trail coming from that plane’s tail! Since observing the sky trails each day/evening, it is almost predictable now that a weather event will occur. One of the worse manipulations was snowstorm Uri on February 14, 2021 plus we experience ongoing flooding from rainstorms and historical hurricanes). What’s interesting is the significance now with lightening which has been ramped up in my area for the last two years. Since the mid 1970s, I have written to government representative for answers about geo-engineering/chem-trails. Never have I gotten an answer from a local/state/federal representative and the verdict’s answer is confirmed with their silence. But I often wonder about the cloud-seeding airplane pilots: do they have any guilt about these conscious crimes against humanity and their fellow citizens?

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As with everything to do with Covid, I want to be wrong. I want what you say to be true and not to believe believe that there's a sizable number of nutcases in charge and they’re spraying us like bugs. But then I would have to disbelieve my own memory. I don't remember blue skies turning grey an hour after the planes go over everyday. It's like clockwork. Blue skies at 6am and grey by 7am. That didn't happen when I wa younger, and I know there's more planes but still. Also, it's not proof but we had the best and longest summer during the first lockdown, not many planes flying then. Coincidence, maybe or maybe not.?

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The regular passenger planes above us (we live under a flight path of a major airport) do not leave much in terms of any visible trail, it's always those mysterious ones that show up early in the morning and are flying much higher. And it's become very noticeable the last couple of years, so must be something diffrrent rhan regular passenger planes.

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Interesting thanks!

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Nope. Cloud seeding is real ! Nevada has its own website where they opening discuss the cloud seeding they do. I see the planes non stop in the skies. Criss crossing. Making x’s in the skies. Those are not contrails. Those are not even normal planes flight patterns. Wake up! Geoengineering is real and they are doing it in many states. They are now openly admitting it. Watch the movie. The Dimming. Learn about it.

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From my deck I see commercial airplanes fly across the sky because there are airports to the north and south of me, and my deck faces West. The commercial planes don't leave traces in the sky. Other planes fly back and forth and to leave trails in the sky. I wonder why they are flying back and forth? I'm not in a metropolitan area where traffic planes would be flying back and forth, and I imagine those would be helicopters anyway.

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Nop. Blue sky in the morning, white chemical sky in the evening.

I haven't forgotten what clouds are supposed to look like.

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Yeah, except contrails do dissipate and follow the actual patterns of flights in an area. These do not and they are a perfect cross hatch in the sky.

I wish I could unsee the damn things, they're doing this to us everyday in the PNW.

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Up until December 2021 I was agnostic about the whole chemtrail thing. I read arguments on both sides, and I think it is pretty certain that stuff does get intentionally sprayed at times, with the intention of manipulating weather - but hard to determine in any given case. And they totally do have the technology, and have used it, eg in the Vietnam war.

Then just after the solstice of December 2021, I saw them doing it where I live, in suburban Brisbane. Early morning, just before 6 am, the sky was already starting to be covered in haze, and I saw a smallish plane, not a commercial airliner (which are larger & fly higher here) clearly visible and not high enough to be one of those high altitude jet plans characteristic of contrails.

Since then, I have regularly seen the same type of haze in the sky - a day that starts out sunny and bright and then the haze starts being created. I've not been up early enough since then to see any more planes, but I see the criss-cross trails.

I'm sure that some people will argue and claim somehow that it was normal jet exhaust - but in this part of the world, we don't get heaps of jets flying overhead, and the commercial planes do not leave these trails.

I don't know exactly how this is connected to the weird weather we have been having, with very unusual patterns of flooding and drought. Maybe that is all due to something else.

But there is no way you will convince me these trails are anything but sinister.

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I get this but why would any of them jets be flying in a "criss-cross" manner? Just for fun? That's a lot of fuel too.

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The grids are formed because commercial airliners do not fly wherever they please but are restricted to air corridors, like cars follow roads. The air corridors intersect over ground-based navigational beacons. These beacons are not scattered higgledy-piggledy over the land but set in a uniform arrangement. Which essentially gives you a sort of noughts-and-crosses grid. If you think about noughts-and-crosses there are only really three ways you can travel. Up and down, left to right or diagonally. And that is what you see in the sky. Plenty of times - because of the atmospheric conditions - planes won’t leave any contrail at all, or a very short one, but even then they will still fly in the same grid like pattern. At other times the trails persist and we see contrails forming what appear to be grids in the sky.

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Idk, I don't think I'll buy it. It wasn't here, where I'm, 10 yrs ago, so what's changed? Aircrafts? The composition of atmosphere? Planes still flying to and from this airport same directions they have done for yonks.

And those patterns look like chess board, before slowly "smudging" all over.

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Make up your mind - are these trails from commercial planes or from non-scheduled jets?

Many people here have commented that commercial planes do not leave these types of trails, and that is consistent with my own observations. I've never seen commercial planes flying in a grid, and I've never been in one that did. Here where I live there is not enough air traffic to justify anything more than an occasional extra pass

Plus if you are in the region of an airport, these planes will not be at super-high altitude where condensation trails form.

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Well, if these commercial planes are capable of changing the bright and sunny day into an overcast gray one, maybe they should be banned as "unintentional" weather-changing? Who ever studied their impact on weather?

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People like you are the reason I don't even care to speak about this anymore. Fully indoctrinated, has no clue that "science" is religion and it actually spells seance, you people only trust your masters. You are so damn proud of what you think is "education" and "intelligence". You have just about zero left of the truest intelligence there is: intuition. God-given, built in, and completely zapped by those you learned to believe. You are the equivalent of a cold shower on a hard-on.

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That's funny, I used to laugh at talk of chemtrails, now I believe there is some truth to them. In the 1990's I worked for an aircraft mod facility and I served on the CFR team. We frequently were required to do stand-bys for incoming/outgoing military aircraft, there for repairs.

This often required long periods of sitting in the fire truck on the flight-line waiting, and on clear days we would see grid like patterns in the sky that were slow in disintegrating. At first it wasn't anything we thought about but the fact we frequently saw them eventually made us curious.

I can't prove they were chem, as opposed to contrails but I can say we don't see them anymore.

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I know of few Chemtrail extremists. I'm sure there are some instances where there is seeding going on but I believe probably 99% is just contrails.

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search 'stratospheric aerosol injections' instead.

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Sadly not geo engineering is very real also the jet fuel hoax needs to be looked Into

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It's the same thing, same topic, same method. Tell me about it! I have been laughed at since about 2011-2012, as I have extensively spoken about this. I am not a newbie. I'm saying what you see (chems in the sky) is part of a much bigger thing.

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Nope. You are wrong

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As Corbett said: You google chemtrails and you'll get all the lies and fact check cons but if you search "atmospheric aerosol dispersions" a whole other truth comes up.

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FB has blocked me since I did a massive push on many topics they don't like. Dr. Ardis absolutely knows what is going on. Years of research on the very topic Ardis is discussing, all documented. Would anyone really doubt what he's proposing? Hell no. We've seen what the goal is. I hope people push this out!

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Congrats on exiting FB, if you really have. There is lots better life without it, hours of your time returned to you.

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I refuse to verify my identity, whatever the hell that actually means. They don't like not knowing what I'm doing when I'm not glued to their hellscape so I might as well take advantage of it. I will use that platform of the m.i.complex if it means reaching people. Let them see that they are failing looking at their own platform. They are failing.

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Depth is better than breadth, in my world. Different for each person. Thanks for honesty.

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God is great and the one and only thing they cannot penetrate. It resonates even in those who try to ignore it. They are his creation and he gives them protection even when they do not see. Only those who know will say "bring it." They are not afraid and those are the ones they fear the most.

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There are 2 kinds of people.

Starting with childhood, one kind will pull the legs off a spider just to see what happens. One kind wont.

One kind will spray a bunch of chemicals up in the sky, to see what happens. One kind wont.

One kind will inject some curdled sewer gel into human veins, to see what happens. One kind wont.

One kind will mess with the cellular parts of plants and animals and combine them in ways to see what happens. One kind wont.

One kind has lost their humanity. One kind hasn't.

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I grew up in rural southern Ontario in the fifties when every small town had air raid sirens going off randomly, there were often visible "weather" balloons in the sky, and the military flew supersonic jets overhead. The sonic booms were frequent and very hard on livestock, dairy cattle and pets, not to mention children like us who were indoctrinated with Cold War hyperbole and drills involving hiding under school desks. I know the difference between a chemtrail and a contrail. It's as obvious as the difference between shit and shinola.

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Mt Shasta is full of aluminum in the water. How , other than bio engineering?!?

Thanks for the stack!

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There must be a concerted effort to blow the whistle--grand jury trial

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Mexico just became the first nation to introduce legislation against stratospheric aerosol injection.

Conspiracy theorists.

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I worked on a weather modification project in the 1970’s. Full of PhD meteorologists and cloud physicists (who knew there was such a thing), for years they seeded clouds with silver iodide and took detailed measurements, with radar on several bands, of the clouds and the rain and hail they produced. They looked really hard for evidence that the seeding had any effect.

They found none.

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You’re right this “tech” has been around for a long time with mixed success. They were still doing it till 2016 here in Australia (maybe still are) it’s not exactly secret. I’ve seen stories on it multiple times growing up, I think we even discussed it in high school science class.


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25% of the giants in Yosemite last year blew over in the wind: ancient trees that have stood strong through centuries. When bark of the California trees are tested, metals from chem spraying that do not occur in the soil are found. Barium, aluminum, etc.

What insufferable ego our peers have to believe their grandiose clever ideas outweigh the importance of even one single ancient tree. Given the choice of the two, who would you rather have existing on our planet?

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Michael Crichton: State of Fear

a book everyone should read.

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Thnks NE for this article. Eyeopener

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That every jet plane would be part of some kind of globally co-ordinated weather manipulation fails due to too many moving parts - tens of thousands of service personnel would have to be involved without a single one ever talking about it. Not very likely.

But that some states attempt it (with various degrees of effect) is fact. China doesn't even bother to be secretive about it, instead they almost boasted about it before they, like the german nazis before them, were awarded the Olympics too show that capitalism and liberal democracies care not one jot about their lofty ideals,as long as the cash flow isn't threatened. After all, it's just faraway people dying in slave labour camps isn't it?

Perhaps that is the point of the chinese weather balloons that has aparently been flying over the US for the past couple of years? To get good readings how to affect weather patterns and cause droughts, floods and colder longer winters (meaning shorter growing seasons)?

Just speculating. But anything that can be done, will be done by someone somewhere, if they think it gives them a leg up on their opponent. Calling something unthinkable when it is technically possibe to do just shows that it is inconceivable for you, not that it cannot happen:

Look at Canada. Abortions are on the woman's whim. Handicapped, retarded, mentally ill and the very old are euthanised "by their own choice". But criminals convicted of the most heinous crimes? To execute those would be a crime against humanity.

Consider that when you feel the urge to declare something impossible, when it really just is a matter of choice of methods employed.

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The US military has run lots of secret experiments on US citizens. Like this one: https://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Serratia-has-dark-history-in-region-Army-test-2677623.php

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the one mentioned above wasn't the only experiment. But our government loves us!!!

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Wow. Great story.

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Excellent research !

And nice irony as well.

The story reminds me of the Sorcerer's Apprentice...they clearly didn't know what they were doing. The shame is that nobody in government ever takes responsibility ...gosh, even today!

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Interesting piece but the comments are fascinating. The focus on the con trails, weather manipulation and governments experimenting with weather, to trust vs conspiracy. I remember hearing about cloud seeding experiments in the US when I was young but not much of the details. Unintended consequences are the result of most well intended government disasters, it’s unfortunate that hiding the facts is an intended consequence of the government, making fertile ground for conspiracies. We all have ample experience with this recently.

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The problem with researching con trails is one of language, look up

Stratospheric aerosol injection on a platform that isn't Google to discover a whole lot more

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