You wrote:

‘What happened after 48 hours? How much did the concentration of LNPs rise in the other organs and for how long? Why did the study finish at 48 hours or not get extended after it was obvious the levels were still climbing?’

This is classic Fauci. When things are looking bad, stop the trial before things get dire and say the evidence is actually positive, and that the nature of the emergency requires that we get this drug to market ASAP.

He did this with AIDS meds and he did this during Covid.

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Makes you wonder how long the levels grew and what the maximum level was...

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Yep. "There's no evidence" that LNPs stayed in the body after 48 hours.

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Fauci pushed remdesivir as well, did he not?

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What is most interesting to me is how this information just did not, and still does not, cause piloerection of the FDA and VRBPAC members neck hairs. With evidence that LNP accumulates in the liver and the recent in vitro study showing reverse transcription of Pfizer mRNA into hepatocytes one must ask what else did they know about bio distribution? And what clinical impact could it have on humans both short and longterm. Thank you for this summary.

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‘Piloerection’....great word.

Methinks that the challenge is appreciating how difficult it is to realize that those residents of Camp Fauci enjoy that which causes pilorection in virtually all the humans we know.

M. Scott Peck argued in ‘People of the Lie’ that there needs to be a new classification of mental disorder: evil people. He contended that while they exhibit behaviors associated with classic anti-social traits they are utterly unique.

Having had an opportunity to study them extensively (my sad story) I have found that one flag which surreptitiously identifies Camp Fauci is that what they do makes you feel more crazy than mad.

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Whatever it was, they couldn't possibly have reviewed all that data from Pfizer in the record-short time it took FDA to grant EUA. They didn't read the evidence, just the executive summary.

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And as we all know, the Exec Summary is often a direct contradiction to the actual data.

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Isn't that called fraud?

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And then there’s the 75 year request thing with the great judge...

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Just as they figure we only read headlines.

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A good friend of mine now has a raging case of autoimmune hepatitis with cirrhosis. Came on after her shots but still got a booster. Any connection?

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Because, God forbid she get covid while her immune system eats itself, right?

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Thank goodness she got boosted. Probably only need 5 or 6 more jabs and everything should be fine.

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If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try, and try again.

We just have to be sure to keep the definition of "succeed" nice and fuzzy.

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I know. Her docs will encourage it. And she will believe it.

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Mar 3, 2022
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Could you please link the article? It must be a solid publication because it is fact checked even though the site itself is not on the web...according to two browsers:/

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Thanks! I subscribed. That is an amazing article. Would love to hear Judy Mikovitz or Senniff or one of those experts discuss that bold of a claim. Such odd times that a bombshell like that appeared in my preview only in the comments section of a substack:/

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Wow! I do subscribe but can’t read everything they send so missed that one. Really glad you posted it here.

The Luc Montignier Foundation (spelling is probably not correct) also posted many, many months ago, maybe upto 18 -24, an article and their hypothesis to prove it, that omicron did not come by naturally. The paper was long. I read it three time before I got an inkling of understanding. Not a scientist or doctor, but did begin to understand some of the well written document. I printed, but hours later when I went to take from printer, I saw that the main research article part was blank. I tried to pull it up again - apparently, it had been removed from the internet. I could not find ANYWHERE! Maybe someone else knows how to find their studies.

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Thank you for your summaries. My husband had thrombocytopenia three weeks after injection, he was scanned and blood clots were seen in liver and kidneys. Fortunately, he is well now.

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I had thrombocytopenia three days after the Rubella vaccine when I was 13. British doctors were always sniffy when I told them about it, continental doctors always accepted what I said.

No way was I having these jabs!

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I remember when this data was leaked from Japan and everyone brushed it off as conspiracy theory. Jab of course is safe and effective!

I have already made up my mind that time that I will refuse this jab whatever it takes.

And now we see it officially released: nice concentration in liver, spleen, adrenal glands and of course ovaries. Which makes this whole jib jab even more sinister to force young children not at risk to take this shot...

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I'm obviously not a scientificator because to me it looks wrong that a vaccine (or whatever it is) that is supposed to protect against a virus favouring the nasal cavity, the throat and the lungs has no business accumulating in the spleen, the liver, the ovaries or the adrenal glands.

I might be way off and a spread like that is completely normal and expected - but I do know one thing I remember my wife's grandfather explaining, him being a researcher and professor of cellular biology and developer of medicines (worked for Astra when it was swedish):

One of the big bug-a-boos was getting the right substance, in the right amount, to the right place and only to that place. As he explained, a lot of problems with medicine, from over-the -counter stuff to heavily restricted things was that since it couldn't be targeted, you had to flood the system instead. So you cure the one thing that's hurting, but you risk hurting the rest of it (the body that is).

He was very clear on that introducing a chemical compound to the body is the last resort, when it is the least harmful chance of improvement - not as it has been for more than thirty years now the first resort for whatever ails you.

I'm hoping more people in the know will follow the Naked Emperor's lead here, and dig in. Because you and many others don't say "Shut up and trust me" - you say "Hey folks, take a gander at this - what do you think?" and that's feels 'embiggening'. Edited for spelling - they don't make keyboards for my bratwurst-sized fingers.

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Great points, especially when you think about cancer treatment when you would want to bombard a tumor but spare everything around it.

Love your word "embiggening"!

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Thank you! I think embiggening is from an old Simpson's episode?

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None of that sounds good. Is the same as what we saw in the Japanese regulatory submission?

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Swedish study shows mRNA converts to DNA in the liver. https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm. This has been injected into the Human Genome. It will reverberate for generations.

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This has gone completely unreported in Sweden, not only in nation wide state media or regime loyal "private" media, but in specialist press for the relevant fields too.

Indeed, trying to bring it up puts you under suspicion as a dissenter and splitter. Even among researchers or with authorities.

"If it was important, the experts would have said something on TV" is the most common attitude. That and hoarding iodine pills.

Lemmings gonna lemming I guess.

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As always, thanks for the good work 💖

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This is very interesting. I may consider doing my own examination into this since there's A LOT to go through!

One thing we should be hesitant about when examining these vaccines is the role the LNP plays. Although they may be causing some cytotoxic damage, I think they tend to be a red herring. LNPs have been used for other drug delivery systems, and so we may want to look into those applications and see if toxicological studies were done on that matter.

The LNPs serve as a vehicle for the mRNA, so it's not so much that the LNPs are spreading around wreaking havoc, but that they are carrying the mRNA which are then being translated and causing the possible damage.

I proposed a hypothesis suggesting that in order to examine the adverse reactions of these vaccines it may be more appropriate to examine them in a manner similar to viral infection, such that the whole process of injection, spread, forced translation utilizing viral machinery causing ER stress, and the end result of releasing cytotoxic spike and pro-inflammatory markers should be examined from start to finish.


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CV exists only in computer simulations and on TV. No virus has ever been isolated and there are no infectious diseases, only poisoning and deficiencies. It's the germ vs. field theory (read up on it, if you have the time). Pasteur was a fraud, but his gimmicks turned out to be lucrative and there is no better means to enforce oppression (muzzles that humiliate, dehumanize, and kill you slowly with stuff in them and by oxygen deprivation), poisonous (you get infected with self-replicating nanotech), fraudulent (even motor oil, a goat, and a papaya tested "positive" in Tanzania, but the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti were summarily killed shortly after refusing the plandemic scam, Belarus is still surviving) tests that infect you with artificial parasites and steal your DNA (once they have that, they can personally target you through 5G of Wi-Fi and can make you sick or just drop you dead), and lethal injections of five levels that "manufacturers" rotate) and mass democide than a good plandemic.

Already about a million Americans died, lots more are going to b/c of the injections. Based on VAERS, lethal batches, containing graphene hydroxide, come out every two months and are carefully spread over the land in order to avoid immediate suspicion and ensure plausible deniability. The rest of them maim or make you sick (various poisons and/or pathogens), turn you into a 5G receptor/emitter through graphene oxide), or do nothing (saline solutions).

This is mass murder. It's not even a secret: the eugenicists announced the plan decades ago.

5G is a killer weapon and it was installed everywhere during the criminal lockdowns in order to ensure population control.

Chemtrails ensure constant weather changes (carbon tax is coming on your UBI card soon, if you are obedient and live long enough). The "green zones" (aka. death camps) are awaiting the non-compliant; in Washington state, liquefaction of the dead has already been approved; it's a lot cheaper than funerals or incineration and you can use the dead and the end product can be used as fertilizer; kind of Soylent Green for the masses.

The New Brave New World is in progress. For the slaves who will be allowed to live until they wear out their usefulness (which includes the enforcers, too, because they will be replaced by robots), there will be no goodness or beauty; only functionality. The remaining rulers will know they cannot trust each other and will slowly eliminate each other until only one remains; One Ring To Rule Them All.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather the sheeple and the enforcers realized that their days are numbered, unless they change course...

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Mar 3, 2022
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Because the "virus" existed ONLY in a computer model, not in real life, it was easy to design something for it on the computer. :)

mRNA technology has been around since the early 1970s, but hasn't been used, because it could not be controlled.

"Viruses" are dead body cells that still carry a fraction of their original DNA. As such, there is an infinite number of them. However, they do not "infect" anyone. As long as people believe in "viruses," there will be no end of new ones, "variants," and "pandemics."

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There has been a society wide attitudinal shift that some of us Substackers have not kept up with.

Killing, or maybe even just wrecking people a bit, is okay.

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Mar 3, 2022
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The injections (NOT mRNA, but other types of poisons that are easier to control) have been under development for several decades. They are anything but "experimental."

Mortality rates have been doctored since September, 2020, after I noticed that they were lower-than-normal in five countries (so, there was no "pandemic).

VAERS data showed the patterns as early October/November, 2021 (my wife had noticed them at least two weeks before they made any publicity). VAERS also has the habit of changing records every Friday, usually faking them retroactively, but the records are still available on the Net.

A factor of 41 sounds optimistic and we are not even talking about the patterns that show a clear coordination between manufacturers that prove genocidal intent.

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Mar 3, 2022
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"Vaccines" are based on a defective/fraudulent paradigm ("Germ Theory"), so there are no "good vaccines." They are all poisons, but the most recent ones are far the worst.

On VAERS, the pattern of a "killer batch" was clear by last November; about every two months (or 200 batches) killed fast (apparently, with graphene hydroxide). The batches were rotated among ModeRNA, Pfizer, and either J&J or Astrozeneca, I forget, because to me, it makes no difference), which alone seems to indicate a coordinated and intentional attack on human life.

Already the muzzle was a direct attack on human life, made worse by the fraudulent/poisonous tests that also stole people's DNA, and culminating in the wide range of attacks in the injections.

Coward or not, vaxxer or not, people must realize that the technocrats are coming for them, it's only a question of time. There is not much point is being afraid, if you are going to get killed, anyway. At least you can feel halfway human, while you are still here...

Substack is supposed to be under attack, because it allows free speech. I'm sure it also works as a honey pot, just like Quora and many other "free speech" sites. Creating cases is not limited to the pseudo-medical establishment. :)

What I like on Substack is that on many blogs, I can enjoy the company one of the most intelligent/well-meaning group of commenters I've ever seen.

I haven't lasted long on other forums, either, because I am prone to cruelly telling what I consider the truth (and have to keep adjusting it, because it's never quite accurate). On CHD and LifeSite, I lasted a single day, but both have gone down the drain, along with Mercola, where I lasted until it was shadowed sometime last fall. These sites are now enforcing the official narrative and the fake "medical science" by using its presuppositions and terminologies.

In response to your camping metaphor, I don't "camp" with anyone, primarily because that is impossible. Kissing up to each other doesn't confirm the truth. I also tend to differ in my opinions to the point that it can create cognitive dissonance in many others, but I am looking for the truth, not for my truth and seek no popularity.

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Mar 3, 2022
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Blackrock and Vanguard have been pointed out as the epicenter of the genocidal conglomerate by many. What it boils down to is it's the people who control the money flow.

With or without numbers, the intent and the outcomes are clear; they have even been announced in public (Klaus Schwaab, 1981? and 2001)

The mortality rates and the insurance reports speak for themselves.

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Mar 3, 2022
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There is no virus and, even if there was, it has never been isolated, along with all "viruses" in history (except for computer viruses :) ).

There is no CV, because it cannot be diagnosed. "Medicine" has been busy inventing and renaming diseases in the last 100 years (when the Rockefeller bought up medical training) for common poisonings.

Data manipulation has been going on for ever, and the tradition has not been limited to the "medical field."

There is not a single "medication" in the realm of the Rockefeller-run pseudo-science of Modern Western Medicine that is not a poison. If they do not kill you, they create a chain reaction of "side effects," which I tend to believe are intentionally part of the business structure. Even many over-the-counter stuff is dangerous, to say the least.

With very few exceptions (and in those, death is usually near, so it sometimes makes no difference), most conditions can be handled without the harsh chemicals.

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NE, how much redaction are you seeing?

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Not much so far. Just the usual things you would expect, names of people involved etc.

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I downloaded some pages of Pfizer and randomly turned to a page or two. I noticed they included an HIV positive subset and mention AESI a lot, which is adverse event of special interest. It indicates they were monitoring for things but it's a lot of pages to dig through. I saw about the 100u dose glad if they didn't test it on humans! On the page I read they unblinded in December 2020...

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The Moderna dose was 100 µg:


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RE: 100 µg Dose

Do you have a link for the document you were reading?

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Do you think it’s possible that these LNPs would raise the cholesterol numbers of a previously lifetime perfect measurement in a 75 year old female after 3 doses?

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No idea, sorry

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Cholesterol is produced in the liver, so it is possible that LNP––or spike protein action, more probably––on the liver may alter that process. I have no idea of the cellular or microbiological mechanism by which this would occur, but it would be theoretically possible.

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Possible?…2words…why not?

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Potential Adverse Effects of Nanoparticles on The Reproductive System

December 11, 2018


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That’s what one would have assumed with some common sense from the beginning on.

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Mar 3, 2022
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Terrifying if you have a shred of humanity. How about all those who were coerced or the kids who cannot consent? What about those who simply believed the lies? Can't squeeze out a tear for any of them?

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