The funny thing about Maholtra is that the guy goes against the grain (low carb pun intended) when it comes to cardiology in that he thinks statins are crap (something I agree with) and that Big Pharma doesn't serve the best interest of its clients. That he didn't have that same level of skepticism when it came to the COVID mRNA drugs totally blows my mind.

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Takes some people longer than others. Maybe his previous scepticism pulled him through eventually. The majority are still under the spell.

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You don't want to say too little too late, but we need about 500 of him.

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I fell into that same thinking as Dr. Malhotra. Having vaccinated animals all my life and seeing the good vaccines can do (rabies and Parvo as just 2 examples), I thought at the time that if we vaccinated the elderly and vulnerable there is a way out of this (as stated by the UK government at that time) and I helped with the vaccine effort.

So I can really sympathise with his way of thinking.

I had the AZ-vaccine and was relatively comfortable with that as this vaccine was not mRNA based, so was not based on a novel technique without knowing any long-term consequences.

I stopped helping when they started to vaccinate the below 60’s (March 2021) as I really could not see the benefit, and did not take any Boosters (only mRNA available and Yellow card reporting high).

I have been vehemently opposed to vaccine coercion and mandates throughout.

Any trust in Public Health has been given a severe blow.

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AZ is an adenovirus vector DNA vaccine. It’s basically doing additional steps to produce the spike protein. It is anything but a traditional vaccine and should bring comfort to no one.

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There was one previously approved adenovirus based based vaccine before covid for humans. None for mRNA / lipid nano particle tech.

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What was the past successful adenovirus vaccine you’re referring to?

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I didn't say it was successful,l just that it was approved for human use. Apparently there is an Ebola one.

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My faith in doctors disintegrated over 15 years ago when I began looking into how diet affects chronic disease and realized the advice health community mostly sucks and contributes heavily to the epidemics of chronic disease we see today. Obviously there are individuals who serve their patients well but I want no part of an industry that has a financial incentive to do a poor job.

I haven't wen a doctor in 15 years and I've never been healthier or felt better.

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I couldn't agree more, Bob. I don't trust the medical establishment. I haven't been able find a Dr who isn't pushing drugs at every turn. I am now the healthiest I have ever been (at 74, no meds) and intend to stay that way. My wise mama once told me don't depend on anyone except yourself to keep healthy, not your friends, family or neighbors and especially not the drs. or the government. Stay healthy!

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Trust in Public Health has not been given a severe blow. Trust has been demolished, razed to the ground, and forever obliterated. Just my opinion. 😉

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As you have to do with animals, and pray for vaccination. Have you read about vaccination in the excellent bog Martin Goldstein, DVM.: "The Nature of Animal Healig", 1999.

And what about rabies if bidden by a crasy dog? What about taking som hair from it and eat? Concerning diseases/vaccines I look at it like Hippocrates and Bechamp, and has done so since teenager back in the 1960s, as result of much reading.

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I work on the basis of conventional medicine with an additional emphasis on preventative medicine. Exercise, diet, environment are key for health, however despite all of these being optimal, health can be impaired.

I belief in vaccines used in a 'personalised' context. Is a particular vaccine going to be beneficial for that individual/animal?

I guess there are quite a view people on this platform who don't think vaccines are any good.

And we just have to agree to disagree on that one.

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And now that he's showing scepticism for these "vaccines" he's showing he has no scepticism whatsoever for so-called regular vaccines. His introduction reads like a hymn to vaccines, beginning with the standard pharma narrative of how they saved us from smallpox.

They really drill into their heads at medical school that vaccines are a God-given gift. Very few actually look into the evidence of their history, and the total lack of true science behind them.

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I was so annoyed at the plandemic response (and certainly not afraid of it at all!) that there was no way I would take the Covid jab. I did, however, think other vaccines were good... until I started a deep dive into that subject.

I will NEVER EVER take another vaccine again! I’ve been working hard to clear my body of all the neurotoxins from previous shots, and have never felt better in my life. Just attended my 50th high school reunion.

I post on Rumble every three weeks, here’s my latest: https://rumble.com/v1lf68f--hey-maga-what-is-non-negotiable-for-you-episode-103.html

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Oh, hey there! I recognize you from some of your videos. I don't think I've completely watched any of your videos, but I have at least spent a few minutes on them.

Your 50th reunion?

No...you mean your 20th!

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I agree. I think clean water and sanitation had a greater effect than vaccines. And who knows about the possible side effects, my understanding is it's never been truly studied.

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100% agree. But in this case, ironically, his support of them gives him at least some chance of being heard.

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I agree. I was a real fan of Malhotra and his stance on diet and his campaign against high-carb, low fat eating. I was extremely disappointed when he seemed to show a lack of the clarity of thought that led him to his views on diet when it came to the covid jabs - even more so as I have heard his views on BigPharma and statins.

He seems to have gone out of his way to support the use of the jab early on when I thought he would be a proponent of natural support of the immune system and early treatment. I would be feeling somewhat shame-faced now if I were him. It appears that even those one thinks would behave differently are not immune to the irrational behaviour provoked by fear!

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I was actually never that worried about this virus.

I was worried about our liberties and the enormous harms of lockdowns.

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So maybe the fact the pandemic response in the UK was so unscientific and our liberties were so severely restricted was also a factor in thinking that vaccination might be a way out.

It was never fear though.

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I thought he was a low carb pro-statin guy? One reason our family likes him but only by half, haha.

Nevertheless, yeah, it has been weird how some folks with generally unconventional views for some reason didn’t approach the C O V I D thing, and especially the injections, with more skepticism. I mean, he obviously is aware of the fraud with the diet-heart hypothesis....

It is very refreshing to see a relatively high profile doctor admitting he was wrong and now publicly publishing his concerns.

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Fear! They were so fearful they couldn’t not think straight.

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I thinnk like you, why did he, a doctor, from the start accept to be "vaccinated"? I, by using my brain, said no to this rusian roulette, and warned everybody, and they looked at me as I was insane.

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I have to be honest, I am slightly baffled by the criticism of Aseem Malhotra on this platform. I can really see his thought process to a certain extend and I will try to explain further.

From my perspective the Lockdowns and severe restrictions were a hysterical response to this virus and was doing immense damage to society at many levels.

I do belief that this virus was a problem, especially for people with multiple comorbidities and more so for the elderly.

Governments failed to recognise this and continued with the madness of their restrictions.

So when a vaccine came along one year later with restrictions still in full swing, my response was based on my belief that vaccination works if the vaccine is good (I know there are some people who are principally opposed to all vaccines, but I am not one of them). But no vaccine is ever 100% safe, so I did not like that message one bit. However, I could see the rational for vaccinating the people more at risk from this virus. I was worried about the lack of long-term side-effect data and the speed this vaccine was rolled out. So I never supported vaccinating the younger (below 60's), any vaccine coercion or mandate from day 1.

I did not for one minute think at the time, that the Pharma data would be this thin. Subsequent data and publication of the Pfizer documents show how thin the data actually was.

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I could come with many facts, for excample it never have been proved that vaccines protects against diseases! For the HIV, a German professer, in 2011 stated that he would pay 100.000 $ (or was it Euro) for the person who could that the HIV virus actually resulted in HIV disease. There was given Nobelprice for this even not prowed! I ented in court, as a person asked for the money. But in the court it was stated that it has not been proved.

I own 22 boks about vaccines, if includin virusses and prallel then totall 50 -60. And there excist many exellent books which tells about the noncense concerning vaccination, and Pastaur, when laying on the deadbead probably said "Bechamp was right"; that is vaccines don't work.

In the books printed for doctor education, the student learn how good vaccinations are, by curing diseases. But forget to tell that for some of the diseases, they had turned down to only 5%, or les, hit by the disease when waccinatin came. And for excample for measles also had turned down to not bad if hit. And corning Polio, it by a local epidemi in 1953, the infected by polio were checked, and 59 different diseases turned out to be called polio, one of then syfelix. Polio excisted 3.500 years ago, we know from a "picture" in Egypt, but extremely seldom until the industrilalization, with witch came arsenik, kvicksilver, and DDT, and "the Paris green".

I have during decades told that in the future standard vaccination will no longer be allowed as they make more harm than help. Vaccines has increased the polio and maesling diseases! And for polio much harm by the vaccie which first came in 1954. And the inventer Dr. Jonas Salk later told "100% hit by polio have been vaccinated with my vaccine".

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I think it best to agree to disagree.

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Doctors have been trained over decades to trust what the FDA and medical journals say about pharmaceutical products. Many have been so busy being doctors that they haven't done the reading that they've needed to do, so they're just waking up to this long-standing problem. Doctors are people too, and are just as vulnerable to propaganda as other people are (those who haven't studied or woke up to it yet).

It's hard to know that doctors recommended it before they realized the risks. These doctors have to live with that. We all have to live with it too, the complex situation that comes from the fact that all people don't wake up to the harms at the same time. It can be a bitter pill to swallow, and at the same time better late than never. And at the same time, there were those doctors who realized it and spoke up from the get-go. They are amongst the true heroes.

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Advocates are often born from those who've had their eyes opened, as Maholtra's experience with his father's death reveals. None of us are perfect.

As Victor Lazlo (Paul Henreid) says to Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) in Casablanca, "Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win."

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I know, he probably had some of the same blind spots pointed out in the drivers of misinformation, and sins that he points out in his paper.

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Poor guy, losing his father and is himself double vax'd. He must be wondering about his families welfare. He's one of the few doctors to publicly come forward saying he didn't actually read the data. Now think about how many there are that still haven't. I'll never trust a doctor again.

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Same. Search for functional medicine doctors.

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poor guy? killed his old man with his ignorance, lord knows how many million others he coerced into getting the experimental death shot- [Gurinder Chadha] & still ignores 150 years data & still insists all other vaxes best thing since sliced bread.

will make an excellent politician which i suspect is where he is aiming.

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I have been wondering what all of the idiot MDs, parents & anyone else who cruelly browbeat & ostracized people to get vax’d would feel when they finally stepped out of the mass psychosis spell & realize what tremendos harm they’ve done to their patients, children, friends & families, not to mention everyone else

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I've wondered that for a long time as well. At some point you'd think they would have to but at this stage I'm actually not sure they every will.


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Thx for the link, IC!

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will their hubris allow this? MD = Minor Deity, after all.

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The medical establishment is now exposed as deeply corrupt & incredibly stupid. I have no formal medical training whatsoever but it was very obvious to me, even as a lay person, that “warp speed” & “vaccine” in the absence of any long (or even short) term studies was not anything I was going to participate in.. Why did so many of them fall for it or keep silent when they KNEW better?

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Having the raw data publicly available is now important? You mean the raw data that Peter Doshi (Associate Editor @ BMJ) has been screaming for since January 2021? Oh, yea. That raw data.

“until raw data has been released for fully independent scrutiny.”

Well better late than never but why wasn't it released in the first place?

Some of the highlights LOL

“When the vaccines were first released we were told they were 95% effective against infection. This is not true."

And ...

“The latest data reveals that once infected there is no significant difference in transmission rates between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, which makes any scientific case for mandates illegitimate."

" Now that 5 BILLION of you have taken the shots we will slowly walk it back to try and appear as the good guys and a voice of reason. Suckers. Bwa ha ha ha." - Klaus Schwab

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So sad that someone has to die before the brain can be properly engaged. The facts and data have only had one story to tell from the beginning, starting with a proverb(mine): Never take a serious medicine developed under a program called Operation Warpspeed.

For the “safe and effective” claim, all we have ever had is hot air, claims by the rich and powerful and their minions. Know this: People with money and power can rarely be trusted regarding anything that impinges on either, and especially both.

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Yeah, he only seemed to notice once his father died--what about all the new patients he was seeing, just coincidences?

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His dad is likely to stand out of all, not just because of the relationship but also his deep and accurate knowledge of his dad’s medical hx. Everyone else is a patient and they are generally poor historians with their health info.

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The only benefit, if it can be seen as one, from the covid injections is to have exposed the breadth of complicity and intended harm big pharma has been perpetrating on the population. Now that they are dissemating these poisons by airborne, transfection and pill methods, their depopulation agenda continues unchecked. We may need a bigger stick.

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"Even if they are aware of this problem, most healthcare professionals lack the skills necessary to evaluate the reliability and usefulness of medical evidence; and"


I read relevant parts of the initial release and was immediately aware of the conflation of the risk reduction. I was honestly predisposed to doubting the mRNA injections from my early reading and personal experience in the real world.

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The scary part of this, for me, is that the stuff he's surfacing now super BASIC due diligence on vaccine safety/efficacy (e.g., how are you measuring adverse events; did the trials save lives; is the cost/benefit the same for young and old; absolute vs. relative benefit, etc.).

Which means this doctor, and many others, were out hawking these jabs with almost no understanding of the arguments against them!

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Exactly and they laughed in your face if you asked them about these things. The majority still are which is the worrying thing.

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Yes and people say 'you are not a doctor you don't know anything!'

So the doctor who passed some medical university exams and sits in a praxis knows it all just because!

This is an excellent example of authoritarian thinking! Protect the status and hierarchy!

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It's a shame that it took his own father having a heart attack to take a critical look at the "vaccines".

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Hey, I made a very similar mistake encouraging my brother to get the vax. A month later he had clotted arteries.

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Amazing that most of the truth about the covid jabs was suppressed until it was "convenient" for the mainstream to start releasing it a little at a time. Always after the damage has been done. The powers that be knew that if informed consent had been given to people from the start. Fewer people would have taken that bioweapons cocktail. Many honest doctors and researchers were stating even before the start of the covid jab trials, that safer and better alternative medicines already existed, and we're already being used to successfully treat covid.

It's really not a bad idea to sometimes listen to people who have been or are labeled as "conspiracy theorists." Lots of those people actually tell more truth than most people we see on tv every day. Had the alleged "conspiracy theorists" been listened to in the case of all things covid. I suspect that there would be less sick and diseased people alive today. Less people might have died from traditional, "mystery diseases" and ""sudden adult death" syndrome (SADS) too thanks to the covid jabs.

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Yes, you are 100% spot on.

Plenty of people putting forth cautions and concerns, urging a slowdown and more careful investigation before pushing these experimental injections out. But they were labeled conspiracy theorists, which allowed them to be ignored.

I pretty much now figure that the conspiracy theories are turning out to be facts, more often than not. I will no longer dismiss any ideas on that basis alone... those “wacky” people seem to have a pretty good track record currently.

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Probably the mess was made because they de$$$perately wanted to make those mRNA platforms viable, normalizing them, for this and other uses. Sad.

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Agree. They may attempt to normalize, but nothing about them is normal. They are experimental. Subjects are essential, and if a drug is so experimental that subjects are difficult to enlist, other strategies to get subjects and report favorable results crossed ethical lines. Now, if subjects can't be found, clinical trials are just skipped altogether.

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Another big public awakening may be on the way. According to today's Walgreens tracker, BA.4.6 is now 12.53% of the US infections and rising. However, I have read, 4.6 is not included in the new bivalent "Omicron" booster.

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Well,they knew when they authorized the Eight-Mice Booster that it would be outdated by the time it was available.

It’s all so incredibly nefarious and evil. I doubt many of those who choose to take the Mouse Booster will even bother to notice or care that the strains are changing.

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I read that they produced a booster for a variant that is already extinct, so the US didn't want it. The UK snapped it up for a bargain price however.

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We've got plenty of printed money to buy whatever we want apparently! You name it, we'll print the money to buy it.

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Amazing how even attentive lay people could believe that a variant based antibody inducement poison could possibly still be relevant by the time it can be determined to be safe.

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Well--here again, I wonder at the brains of even the apparently most thoughtful ethical doctors. Do they undergo conditioning hypnosis as part of their early medical training or something?

Many, many many of us here have never been skeptics of the principle of vaccination nor of the administration of vaccines with a long (and what had seemed to be clear) track record. At the same time many many of us have been extremely careful about not rushing to accept any newly-introduced vaccine, and many of us understand that, for instance, the flu is a serious disease that kills a lot of people every year but we don't get flu shots because we're skeptical of their value.

And we absolutely declined this vax because it had zero long-term believable track record for safety, or efficacy, or for anything at all, really.

But these brilliant morons here, now they're "concerned" and "surprised" and "re-evaluating..."

Sorry. No slack given. A collaborator is a collaborator even if he had the very best motives. Fuck 'im

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He has been speaking out for a while now and is still one of the few doctors to speak out. People get things wrong, if you can't allow people to change their minds then things will never change.

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I understand this. I'm glad when any person of professional gravitas has the courage to change his mind.

What I do not understand is as expressed in my initial comment.

Where does that basic flaw in common sense come from? Trust me--I've made more than my share of idiotic mistakes in my life, I'm really talented that way.

But not when it comes to medical interventions, new shiny technological healthcare advances, the advice of doctors.

To be absolutely serious--is there something in modern medical education that teaches or encourages people to disregard or to suppress their own instincts and be good obedient learners? If you question your professors will you be tossed out? Is it as simple as you won't get good postings, so your professional advancement is wrecked if you dare to think for yourself? That is unfortunately quite normal in any hierarchal system. But we should name it and say it at least.

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Also the fear of making a mistake and then being sued. If you just follow orders there's nothing to worry about. A stress free life even if you make the wrong decision and people die. You can sleep at night knowing it wasn't your fault.

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Yes, that "standard of care" thingy's like the welcome mat to hell for anyone not protected by its iron-clad denial of liability.

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Lucifer loves this logic!

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I challenge anyone to show me one thing that was done by the public health bureaucrats, the hospital admin and staff, the alphabet agency federal officials, school boards etc. that did not INCREASE by a LARGE SUM the number of deaths which occurred in the US in 2020 in what was a normal respiratory season.

I also challenge anyone to show me the same for the years 2021/2022.

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They did make it really hard to see the doctor, so less kids got their childhood autism shots. It was unintentional, but one good outcome.

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Silver lining.

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Less SIDS, more SADS. Funny that. Wonder why?

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It's not healthcare it's cashcare

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When I skimmed your comment and saw the words LARGE SUM in caps, I first thought you were talking about how much money those bastards made and how the government incentivized them to code everything as Covid.

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He could have done that calculation at any time.

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Right on Copernicus! I've been listening to "conspiracy theorists" since 2008. I can't find much info on the net re William Cooper these days. There was tons of info, audio and video on this man prior to the web scrubbing probably between 2016-2020. Lots of things I heard this guy say sounded truthful to my ears. The man didn't sound like a paranoid delusional individual to me. I just learned of Phil Schneider this year. I've only found bits and pieces on the net about him. Lots of mystery surrounding the death of that man. And from the 20 or 30 minutes of video I did see with Phil Schneider, it sounded possibly truthful to me. I suspect that the web was scrubbed under the pretext of "protecting people from misinformation." The information that people need protecting from are the lies that are destroying their lives and their health. But people will have to "protect" themselves from the "real" fascist misinformation disguised as the truth on and off the net by rejecting it. Besides, since when was it someone else's decision to decide what the truth is for somebody else?

I'm open minded on getting the truth from whomever I can get it. The more a person is vilified. The more I'm convinced that there is some validity in something that they are/were talking about when I look them up. There have been/are conspiracies going on for generations and they are not all theories. Some things that are labeled conspiracy theories are actually conspiracy facts. No one told me that I had to believe any or everything the "conspiracy theorists" say. It's up to everyone with a working brain to discern whatever truth they can get from whomever. The last people I expect to get any truth from are the ones who have been lying about everything for decades pre covid. Lying about all things covid and the jabs was suspected from the start on this end. No expectations from this mind, for the conspirators of all things evil to tell the truth about anything now or ever. I'm starting to believe that even more truth can be found on the dark web. That's an uncensored web environment I've heard.

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Be sure you DO NOT use gOoGLe or Duck Duck Go. SO MUCH is hidden! There are other search engines (I’ve been using Brave) out there. Sometimes one thing will lead to the information you want to see. Good luck!

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Forget those 2 search engines. I'm liking yandex better these days. Will check out brave. Thanks for the tip. If I had home internet I'd probably install the .onion browser and go on the dark web. I would protect my computer first though. I hear it's safer to use a VPN on those servers too. Also heard that dissidents use the dark web.

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Definitely a VPN! 👍

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