Geert van den bossche, still thinks that another more virulent variant is around the corner, interesting to see what happens if that occurs to the vaccinated with IgG4. To be honest I think its already happening with excess deaths, heart attacks turbo cancers.

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GVDB was wrong though.

He posited that the harm would be caused by inducing dangerous viral mutations (and this could then also harm the uninjected).

However, it looks like the only thing which is mutating abnormally is the immune system of the injected

The “variants” just look like how viruses evolve, we just never sequenced a species of viruses in real time like this before.

The aberrant and inflexible immune systems of the injected appear to be unable to respond properly to this unexceptional viral evolution.

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I think you are wrong that the variants have evolved naturally. Definitely not the case with omicron.

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According to GVB, the uninjected won't have a serious problem with new variants due to trained innate immunity. But the virus may change its glycosilation profile which will prevent vaxxine-induced disease-inhibiting antibodies from binding, and that may lead to severe disease in the vaxxinated.

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That sounds about right.

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It's coming... The Bossche Mutation.

What I am observing is exactly this -- the vaxxed are getting bedridden sick... the unvaxxed it's a sniffle....

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Yup, at work the vaxxed are sick all the time, missing days and days of earnings. My daughter and I: nothing, nada…just a headache from all their yammering

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Ran into a friend in town ... she was telling my how hubby (Vaxxer) is the sickest he has ever been in the 10+ years they've been together.

I predict great suffering ahead

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I can’t hit the like button on this but I agree with you.

And many of those affected will still not recognize the problem. I personally know at least eight people who have died or been sickened..... with the vaxx being the most likely cause.

I spoke with one of them yesterday. I had not talked with him for quite a while. He told me that four in his family - his wife, son, and two others - had died in the last two years.

He himself has had two open heart surgeries since receiving the vaxx (with no prior history of heart problems) and I believe that the others also got the shots.

His family members who died all suffered from symptoms that have been linked to the vaccine.

As soon as I mentioned the possibility of these things being vaccine related, he shut me down. He said that ‘no it wasn’t the vaccine’ but that it was all possibly caused by the Covid virus. He indicated that he trusted the vaccine and that it was better that he had gotten it.

After all that he had been through, he would not even entertain the possibility that some of the things that he and his family had suffered were caused by the vaxx.

I was amazed but somehow not terribly surprised......he’s a retired government employee and a very ‘liberal’ Democrat.

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In terms of vax injured ... I know a dozen or so with severe injuries

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I own a pilates studio in Atlanta, GA. It's not huge, but between my partner and myself, we have 70-100 appointments per week. Some of our clients have been coming for over 20 years. Although relatively small, we have an extremely consistent group to observe...a group we have been observing for quite a while. I can tell you who has asthma and struggles in the fall. I am aware of most of my clients' menstrual cycles...or if they are in menopause. I know who has IBS. And who has high blood pressure.

Among the vaccinated, which is around 85% of our clientele, the recurrent illness is remarkable. Those who took all of the shots are rarely able to attend consecutive sessions. Those who took fewer, are not missing as much, but when they do get sick, they are out for weeks. Not a day or two. Weeks. And when they come back, they are still congested or have lingering cough.

Concerning cancer....we are seeing that as well. And it is heartbreaking.

I have been teaching pilates for almost 25 years now, and I can confidently say that I am seeing the data real-time. I need not look at another chart or graph.

We are seeing the cancer as well.

One of my favorite clients just went for a follow up with an ENT for a persistent sinus infection last week. The doctor sat down and told her that she has cancer.

This is the third person within the past two weeks that has received a cancer diagnosis.

My heart is heavy.

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We are in a similar business with similar business model, in a completely unrelated part of the world, and corroborate what you see with recurring illness.

What I’d add are swollen lymph nodes. There seems to be the immediately after jab incidence (frequent; armpit), and those more insidious ones that pops up at odd places at a time far away from injection. This is fresh on my mind: one of our clients missed yesterday’s session to get a large painful lump drained, and another has a new one on the back of the shoulderblade that she didn’t have. Have you seen these?

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I have one client that has struggled with swollen, painful lymph nodes. Of course, she is in complete denial about it being the jab. She blames long covid. Her list of symptoms seems almost endless. She has a new one about every other week. It's definitely from Covid though...and not the jab.🙄

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This is the best study I’ve read. Something a lot of “scientific” graphs don’t have which is the intimate relationships and background of participants drawing more detailed correlations. Imagine if it were possible to collate more like this.

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My Pilates studio in Canada banned unjabbed so I have not been back. I was surprised when they did that and then didn't even lift the ban after the government reopened everything.

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Move on down here....we will happily have you!

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Thanks, interesting observations.

I’m assuming the 15% are faring just fine?

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For the most part, yes. I have a married couple that are in their late 60s and are unvaxxed that have struggled with some lingering health issues, but that turned out to be a mold thing. Other than that, all unvaxxed are faring well.

Another anecdotal observation...

I just got back from an annual family vacation. I have a niece that was on her EIGTH round of antibiotics in ONE YEAR for recurrent ear infections, and another niece that finished her FIFTH round for recurrent strep. IN ONE YEAR.

Of course covid is being blamed...and we aren't really in a place where I can bring up anything about the vaccine.

I don't have to bring it up though because the very large elephant in the room is my children. No illness to speak of.

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Sarah, I’m in Atlanta too! So many similarities w clients. Can we connect?

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Yes please!!


740.403.2983 is my cell

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Mike Yeadon observed early on that the mRNA vaccines were a terrible approach. You can’t control the amount of spike protein expressed, where in the body it’s expressed, or for how long. Also, any cells that are transfected by the vaccine’s nano lipid encased mRNA will be killed by the immune system. So add the known risk of OAS to the equation and the question becomes (as Mike also points out), why would all of the vaccine manufacturers (except China’s of course) choose this approach?

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It's worse than a live vaccine. Ones own body will produce the toxin and fight the toxin until death.

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Diabolical Genius

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Because in October 2019, Doctor "I am The Science" Fraudchi was bragging that a disruptive event would be needed to circumvent the usual 10 year trial process and push that mRNA crap right through.

Still, J&J, AstraZeneca, Novavaxx and others used different approaches, but they were eventually squashed by the "mRNA good, everything else bad" propaganda campaign.

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The official answer for why they chose this approach is a combination of "efficiency" as well as of previous research on traditional coronavirus vaccines yielding disappointing results since coronaviruses don't lend themselves very well to vaccination (neither do influenza viruses, of course, hence the pathetically subpar flu vaccines for decades). But what they glaringly omit is that decades previous research with mRNA "vaccines" (gene therapies) showed results far worse than merely inferior.

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Boriquagato and Eugyppius were warning about OAS years ago, too. This will come as no surprise.

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We used to joke during the scamdemic that the only thing mutating was the lies. Hard to take any of this stuff seriously after listening to Kaufman, Cowan et al. Virology comes over as complete junk science - in silico genomes, vero cells degraded with amphotericin B, control groups showing the same exosomes...

No actual proof of anything - its shocking!

Yet something definitely caused an influenza like illness - quite likely poisoning - god knows what they're doing?

Viruses, variants, mutations, spike protein, gain of function, lab leaks all fear porn...but ya know da $cience™

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No immunity? Increase cancer activity?

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Bonus side effect!

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"the current variants aren’t particularly deadly but that could change over night."

I don't know if tolerating spike proteins in your body is a good idea. AFAIK, the spike proteins are toxic to many body organs. You may not appear ill in the short term. But you are likely looking at significantly shorter life expectancy. So eat NATTO to get rid of spike proteins in your body now!! (based on a preprint.)

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The more doses of vax a person was receiving was also associated with a suppressed IFN Type 1 response to viral attack. One of the main roles of interferon is to stop viral attacks from spreading by “warning” nearby cells. IFN also suppresses cancer cells, so....

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Thank you for keeping at it. More and more of the voices wanting to have real debate and reporting and investigation into mRNA-shots and all thigs Covid are moving on to The Next Thing, and/or reverting back to their old hobby-horses.

Maybe it needs a "british bulldog"-approach, as this is not the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning to quote a certain english gentleman.

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It is probably worth making a distinction between those who had covid prior to vaccination and those who didn't. This study would have assumed that vaccinated implied no prior covid infection. Some populations/countries had 70 to 90% coverage prior to vaccine roll out (thank goodness).

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Wow, there jabs are truly WORSE than useless!

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Dr. Michael Yeadon: I Decline Most Interview Requests These Days. I’ve Nothing New To Say

" I could be taken at any moment. So be it. I’m not afraid. We’re all going to die anyway. That’s always been true. Choice is only how you live this life."


CoNVid "vaccines" are Nanoparticle Bioweapons

IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative


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Dr. Antonietta Gatti . Unfortunately, people are taking far too long to come to grips with the basic concepts of adaptation and synthetic biology. So while everyone is still focusing on "Will it evolve in pathogenicity"🤷‍♀️ or "OAS real/not real🤔", or still "germ vs terrain theory"🤦‍♀️, and everyone is (conveniently) bored with the "GoF weapon release" discussion. So very few are actually taking a look at the nanotechnology. Because there is a lot of censorship on it as it is trillion dollar business.

What we are seeing is "nanopathology"- see Dr Antoinette Gatti's work and Charles Lieberman and many others (https://pieceofmindful.com/2021/04/23/confessions-of-an-engineered-nanoparticle/- scroll to bottom for research articles and videos etc).

This is not just a "vaccinated" thing. This is how the shedding is occurring (note, I said how, not if, it's confirmed). This is why everyone is affected- a combination of intentional and unintentional biomodification to suit the unintentional terraforming programmes. Everyone has been conscripted into the transhumanistic future, whether you wanted to or not. The sooner people can understand that, start taking steps to mitigate the damage and get this public so that governments are forced to stop or at least allow those working on solutions to work unimpeded/without censorship. The goal was to have no "unaugmented" left by 2025. The clock is ticking and people are not putting it together fast enough.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

That's likely why Dr Yeadon has stepped back.

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Transhumanism - half man half robot? I don't think so....

To what purpose even if it was possible?

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Transhumanism is not cybernetics. Nanotechnology is the building blocks for transhumanistic augmentation. Cybernetics is/Will be more military oriented and some industries.

The purpose is because they still want to make money and they need to adapt humanity to survive.

Go look at nanopathology, nanotech and synthetic biology current research and last 30years. It's been here, it's been happening.🤗

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And that refills the oil wells? https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

Or maybe they are playing you so that you don't think about or become aware of the severe depletion of affordable energy

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And oil is made from what?🤔🤔😐😉

They are "playing" everybody on this planet.

Is the fossil fuel industry REALLY operating on a dwindling supply? From what I've looked into it, it's much like the false science used to justify climate change narrative, or closer actually to the monetary systems "false economy". BTJMO based on the reading I have done, based on the censored work of scientists who disagree with the corporation narratives.🤷‍♀️😉

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Feel free to explain why we are steaming oil out of tar sand if there if the supply of easy oil is not in deep depletion

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Hey, wanna hear a joke? Peak Oil. That's the joke.

Of course, oil production will HAVE to peak at some point. People have been crying "wolf" about that since the 19th century, but yes, one day the wolf really will come.


Only it won't be nearly as big a deal as many people think it is, as we still currently have more than enough oil to deep-fry the Earth many times over. And renewable energy is making tremendous progress in the meantime as well.

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I got a joke for you ...

Why are we steaming oil out of tar sand if there is so much easy oil left to discover?

You can supply the punch line...

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You heard that joke on cnnbbc right?

How many Rat Juice shots have you taken?

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Your link isn’t working. My biggest concern has been shedding. I am a bodyworker and have been working on all these vaxxed bodies for years now. I wish there was a protocol specific for mitigating damage from shedding LNPs! Is there??

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Not a medical practitioner, but I would look into NAC, ivermectin, artemisia (sweet wormwood) and multivit combos to build immune system (Zn, vit C and vit D... Just a side note, vit D can cause constipation as does Fe... Make sure you take them with the complementary vit and minerals to aid in absorption).

This is where I would start reading to make a decision.

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My 3 teenage daughters were vaccinated by my now ex. 1 of them 3 times. They seem to have non-stop colds, coughs and congestion.

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The very vilified Ivermectin effectively combats the spike protein.

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I am hearing of constant often severe sickness in the Vaxx Community where I live

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I'm seeing that as well so many seem to be sick all the time.

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Jul 5, 2023
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And lots of Vitamin C. And Niacin. And NAC. And Resveratrol and Fisetin. And let's not forget Nattokinase either.

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And NAC.

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Paul Alexander has an essay on how two previous vaxxed people got the actual flu and became septic and it affected their hands and legs so badly that they had to be amputated. The pictures are horrific. I don’t think that the pro vax should be mocked because we don’t know why they took them in the first place. Many parents didn’t have the option to get fired or they didn’t know not to trust the authorities. Anyone who mocks people who are seriously injured have something very wrong in their head. Imo.

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This supports the anecdotal situation I have where all of my clients who are vaxxed are ALWAYS sick with something. One client’s husband has had chronic bronchitis since the last booster, which they are saying isn’t bronchitis but some other nonsense. He’s on 2 inhalers and an oral medication. Other clients have had spring into summer colds and a variety of other symptoms that result in them always feeling like they are coming down with something.

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Which SSer wants to take this?

Coco Lee committed suicide because of a severe vax injury

I call bullshit on the 'deformed foot'... so she went through an entire career dancing about on a lame foot -- can anyone see stitches on said foot in the video? https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22941299/coco-lees-heartbreaking-health-battles-fighting-demons-horror-surgery/

She is high profile -- they would go to lengths to cover this up --- anyone heard from Celine Dion lately?

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Madonna? (hope she survives...)

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