Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Climate forecasts have been very wrong for decades, so I'm not listening now. Seems the entire climate farce was a forerunner of the covid farce, with the same people at the tippy-top, pulling the strings and for the same reasons

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

College vaccine mandate authority - I've never understood where universities, public or private, derive the power to enforce such mandates. I'm curious what courts may have said or how this is justified under the law. Have any university related vaccine mandates been struck down in court? Are there any ongoing suits?

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Thank you for the opportunity to ask you and your public what they make of people's reluctance to engage in discussion about the current transfer of wealth and power to global agencies such as the WHO pandemic treaty, or the Central Bank Digital Currency. Both examples spell a serious loss of liberties for individuals and I'm seriously wondering if there will be anywhere left to evade these forces? Feeling lonely in Canada...

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Open mike night? Whoppeee!

May I offer an example of bureaucrazy? In Sweden, if you have chickens you must register this if you sell eggs or meat. Not for taxation, but for purposes of tracking diease and parasites.

So far, so good.

However, if you give the eggs away, you do not have to be registered.

Disregarding the issue of having governement bureaucrats spending their days being Kommissars of egg supervision and heggling, how do bacteria, viruses and parasites know if the eggs are being sold, bartered or given?

I have so far not received any reply from official sources as to how this works.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"Please share this information with everyone you know as soon as possible."

"This attempted coup is worldwide."

"Your sovereignty is about to be stolen from you. It is appropriate to scream at this moment. Our freedoms are about to be given away."


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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Where is this hotter climate? Where I live, summer (as defined by nights above freezing) is getting shorter.

Silly me, I keep forgetting that global warming causes unseasonably cold weather.

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Very interesting graphs. Thanks. And predicable leap in private health ‘care’ spend is embedded and crippling even without this engineered pandemic crisis. And, now, ‘we’ must now Understand that it’s ..our fault..’we’ created the ‘pandemicine’.


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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I'm going to have to spend some months in the UK, probably the last place I want to be in an engineered food and energy crisis. Kinda glad private treatment is still even possible, to avoid the cattle-class jab and intubate NHS. I better bring insurance. But if people are already paying personally as much as in the US, why are they taxed a bomb plus National Insurance to pay for the NHS?

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A friend sent an article that women in menopause in the UK are running out of meds. It’s causing anxiety, depression, causing people to lose their jobs. Wondering if there are more herbal/natural ways of regulating hormones, but the biggest thing- is this going to start happening worldwide, to all drugs the industry has gotten people hooked to?

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Are you aware of the WHO’s massive attempted power grab (https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/urgent-my-video-call-with-the-who) via the international pandemic treaty (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/2022/03/pandemic-treaty/45591) and, most urgently, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/we-told-the-who-we-dont-want-its) up for vote at their 5/22–28 meeting?

I am teaming up with Dr. Tess Lawrie’s World Council for Health (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org) on a multi-tiered campaign to take down the WHO, starting with stopping the IHR amendments, the treaty, and ultimately the WHO itself by encouraging all member states to withdraw from it.

Anyone who wants to keep apprised of the WHO’s machinations and actions they can take to help #StopTheWHO to follow these Substacks:





The WHO held a sneak-attack meeting a couple of weeks ago and only allowed 48 hours for public comment in response to their coercive question (worded to imply the inevitability of the treaty) limited to 250 words. Here is the response I submitted:

• “Letter to the WHO” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

Here are some other pertinent links for more details:







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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Why won't they stop picking on those darling little bats?

t's a crime, I tell ya...

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"Weaponized Medical Care."

I've said it before, folks, thirty eight years in pharmacy, seen so many scams and rip offs and multi-tiered care systems, that I had already "lowered my expectations" of the health care system. But for them to expect us to pay top dollar so they could kill us? Incredible!

But for 80% of "Health Care Employees" to blow that off like last Wednesday's potato salad?

I now call them "Death Care Employees."

Sarah Palin was right and just like Joseph McCarthy, she was 500% more right than even she could predict.

Check my April 4th Newsletter #2 article:


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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Sky's bed time stories for your amusement

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Really worried about Gates’ interest in a paid team, in order to deal with future pandemics. Is he going to pay for that international organization and hence be the “Emperor of the World”?


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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Would like to know/learn/understand more about the insurance companies and if they are tracking the “side effects” as Pharma doesn’t track vaccinated beyond 6 weeks. I have listened to RFKjr. and Edward D, but there has to be more on this. The insurance companies have the data base to track and reveal the adverse reactions and death. RFKJr. has been pointing this out for years with the children's scheduled vaccines. Why isn’t there more of an uproar from the insurance companies?

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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I would love to see a shift from critique only to critique plus creativity and inspired collaborative action posts.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Hi - can you investigate and report on this please? from The People's Lawyers in the UK


It looks like the whole EUA, mandates etc. etc. have been ultra vires!




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Apr 30, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Something completely different...

Good evening!

A good friend (reliable and works in security) sent along this link to an old video.

I know some of you may laugh and delete - that’s certainly your prerogative, but I hope you will actually watch and take note.

Some years ago, (perhaps 20), I heard of a number of these things but thought they were too far-fetched to be real - perhaps a plot for a movie?

Unfortunately, these rumblings have proven to be true - especially over the past 5 years.

I would not be your true friend if I didn’t forward this on.

I hope you’ll find the time to watch (even if it’s in 10 minute increments), and then pray…plus please send on to your loved ones.

God bless you all.

Your friend and sister,



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Lots of info. on current events


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U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman of Texas has given a Court Order that radically shortens the timeline under which the FDA has to produce documents related to the vaccine creation process - to about 8 months (from 75 years). There is an estimated 450 000 pages of documents. These documents were requested by a coalition of doctors and scientists from the nonprofit - Public Health and Medical Professions for Transparency - under a Freedom of Information Act document lawsuit.


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A big part of the Health Care Problem is an over reliance on Big Pharma products and testing. Although we do need drugs to control the symptoms of disease, these drugs do not CURE anything. There are other branches of medicine that have been actively suppressed for decades because they "compete" with Big Pharma. System doctors are tightly controlled by regulatory bodies, and as we have seen, doctors who "step out of line" have been threatened with losing their license. Change will not come from within the occupation. There are too many sticks and carrots, and vested interests. Rather, patients have to do their own research and consider other branches of medicine such as naturopathic and homeopathic. Eastern medicine is also worth researching. Testing should be done independently using CONTROL GROUPS. If all the participants in the testing are in the test, there is no control group. The public has been far too lazy and compliant for far too long. You have to be your own advocate. You have to ask a lot of questions. If there is one thing that really stood out during the past 2 years, it is the need for far better CRITICAL THINKING on the part of the general public. I would like to see more articles on alternative medicine.

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We all need to do two things.

1) Keep gently talking with friends and family. We need not be emotional or push too hard that they will run the other way, like mentioning wef or planned depopulation, in my opinion. They just need the facts and to be told the reason you say anything is because you care about them. I wrote the following post because even after a year of explaining, I was asked this question https://leemuller.substack.com/p/but-is-it-experimental

If the 50% of us in the know, is able to bring just ONE other person into the light, we will have a chance.

2) Call out the 120 Democratic and 91 Republican Representatives currently in the U.S. Congress who voted to pass the multi-billion dollar 21st Century Cures Act (2016) that enabled uninformed consent and pushed "Real World Evidence" during the past two years. Contact our officials to hold them accountable to: preserve our Constitutional rights by ending and preventing mandates, compensate and provide help to the vaccine injured, and remove liability protection enacted through the PREP Act (2005 and 2020). - RightingTheWrongs.org

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No one (and I mean no one) appears to be using the matter of consent in any legal case, why is that? There appear to be previous international agreements that a person should not be affected in any way (loss of job etc) by not consenting to a medical experiment. It is clear that the matter of law has been thrown in the dustbin. Alas too many people are ignorant and there are not yet enough awake to realise what is really going on.

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If we put together dancing braless but in a non-provacative dress with talking politics that bridges the divide, might we come close to heaven on earth with our ethics standing and our hearts open wide?


Political Candidate Who:

Is a person of integrity (actually, beyond appearing to be so.)

Loves people, animals, plants, oceans, streams, rivers, mountains, soil air and Gaia herself.

Ideal Candidate:

Loves freedom for self and others

Creates cultures of kindness and respect that honor individual choice on ALL matters of health and how to promote it

Is capable, willing and gung ho for transparency on all matters where transparency would benefit the public, even if it makes those in office or offices higher than we know of consciously, squirm uncomfortably

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Please share links, videos, people, orgs, etc, I am curating my versions of a “homepage” of the medical freedom and free-speech movement. Consider checking it out and giving me some more ideas.

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