Official Data on Vaccine Deaths Up 4800% since 2020
Small numbers but still requires investigating
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) were asked recently, under a freedom of information request, to compare COVID-19 vaccine deaths with other vaccination deaths.
They produced a table titled “Vaccination deaths 2013 - 2021” which listed mortality statistics for deaths in England where the underlying cause was vaccination (excluding COVID-19 vaccines). The grand total of deaths between 2013 and 2021 came to one. One death from a viral vaccine in 2018.
Every month the ONS list the number of deaths involving COVID-19 vaccines and where it is the underlying cause in their Monthly Mortality Analysis. To date, there have been 49 deaths involving these vaccines, of which 43 listed vaccines as the underlying cause.
These deaths are more than likely undercounted with doctors finding it difficult to ascertain whether vaccines were the true cause of a death or not. There will also likely be considerable pressure not to list vaccines as the cause of death if they are in any doubt. The fact that Wales have zero deaths when, statistically, they should have a couple if following England’s numbers, shows recording of deaths is not consistent.
However, even if these tables represent the true numbers of deaths, an increase of 4800%, whatever the numbers are, should warrant an immediate investigation. Especially when so many of them are in the younger/middle aged categories who probably were not at risk of dying from Covid.
How did the time frame change as to when one was considered "vaccinated" under the new categorizations for "Covid vaccines?" Without this question being addressed the figures will be skewed.
The things are moving finally.