The gaslighting is staggering. Look here, look there, look anywhere else except at the obvious….the vaccine.

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Media told to prepare and dazzle the population with their predictive and insightful reporting which may work to provide a cover story eventually accepted thru repetition like hypnosis. Will it work on sheeple when children start dying?

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There are many public service announcements running on Alabama radio about how kids die of heart attacks all the time (?? They have to tell us because we had never noticed that kids die of heart attacks all the time!) and now we are going to make sure we have defibrillators in every middle school junior high and high school.

Normalizing an unusual event before it happens so we don’t question it when it does happen.

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Then there was the city bus signage saying “Kids have strokes too…here’s what to look for”….. Then oral blood thinners for kids get approved...

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How have they not yet managed to spin up a convincing story about how the anti-vaxxers are causing the vaxxers to get so much heart trouble. We are heartless bastards after all, apparently, maybe that's why we don't get cardiac arrests? Makes logical sense to me. :P

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There now is a German self-help group, on Zuckerbook, I believe, called something like "Help for relatives of Corona Deniers". Well, they do need help, allright, ...

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Gotta love NewSpeak: To question anything is to deny and thus: Heretic!!

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Yes, that's precisely all it is. Same like "anti-vaxxer" for questioning anything about any aspect of any particular product - unquestionling "receive" any ordained substance as frequently as told, or else: blasphemer.

Or somewhat recently, question the sanity of letting 3-y/o's "decide" (read: talked into by indoctrinated daycare persons) that they are "trans" and need irreversible chemical and surgical mutilation, with fraudulent suggestivity presented as a sex change (a bogus concept), although they call it "transition" which is a mushy term to their liking, always auto-evasive.

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I was about to say "You are kidding", but I guess you're probably not. Thank God I can't get on Faceplant to bother looking!

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Does frustration with small minded tyrants who think their preferences must be all others' preferences too count as a cause of heart attacks?

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All of those articles are pure coincidence. I mean what else could it be? It couldn't be the mass sum of $$$$ that big pharma pays advertisers. It couldn't be a roll out of stories to cover up an adverse event from the vax. It has to be a coincidence. So yes, coincidence theory explains it.

*Above comment is sarcasm.

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The B+M Gates tax exempt world chess enabler scheme (also known as "Foundation") directly pays a bunch of German "newspapers" and even some of the German health institutes like RKI seizable sums of money every year. With the stated goal of "independent journalism" (fo the papers), which. of course, logically follows directly. Oh the nobleness.

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I suppose they do the same in Belgium. As far as I can see, they too are totally mute when it comes to deaths or adverse reactions to the jabs, and no one seems interested enough to ask about ingredients. When I write a I comment, I wonder if it shows. They are going for their fourth jab in fall. Good luck. I was hoping to go visit my family but now again vaguely considering moving to Mexico LOL.

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The governments are covering their butts for all the heart problems to come, caused by the jabs they forced on their citizens

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... and are hell-bent of causing more harm by getting absolutely everybody, incl. children, to eliminate the control group in this huge, poorly performed, experiment which mainly has participants who don't understand they are that.

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Most everyone is totally unaware. A while ago I read a comment in the Belgian newspaper. A woman says, I am not having a booster, I am not a guinea pig, on which someone responded, you already ARE. The vaccines are experimental to begin with... a great answer to an unaware person.

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Another question that can come in handy: Which booster will be your last?

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Good one ! J and J seems to have stopped production. Astrazeneca is going to make heart meds instead. Or together with their jabs? Not sure if Pfizer and Moderna have started their new and approved already. Soon some people will look like pincushions

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Post - Pandemic Stress Disorder is causing the heart attacks... and it's sister illness, Functional Neurological Disorder is the reason for paralysis that happens coincidentally after injection .. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/they-are-now-blaming-all-the-deaths

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Indian Times are the best! "Doctors warn that exercising ...is not good".

Nike slogan 2022? "Just stop it!"

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So just about everything out there, no matter what it is, happens to be a potential trigger of heart attacks...hmmm. One would almost think an experimental therapeutic, backed up by zero clinical studies, has been injected into billions of arms...hmmm. But sCiEnCe tells us it is safe(!) and effective(!) so that can't be it. I hope the great minds can help us navigate these scary(!) triggers because they care about us, right? 🤪🤪

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Funny how they took time out from not giving a damn about slowly poisoning the great unwashed by blindly approving thousands of toxic ingredients every year, to caring so strenuously that they are will to use force in order to get us to submit. Taking ‘Change of Heart’ to whole new level!

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HA HA HA, What a great post! And what a great observation too. You have to be seriously red pilled (like me) to even bother to notice stuff like this, as the logical conclusion is too much for most people to swallow! Yep, big media are all a brotherhood, yep they concoct any story they want and work in unison to ensure we digest (and believe) it. WMD anyone?!

Well spotted, and well described.

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Totally normal. In the 90s there was a commercial where this guy would crack an egg over a hot pan and explain, “This is your heart. This is your heart on snowing.” It would play all the time.

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Just a Covidcidence I’m sure

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Holy crap…you nailed it….copyright that but QUICK!

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The most egregious of all of these, is the normalizing of heart attacks for kids!

They are setting the stage for the next rounds of medications that Fauci can shove down our gullets.

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Wait, did Pfizer not add an adjunctive ingredient to their “youth shots” that is supposed to counteract heart swelling? What gives?!

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John Campbell released a vid earlier, "BMJ gets fact checked" ... guess by whom.... Facebook! Calling them "a blog". The hubris of the mouth breathers doing that "fact checking", well is it really astounding anymore, I don't know. Nice little history lesson given by Campbell.

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They don’t play fair do they..

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The FAKE news media hard at work.

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the NOT Trusted BUT BUSTED News Initiative....has buckets of blood on its collective hands...

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Never fear Demonic Rust Never Sleeps! Soros rolls out the Good Information News Network! Lower than Pathetic……

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