Seems the places that used to be awesome (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, California) have all become the most totalitarian states.

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Yes, don't you find it a bit odd that they had no problem using the working class of those countries to fight all those wars of aggression? They didn't even blink an eye at losing millions of the best young men of two generations in completely pointless warfare at the Somme, Passchendale, etc.

Yet all of a sudden they are SO concerned about the working class that they will shut down entire countries to save a few lives. If anyone is dumb enough to buy those crocodile tears... There's another plot afoot.

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The "Commonwealth" countries were viewed and used as cannon-fodder by Britain...Churchill etc .....to this day, in my opinion, the tiny nation of nZ still has not recovered from losing its young men to these power-hungry and blood-lusting beings and remains dysfunctional......and still boot-licking to "Authority's" decrees even with Jabcinda's tyrannical legacy being evidenced daily. The four legged sheep have nothing on us for mindless obedience. So pleased you are awake to the history !

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The PLOT seems to be-------Kill off as many people as you can. If I am going to be murdered I would like to take some of the enemy with me.

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I was just thinking exactly that.

Make the bastards think twice before enforcing illegal and tyrannical orders.

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Hospitals are the new extermination centers .my brother was murdered in there in six days ,when he entered with a flu . Most people don't know what is happening to them when they are murdered and they can't fight back because often they are medically illiterate .

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Like Tuco said in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, “When you’re going to shoot, shoot; don’t talk.” Problem is that few on our side want to go first. Understandable actually, very human, but if someone takes the plunge, well, that could become another “shot heard ‘round the world’.

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Its important for those countrys to get an antidote for any case.The most things dont function and its important for all people to get somthing whats function.When they start with forcing they will put it also in the medications and food and everywhere,they are doing it allready.Local groups connected are important,not only online.

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You have recognized the problem (marxist globalists i.e, the WEF) and have the solution.

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True James. Well said. Sadly some are still dumb enough to swallow it all. It's very sad. I read once that NZ sent per capita more than any other country to WW2. My Dad went there along with his 4 brothers. He finally concluded wars were about money hence they'd never end he said. Hadn't at that stage hit on the democide factor that's now in our faces.

What is also sad here in NZ, we had a local man Barry Smith, an investigative writer, speaker, evangelist, who figured out the global government plan way back in the 1970s. He traveled & lectured up and down NZ blowing the whistle on it (called a nutter predictably) ... he died in 2002 (expunged I'd guess) having written many books & recorded many of his lecture tours (many still on YT). So we were warned way back. He said NZ & Aussie were 'test cases'. Try out the plan on the little nations to deploy elsewhere. His books are a mine of info. One of his UK interviews at the bottom of this page in 3 parts: watch the first short clip though he explains that we've been controlled by the (so called) elite since the 60s. Note at YT the fact checkers point out it's conspiracy!


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It was WW1 where NZ lost more men to the slaughter per capita than any other country in the world. Sobering, isn't it - and explains a great deal I think.

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Very sobering. Thank you for the info.

Actually tho I was meaning NZ sent more per capita. I will have to try & find the info again. But yes, all sobering indeed. All for bankers. Disgusting. It's they who need to go & feel the effects of their own warmongering.

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No time for Barry Smith. Not the pin up guy you refer to. He plagiarized my husband’s material back in the 70’s and 80’s which was circulating in the newsletter that my husband produced back then, including the same illustrations and text.

We went to a meeting of his once here in Australia in a little coastal town of NSW. It was about the whole backmasking of music in that time period. He was exposing that nonsense. We took our then 12y.o. son with us as he was into all kinds of music. We listened, watched and then when it became time for us to leave as we had a baby sitter for our other 4 young children, Mr. Smith called out from the pulpit to his henchmen to lock the doors to keep us from leaving. He said that we were Satan in their midst and we were trying to flee. Frankly, I and my son were terrified of this reaction by him. It was only that my husband threatened to drop the guy at the door that he finally, after getting the nod from Mr. Smith that he opened the door yelling at us “Satan flee”. There were people who were our friends in that meeting who avoided us from then on and bad mouthed us as a result. Who was the real Satan?!

Our son was turned off Christianity at that point. Thanks Barry Smith.

Never had any time for this plagiarist and false accuser. His books warning 1st, 2nd, 3rd & final were all based on my husband’s newsletter and without accreditation.

Sorry, not sorry to burst your bubble.

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No bubbles to burst Aussie Grandma & definitely not a pin up guy. Sounds very out of character for Barry what you describe & even if it is true, the info he writes & speaks of has proven true... whether your husband's info or Barry's. You'd be glad it got out there yes? I'd be really keen to see your husband's newsletters. Do you still have his material?

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The material you mention is now part of a lecture series on the Apocalypse which will be published as a book eventually. It is so extensive that it took 6 years of fortnightly Yeshiva lectures/meetings to get through it all.

It is behind a paywall for members only.

The link to his extensive works over a more than 40 year period is in my bio if you’re interested.

True, Christ is preached as Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) said in Phillipians 1:15-18.

Baruch HaShem!

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Thank you. Is that on your substack ('behind paywall').

I'll take a look at the bio.

Yes amen to Christ preached.

PS can you point me to your bio? Can't find it

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The same working class were classed as essential workers so were still expendable, most never got to enjoy the paid extended holidays that millions of others did.

Those are now the ones bitching about inflation and the cost of living crisis they helped create, unlike millions of working class who saw the scam for what it was but are still being dragged into it.

I’ve actually had people say to me how much they enjoyed the lockdowns in getting paid to sit at home, they don’t correlate them sitting at home with why we’re now in the shit.

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David Hughes (University of Lincoln, UK) argues that the rulers have been waging war against their own working class citizens to install a technocratic dictatorship globally. That is what the pandemic has been according to Hughes: a massive psy-op designed to cloak a military operation. Perhaps readers would be interested in visiting his website.

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Were they though? John Pilger had plenty to say about Australian cultural and political life back in the day.

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Maybe because the populations are the most indoctrinated. Could certainly be argued for NZ.

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They all had/have leaders favored by Klaus Schwab WEF. However, I thought New Zealand had changed tack having replaced Jacinda Ardern with a more centrist government.

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It's all theater to attempt to calm people down. They know their days are numbered.

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Now why would they do that? Yes of course... because there is no other good choice


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No shit eh? Because we're Crown controlled. Europe... Etc

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Namaste Jason: West used to be awesome, too, .... ...

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Our systems are fully corrupted. The biggest problem humanity faces today is that we have lost all trust in our systems. Society cannot function without trustworthy systems.

To fix it we must build a new one that is much much harder to corrupt that is 100% controlled by the people, and we use it to hold the other corrupted systems accountable.


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Nothing to worry about... the past few years provided overwhelming evidence that physicians are always willing to stick their neck out to defend informed consent and personal autonomy. It's not like they would grovel and scurry about at the mention of the various regulators and colleges of medicine. Right?

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Monetary Incentive replaces Hippocratic Oath in some cases, in other cases it is the choice between grabbing their ankles or becoming deplatformed as so many of our good Docs on Substack have endured.

Enjoy what sovereignty you have left. “Fight!”

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I'm from Montreal. Doctors/nurses who are still practicing after all that has happened in the medical systems world wide are involved on some level. If not they need to tell everything they know. Doctors are no match against belligerent bad actors who armed their order followers with guns. I would rather they shot me with a bullet than force jab me with this bioweapon. I love JESUS. Just saying.

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Montrealer here.

McGill and U of T are definitely in on the racket. But here's the problem. These people are highly credentialed and the public responds to that. So what they say takes precedent over say, a free thinking observer waving red flags about what's going on. At best you'll get a "Oh, that's seems excessive. Are you sure?" and then go right back to normieland once the media interviews a McGill expert on TV to tell us "those" people are crazy and that they're following the $$cience. They were the worst - Labos, Oughton, Vinh, Jarry, Juni, Bogoch, Fisman, Furness (the last three part of the Ont. Science Table at U ofT) etc. They all peddled masks and passports. Right there you know something's up.

They learned absolutely nothing because there was nothing to be learned. From 2020 these same experts said we didn't lockdown hard and early enough and when things opened up screamed that body bags would overflow. This is our expert class. They've turned the precautionary principle on its head, are beholden to Big Pharma and authoritarian. They leverage the public trust and weaponize it against the public.

And now it appears this is how they're going to play future "pandemics". Nebulously defined to exert "solutions" early and hard.

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History repeats.

Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012


"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place."


Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

The Journal of Special Education/Catholic Culture, 2002


"Complicity of the Medical Professions

It is important to note that the enactment of prejudice against people with disabilities in Nazi Germany could not have succeeded without the complicity of the medical and adjunct professions. Power over life and death was placed firmly in the hands of physicians who became white-coated executioners, having long abandoned the "do no harm" clause of the Hippocratic Oath. Currently, there is evidence of the medical community's again being willing agents in hastening the deaths of people deemed not viable, including people with disabilities, through familiar methods for ending the lives of terminally ill people, such as starvation and death by thirst. Furthermore, there is evidence that "do no harm" is now viewed as a somewhat quaint throwback to a distant, less sophisticated era. For example, many physicians no longer take the Hippocratic Oath before beginning their careers, and many standard hospital treatment protocols now stipulate that staff physicians may override next-of-kin requests for patient treatment if the physician decides that treatment will likely be ineffective (Smith, 2000). Once again, patients, including those with disabilities who are terminally ill, now bear the responsibility of justifying their existence and their need for treatment. This being the case, and with the clear understanding that not all physicians put the greater good ahead of their individual patients, there should at least be some debate about what this means for people with disabilities, many of whom rely extensively on the assumption that their physicians have their best individual treatment interests at heart and will treat them regardless of utilitarian arguments to the contrary."

They do NOT take the Hippocratic Oath! That's considered a relic of past times. They let us think they do. Pacifies us. An important lie of omission:

Culture of death : the assault on medical ethics in America

Wesley A Smith, 2000


Smith's Follow up book:

Culture of Death, The Age of "Do Harm" Medicine

Discovery Institute, 2016


"Smith warns that future troubles could be tied to the fact that only 14% of doctors today report having taken the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.” Smith even recounts episodes of doctors recommending that the old or sick be denied basic treatments which might potentially save life. This enlightening book unmasks unexpected occurrences in the present practice of medicine, and shines light into a future that many of us might not like."

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"...physicians are always willing to stick their neck out to defend informed consent and personal autonomy..."

You're funny...

On the subject of physicians and informed consent, see my recent email to the 'regulator' of the medical profession in Australia, Ahpra: Why weren't doctors, nurses and pharmacists warned not to collaborate with coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination? Devastating failure to protect the public by Ahpra and the National Boards, 5 July 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists-warned-not-to-collaborate-with-coercive-and-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination.pdf

Also on my substack: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists

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Dearest, my whole family is Medical - surgical, etc. We cringe at the mandates, we (not me - I quit) are forced to comply - hence the “ankle grabbing” attempt at sarcasm. How many years of medical school, residency, a stab at partnership - good luck buying in, and THEN! becoming successful at a position at a practice - on call - no holidays - no sleep - pure devotion, dedication, decades of investment...to have the powers that be - betray your beliefs, barter your soul, your income, your license, your bank account, your livelihood, your entrepreneurship, and in Dr. Mercola and countless other dedicated, successful souls your ability to interface with your hard earned following...censured...cut off. That’s certainly unfunny.

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Good E-mail !

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Yes another excellent email Elizabeth. With you every step of the way.

I wrote on various platforms at that time ( just as a personal mark in the sand from the little people) that informed consent was the God that every medic had to obey.

( I also have medics in the immediate family). Co-ercion by whatever means should have no precedence over this - ever.

Nice sarcasm from James,Johnny Dollar, and others on this thread.

Not enough satire about for these criminals who still walk free...

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur — what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago

Forced injections rise to this response. Or there will be a lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda's coming out of people severely injured and killed by them.

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I sure hope so! I’m going to try to fight all I can and if I don’t make it, I tried to stand against all of this evil. I’ve tried to warn people for so long & I am getting older and more tired. I will do all I can.

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Thing is, a few people here and there aren't enough, even in AS's description. His ideas about people "not just sitting in their lairs paling with terror, a half-dozen people defending a building" at the same time are predicated on inspiring and emboldening large groups of people to do the same. Individual acts of defiance here and there will get squashed like bugs. And will be turned into examples of selfish, dangerous people who's existence justifies even harsher reprisals against "pre-crime" thoughts and expressions, like my comments.

Which means that the work is now, preparatory, building community and alliances who will resist. Once fully in the grip of these murderous totalitarians armed with emergency powers resistance as AS describes becomes nearly impossible.

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That was a really great post. Post more. Be bigger. Nobody knows this history.

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Whenever I read an article about the next wave of tyranny, I remind myself that bureaucrats in organizations like New Zealand’s Ministry of Health could do nothing without the full cooperation of police and military to enforce their mandates.

What society do the police and military want for themselves and their families? Why would they agree to turn on their fellow citizens? If police refused to enforce bureaucrat mandates, this would end.

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It's why we have the young men of fighting age type immigrants don't we? Happening here too from what I can see. Getting special treatment. Locals won't turn on their own especially in little NZ.

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We have millions now in the US. I do believe that is part of the rogue government’s plan.

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What happened during Covid tells me that locals will indeed turn on their own. Neighbors and friends turned on each other and families were torn apart. Did you not see how the police behaved in Australia? They harassed people just for being outside and they shot rubber bullets at protesters. There were actual manhunts for people who tested positive but left their apartments. I do not have the faith you have in humanity. The immigrant young male population is insurance for sure, but a sufficiently frightened population is a terrifying thing.

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What you say is true. Yes. There came a great parting of the ways right throughout society. I saw it here & I did indeed see the outright fascism of your police force and shared many a post on topic. I acknowledge humanity has changed. Still in NZ, we are smaller, and they'll have a bigger fight on their hands I believe with getting us to turn on each other. Especially now that folk are seeing the real agenda.

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I do hope you’re right! I’ve been praying to see the greater population rise up and push back

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Me too! (praying) : )

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You know that constitution in the US and its equivalent in NZ that police are supposed to swear an oath to faithfully follow and uphold? That's not what is on the paper. The paper they swear an oath to faithfully follow and uphold is the one with bank routing numbers and dollar signs on it that are their paychecks and auto-deposit forms.

That's their oath. They enforce the unconstitutional, anti-constitutional rule of tyrants in exchange for their sustenance. Or quit. That's the cold, hard truth of it.

Fact is, cops are the hired muscle and guns of the powerful. Notice wealthy neighborhoods in crime-ridden cities are always safe. They're policed. The ghetto and working class? When police have time. They know who they work for, who they protect and serve. Equal protection and fealty to the constitution are nice sound bites. And false.

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Some pigs are more equal than others...or so the useful idiots think. Once the overlords have no more use for them, they'll end up in the same position that they put the citizens in.

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They are only taking orders from on high https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

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“Just doing my job”. Many will just follow orders to pay their mortgage and selfishly carry out the bidding of others until they’re no longer useful

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They coerced folk last round then said afterwards it was their choice. They now ignore all the deaths and injuries. And jail their own data analyst/whistle blower on how 30+ folk from the same jab clinic all died soon after. Liars all. This is flat out in your face democide folks.

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We have had a taste of the draconian laws that can almost instantly be put in place in the name of disease prevention with "covid". Most people were compliant, lining up for testing or lining up for vaccination and nodding their heads in agreement when people who spoke out and resisted were punished. Many had no problems when people were mandated to get these covid injections, none of this would have happened if there was a substantial resistance, the compliant masses are the biggest threat. Where I lived the indifference to what was happening was staggering, they may not have been calling out for forced testing or forced vaccination but they went along with the draconian measures with absolutely no problem.

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Exactly. "Covid c'est fini' one guy told me a couple of years ago. I responded, 'it's just beginning my friend."

I told everyone around me, "Fine, you're scared and deferring to "experts". You're off loading critical thinking to others. But PLEASE don't PLAY. Don't download vaccine passport apps, don't incessantly test, don't mock the resisters, don't consent to draconian and futile measures like masks and curfews....it's all a TEST."

Guesswhat? Like good Pavlovian Dogs they played. They sent the wrong signals. Just listen to public health today. Does it sound like they learned anything? They just ignore empirical evidence about their dubious claims (that interventions "saved millions") without an actual independent cost-benefit analysis detailing the trade-offs. It's all one-way - masks and vaccines 'saved lives'. I don't know how to fight this or exert pressure on this but there are way bigger forces at play here and really stupid, naive useful idiots to play and execute the pan (s).

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A form of this kind of policy IS in place in almost every country around the world.

It was installed between 2010-2019 and then was "updated" or "amended" in 2020/21 and has stayed on the front burner ever since. It sits within an emergenvy framework that also intertwines with defence policy, so its called a number of different things in different countries but essentially dictates that under "emergency" framework, the government and its extended militarised "public health" department, enforced by public officers (emergency services) can overide personal property, rights and legalities, as they see fit.😐

We lost our rights a long time ago under the guise of "public safety".

#ithappenedthen #itshappeningagain #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Not quite true in the US (yet). The Supreme Court is in their way, at least when it comes to the general population.

The public health people weren’t so lucky……

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The three biggest useful idiots have been Jacinda Arden, Justin Trudeau, and Mark Rutte. All WEF disciples and totalitarian zealots who have demonstrated their Nazi credentials during Covid. So anyone who is shocked by a new law authorizing Mengele type medical intervention thought Joe Biden was dealing with a full deck in 2019.

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Useful idiots and servants of the father of lies.

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Translation: we control your body now

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But they can never control your soul and that's what counts. That's what drives them insane and they will lose the long war.

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it drives them insane because they sold their soul long ago ;)

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True, but they will try. Though control is on the horizon. That's what the 'disinformation' racket is about. And we're seeing the early stages of this in places like the UK, Germany, France, Canada and even the USA.

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Agreed. Not going to comply, at all.

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Me too. Never

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Yes but some pushback on the body stuff will be good for the soul

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No, they don't. Legislation is legal fiction. Applies to persons, citizens, tax payers, etc. If you a man, chooses to identify as a patient, cirizen, person or whatever then you make that legal fiction your law.

We are not fictitious dead entities, we are men and woman and our body is our property and not that of any other man or woman ACTING as any kind of fictitious agent of the state. Don't give them your authority, don't accept the title.

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I’m 100% with you

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My God!

I'm in Canada. Ontario. I have a stroke ( unvaccinated, My stroke is related to the punishments wrought by our Government. ) I started very early- I put posters up in the night though out my city, every weekend, and went all over town with my pamphlets , every week. I was dedicated to inform people about the vax. I lost my family and friends. You know how that went. But now, I work my therapy , 3 hours a day , trying to get better. I had my stroke a year ago. I've been at it for a year. I'm greatly improved, but it's slow. I'm still in a wheelchair , but I'm walking with a cane. My right hand is coming along , but slow. My language- I couldn't speak for almost 4 months. I practice language every day- I'm greatly improving . But , I'm afraid. I can't leave. This is why I do 3 hours a day.

I'm wanting to move to Alberta. God - I hope I make it.

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My prayers are with you, Donna. Please be cautious in moving. This is a universal phenomenon - only grinding poverty and Ishwar/God can save us.

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Totally horrifying, totally accurate. I have cross posted this excellent summary on the DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com blog.

There is a way out. The US Congress has before it a bill which requires the US to get out of the UN and the UN to get out of the US. Entirely. It is called the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023. It will only pass when Congress comes back in session because millions of us demand that Congress pass the bill and over ride the inevitable sock puppet veto from the Oval Office.

That's why the Natural Solutions Foundation has created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.

There are 6 simple steps and they are laid out here: PreventGenocide2030.org.

Take them. And mobilize your Circles of Influence to do the same.

We can do this, in fact, we must.

That means that every single one of us needs to make this a priority. Now, before the UN adopts the horrific Pact for the Future on September 23 of THIS YEAR and then, at that point, resistance becomes futile.

Take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge and help to, quite literally, save every one of your rights and freedom from the geopolitical shredder.

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“Bully boys” throughout history have always wanted to have the monopoly on violence in their societies and means of carrying it out. Extortion by intimidation is much easier and more profitable that way and far less risky for their enforcers. From street gangs to the halls of government predator / parasites are all the same. Our founders knew this first hand from Britain and the elitist fundamentally intimidation based hierarchies in Europe. That is why they backed the right of assembly (Trump rallies for example) with the right to keep and carry weapons. When those bully boys have to be truly concerned about their next breath they tend to be more ‘reserved’ in executing the orders of their masters. “An armed society is (by virtual necessity) a polite society.” Too bad the Aussies and the Kiwis allowed themselves…I guess that Crocodile Dundee is just fiction after all.

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Double masked CDC workers are swabbing every single flyer (domestic and foreign) at LaGuardia even as we speak!

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And people are still complying!!!!!!!

It’s starting all over again!

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When the WHO pandemic treaty failed, apparently nations decided to seize the power themselves.

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The WHO’s treaty has not failed. It’s being repackaged. It’s not over until the WHO (and UN) is defunded/decoupled/destroyed.

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solzhenitsyn gave some wise advice about handling security organs

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Thank you for the PreventGenocide2030.org. Will get on that ASAP! Very important info! Thank you!

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When you say handling....

Is destroying with an axe and displaying the waste on a gibbet classified as "handling".

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He describes, paraphrasing obviously, how they obsessed in the camps, with the idea of how different things would be, if people instead of cowering in their flats, grabbed any tools available to them to set upon government agents seeking arrests in the night, if all had done this would there have been enough men to execute the orders of the regime?

Plus ca change

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you’ll have to read some solzhenitsyn to find out

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Exactly. It so needs to happen the next time.

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Bone-chilling to say the least. And this new government is meant to be light years ahead of the draconian and blind-ignorant one of its predecessors.. I have tried to find out if the extreme emergency measures brought in at convid time were ever repealed but after reading your disturbing post I doubt it very much.

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