Great Stuff! I'm no medic, scientist or expert in anything, and I can grasp the basics of the system at work.

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Thank you for that explanation. It was very easy to understand for lay people like me.

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Excellent article: brief, clear, intelligent. Thank you, again.

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As Igor pointed out in his stack, the antibody response levels are spread out all over. Why? Because we know that the amount of mRNA varied widely in batches from zero (placebo) to whatever amount caused this and the other lethal and sub lethal reactions. So this study while somewhat useful, doesn’t take that discrepancy into account.

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Excellent and clear description for non medical people to easily grasp, thanks. Although the DNA 'vaccines' not resulting in the same effect is a bit strange (to me), considering they also instruct the body to self produce the spike protein. Let's hope for more investigation of this aspect especially for countries like the UK who predominantly had the AZ 'vaccines' ... although having said that, Brits later had mRNA boosters after AZ was withdrawn so that might well be a factor. Anyone who stopped after the first 2 AZ doses may be in a better position that those that carried on and had boosters

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My guess would be that the J&J vaccine "DNA vaccine" is less effective in getting into the nucleus to transcribe the spike proteins and or the modified RNA vax is being reverse transcribed into our DNA and then the future spike produced will less likely appear foreign to our immune system once the code is engrained in our DNA


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I'm not a medical person, I work in Technology/Physics, but would have imagined the spike is the spike, and both mRNA and DNA 'vaccines' work by instructing the vacineee to self produce it. Why one spike might be different to another seems a bit of a mystery

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There are 3 toxic parts to the process. The lipid nano particles are the same for all except the quantity (13 Billion for mRNA, 50 Billion for adenovirus). The mRNA and adenovirus have some issues that are the same but a lot of differences. They both produce spike proteins but are they the same configuration? The mRNA seems to be the odd one out so that is suspected initially.

Try to see how places that used AZ are doing compared to Pfizer/Moderna (Gibraltar vs Israel)

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Thanks for the reply. But it's hard to see now how "AZ countries" are doing because when clotting issues surfaced and the AZ and J&J adenovirus 'vaccines' were withdrawn, people were then only offered Pfizer or Moderna as boosters, so they have ended up with a mixture of jabs. So if something goes wrong no one knows what or who to blame. Try to ask for an AZ jab now in the UK ..... no chance

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"So if something goes wrong no one knows what or who to blame" - Very convenient isn't it LOL.

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Yes, I've mentioned this on Twitter before: AZ will blame Pfizer, Pfizer will blame them right back, and both will say, "well, we never told anyone to mix them together we never tested for that" (they barely tested for anything of course but you get my drift). Government health ministers will get blamed by Pharma for mixing jabs of different types, who'll blame them right back for making crap 'vaccines' in the first place. The whole thing is a bloody mess and the vaccinees won't know who to sue - even if they can which seems doubtful. And possibly all done by design

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I read this could mean organ damage occurs while the virus runs unchecked with no immune response , even if symptoms are mild…?

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That’s how I understood it.

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I am seeing this in my own circles. Repeated and never ending Covid, colds and viruses.

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So, could evil people in white coats release further pathogens attached to the same Spike protein (that so many are now tolerant of) and, in so doing, wipe them all out?

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Neuro-biologist JJ Couey has explained how viral clones produced by these Gain of Function experiments do not have the ability to maintain their fidelity because the nature of viral spread is a constant process of becoming less infectious with each transmission.

The spike is the most unstable protein in the virus and our bodies have immune memory to the stable proteins so many will have a natural immune response to the traditional elements like N protein and unaffected by the modified part of the virus making the GoF clone effective ONLY in concentrated local infections for the first exposed group

They cannot make a pandemic.

What they can do is create a psyop based on some localized effects and hype the clone effect as a pandemic potential when Nature has spent 60,000 years making sure transmission from person to person evolves to be more infectious and less dangerous. He's an awesome teacher!


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Well, that's a scary thought. Having failed to wipe out the gullible first time round. I'd say it sounds too far fetched but Will Jones in the Daily Sceptic wrote the other day that he thinks SARS-Cov-2 was actually a bioweapon released by the Americans on the Chinese. So we could be going full Austin Powers/Bond villian stuff!

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ya i figured that out during the lockdowns because it was obvious Trump knew a lot more than he led on in the press conferences...question is who authorized the release

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But I’m still done with all vaccines. Period.

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So would a baby born to a jabbed mother regard the spike as "self" considering that it would have seen it while in the womb?

And what would be the implications of this?

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Interesting thought!

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Here is more on the WHO plans to strip away national sovereignty of all nations. It is an excellent Summary.


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Thank you Igor, clear, concise and easy to understand. I was at the bank yesterday waiting to see a teller and was able to overhear her conversation with the person ahead of me. She was telling him that she and her husband are in their NINTH week of a "bad cold/flu", but how glad they are to be vaccinated/ 'can you imagine how bad it would be had they not been?' Some days I think the world is waking up.... and then I leave the house.

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I'm not Igor but thanks!

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oh my gosh, now why I called you that, I don't know! My apologies!

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The (Typhoid Mary-type) gift that keeps on giving both internally and externally: "And now, instead of your body trying to destroy the virus, it accepts it as nothing dangerous and doesn’t try to destroy it. Your body won’t produce an inflammatory response but it won’t clear the virus and will allow it to continue to exist and replicate within you."

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I read up on it some more, and it turns out that this is the way IgG4 antibodies generally arise and act, and it does not usually signify anything except for chronic, long term exposure to something -- like repeated doses of the same inoculation. The story remains that the mRNA COVID vaccines lose much of their immunizing power after about the second dose, however. For more on IgG4 immunoglobulins, see this IgG4 review article: https://instytut-mikroekologii.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Immunoglobulin-G4-an-odd-antibody.pdf.

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Even the good news is bad news! Are the DNA jabs "better" than the mRNA jabs? Don't they both kill and/or maim the recipients? You say tomato, I say tomato.

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This is very interesting but what about IgE? Natural killer cells, macrophages, CD-8/CD-4 T cells? They may be playing a role when IgG4 levels go up...There may be a benefit to this as well, even though the virus may be making billions of copies it in itself being a virus doesn't necessarily cause a problem. Most of the deaths from COVID occur from the slow or delayed antibody production which can take 7 to 10 days to produce with first exposure and if T-cell immunity is lacking you can get behind in fighting it. The cytokine storm/ Interleukin activation, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma etc and constant immune activation against the spike or Covid virus is what causes most of the damage. Including to the lungs (fibrosis, pulmonary edema), vasculitis, clotting, type 3 hypersensitivity reactions/serum sickness, sepsis, etc. Albeit if the spike proteins are able to cross the blood brain barrier than you have to worry about potential Prion Disease. I do agree about the diminished immune response to other viruses. Most patient's I see in the hospital with influenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus, other coronaviruses, RSV 90% + had been vaxxed 4 to 6 times. Getting one pfizer then a moderna, pfizer, moderna , etc is also a bad idea.

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" Albeit if the spike proteins are able to cross the blood brain barrier than you have to worry about potential Prion Disease. " - they do

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NE - thank you so much for your explanation on this subject no study. A layperson, I have read several substacks on this and with your description I found understanding. It could be that other authors paved the way. But I’m inclined to think that you have a gift of making the complicated more simple.

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Excellent explanation. thank you

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What about those who took 2 AZ (Adenovirus) and then a mRNA booster (or two)? I've not seen anything about that yet. There are so many combinations to work through.

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