Very interesting how they tried to hide that natural immunity number.. Without, with and without.. Definitely intentional so nobody would "get it". Luckily Team Reality has people that "get it". The guys at the FDA going through this should have got it too, but we know they're fully captured.

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A recent study at University of Gothenburg, released in the Journal of European Immunology, on 156 pre-vaccine participants who were exposed to SARS-2, showed a high T-cell response IG-g and mild symptoms. However, and this is the shocker, a significant cohort exposed to SARS-2 showed no IG-g response, no t-cell response and no symptoms of the disease. How did these exposed people survive without T-cells? They had high levels of Ig-A hidden in the linings of their lungs that attacked the virus BEFORE it could get into the lungs. In other words Natural Immunity worked exactly the way it should. Wow! Imagine that!

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Is it natural immunity from being exposed to covid or innate immunity against everything, including covid, for being vitamin D optimized? If one is vitamin D replete, bacteria, fungi and viruses die in the mucosal membranes...never infecting the body. There are a number of mechanisms, vitD-dependant calthecidin being one. I’ll read the article.

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They had elevated levels of Ig-A. Vitamin-D status unknown.

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It's interesting to note that contagion has never been proven... Contagion of anything. Viruses are imaginary "attackers," actually exosomes that are cleaner cells that the body manufactures to rid itself of sick or poisoned cells... If you stand back far enough (and read the right things), it's clear that MOST of what we're told about "medicine" is complete bullshit. Check out "The Contagion Myth" by Thomas Cowan, MD, and look into Terrain Theory... It will re-set your thinking. Fascinating stuff.

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Have you heard of Stephanie Seneff from MIT? She has been talking about exosomes lately, and micro-mRNA (which I had never heard of).

She is not opposed to the the "viruses are just exosomes" theory, but she is not as committeed to it as Cowan or Sam Bailey.

But she had a good explanation for vaccine "shedding" that I found compelling, which involved spike protein debris being packaged up into exosomes, which could then be transmitted outside the body, via sweat, saliva, or exhaling from the lungs.

Traditionally, we would call this "shedding" if it occurs in people who were recently jabbed with live attenuated vaccines. But when it occurs in someone who has an active infection, we just think of them as "contaigous", capable of spreading their symptoms to others.

Does that sound about right to you? I am not the best at explaining these things, but I think we are in the same ballpark.

I have not researched beyond this point, so maybe you can help me answer these questions:

1. Whether it's a virus or exosomes that cause illness & can be transmitted to others, does it really matter? Part of me wonders if we are just splitting hairs here, but maybe I'm missing something.

2. Senoff says that, in theory, a virus has the ability to replicate itself, whereas exosomes cannot. Would you agree?

3. If viruses are just exosomes that can be transmitted to others, then what is the biological reason for communcating that way? Esp when we can just speak to each other, using our voices?

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I'm with you. Love your thoughts. And here's another: If someone sheds exosomes capable of infecting, does our immune system know how to pick it up and protect us?

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I think the answer is yes. I'm thinking of hospital workers who had COVID in 2020, recovered, but still maintain high antibody levels. My guess is since they are constantly being exposed to sick & ultra-vaccinated people at work (hopefully at low levels... afterall, masks are supposed to work, right? lol), then their immune systems are just constantly updating their databases of various pathogens/how to prevent them from taking over/causing full blown infection.

I heard Dr. Urso once say that asymptomatic people can pass immunity to others, without anyone ever getting sick, like when living in the same household. Pretty badass if you ask me, and even more reason to fight lockdowns/isolation, as our immune systems NEED exposures to do their job.

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Antibody isn't everything - they may drop to even undetectable levels but your deeper immune system has the long term memory going on :) lDid you get a chance to read my article on MIT's CRISP masks? They can test for any virus and hide it in a lab coat or mask and transmit it to be mobile device. Not creepy, right? <3 I have pretty strong feelings about lockdowns - all the evidence from well done studies points to them being utterly non-effective other than perhaps closing bars, yet they cost so much in terms of mental health and all cause mortality and little kids don't get to develop their innate immune systems.

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How is one "exposed to SARS-2" when even after two years, it's never been isolated?

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I’m referring to the virus that causes ARDS and over 6 million deaths globally since January 2020.

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Well, okay... But there is no proof what caused that (could well be a number of things, including , and "viruses" are a myth. Please don't think I'm just being argumentative, or callous about people's suffering... I'm a truth seeker. Show me the evidence of what you're talking about, and I will read it. Or watch it, whatever ya got. A quick search shows me multiple causes -- And I do know that there are many things that have been going on since Jan 2020, aside from "covid."

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I am not unsympathetic with your point of view, but this virus is not a bait-n-switch operation like HIV-Big-Pharma was in 1983. For a start this is the only virus without an animal host or even a Patient-zero, or Host-to-human transmission. Which takes us back to a lab-leak in Wuhan. You say you want evidence, apart from 500 million infections and six million deaths, OK, this virus is the only virus on the planet to have a during-cleavage specifically designed to infect human hosts. Oh, and here’s the smoking gun, it’s an exact match with a sequence Moderna patented in 2016. Question! How did a RNA sequence patented by Moderna in 2016 get into a virus first discovered in Wuhan, China I. 2019? This articled appeared in Frontiers of Virology I. February 2022. Oh yes, the sequences help to repair cancer cells, and blocking that sequence will lead to cancer. Wow!

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I meant Furin-cleavage sequence.

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Well, no offense, but you seem a bit more interested in finding someone to agree with you than you in investigating the issues... You say, "this virus is not a bait-n-switch operation like HIV-Big-Pharma was in 1983." Really? Why do you say that? Because I think it is another fake "virus" and they've been practicing for a while now, couple of decades, if not more. Fauci has been at the helm for 50 freakin years! And he's a psychopath, who only wanted his payouts for AZT, a drug so damn deadly it's amazing he hasn't been imprisoned for murder. HIV doesn't exist. Have you read RFK Jr's book? If not, wow, it is chock-full of such a load of information as you'll likely not find in many other places... and he documents EVERYTHING, like a big dog. It's amazing, really.

But then you say "Oh yes, the sequences help to repair cancer cells, and blocking that sequence will lead to cancer." What is the exact evidence of this??? Because from what I have read, these inoculations CAUSE cancer, not the sequences helping to REPAIR cancer cells... I've NEVER heard that, in two years of voracious reading. But if that's true, I want to see it. I don't know about a journal about Virology, when virology is a fake science, made up in order to generate Big Bucks... ? Let's go, I'm ready to tango, baby. But first, read RFK's book. It will blast your brain right out your ear hole. If you have ANY faith in Big Pharma, it will shrivel up and die.

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I think the "viruses don't exist vs the virus is a bioweapon" is another attempt to divide people who see the core issues with corruption and the elite. I tend to think both/and with the ideas in both camps. Terrain theory makes sense because not everyone who is a carrier of lots of different microbes gets sick - its all about balance and health and your flora biota. And it's weird the CDC couldn't get a sample on which to base the PCR...AND I believe virus are real as well as exosomes and that 5G can make virus like molecule chains...but it all doesn't matter because the same natural substances can be used to treat either way, and the key is to unite in holding those who don't have humanity's best interests at heart accountable, while nurturing our own wellbeing and creating a world of love and freedom and kindness, one breath, at a time, working in solidarity with those who want integrity, love, freedom and true kindness rather than in-fighting over non-essentials.

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Sadly the immunosuppression of the jab lasts way longer than 1 weeks against a myriad of pathologies. And cancer, as I wrote extensively about.

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I’m amazed how many fully vax’d people who get VERY ill with Covid do not make this connection. I know a guy right now, he nearly died. Will never blame the vax.

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In a crude way, you could say vax is their religion. Stop for a minute, remove most of your emotion, and analyze a lot of these people in a fairly cold way.

Don't they all talk, behave, and believe the same things ?

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Very true, and more specifically, it's a cult. True faith should allow questioning. Cults forbid it.

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The machine won't let me "like" your comment, but I agree.

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I'm not amazed personally. Not only would making that connection mean they had to acknowledge they made a mistake, or were 'conned', it'd also mean they had to admit because they took the 'vaccines' they might have a sort of health 'sword of Damocles' hanging over them for God knows how long. Better to keep your head in the sand and hope it's either 'fake news', that Government and media can be trusted after all (!) and the alternative view is a only a 'conspiracy' ... or if it's true that it'll happen to someone else. Totally understandable denial

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It's gratifying that this supports what we've been seeing and saying all along, but also terrifying for those of us who would have been more comfortable being wrong. Thanks for finding this, bringing it to light, and helping explain (all along).

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A big question, with respect to vaccine campaigns causing spikes in cases, is, do those people who acquire a covid infection in the week after receiving the vaccine have higher viral loads and, therefore, spread the virus more than a typical infected person?

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Yes they do, I made this argument last year, and there are a few papers around.

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And I also believe that the shot does work to suppress minor symptoms, so they are also asymptomatic carriers...with full viral loads, but dont know they are sick.

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This is such a load of horse manure.

(1) Weren’t we told that they carefully excluded people who were known to have had prior infection w SARS2?

(2) Of course, relying solely on the presence of antibodies as the definition of prior infection denies the existence of and efficacy of innate mucosal and IgA immunity, which if working well, defeats the virus before IgG antibodies are even made. Also denies the existence of T-cell mediated immunity which is the primary defense against viruses AS ALL MEDICAL DRS LEARN IN MED SCHOOL. And T-cells also don’t make antibodies. Antibodies are made to viruses only after the disease escapes all those other front line defenses.

(3) I am suspecting that perhaps ALL vaccines depress immune function temporarily after vaccination. Why have we not been told this before? This would quite easily explain why so many people who get the flu shot “complain” about getting sick w flu shortly after, and {rightly!} attributing it to the shot. Of course drs always dismiss their concerns - “the flu shot is a dead virus; you can’t get the flu from the shot.”

(4) The knowledge of even transient immune suppression post-vaccination is yet one more read they should be counting ALL vaccinated people as vaccinated - from the second after they get the shot onward! It is absolute fraud to redefine “vaccinated” as only two weeks after the second shot.



I agree with Carrie below - this is all so infuriating.

God, the righteous Judge, bring justice and bring it now.

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Let's not forget that even if you do have to develop antigen-specific antibodies for a natural infection , it is a part of a larger orchestration of the immune system whereby even the innate immune system learns/adapts, not just the adaptive system. This isn't the case with an mRNA transfection, from what I understand.

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Yes, that is my understanding too.

And probably the same applies to injections for flu, measles, and all the other respiratory infections for which we vaccinate. But of course, nobody has been talking about this w the doctors. 😓

And still nobody is talking about the wonders of vitamin D, of low inflammation eating (buh-bye veg oils and sugar), or of sunshine and other God-given immune supports.

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"(1) Weren’t we told that they carefully excluded people who were known to have had prior infection w SARS2?" That is what I thought too.

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mRNA vaccines don’t work because they’re not vaccines. The only tangential effect is as an “immune system irritant”. The mRNA irritant - the injected spike protein - mobilizes the immune system in general...not specifically to covid. This effect wanes rendering the injected victim more susceptable to the next variant. Another injection exacerbates the process and so on. Eventually the victim is debilitated or killed by previously suppressed cancers or a bug now imbued with lethality due to the vax recipients destroyed immune system☠️

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There was a recent major game changer in molecular biology. Swedish study, early November 2021, regarding the spike protein of the vaccine entering the nucleus of the cells. The implications of this looked like DNA repair being down regulated with certain implications for the innate/adaptive immune system. Apart from what I saw of this back then, it has always been known that Non Sterilising out of date “vaccines”, gene therapy more like, have negative efficacy. (Vaccinology 101). Delivery of this during the height of a pandemic builds up immune pressure resulting in viral immune escape variants. Repeated negative efficacy “vaccines”/gene therapy is asking for trouble like vaccine resistance, ADE etc, etc which is not uncommon to occur in vaccine experiments/development. This is known and not just by scientists. The experiment has failed.

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it's only failed if the goal was to help people.

if they were trying to evaluate just how horrid the effects are in a large population, kill off a chunk of population, or even see just how much of a sucker the Average Joe is... they totally succeeded in the experiment.

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Or maybe if they wanted to see just how much transference of wealth could be "captured" by the elites?

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Common sense isn't common

Like the Spanish "flu" which also was a fraud.

What really caused that ? Oh like today, medical garbage


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Scroll down to the "You May Also Like" links on that page. . .

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great stuff naked emp! signed up for a subscription earlier, keep up the great work.

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he really is one of the best of the best.

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The same people getting away with the crimes currently, wrote the laws over the last several decades that make what they are doing entirely lawful, blocking access to almost all civil or criminal remedies for victims.

Check out Project Bioshield Act of 2005 (30 pp) and PREP Act of 2005 (last 14 pages of a supplemental DoD appropriation and Hurricane Katrina relief bill)



Those laws passed by Congress and signed by President Bush, centralized a huge amount of power into the hands of the unelected US Secretary of Health and Human Services, and rendered his or her actions unreviewable by the judicial branch.

Contractors like Pfizer are considered HHS employees for tort liability purposes, giving them sovereign immunity as government agents. All victim claims are to be funneled through federal vaccine injury compensation programs, reduced by the amount of any other compensation (i.e. from disability insurance payouts). If a victim or his/her family pursues civil suit, they must prove ‘willful misconduct’ ‘proximate’ to death or injury, which is an extremely high standard.

The meetings of HHS officials and advisors are exempt from sunshine laws.

There are specific provisions that void the Nuremberg era principle that “I was just following orders” is not a valid legal defense. (C)(4) on fifth page of 14pp PREP Act section: “Defense for Acts or Omissions Taken Pursuant to Secretary’s Declaration.” “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a program planner or qualified person shall not have engaged in ‘willful misconduct’ as a matter of law where such program planner or qualified person acted consistent with applicable directions, guidelines, or recommendations by the Secretary regarding the administration or use of a covered countermeasure that is specified in the declaration...” followed by some text providing that the legal immunity applies to the program planner or qualified person [ie nurses giving injections] if he or she gave notice of a plaintiff’s injury or death to their superiors within seven days of discovering “such information.”

Not sure how to interpret that last bit, especially since other sections explicitly put the burden of proof on plaintiffs to demonstrate the existence of willful misconduct, and the causal relationship between the misconduct and injury or death.

The ‘willful misconduct’ standard is ‘more stringent than a standard of negligence in any form or recklessness.’

Federal tort cases can also only be brought in US District Court for District of Columbia (home court for FDA, CDC, HSS), and the federal declaration and program preempts all state and tribal attempts to regulate development or use of “covered countermeasures.”

And weirdest of all, at the moment a pharmaceutical product gets EUA status (which masks, PCR tests and injections got from HHS Secretary effective Feb. 4, 2020,) the devices, diagnostics, and treatments are, by legal definition, no longer under ‘clinical investigation.’

Which is probably why the arguments that the products were ‘experimental’ and therefore couldn’t legally be mandated at least until the clinical trials finish in late 2022 or late 2023, never got any traction with courts.

See (k) on p. 25 of 30 of the Project Bioshield Act of 2004.

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We are beginning to realize this..and I cannot tell you how infuriating it is. I am so angry I could have a stroke.

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I would like to see a forensic investigation into the financial links, bribes, inducements, stock options handouts, nice overpaid cushy jobs given to FDA individuals by BIG Pharma sleaze balls. Given that we live in a rampant cancel-culture and big-tech censorship it is no wonder they can get away with it.

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That will be "outed" over time.

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Where is the news in any of this? Haven't we been privy to the "Post Marketing Experience" documentation in which all of this data resided for some time? The simple inarguable fact is that these poisons should only have been given, by request only, to people 65 or older and ONLY after ALL OF THESE DOCUMENTS HAD BEEN FULLY AVAILABLE. This Covid nonsense would have been over by now with these poisons off the market and endemicity and honest natural immunity long since established.

The fact that people haven't realized that the dodgy testing is what will forever keep US beholden to this pharma catch-22 is mind boggling to me.

SGTF surpassed SG+ in March '21! Yet people are lining up for the S-gene based poison!!! What the ever living F?

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Good catch. Didn't see this release. Sadly these are the things we were called conspiracy theorists for writing about...

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I do find it extremely interesting that so much is written and discussed in the MSM AND in the outlier sites about how people are "catching" something that has STILL never been isolated! I think very few people are aware, or it's being pretty much ignored that a) it's difficult to identify something in people that has NEVER BEEN ISOLATED (although it has apparently been PATENTED), and b) it seems that nobody is talking about how the symptoms of "Covid" are so very, very identical to the symptoms of radiation poisoning... WAH!!!!!!!!

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I've read the radiation theory but I don't buy it. Feel free to try and convince me. But why would I have radiation poisoning for only a few days and then another family member a few days later and then friends a few days later? Surely we would all have radiation poisoning at the same time and it wouldn't disappear?

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This guy is interesting... https://www.shieldyourbody.com/?billing_country=US

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At the risk of sounding like a paranoid schizophrenic, I do think this EMF radiation is damaging, especially to kids whose skulls are much thinner than ours. They have banned wifi is many pre schools etc. in Europe because of that.

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I strongly agree. I don't think there's much debate about that, unless you're trying to hide that fact because you are financially profiting from that lie! Imagine...

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Because people are different? Something like the One-Size-Medicine-Fits-All absurdity?Truthfully, I don't know, but I have experienced strange bodily feelings repeatedly, esp. in the past two years, and it fits the radiation paradigm... or seems to. I'm NOT an expert on this, but I've had several bouts of these strange occurrences, one being super hard-core, with flu-like symptoms, sort of, VERY sudden onset, but not flu-like as in having a sort of coming on of muscle aches, temperature, etc.; and then it just kind of petered out in a day or so... Not like any flu I've EVER had... and let's just say the symptoms were a complete and utter, violent and extremely urgent release of all internal digestive product, from both ends, ba-BLAM. And nobody else in the household had problems when I did, but then did have similar symptoms on other days... It's mysterious... and I'm just learning about all this, too. What I DO know is that it's everywhere in the cities, from cell phones to "smart" appliances, to 5G "pulses"... It sounds like a scary BS story, but I don't think it's BS... Intuitive feeling, which is usually right! I trust that, oddly enough, because I'm a natural skeptic.

I freely admit, I read a LOT of stuff, and I don't always remember the source material, or even details, but I remember overall messages. I will try to find some info, but don't know what you've read and dismissed... I do think you might enjoy reading "The Contagion Myth" by Thomas Cowan... It does go into this issue, as well as others that might be interesting to you. Cheers.

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One tiny note: Pfizer didn't say they wanted to release their "study" OVER 75 years, but AFTER 75 years... Oh, nothing odd about that!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I do believe they un-blinded the placebos after just 90 days? This is only from memory... I could well be inaccurate on that part.

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