rofl .. you can hope... but there is zero chance that this will be anything other than an attempt at ridiculing the unvaccinated. They will be portrayed as uneducated conspiracy theorists. I will watch it to see if the editor managed to get a reference to 'pure blood white supremacists' in, or whether they thought that a step too far. I suspect it will be in there, they can't help themselves.

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"Professor Hannah Fry is a British Mathematician who worked on the data that helped bring the UK out of its first lockdown. "

Another Enron Accounting graduate of the Neil Ferguson School of Scary Bogus Modeling

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I’m going to take a guess and every single one of those 7 (random number by the way, huh?) decided to get the injection at the end. And I bet the program originally had 10 or some nice normal number of participants, but a number stuck to their decision and the program cut them out.

Isn’t propaganda fun?!

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Neah. At least one if not two will still stick to their uneducated decision. Ofc, those will be presented as being the most moronic of the bunch. Throw in some racism and dodgy lifestyle, living at the edge of society, maybe even some criminal past etc.

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They tried all this character assassination stuff with The Freedom Convoy in Canada which was a protest against the Vax Mandates this past Feb. 2022. The problem is that Tamara Lich, the head organizer, is a proud grandmother who is part First Nations and part French - so the racism and misogyny stuff does not work. There were many ethnic truckers in the protest, and only 1 American Confederate flag (probably planted as the guy holding it quickly ran away when confronted - and that was filmed) and only 1 confirmed racist that anyone knows of. There were no Russians behind it or Martians either. All of the Narrative nonsense is being vociferously debunked by testimony at the Parliamentary Inquiry which is currently going on. A Parliamentary Report is due out in a few months but the public is hearing testimony through the independent media and through live coverage on Parliamentary Internet TV. The BBC will be ridiculed for having a fetish about the unvaccinated.

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There still are plenty of people buying the official narrative. The bbc will definity try to discredit the unvaccinated position and confirm the sheep biases, that all unvaccinated are uneducated, low paid, racists/bigots idiots. It doesn't mean it can't backfire but they will definitely try it. They have to be careful though as more and more people know that the serum doesn't work and that not all unvaccinated are uneducated morons. It will be a fine balancing act. I'll give it a watch just to see how up to date the propaganda is and what tricks they have up their sleeves.

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Please keep us posted about the BBC as I no longer watch it. Thanks.

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The other problem for them is that there are now over 500 medical academic papers that are confirming that the "vaccines" are gene altering drugs that do not work as advertised. The intimidation campaign and silencing tactics have not worked in the Middle East, Eastern Europe or Latin America. The "New England Journal of Medicine" is pooling academic papers from around the world. There was also a recent international medical conference in Brasil. Most of the public no longer cares what the mainstream media has to say about anything because we have stopped listening to them. I am hopeful going forward.

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The general public doesn't know all that. It doesn't matter how much the vaccine is discredited in academic circles or on substack. As long as the majority of the public only watches BBC and reads mainstream media, the truth won't break trough. Don't put your hope in that. And we don't need to just go forward, we need to stop this. As this is just the opening act of the not so great reset.

I don't watch BBC either but I will try to watch this just to discredit it to my vaccinated friends that are still capable to wake up.

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I know what you are saying. However, there are millions of doses in the garbage around the world. The garbage does not lie. I also know that the general public does not read medical journals and that the "medical professionals" know what is going on and are choosing to "follow orders" because that are spineless and desperate to keep their jobs - all of which is not an excuse.

However, this charade is falling apart. The reason, I believe the BBC is doing this "show" is because their paymasters cannot figure out how to get rid of the unvaccinated. You see, they have tried every propaganda trick known to man, and then some, and it still has not "worked". They do not understand "what makes us tick" - so they are hoping they can find out. The Plan can not go through because we are talking and talking and refuse to concede. The unwashed masses are listening to us.

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Please see "The World Council for Health" for international medical news -


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Ha! You might be right. I sometimes underestimate the power of propaganda 'othering'

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I'd be amazed if any of them are actually unvaxxed. The unvaxxed that I know fully understand the BBC as the enemy and would only go on a program like that to call this shit show exactly what it is

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I would love to have been asked, I would stick to my guns. My old dad, 91, went on the BBC and complained he had not had his booster. I don't watch the BBC or have contact with him (another story) but was surprised when people started asking me if that was my dad on the telly? So, families are divided but I think the jab was designed for the older generation to help them on their way.

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I've done much thinking on the depopulation agenda, and while I agree it is very real, I just don't think they are smart enough to program an injection just to take out the olds, though obviously, the very frail won't need much experimentation to finish them off. I do however think that its to get nano tech in to people, and they knew that this experiment would cause death and injury, but they figured it would be in a range that they could manage with propaganda. The real depopulation event will be dropping birth rates (a possible intentional effect of the jab), starvation, possibly war, and then societal collapse; all of which will be made to look like result of our "killing the planet". How privileged we are to witness the end of western civilization. Its something to tell the grandkids.

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If the jab wasn't the virus was

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Correct. I think this is more hoccus poccus Wizard of Oz Propaganda - and I do not think the ratings will be very high. In my opinion, it is now common knowledge that the BBC is now in the rubbish bin - along with the rest of the mainstream media.

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Yes, I think this is a staged theatrical propaganda trick. I for one would never participate.

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I would entertain the idea of going on,I know my stuff. But in the end, whatever I say is null and void because my education is in the "wrong" field.

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Incredible really that it was thought necessary and newsworthy enough to make a programme like this. Even although I had my suspicions right from the beginning of the pandemic about the way things would go - having heard ‘Dr.’ Gates’s desires to make it a decade of vaccinations - I never could have imagined that a personal decision to take or not take a vaccine could become an issue that would define one’s social status for years to come. I’m lucky I suppose in that I’ve always been a bit of a loner and although I love my few friends, I am not a ‘group’ person. Being ‘an other’ doesn’t bother me but if one is more concerned about what friends and society thinks then I can see what an important issue this must be. A friend doesn’t want a 4th but is worried that her close knit group of friends won’t want to mix with her if she doesn’t go ahead. Maybe this is just human nature 101?

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Yeah, I see now how being a stubborn loner with only a few very close friends with similar iconoclastic viewpoints has wound up being an evolutionary advantage. People want to boil it down to political beliefs, etc, but really it is about socialization and who is immune to group mania and is willing to forgo approval to go their own way.

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You just described me to a "T" I am 68, both my Children are jabbed and ALL friends......none speak to me anymore as I have been warning them for 2 year since March 2020 "something" was not right. Its been a learning curve to disover what is is about "This World" that is "Off"....I got to the bottom of the proverbial Rabbit Hole about a month ago searching for an answer.....came as no surptise realy to find out that it was because of "The Chosen People", and this was after reading this very informative book written by a Jew, called "BeWARthe World to Come" by Christopher Jon Bjerknes. Their paln has been "cooking in the oven" for the past 6,000 years, and that FACT has been shown according to the Scripted fairy tales of the Torah and the Bible that was written AFTER it. No wonder my profile pic was chosen to be as it is!


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What a bizarre comment!! For your information - though not sure why I need to explain myself to you - all but one of my friends and half my family are vaccinated including my partner of 38 years. I would love to have been able to surround myself with people with similar views and I question my views regularly. Life over the past 2 years would have been an awful lot easier had I just gone along with the majority!

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Actually, I think Charlie was supporting you and maybe suggesting that he too sees himself as a loner type, happy to go his own way, irrespective of the crowd. Your reply above does paint this picture of you, and, as it much describes me, I'm not sure why appear to taken offence.. I think you might have misunderstood

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Thanks - maybe I overreacted - I suppose I can get a bit over sensitive as so often criticised for my take on things 😀

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No problem, we can all get a bit like that. When you're under fire from all directions its always possible to think that its coming from your own trench.

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Yes, I’m wondering why the “92%” are bothered to supposedly “understand” the 8%. It’s to change our minds and ridicule us, isn’t it? It’s not for acceptance and inclusion like other minority groups we seek to understand.

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The planet of individualism is Uranus and subrules the zodiac sign Aquarius. Saturn rules Aquarius and is regarded as the teacher of the zodiac as it recognizes limits. The opposition is coming from people who are Aquarius and have a lot of fire signs in them which are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Any combination of these signs will also oppose, as fire signs are the signs of courage. I am also a loner. But I have a close circle of friends. I do not care if people like me or not.

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Be very proud: the world needs more people who are freethinkers like you.

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" Together, they will come face to face with leading experts..."

This is my prediction based on 40 years of TV propaganda. BBC won't talk to anti-Covid vaccine experts, instead they bring in a bunch of rubes to selectively edit the footage to produce a funhouse of Brexiter/MAGA/House Wives of Las Vegas style show, to lampoon antivaxxers.

BBC should be skewering SAGE on their predictions, get to the bottom of why people were told that the vaxx stopped transmission when it never did, finding out where all the healthcare money went with an actual decrease in services, or doing a 6-hour meal culpa on all of their BS covid "reporting".

Nah, let's LARP as journalists and demonize antivaxxers. 4th estate, my ass.

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Disgusting that the public funds this shit.

But do we ever get asked our opinion of BBC "reporting"? No.

This is why I stopped paying my Iicence years ago.

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Yes, and they'll still bang on about "truth to power" as they do it, without even the slightest whiff of irony or self awareness.

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8% is straight out of the "nudge" playbook. They're just trying to make the unvaxd feel like a smaller minority than they really are.

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CDC came out and said they did this strategically to pressure us to get our shots. Totally intentional.

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Cheers to the pure bloods🍻🥳

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I prefer the nomenclature: “certified organic human”

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I'm willing to bet my life's savings and future earnings that their panel of experts does not include the likes of Geert Vanden Bosche, Tom Mallone, Steve Kirtsch, etc I really wish Geert would be one of their 'random' unvaxed participants!

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This is so dishonest.

They are trying to give the impression that all "experts" agree with the narrative.

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I am so moved that you are wiling to subject yourself to viewing this 'programme' on our behalf - thank you.

I know you have been strengthened by conversing with Mattias Desmet so hope that helps you to suffer what will, undoubtedly be, an assault on your intelligence and integrity.

What a pity Hannah chose mathematics and TV instead of chocolate confectionary like her namesake.

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Herd immunity?


Geert vandenBosche?

Igor Chudov?

Guaranteed none of the above will be mentioned in said program

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Totally a "cult deprogramming" PSA thingy.

Well, they'll need to laser-focus the coming rage, right? I just read the recommendations of the authorities re lowering the thermostats for winter. I've been in the UK in the winter, and in chilly summer weather too, and all of my friends are people in various degrees of straitened circumstances already, and I don't know how they'd get through this without extremes of suffering.

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"get through this without extremes of suffering" But lass, that is the point. The whole point. Those of us who rebel against our betters, who fail to adhere to the dictates of our lords and masters, DESERVE to suffer.

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Yes, we all know this.

How are we stopping this? We've been screaming and yelling and stamping our little cyberfeet for two years.

NYC is still going to mandate vax for children for Sept.--after all the carnage already. Summer camps are masking little kids. Military still discharging the unvaxed.

I mean really outside of all our brilliant repartee here, what the fuck is actually being done?

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I don't think the military will actually discharge healthy unvaxxed soldiers while desperately trying and failing to recruit new ones (no high school necessary!). Just gotta wait it out. Call Xiden 's bluff.

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And yet they're doing it as I type, aren't they?

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How are viewers to confirm that the 7 "unvaccinated" persons being interviewed are not merely actors playing a role?

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What do you mean? Don't you think that the scientists and doctors employed by the BBC had checked the vaccination status of the uneducated non vaccinated brought in for the show? Or do you support those conspiracy theories that say the BBC is lying to her majesty subjects? Impossible. Why would they do that? We pay our TV licence and the BBC provides us with unbiased news and sometimes they bring in highly qualified scientist to tell us plebs how we should live our lives. Maybe we should pay more so those scientists are properly imbursed.

I am heading now for my third booster. Even if the side effects are worse than after the second, when I spent two weeks in bed, I trust the science and I know the fourth bouth of covid that I had would have been worse without the jabs.

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Hahaha! Very witty. Good luck with the ad nauseum boosters.

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I'm just chatting to a family friend. He's had three colds in a row last month and just got over a fever and terrible cough today. These people have destroyed their immune systems and it breaks my heart.

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If they can’t get the unvaccinated to comply using old fashioned peer pressure and herd instinct then they will take the next step and turn the heat way up to try and get the Mass Formation to turn violently against the unvaccinated. We saw the incipient manifestations of this last year and it has not fully gone away. The perpetrators are starting to panic now because there are indications that they are losing control of the narrative and that the Mass may be starting to crumble. This situation makes for dangerous times. The perpetrators will not sit idly by and watch the gains they made in 2020 and 2021 disappear. This could mean unleashing a more dangerous and virulent pandemic that may not be Covid and that could come as soon as this Fall. More vaccines are already in the pipeline. None of this has anything to do with protecting your health or mine, vaccinated or not. They could care less about public health. This is about total control - of you and every aspect of your life, and it’s ultimately about a depopulation agenda. This is Unrestricted Warfare of globalist elites against the people of the world and free society.

Unrestricted warfare uses 3 primary tools: 1)Lies and Deception 2) Voluntary compliance based on fear and herd instinct and 3)the perpetuation of internal conflict within the masses to achieve political objectives, with violent conflict used if and where necessary. They always want to remain above the fray, letting ‘the people’ do their dirty work if and when necessary

Make no mistake about what is going on here. The perpetrators are quite open about what they want to achieve and count on the media to keep the public largely in the dark. Alternate media has proven to be much more effective than they counted on. This has become a big problem for them. They are resorting to bigger and bolder lies and more aggressive censorship to deal with the situation, something which raises the risk for them and for us.

Whether you are a fan of Donald Trump or not, he did say one thing repeatedly during his 4 years in office which was right on the mark: “These are very bad people”.

Do not be deceived or underestimate what they are up to.

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The oldest tactics of wanna-be totalitarians. And they always work. Until they don't.

Look back - at thousands of years of history. Rulers, all rulers, have always used your 'three primary tools' to stir up hate. Against the "other". Use the tools. Step 1: Create scapegoat. Step 2: Stir up hatred. Step 3: Confiscate wealth. Step 4: Fire up the gas chambers. And scapegoating is a great way to increase military recruitment. Cheaper than cash. And a good start on training your young men to kill the "other" young men. (And women, and babies).

The very faint ray of sunshine in a somewhat gloomy future is that totalitarian states always implode - eventually. The modern "left" devours it's own. Always. Witness Brandon being prepped for the garbage bin of history.

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Partly right but you need to go deeper and FURTHER back in "His-Story"

here is a good place to gleen TRUE History and understand why what is happening today...read his latest book...."BeWARe the World to Come"......a challang for most Christians and Muslims to be sure!


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All you need to know is that Pfizer's Albert Bourla has vowed to rebuild the Georgia Guidestones, with the #1 commandment being to cap total human population at 500,000,000.

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Really....then him being being one of those without a forskin confirms this then!!


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So you HAVE read the protocols of Zion then!.....BTW.....Donald Trump is part of THEIR plan...think of all the pro Jew things he has done, AS WELL as start Operation Warp Speed and keep Fochi in place.

I got to the bottom of the proverbial Rabbit Hole about a month ago searching for an answer.....came as no surptise realy to find out that it was because of "The Chosen People", and this was after reading this very informative book written by a Jew, called "BeWARthe World to Come" by Christopher Jon Bjerknes. Their paln has been "cooking in the oven" for the past 6,000 years, and that FACT has been shown according to the Scripted fairy tales of the Torah and the Bible that was written AFTER it. No wonder my profile pic was chosen to be as it is!


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I see nothing good coming from the BBC story. Lets see how honest and forthright the "experts" are in discussing the most recent data. In the meantime people should fire back at it with the question: Why are so many vaccinated people getting sick? Because the virus is evading the vaccine induced immunity and prior infection immunity too. Perhaps what we are seeing is what happens when we embark on a mass vaccination campaign during a pandemic with a vaccine that does not stop transmission (but is mandated anyway). That vaccine has likely put evolutionary pressure on the wily SARsCoV2 virus. Perhaps science writers like Mr Derick Lowe would like to rethink their earlier article poo pooing the possibility that vaccines can cause immune evading, worse variants. https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/vaccines-will-not-produce-worse-variants

NE has written about this before. Kudos.

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