Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The reason it’s still standing is that it wasn’t built to code.

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I wonder what current architecture will be standing in 6000-years that makes the future inhabitants say, "these primitive races weren't so stupid."?

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Debbie, you must read the Universal Model (dot) com Volume 1 so that you have a better grounding of young earth geology (YEG) and related timelines. It is not/not creationism as there is no mention of scripture etc. It very clearly and extra-ordinarily lays out the post-flood geological time frame. Once you realize that it is utterly obvious that there was a worldwide flood some 4200 years ago, then not only does the geology and geomorphology you encounter everywhere make sense, but you may finally understand that a small band of humans survived this catastrophic event and brought with them a high level of pre-flood knowledge. Anyone who still believes Darwinism and that we descend from apes is a fool at this point. We only see adaptation within species and never ever a newly evolved species. And not just planet earth but all the data coming in from the universe is that it is all very very young. You will not regret reading the UM- Vol. 1!

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Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Let's not forget the ropes, if rope was indeed used. Hand making strong ropes with nothing more sophisticated than perhaps a weight on a stick to spin the fibres. More than likely they were twisted very laboriously by hand. That in itself is a phenomenal feat of ingenuity and persistence. To gather and prepare the fibres and twist them to make long lengths of strong rope is no mean undertaking and essential it didn't fail in use.

That sort of background thing is all too often overlooked but is fundamental to the process and finished project. Sure, millimetre precision in the stones and sockets is no doubt impressive. Try making strong rope from scratch, entirely by hand and experience a new level of wonder.

Interesting post NE, thanks.

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Great point. Thank you.

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Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

The ancient world is far more amazing than we expect from primitive cultures. I think a lot of information is not encouraged into the light of day for some reason. The antediluvian world would probably amaze us! God only knows the true story.

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Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Interesting! There are also videos on YouTube about ancient Egyptian vases that are made out of very hard stone with incredibly precise measurements.

Built to last!!

Unlike my washing machine. 🤣

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Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Back then we made proper use of our Thought capabilities... Then DEGENERATION HIT and here we are. Doing moronic stuff day after day and "thinking" that "We're awesome"

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Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I wonder how many they built that we don't know about because they fell down in an earth quake, dissolved away due to water infiltration, or only got half done. There is a lot of survivorship bias in this observation, even if it is really damned impressive.

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Good point but you would find 150 ton mega blocks that had cracked scattered around.

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Aug 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

In some cases yes, but in others you would have a lot of people looking at pre-quarried rock saying "That'd make a great wall if we could knock it into smaller bits, and it is a hell of a lot closer than the quarry. Can't let it go to waste!" Most old architecture isn't lost to the elements but rather to reuse by locals.

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Same with the Bologna towers. We have 2? left of hundreds.

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Aug 27Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

So how many Dark Ages have we had by now already?

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We're in one.

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In fact we are not. Just the usual cycle of morons ascending; they will descend again in due course.

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Aug 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Why do we assume that "older" peoples were primative and less intelligent than we are? We are the ones standing on the shoulders of giants.

In Gen 4:22 it talks about the forging of tools from bronze and iron. I do not know that I would have had the sense to "discover" that? Extracting the ore and heating it to reshape it? They weren't stupid.

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Aug 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Great to see you delving into this much-ignored topic, NE. There are ancient megalithic structures found all over the world that are such amazing feats of engineering that we could not build them even today, with all our modern technology.

A great explorer of this is Brien Foerster:


Would love to see you apply your wonderful analytical skills more to this topic!

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Aug 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

And then there's the question of why you'd want to spend so many precious calories building relatively useless things.....

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Aug 28Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I love how we are in awe of the millimetric accuracy of these people transporting and placing these massive stones…and our explanation for how they accomplished this architectural and engineering mechanical feat is explained with a picture of two sticks lashed together to make a backwoods pulley system.


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ha ha yes!

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Once you see how these stones can be moved - by even a single man - it is laughably simple and you will kick yourself for not seeing it:


This amazing video shows how this guy - by himself!! - moving and lifting 20,000 lbs stone blocks with just himself, some bits of wood and a few counterweight rocks. He also shows how he moves a whole barn building 100 yards using absurdly simple principles - he has moved just himself huge blocks 300 ft in one hour - and built his own stonehenge single-handedly from huge 20,000lb concrete slabs all moved himself:


He also - single-handedly - raises a 20,000lb slab from horizontal into an exactly vertical position.

(No pulleys or ropes even needed - just gravity and some bits of wood)

[Any stonemason will tell you - there are loads of ways to move a heavy rock - the best way is to find the laziest guy on the building site and ask him how to do it]

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Graham Hancock was right 🤣

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Thank you for this. Klaus the Hideous of the WEF, that somehow has some sort of jurisdiction over Gobelki-Tepe, stopped excavations there. Here's the Ethical Skeptic with evidence and questions. (It lately seems we have be lied to about every single thing since we were conceived, and I keep hoping that, at the very least, they weren't lying about the health benefits of chocolate and coffee, lol.)


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Thanks for this. My guess is that aliens from Sirius visited about 5000 years ago and assisted in the construction of these sites. They must have had some sort of anti gravity system to move big rocks and they must have had some sort of stone softening technology to fit them together so perfectly. It was they, I think, who started civilization and who knows if they did not engineer us for intelligence or even inter breed with us. We are so different from everything else on the earth it makes me think we are the real aliens. The fact that these objects and sites have been revered for thousands of years suggests their origin. Were these visitors the basis for our belief in Gods? We would like to see some really detailed analysis of these objects and sites and not the tiresome old orthodoxy of the academic dogmatist of decades back who care only for their pensions and never investigate anything.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Once you see how these stones can be moved - by even a single man - it is laughably simple and you will kick yourself for not seeing it. This amazing video shows how this guy - by himself!! - moving and lifting 20,000 lbs stone blocks with just himself, some bits of wood and a few counterweight rocks. He also shows how he moves a whole barn building 100 yards using absurdly simple principles - he has moved just himself huge blocks 300 ft in one hour - and built his own stonehenge single-handedly from huge 20,000lb concrete slabs all moved himself:


(No pulleys or ropes even needed - just gravity and some bits of wood)

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