As long as they keep persecuting the unvaccinated, we know that the depopulation agenda is alive and well. Look out for new boosters, new mandatory "vaccines", and improved "meds" from them. The killing fields.

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We've been trained into mindlessly accepting vaccines for decades. None of this is new. That issue is far from over, but I hope the light shone on the Covid malfeasance allows more people to see what's happening

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Yep! The greatest sin is being anti-vaxx, the second worst is being a tinfoil hatter. Both for very valid reasons - bodily autonomy. These guys hate it with passion.

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The Depop agenda, even with everything I have learned, and fully understanding how evil these bastards are, I still struggle to accept. I have written my thought on this countless times to try to get my head around it. I know they have the MMO. I know they are evil and depraved enough, but its the one last thing that i'll believe when I see it directly, in front of my own eyes, to those I know and love. Thankfully that has not happened yet

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Thanks Andreas, that looks like a very interesting read. I'll save that for tomorrow.

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There are just too many obvious reasons why a "depopulation agenda" cannot be a top-level "green baize table" plan. See


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Feb 9, 2022
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But then, they are killing off the wrong people: their own military? All the obedient sheep rather than the rebels? Western populations and not the "Third World"? No Russians? If it's a plan it is a very half-vast one indeed. It's not that there aren't "limits-to-growthers" who are not quite pleased with what's going on, it's that they have either planned something that has gone entirely south, or that the "green-baize-table" never existed.

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Funny how we can ourselves have been vaccinated, and have subjected our kids to an almost endless array of vaccinations into middle school years, but because we draw the line at ONE, experimental, barely tested jab, we have earned the Anti-Vaxxed pejorative moniker…

So when the fascists say they want to withhold healthcare from the unvaxxed, does that mean any Covid-vaxxed person’s vaxx history needs to be vetted to make sure they’ve checked EVERY box?

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We need to be careful if this.

A couple of years back, I was discussing with someone who was disparaging "antivaxxers", when she admitted she did not take flu shots. I asked her if she realized that she was now an anti-vaxxer. She was not amused.

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Feb 9, 2022
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Funny, from my unjabbed corner of the world, things looked overpopulated with morons too.

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Educated morons?

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Useful Idiots

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Do not be fooled; this is a strategic pause, designed to lull us into another false sense of security. The mechanisms and most of the people responsible for this tyranny are still in place. If the pandemic were over, Trudeau would be lifting restrictions in Canada. He won't, as long as the truckers are in place. Only through a voluntary act on his part could he back down. Elections are coming in the U.S., and feckless politicians are worried about staying in power. Were it not for pending elections, nothing would be changing. Now is the time for vigilance and for pushing tyrants and tyrannical laws out, and for finding ways to break free from the stranglehold of corporatist tyranny.

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Elections? Really? Aren't done with those already? Since like 2 years?

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Huh? Don't we have mid-term elections this year, like November?

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An illusion of election. Stalin famously said:"It doesn't matter who votes. What matters is who's counting the votes." Is the counting issue solved?

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Fair. But that's not what you said, or implied. In my reading, you seemed to think that I had forgotten that we had had the "illusion of an election" rather than that the "illusion of an election" was coming, which is basically what I had said.

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In the US, Congress seat (lower house) is up for election every 2 years, and Senate seat (upper house) every 6 years.

This year, they are very important because the power structure can change. Democrats can potentially lose both the Congress and the Senate which means that the Biden administration will be even more impotent than it already is.

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That could be true, Ivan, but for one thing: In the U.S., we don't really have true representative government any more. We only have the carefully crafted illusion of a republic that gives us the choice between candidates of opposing parties. Nothing could be further from reality, but TPTB certainly want us all to believe that we have a choice. In today's politics, ONLY candidates that are vetted and approved (i.e, thoroughly co-opted and corrupted ahead of time) will be allowed to win an election, much less be allowed to even run in an election. We could elect an all-Republican congress, and a Republican president, and still the entire government machine will do nothing differently from the Democrat-run machine we have now. Money laundering and theft of wealth will continue, warmongering will continue, corruption throughout every vestige of government and institutions will continue. The only way we get our freedom back is to break away from all this corruption and learn to live without them. Not an easy task, but it is the only path we have left to freedom now that TPTB literally own everything and control everyone in responsible positions; our "rulers." We simply cannot rely on using the corrupt system to fix the corrupt system.

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Sure, but the system has been corrupt for decades. The question is why people haven't noticed before.

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I think that Justin Trudeau and New Zealand’s Ardren have been promised big roles in the Davos World Order. I predict Jason the Fraud will double down. Remember his dad. Remember the Winnipeg General strike

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Dad must be rolling over in his grave, watching his offspring cower and lead from behind rather than fighting the truckers off himself. His pathetic hostage video yesterday, voice shaking, said it all. He's scared and cornered.

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Certainly isn’t making “Daddy Castro” proud, is he? In fact, I think the whole Davos cabal a could/should be really pissed @ his cowardice in hiding in a bunker & his weak, beta-boy phony responses since. If he loses control of formerly mild-mannered Canadians & has to buckle under, how do they suppress the rest of the world.

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Yeah, Trudeau may be through for that, fumbled the ball. But they will give us a new Shiny Pony to adore. Listen to the media for clues.

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I think he showed what ALL of them are - lily livered cowards who take sadistic pleasure in abusing the “masses of the great unwashed” (e.g. the plebs, deplorables, hours polloi, prols - in other words you & me) but when faced w/ accountability they run, tail between legs & then if forced to “take a stand 🤣” project THEIR beliefs to those they mean to crush. PM Blackface & Cultural Appropriator (amongst his many sins) would condemn as racists all peaceful protesters because HE is the racist….

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Their only promise is that they will not be thrown to dogs. These types are always compromised 1st, then picked up, groomed, installed and directed. On a short leash.

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It is senseless to keep the restrictions on the unvaccinated - especially many of us who have natural immunity and will not take the vax. Most I know who had omnicron were double and triple vaxxed. My next door neighbor, 52 and healthy, died of a heart attack (triple vaxxed...) The leaders around the world are either obtuse idiots or nefarious tools... I had Delta and Omnicron ran through my house, but didn't touch me. I will never take the poison.

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I think what's going on here is a race to 'get on the right side of this'. As if any of these tyrannical bastards could ever do that for the truly awake folks. But as slimey and dastardly as Brit Politicos clearly are, and have been for eons (they taught the world how to do corruption with a smile, and counter-subversion techniques (including teaching Idi Amin, Gdaffi, Hussein et al), THEY KNOW that they don't need to get 'on the right side' in the minds of people like me and many others reading this Substack. JUST like with the whole Covid narrative, they ONLY need to convince around 50% of the population, the rest can be silenced by BigTech, scare tactics, media bullying (anti-vaxxers, nazis etc).

So I don't see this a move in the right direction, more just an ass-covering exercise, and the British government (of all stripes) are again, world leaders at that shit, having had eons to hone their skills.

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Even if the Coronavirus Act goes we have:

The Human Rights Act Reform

The Police & Crime Bill

The Online Safety Bill

The government are trying to force jab mandates by the back door, the products are criminally dangerous and ought to be withdrawn altogether. We need to urgently fight 5G and manoeuvres to create a central bank, which still represent overwhelming threats to our safety and liberty. The relaxations mean nothing while these deadly threats exist - no doubt we will also have the threat to liberty represented by the pointless Ukraine conflict.

It should not be ignored that they have been forced into retreat when they hoped to have us completely steamrollered by now but the only message is that they beaten back on many other fronts.

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I think they'll continue to blame us, the pure of blood and mighty of heart.

Fine, this bio-apartheid will prolong the covid problem and actually bring about their own destruction, unless they lock us all in camps, because I think the vaxx side-effect problems will soon begin to increase and manifest themselves in cancer and reproduction issues. I can put up with this for even more years if it will ensure that Gavin Newsom and the rest of his California vaxx cabal are tried for Crimes Against Humanity.

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This is the moment of faith or lack thereof. Truly biblical times. God or the devil. The ones sitting on the fence will be shot at from both sides.

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Never let your guard down. Don’t breathe a sigh of relief. Be prepared for the next thing.

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When it recently happened that dissenting voices could no longer be silenced & medical literature started coming out to confirm the truth that those of us w/ independent thought knew 2 years ago, I was giddy.

But I’ve since revised my thoughts. There is SOOO much for the bad actors to lose - monetarily, politically, reputationally… not to mention the abusive power & control. I cannot believe they will give way so easily, much less admit defeat or that they were disasterously & malevolently wrong. Combine w/ the fact that there is global lockstep AGAIN to loosen up just like the global lockstep to lock down 2 years ago & it seems to me that this is a calm-before-the-storm. Unless, as you say, the legislation to do such things ever again are wiped from the books, everywhere.

I don’t see it; in all of this “the science has changed” & “restrictions will be lifted” & “we need to learn to live w/ the virus”, have we heard from ANY of these people an apology?? That they were wrong???? Such words would require humility, humbleness & a true desire for forgiveness. Im not seeing that ANYWHERE. In fact, all of the toads who implemented this s#!+ in the 1st place & the useful idiots (media/social media/sheep) who not just cheered it on but said “longer & harder” & turned against friend, family & stranger - who now say “o never mind” are THE WORST. And that is literally everybody except those of us who refused to follow

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Meanwhile in the US we are in a situation where it is the States that may decide the future of Covid Fascism, individually and then perhaps at some point collectively, while the Federal Government continues to jawbone in Doubling Down fashion, while having little legal reach and relying mainly on the the money foil(which will remain consequential until it simply gets shouted down, metaphorically speaking). Look for several Blue States to cave in the coming weeks and drop all mandates. In point of fact most Red States have not been substantially different from Blue States in complying with the Covidstan masters, but if a few Blue States fall look for a dozen Red States to return to freedom immediately, with others falling within days or weeks.

If more that 25 States give DC the middle finger on this, it’s over.

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I think they are just clearing the path for HIV. Covid and HIV running in parallel would just be too many virus particles to juggle.

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Feb 9, 2022
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Yeah. I don't expect HIV to be a problem for me. I'll be saying prayers for everyone Iknow

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Breaking - ONS deaths data for January shows actual deaths around 93% lower than the SAGE forecast if Boris did not introduce more restrictions.

Rightwards arrow They forecast 2,890 deaths per day as a central estimate - the reality was under 200 deaths per day


Who funds / controls SAGE?

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Removing all restrictions immediately would be more encouraging. Something is up.

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Fauci’s channeling the 80s years. Any GenXers remember “full blown AIDS”? Now we got “full blown pandemic”. What a clown- like a horror clown.

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Data from UK show VAIDS, vaccine induced AIDS

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During all this, I keep remembering all the brothers who swore AIDS was created in a government lab. I say brothers because the belief was strongly held in the black community- NYC Harlem/S Bronx etc. I never trusted the govt so I was like, “I wouldn’t doubt it”, but as the years went on, I put it in the category of urban myths. COVID changed all that. I would love to hear all the arguments, since I don’t remember them. It was based on more than “govt bad”.

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I hear ya. I even read Duesberg's book in the day, but kinda filed that all away when the furor passed. When I heard about the 'new' HIV, I was like, "Oh looky, isn't that a coinikidink, what with Fauci and all".

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Read Duesberg's book. Fauci's gang are the same people shouting denials that SARS-COV2 was not a lab created bio-weapon, just like HIV-AIDS was from eating monkey meat.

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i did a test yesterday on a platform that has nothing to do with politics, it was Autosport magazine, they had an article about f1 guys not doing the knee thing this year.

i commented that they need to drop the masks too to see how the general public would respond. the ones that were for keeping masks both tried to block and remove me!

they wont even debate in truly leftist fashion

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I find it so disheartening when grownups engage in cancel culture. Its what I expect from my teenage daughter when she realises her argument has no foundations and so she sees if shouting STOP! GO AWAY! at me will make me shut up. Unfortunately its the one thing that makes me loose my shit. I wont accept cancelling from her (for her own good), and I certainly wont take that crap from an adult. Adults that think deleting opinions they dont agree with is the correct behaviour need to understand that they are completely bloody pathetic.

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Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated

When the Shit Hits the Fan


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