They are monsters convincing themselves they are heroes. People with psychopathic tendencies in an ethically fluid world.

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Yes, these are all very bad people. And yet there are no Million Citizen Marches on Washington.

So baffling.

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Hubby thinks it’s because it hasn’t been painful enough here in the US for the majority yet. The looming economic crash should take care of that. The banksters and their globalist cronies want it for their CBDC, but they’ll regret that choice.

But certainly Europe & GB are far ahead of the curve in publicly resisting the tyrannical overreach. Maybe because political upheaval has happened over and over in their lands they’re quicker to recognize it? We had a soft war now for decades. But the real deal approaches.

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I think part of the problem for the US is your tendency to add more issues to any already in existence. Say you want to organise and anti-masking, anti-lockdowns, anti-mandates protest. So you manage to get a dozen people together, and they can a dozen each and so on. You won't make it through the first meeting without someone first wanting, then demanding to add their pet cause no matter how out there, and you will certainly have someone else being vehemently opposed to that cause.

Here in Europe, due to decades of soviet infiltration, we have actually learned to spot these people - not that they are agents, far from it, the soviet agents didn't partae in committees at grassroot's level either, they made sure cranks and weirdoes got involved.

So nowadays we are vaccinated against that sort of Eris' apple, pretty much. Therefore, if and when organisaing it needs to be very very clear from the first second what goes and what stays at home. Swastikas made up out of needles? Big no-no, from a distance all you see is a swastika and the evening news will have a field day killing your movement before ti gets off the ground. Huge placards with rambling diatribes about lots and lots of (to the everyman) obscure internet theories of how Gates built th Gerogia guidestones by colluding with the Greys whouse the Freemasons as a front and arge gargle bargle? Big no. Do not want. Bible verses Westboro baptist style? No, just no.

That's why professional protesters use ready-made signs they pass around and have swuads set up in advance to remove offending material. Look for Antifa's field manuals online, full of useful tactics.

Keep it simple. Keep it tight and focused. Stay on target and stay on message. If you are to speak at public meeting, know what type of persona you best project and learn to use it. My natural persona is the caring authoritarian, switching to the bemused blasé Lebemann if confronted with hecklers, and to the outraged passionate burly rough-and-tumble bovver boy with a heart of gold if challenged by authority. Persona, not your real person or personality. Keep it consistent, let different people talk about the parts suits their persona best.Avoid appeals to abstract principles and such stuff: keep it concrete and grounded in tangible reality close to the audience's life an situation right now. And always practice first.

Good luck!

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Appreciate your input very much. Thank you for the helpful encouragement and tips.

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"cranks and weirdoes.."

That was my experience with interference in the very beginning when organizing against municipal corruption. People turning planning meetings into therapy sessions and picking fights over trivial differences. Look into Cointelpro/Stasi tactics especially fear anchoring, mirroring, desensitization and other conditioning methods if you start running into a stretch of "bad luck" especially out of context events with unbelievable timing that reflect knowledge of personal info, trigger paranoia, strain relationships, isolate you and/or pinpoint your weaknesses. Cognitive behavior therapy helped me. There is a tendency to turn to addiction which leads to honey traps. Personal inventory, changing routine, dropping bad habits and seeking permanent recovery is key if you dig that hole.

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All true.

There's reason communication/linguistic theory, cultural studies (as in real studies of/in other cultures, not the crap they have apporpriated the name for today), chess, judo, and rethorics/logic was part of the curriculum for all Stasi/KGB agents.

Secret agents and spies are in reality boring clerks with a vindictive streak. Secretaries, janitors, cleaning ladies, interns and assistants, and so on. If some of them manage to build a career becoming influential (the Long March through the institutions it's called) enough to hire more like-minded people, it's all good.

Eventually you don't even need agents: the structure will be so riddled with people thinking in ways beneficial to you and so infused with dogmatic and doctrinarian "right-thinkers" it becomes a harm to its own society.

Look at american academia from the early 1960s to today for the most triumphant example of this principle in action. Or the entertaintment industry.

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Spying, digital surveillance, infiltration, narrative control, mass formation and panopticon.. playing the wounded bird, using erratic retaliation and observing the response was how I learned. Groups of middle age men (I call them Fletch) use some kind of scripted dialogue, sound cues like dropping an object and reward responses with more overt feedback overtime. Small groups of college age people repeat phrases from personal conversations especially where conflict is involved. I casually interact with them with mirroring and leader shrinks like a child caught stealing an extra cookie, lol. I assume these are interns or informants receiving location and profile instructions via phone, could be framed as web challenge or citizens on patrol, a version of knockout game. The more you resist like cat and mouse you can learn from them.. when you piss them off they physical attack, deny service (cancel license plate) and use scalar/emf/psychic intrusion.. there is more to this than 3D.. sufficiently advanced.. may appear as magic etc etc. if you engage in civics/politics they will try to recruit you like nothing happened. I described this all to my cop friend, a marine and undercover and all he said was to tell them " show me the money." Lol.

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(tried to "like")

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Yes, I agree.

But I also think that there won't be real fury until, unfortunately, enough harm has been done to vaccinated children and to children harmed by the vaccination of their pregnant mothers. As with DES daughters, it may take an awful lot of time for the scope to become apparent.

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I think the anger is there, simmering under the surface. What is missing is leadership, local organization, and plan that has a low barrier to participation and a high level of social or policy impact. No one is working to conceptualize how this could happen.

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Actually, there are some folks who are attempting to do so in France.

They’ve a website but it’s all in French and 3 years of taking that in High School didn’t help. But I found them initially via a comment & a link to a video in a substack article. It’s also all in French, but has subtitles.

I’m encouraged to have heard this.


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No, the last thing we need is any more organizational structure that miraculously acquires its leaders.

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Actually, at a local level like mine, there is no organization- no protests, no political pressure, no legal strategy, no door-to-door efforts. How do you imagine we can change the direction of things without organization and leadership? That’s my the wealthy and powerful spend time and money to create “grass roots” organization and mobilization: because it’s necessary, and it works. Sitting around reading Substack for another year will accomplish ZERO until knowledge is transferred into action.

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If we try to resist them through conventional political channels or through the court system, we will lose. We’re playing the enemy’s game on the enemy’s turf.

Truly effective resistance is withdrawing from the corrupt culture. We have to get rid of Amazon, Netflix, social media, credit cards, pharmaceuticals, and debt, and instead spend our time and money on a home gym, chickens, local meat, generators, and vegetable gardens.

But all of this is hard, so nobody will do it.

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What are the DES daughters?

And sadly yes, likely it’s going to require more time for the many who bought into the lie to face up to the truth. And the cost may be significant 😔 God help us all.

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SCA good article, tragedy that gets placed under the carpet.

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And yet they do the same things, over and over and over...

Waiting for the studies on all those synthetic sex hormones being peed and crapped into our sewage systems, every minute of the day. Bad enough when only women were taking HRT...

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Thank you. That’s a tragic read. No good reason it should have taken them over 2 decades to finally ban that artificial estrogen. I wonder what clinical trials that we never saw showed in that drug?

I hate that I view everything with such a jaundiced eye now. But it’s better than giving trust to those who show they don’t merit it.

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Now the artificial estrogen is given to children to help the have the 'right puberty'. Did you think they'd just stop making the poison? They just opened a new market. Just like lupron is a failed cancer drug.

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The looming economic crash will have people scrambling for their existence, not protesting. Most don’t and won’t understand the causative process/

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Well, there was the People’s Convoy in March. Three thousand miles of folks lining the highways.

And the DC police had the audacity to blockade the beltway around DC so that the trucks (and cars) couldn’t get into the capitol.

We have J6 folks locked up without trials simply for having been in the vicinity.

And so on.

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What about that part in the UNESCO document on medical ethics and informed consent that says it is unethical to incentivize, extort, bribe, deceive, harass, intimidate, pressure, coerce etc. anyone into accepting any medical intervention even if risk is minimal, even if it would be good for them? Did Ethic Fauci not know about that section of the document?

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If they do, they don’t care.

Never before has it been acceptable to force a medical procedure onto a non-consenting, competent adult.

Yet somehow they overlooked that here.

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Grady and Fauci are the BONNIE AND CLYDE of public health. We can let then share a prison cell because we are compassionate moral people. There is no justification in ethics or law or science to anyone to mandate this or any other shot at any time. Particularly with covid vax: its not a sterilizing agent, it doent stop infection spread or tranmission. The viral loads during infection are the same ( fauci even said so). The vax response is sub-optimal. Everything about this paper is wrong. Its politicized science in the same way the Soviet union used psychiatry to label political dissenters enemies or the state. Here Grady and Fauci show their totalitarian claws

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When her husband has patents on elements of the jabs (Phizer and Moderna) and is making money off of them, clearly she will want to keep the gravy train going. Do they have other motivations to jam this down people’s throats? Possibly, one never knows what goes on in other people’s heads. Only time will tell.

One of my friends was coerced into getting the jab to keep his job. It breaks my heart.

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My compassion is for the people harmed by the actions of these psychopaths - which is most of us. I believe true justice is restorative and lack thereof is debilitating. At this juncture, more than enough fact has been released onto the world. Action is now required.

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Great article. It’s crystal clear they will not willingly stop their oh-so permitable targeted harassment. Never mind that having done it all their way for 2+ years we are in worse shape than ever as far as Covid goes (can you say all-cause mortality?).

What really got me was how they just tuck this little gem in under their sliding scale of harassment is good:

“vaccine mandates sit outside this continuum…”. Oh really? And who decided that pillar of truth for the rest of us? Talk about a slippery slope.

I’m guessing climate totalitarian measures would also fall out the continuum. And the 2nd amendment. And grooming children to be transgender. And murdering babies.

Well, we all see this is exactly how tyrants operate. There’s always REASONS why for the greater good evil must be allowed.

The new science, as personified by the Faucis, is the golden calf to whom all must abase themselves and offer up unquestioned obedience and servitude.

Not gonna happen. The outcry against this is only growing. Keep holding to what is actually true and good.

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Biggest story at the moment and indicative of where we'll be come next 'wave' as it hits the quadruple jabbed this autumn/winter:

Djokivic US Open

“Novak Djokovic overcame war and threats of starvation to become one of the world’s top tennis players, if not the top player," Gohmert told the Daily Caller prior to contacting the President. "Yet, now it appears he may not be able to overcome the Biden Administration’s cold, heartless, malevolent, scientifically oblivious mentality in order to compete in the 2022 U.S. Open.

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Maybe he can start his own tournament. I say this not facetiously but very earnestly. It’s time to figure out how not just to opt out of the evil control systems, but establish our own in everything. Food sourcing, healthcare, education, entertainment and sports, and so on down the line.

I want to find my tribe where I’m living. How do we locate each other and start this ball rolling?

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Well the topological relief map was strongest a couple years back in terms of behaviour. Suddenly you knew which friends and family and neighbours would call the Stasi and which wouldn't and which would allow you to have your opinion and which thought your opinion wasn't good enough. I would say in 2022 onwards a good rule of thumb is if they're totally unvaccinated or not. Although There were quite a few people not used to medical corruption that got caught out and went along with the first or second jabs not considering the level of duplicity and evil going on. Nevertheless they should have been reading wider signals Awhich were already extremely clear.

all that said I haven't made very strong connections with those people I know to be good eggs and so I've kind of left myself in a hinterland and online substack forums I'll probably amongst the best places to hang out but it's not face to face stuff is it?

I went to Tulum in Mexico and that had a highest percentage of awake people who really knew what was what hundreds of families there had literally left with a suitcase I even met some boarding school headmaster and teacher husband and wife who just left the Swiss boarding school and setup life in Mexico no regrets.

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Murdering maniacs

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I'd like to see them write a paper on the Ethics of Encouraging Employees to get Vaccinated when; -it's based on thoroughly discredited, immature technology

-so leaky as to have negative efficacy

-has a worse side effects profile of all other vaccines COMBINED, including death

-was rushed through a fraudulent testing regime of just a few months

-still isn't approved

-for a virus that's rapidly moved away from lethality

-being pushed by people who openly proclaim an urgent need to depopulate the planet


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She, the wife, is the one who said there was no need for animal testing of the covid jabs. During previous rounds of mRNA-technique testing, the test animals died. Guess she didn’t think it ethical to have animals dying testing C-19 jabs, but who needs ferrets or guinea pigs? Human testing is just fine, ethically, and more accurate, according to Mrs. Fauci

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In her defense, she is 70 years old and probably doesn't realize how the internet works and that within seconds we can confirm that actually, yes, she does have just a tiny little conflict of interest. Nor would she be aware that there is literally an army of people just ready to pounce on misinformation like this. She probably thinks it would still take significant effort and time at the local library to find out who she really is and she likely figured she wouldn't get caught.

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I would agree, except that she's a gazillionaire (as a direct result of her conflicts of interest...), so she has a team of 25-year-old underlings doing her shit. Can't make this shit up.

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Right off the bat, that's passive-aggressive coercion:

-->"Emails should be sent that “not only [address] the individual benefits of receiving one of the approved vaccines, but also should reiterate employees’ responsibilities to help protect others."

Since employers are responsible for hiring and firing--what choice does an employee have but to comply with any employer suggestion? Compliance is typically a condition of continued employment.

All of the employer mandates were imposed based on the CDC's recommendation. The rest is mere word play.

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Might makes Right!

If ever there was a time that proves this maxim we are living in it. But it requires Sheep, and of that there are many millions. There are so many who want to believe the Mighty because it is easier and it comes with benefits. That is the essence of Mass Formation.

“People who don’t believe in God will believe anything” (as long as it’s the path of least resistance).

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Same general ideas as those provided by WHO 'ethics' gurus in a May 30, 2022 guidance document on the ethics of mandatory vaccination:


The phrase “informed consent” appears zero times.

Section 5, on “Public trust” begins:

“Policy makers have a duty to carefully consider the effect that mandating vaccination could have on public confidence and public trust, particularly on confidence in the scientific community and vaccination generally (10). If such a policy threatens to undermine confidence and public trust, it might affect both vaccine uptake and adherence to other important public health measures, which can have an enduring effect (11).

The authors quickly move along to deepen the cognitive, behavioral and social sludge into which they want us all to fall:

"At the same time, policy makers should consider the effect that not mandating vaccination could have on public confidence, public trust and inequity, as well as on various important freedoms.

Public confidence and trust may be undermined, for example, if steps known to protect the public from harm are not taken as part of the pandemic response, particularly if they are not implemented in settings with populations that are in vulnerable situations (e.g. congregate settings in which care is provided to older adults and hospitals).

The extent to which mandatory vaccination policies accommodate conscientious objection may also affect public trust (15). There should, however, be strict scientific and prudential limits to appeals for accommodation or “conscientious objection”, especially when such accommodation might be used by individuals to ‘free ride’ the public health good of community protection (i.e., taking advantage of the benefit without contributing towards the cost of its production) or if they threaten public health and others’ right not to be infected with a virulent infectious disease (16, 17).”

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When Al Capone talks about ethics...

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Ahem, that study failed right out the gate. Covid didn't hurt businesses: governement mandated lockdowns and quarantines hurt businesses. (Along with the trade tiff with West Taiwan and Russia.)

And since there appears to be no hard metrics of any kind, such as contagiousness or lethality, the rest is moot as it is purely hypothetical speculations in ethics without a factual foundation: i.e. the academical version of "I feel this is best".

Judging by what you show here and your review, if I had been handed this as a term paper or such in 'Philosphy, ethics and logic', well "Here, have it back. Read all the things written in red and fix it by the 15th next month or you'll get an F."

As a rough draft around the general idea of the sliding scale of coercion vs. danger vs. legal rights vs. basic principles, it shows promise but the authors have presupposed their position being objectively right: no such thing in the fuzzy sciences.

Wow, what a great find of yours!

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Haha, this dude is a fraud:

"Only the other day, Mr.Fauci provided a stark warning for the unvaccinated. 'If they don’t get vaccinated or they don’t get boosted, they’re going to get into trouble'."

Based on what science, the Political Science? What is wrong, Tony, Control group still too large?

As for his wife nothing she says is ethical. From her paper:

"On the other end of the spectrum, broad vaccine mandates can be ethically appropriate when applied neutrally, with clear articulation about the consequences of not complying with the policy (for example, reassignment to diferent job area or tasks)."

For a shot that doesn't stop or slow down the spread, people can be demoted??? And that fact of not stopping the spread was KNOWN before the EUA, this isn't a new finding.

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