It is harder and harder for me to think this is whole plandemic is only a money grab and not a planned reduction of the number of humans on the earth.

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Even if you have no scientific background, the mere use of logic requires this conclusion. The tip off not to take the vax was the lockdowns and censorship, among other things.

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Agree completely.

NONE of this made ANY sense to me right from the very beginning:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_b917c681853c_317c0a442fbc_ba13

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Here is a detailed version explaining why - and how https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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@Fast Eddy ~

Agree completely ~ and here's the solution to this energy scarcity and dark state hegemony:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c1399305e33a

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Yes, Tesla, Barr and Rife also pioneered the use of Frequency to cure illnesses and kill viruses, including cancer. Rife was an American scientist who built the first electron microscope. After 10 years of much success in the 1930's, he was put on trial and jailed. He died in 1971. The best Book on all of this is "The Rife Handbook of Frequency - 5th Edition" by Nenah Sylver www.nenahsylver.com Also, Boeing Aircraft Manufacturers, are currently using Rife based technology to install light fixtures on their jets at 222 nm of wavelength to kill Covid. https://www.boeing.com/confident-travel/research/CAP-3_Disinfection_with_Far-UV.html Sure beats lockdowns when all you have to do is flick on a light switch at 222 nm for a few seconds - All your surfaces are Covid Free !! Imagine that !! Light has been used in operating rooms to sterilize instruments for decades.

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It's an extinction event... any meaningful population cull destroys the supply chains leading to starvation https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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You get the prize!

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 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


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 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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Thank you, Nostradamus, for these important links!

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It is a planned reduction and geez what better way to get us eating bugs!

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Oct 22, 2022
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Link doesn't work. Looks like it has been lifted from inside your private Yahoo mail account.

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thx.. i'l take dn

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Can’t anybody stop these crazed scientists??? They have free game now. Anything goes. No testing needed. It’s insane what is happening!! I swear everyone is going to turn into I Am Legend type of humans!!!

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I think it’s going to be more like the movie Idiocracy, mRNA is “Brawndo”

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God knows all of this. This is what I think will actually happen - the mRNA Technology will not work in foods. Most of the shots also probably did not work. What we are seeing is only a fraction of what was intended with respect to the Cull. Remember the Armada of the Elizabethan Era. It was destroyed by the Storm. God sent the Storm.

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It is a death cult.

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It’s the government that is pushing this insanity.

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US government is captured and is damaging it's citizens intentionally. Why would this be done is the question.

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You have to ask why???

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and a job after govt employment.

Just look at the FDA .... it’s a swinging door to Pfizer and Moderna these days.

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The governmentS under WHO supervision as per NWO directives to Satan's delight.

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HOMOBORG-GENESIS -- an already established name of a new "human" species...

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Wouldn't surprise me that mRNA vaccines end up in NZ beef and dairy cattle either. Like me, my beef herd won't be getting "vaccinated" with mRNA.

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I'll have to get my supply from you then.

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I am waiting for the first genetically engineered fart less cow

Or one that has a small IC engine attached to its arse with a propeller

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Closer than you may think. I’m pretty sure there’s already a “low fart feed” so I’m sure they’re working on totally “fart free” version.

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We are governed by freaking fools! What can possibly go wrong?

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What indeed?

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No it’s tools*. Paul Toole.

*Australian colloquialism.

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I was thinking that whilst I was writing!

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mRNA is the new vaccine platform. They have said so and all new and existing vaccines are being developed or reintroduced using mRNA technology. Goes for animal vaccines as well. As for me, I had my last vaccine 3 years ago after a lifetime of being “pro-vaccine”.

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HA! There will be a huge market for non-mRNA-vaccinated meat, just as there is now for “no hormones,” “Free Range,” etc.

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Organic all the way

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What makes you think raising and selling non-mRNA injected products will be legal? (Including meat from hunting.)

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I’m surprised they’re doing this (well not really). With all the push to “organic” and anti-GMO sentiment. To injecting our food supply with what could be described as a GMO. Especially as there seems to be an existing conventional vaccine. What’s the up side of mRNA in this case? Cost? Safer more effective?

Appears to be a solution looking for a problem that doesn’t exist.

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I'll be waiting for news that the cattle are dropping dead on the field after they're injected.

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"Looks like I will be eating bugs after all!"


Great article, and thanks for the "Heads Up."

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If I do have to choose between eating mrna injected cattle or eating bugs, I will take the bugs, if not collected from uncle Bill G.'s horror farm... in last occocasion I will eat nothing at all

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Cans of tuna? Duck eggs?

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Absolutely. Every possibility that the mRNA floating around in beef cells will migrate to humans when they eat the beef. Then every possibilty that the mRNA will infect human cells and make them hostile to the human innate immune system. In addition, what kind of foreign toxic proteins will those mRNA induce human cells to produce. EAT AUSTRALIAN BEEF AT YOUR OWN RISK. I can see marketing suicide here. Like GMO.

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What’s scary is, how do we know they aren’t already doing this to cattle and other meat sources in other places? I’m in the US and I put nothing past these crazed lunatics in charge.

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Bitter comfort: once the poison is everywhere in the biosphere?

You've got nothing left to lose and lesson one in fighting, all levels, is never push an enemy into a corner, never leave without a way to retreat, never take away what he hopes to save by fighting for it.

Because an enemy with nothing to lose?

"It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!"

We need to ensure, preferably in a peaceful and legal way, that our maters-in-spe remembers this.

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This is very frightening. Once a cow is injected its offspring may also be ruined. Just stop!!!

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NB: " Mothers' " should be: " mothers "

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NE, w/ all respect, you really believe mRNA technology is exciting but just needs more long term testing & that the overlords will do so? It’s my understanding that it has been tested for some years & the animals ALWAYS died. They foisted it on billions of people the past 30 months & are still flogging it, in the face of a now-tsunami of damage & death statistics & literature. “Public Health” entities globally are positively giddy in saying long term studies are now passé, & any vax or med can be fast tracked for distribution w/in 100 days or less. They have NO intention of going back to the traditional & safe way of trialing anything. IMO, this is nothing less than depopulation on steroids now....

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It's exciting, doesn't mean it will work. Sci-fi trips to the sun are exciting, doesn't mean it will work. But if it does, it has the possibility to cure cancer and neurodegenerative diseases etc. But it needs to be proven safe first. You are more likely to risk it if you are dying anyway but injecting healthy people at this stage is unscientific.

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Glad you said it NE… this was originally discussed with my medical class to cure cancer and genetic diseases but the professor told us how easily it can be used for nefarious use and to be careful as doctors!! The warp speed and no testing on humans and pregnant women took me back to my old professor. I’m so grateful for her and glad I wasn’t half asleep in class!!😉

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Hi Brandon, right now there are theories that these jabs are causing &/or accelerating cancers. That may or not pan out but there need to be definitive answers on that. Because of what big Pharma & the Medico-industrial complex & public health have done now to completely trash trust & confidence, I don’t believe there is any desire to “cure” anything - where would the profit be in that?

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Cindi , I agree , the whole thing needs to be canned. Which is why the researchers and consultants need to stop immediately. Yes , it was for good initially then turned into Frankenstein. This will not cure cancer but continue to suppress T-cells , natural killers cells ect… to continue to muzzle your immune system till there is no surveillance left and turbo cancers flourish.

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It’s all so frightening because it is all so opaque but deliberate

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I believe with all my heart it’s deliberate. Mass vaccination of medical students and doctors and healthcare workers is baffling. I guess whoever gets thru this is like a natural selection experiment.

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NE, I admire your hope & faith that w/ enough time & proper testing, mRNA will work out. For myself, the last 30 months have left me pessimistic, jaded, angry & traumatized beyond belief. Coupled w/ the ongoing deliberate destruction of every particle of society, everywhere in the world by our “leaders” in a war against their own peoples, I see only incredible evil & malevolence.

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Can we skips the shots since we will be eating mRNA on a regular basis?

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Of course you can!

And also when you are not eating the mrna on regular basis, or eating no mrna at all you can skip the shots

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Oh shit.

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I'm into year 3 of my journey towards self-sufficiency now and it's hard road, emotionally and physically. I am learning firsthand what it means to drink milk and to eat cheese and documenting the journey as I go. Humbleness is where a person arrives, faced with the truth of their own survival. I once read a farmer's words: "Every day something dies so that we can live."

This is the point I've reached now:


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The stakes are high for Australia, we are free of FMD, if FMD gets in our export beef markets collapse...the impact will be billions... if we use the current vaccines we also loose markets... so they are trying a different technology... if it fails and cattle get a range of side effects, it will be obvious as farmers keep a close eye on stock and can perform autopsy without much trouble... cattle receive several normal vaccines every year....but there needs close scrutiny on the research..

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