Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Let’s get serious here. Medics have an oath to adhere to, “first do no harm”. Silence and especially silencing others, is doing harm! Mr. Malik should name and shame the hospital groups and the individuals who contacted him to tell him to sit down and shut up. Let’s put the shoe on the other foot and see how “they” like. The only way to deal with bullies is to give it back to them. Elon Musk knows that, which is why when he bans a mainstream narrative pushing pseudo journalist they almost literally spontaneously combust! Let’s do more of that. Fight activism with activism. People will only face reality and acknowledge their terrible errors of judgement in placing trust in public health bureaucrats and Big Pharma when sufficient white coats come out and declare that they too were duped and now acknowledge their errors and tell people the truth about all Covid policy, especially the fake vaccines. Only then will we get our investigation

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I think it's interesting that the people who are finding the courage to speak out are people high up the food chain, so to speak. So, not the people sticking the needles in the arms or the ones having zoom consultations with patients or the ones changing sheets and taking temperatures in hospitals. It's the ones who save your life when you have a major problem - the specialists, the people who know their stuff and know what they are seeing. These guys have a lot to lose but also have the skills society can't afford to lose. So when they speak of their concerns, the world should listen.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"....injected into the vein..."

The absurdity that NONE of these highly paid individuals even bothered to look into the Japanese biodistribution study that showed clearly that the LNP delivery system used in the mRNA vaxxx literally goes everywhere in the body... This should have come as no surprise to anyone, again, if these individuals had bothered listening to the likes of Dr Ryan Cole they would be aware LNP delivery system was originally designed for delivering chemotherapy agents to hard to reach places such as the brain... Why the hell any regulator allowed cationic charged, PEG coated LNP delivery systems to be used in "vaccines" is beyond me....

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I also would like to make sure science looks at lipid nano particles and polyethylene glycol as possible culprits.

It is now a question of will fully ignoring a problem. They know that if they engage it is not likely to be pretty, so they try to ignore.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

While I can’t help but be skeptical of many of these medics speaking out now when they could have done so at any time in the last 2 years (since it was clear very early on and being alerted by serious experts - even to unaffiliated, medically untrained schmucks like me - just how much chicanery was afoot), we can add to this list Professor Angus Dalgleish who is one of those “better late than never” allies. I’d rather not know his agenda, I am just glad he’s in the fight.


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Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

There will also be a Twitter Speaks forum called The Great Covid Debate tomorrow morning. The truth coming out faster than they can contain it now. https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1604279302526275585

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

"Radix malorum est cupiditas" is a universal truth and wisdom.

But we live in the era of capitalism triumphant, where "enlightened self-interest" (read: egotism with an excuse) and ever-increasing profits and progresss solely measured in "did this quarter create more money than the last?".

There can be no other outcome when greed is made a virtue, instead of being mortal sin.

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Let's for a start quit calling them a "vaccine". That’s like calling Bill Gates a humanitarian or Woopie Goldberg a person who is a scientist worthy of listening to.

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Every single vaccine in the pipeline today, and there are at least a dozen, both new and re-released, are being developed using the LNP/mRNA technology. That means your child’s or grandchild’s entire school vaccine schedule is about to transition to this new technology, and neither the medicos doing this nor their media lapdogs will say a word about it. Crickets. The new vaccine technology will be onloaded to the nations pediatricians and clinics, and in some cases to school clinics, at least in the US. Just like all technology introduced to the public today, it just shows up unannounced- on our phones, in our cars, everywhere, and now at the doctors office. And just ask to see the Informed Consent paperwork. Chances are it will be a blank sheet of paper like we have seen for 2 years now. Wake up world and see what is happening. These doctors need to be on the picket lines over this. Just say No!!

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By mid 2020 I had already started writing a report on treating the symptomatic with hypoxia from "SARS-CoV-2 with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Another researcher wrote even more extensively for an EUA from the FDA but was denied because of no randomized double blind trials done as I seem to recall despite it's history of use since 1918. See pages 12 and 13 in the book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Lots of "excuses" made as to why even existing HBOT chambers could not be used. One was that the clinical chambers at clinics had to be directly attached to the hospital for treatment to be paid for.

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I know Dr Malik and he has been speaking out from the start, and I agree that he should be naming and shaming those that have sought to silence him ✌🏻

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Well, eventually, the truth will be revealed, like it is being spread like wildfire now! All the powers that be that aided in the vaccine promotion and implementation will be jailed, I'm sure of it!

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Hopefully this will expand to more and more doctors and nurses speaking out. The doctors and nurses speaking out early are the most courageous and principled, and make it easier for others to speak out.

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That these physicians are only now deciding this debacle is worth investigating begs a question of their intelligence or their loyalty to their Hippocratic oath.

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Let us hope the momentum grows and more doctors speak up. It is mind boggling that it took 3 years and millions of deaths and injuries. The reasons for this long delay needs further study. We know the media, health authorities are captured but this does not explain the near silence of doctors, nurses, scientists as individuals.

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Money's a great way to get you to equivocate away your due diligence and allow you to become the predator and your clients, prey.

It was said that Jack the Ripper was also a surgeon since after the murders done the reproductive organs were removed and sent for scienific research.

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