Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

“Meet the new boss / Same as the old boss”

-The Who

Won’t Get Fooled Again, June, 1971

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‘And the parting on the left

Is now the parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight’

This is a reference to the Beatles. The ‘parting’ is a reference to how McCartney’s hairstyle & appearance had noticeably changed (his hair was different, the shape of his face & most significantly he was taller) - because a different actor had been brought in to play him.

Similarly with the beard reference. Had all the previous members of the Beatles been replaced at the same time? They certainly changed their image in the late 60s.

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Let's not just talk about, let's listen to it. And remember that this came out in 1971, and people have been fooled over and over again, ever since. You'd think they'd learn... Suddenly, I'm thinking of Lucy, Charlie Brown and the football.


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Tommy can you hear me?

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

This election proves that the British have become idiots. Anyone who voted for Labour because they opposed lockdowns and mandates are too stupid to be even given a ballot.

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They didn't consciously think about lockdowns but subconsciously they knew that they had been let down. Unfortunately, most people don't know about the Uniparty so they think they are voting for change.

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Cheerleaders fro mandates aren’t going to oppose mandates.🤦🏼‍♂️

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Thanks. It's worth noting that proportional representation in New Zealand didn't stop Jacinda 'The tooth fairy' Ardern from being a Nazi dictator. Similar in Germany too.

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Macon`s another example too...

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Ah yes, Emmanuel 'God is he still with us' Macron.

Emmanuel Macron anagrams to 'me am conman rule' which fits nicely.

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Macron who thinks he`s Jupiter... tell me that`s not psychosis like the rest of the WEF ites.

Le Pen just made a big deal:


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I'd forgotten the Jupiter reference. Thanks for the link, interesting stuff

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That’s even worse, 80% consented to allow 20% to make critical decisions concerning their future.

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I wouldn`t say "consented". The problem with uni-party`s is it doesn`t matter who you vote for and 80% have just given up trying. I don`t agree either but after what`s coming this time I`m hoping they may wake up...

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But they are a minority.

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That sounds accurate to my brain.

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Not all British but a very large number.


Still anyone who actually thought they had to lockdown needs their head examining. It was always, but always guidance, albeit with a lot of pressure.


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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

It's a mistake to say that but for Reform, the Conservatives would have won 38% of the vote and probably the election. People voting for Reform would not have voted Conservative under any circumstances - it is disgust with the Conservatives revealing themselves to be nothing more than part of the Uniparty that drove what success Reform had. Had it not been for Reform, voter turnout would have been even worse than it was.

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Possibly but I think it would have been closer than the polls showed because people didn't want to vote Labour. And Farage's U turn was suspicious.

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I live in a Tory safe seat. What I do makes no odds. Good old Geoffrey Cox gets voted in no matter how many phalluses I draw.

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I voted Reform simply because they were the only anti-NetZero party.

Labour will pursue NetZero - earlier and harder - until they finally trigger revolt because of blackouts and not being allowed to buy an ICE vehicle.

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I agree. I had already readied my homemade cock stencil for my spoiled vote. I voted Reform instead. (In a Tory safe seat) There is No way anyone voting Reform would have voted for the WEF Uniparty. We are wise to the Davos globalists.

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Yes but by spoiling your vote, you wouldn't have split the Tory vote. There would have been fewer votes for the Tories but they still would have won more seats, e.g. Miriam Cates

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No, if all reform voters had spoiled their ballots, Miriam Cates would have still lost her seat.

I was one of the people who was never going to vote for The Conservative Party after their Covid and agenda 2030 performance.

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Exactly. That was the only off-point in an otherwise decent article. I live in a seat in the South Wales Valleys where the Messiah could stand with a blue rosette and still not get elected - what happened was Reform came second here and in all similar constituencies, even being desperately unlucky not to win in Llanelli, splitting the Labour vote and drastically reducing their majorities. These were areas which also voted heavily in favour of leaving the EU. So things are not quite as blue and red as they first appear.

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Reform, UKIP, Brexit Party are all deep state inventions.

It costs huge amounts of money to create a nationwide party virtually overnight to stand in 600+ constituencies.

These instant parties & Farage are classic controlled opposition.

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I totally agree.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Your first past the post system gives you Starmer in the exact same way ( low turnout, about 30%) we got Trudeau last election. Daily we long for his resignation

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The First Past the Post system in Britain & Canada works wonders with low turnouts. It’s why they hold onto that system.

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Proportional representation got New Zealand Jacinda 'Jabber' Ardern. Nothing is good if the people are bad.

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I cannot bear to look at Starmer's face, I have never seen such a bland, flat pancake of a face, a close second is his buddy Vallance,that deceitful, greedy man repels me. He has ushered so many people to a life of ill health or death, unfortunately I don't think that he has taken one covid injection he knows what they are and would protect himself and his family from them while throwing everyone else to the wolves.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I'm not sure all the Reform votes would have gone to the Tories. It's more likely many would have either spoiled their ballots or not bothered voting had there been no Reform, I reckon.

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But that doesn't matter. Look at the example of Miriam Cates - just a few more votes would have pushed her ahead.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic sure is fascinating.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

excellent summary. I disagree on some points though. I think you draw too much out of chevron dresses and the like and implying that miriam coates would have won if reform did not stand is absurd. she was 9,000 votes behind and reform only got 9,000. i voted reform but there is no way I would vote tory after the last 4 years. if there was no alternative i would just not vote.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Excellent article. Now it makes sense. What a strange and decidedly undemocratic system. Under these circumstances I'm surprised anyone voted at all.

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I have said to others but proportional representation got New Zealand Jacinda 'Jabber' Ardern. Nothing is good if the people are bad.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

Thanks for this helpful write-up. Very helpful description of the parties and the people.

May God have mercy on us please.

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Jul 6Liked by NE - Naked Emperor Newsletter

I think the UK elections were a signal to other countries and frankly i think peeps should brace for impact.

Think the world will surprised at how much is going to happen in the last half of the year. I think October is going to be very eventful. With what? Above my pay grade, but as far as I can tell, everything is still very much on track, despite rumblings from citizens😐🤐😤

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FWIW, I find some solace in reading, daily, C & C News, (here on SS) by Jeff Childers, an attorney in Gainsville, FL. He keeps us tethered to our faith that the truth, being exposed by the sons of God, is winning over the evil perpetrated by the sons of man. I do believe the spiritual war is real. We must keep the faith.

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For those who look for Jeff, it's Coffee&COVID at coffeeandcovid.com

And you are right - he writes with incredible clarity and encouragement. The one Substack that I never don't read.

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You mean one of the two Substacks

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😁 Touché!

Well, I do read nearly all of yours as well. 😉

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Thank you for providing the link!

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I think it shows to the world how tightly the deep state control Britain compared to say France, Holland, Serbia, Hungary.

There’s no such thing as a ‘lurch to the right’ in Britain. The opposite in fact. With the FPTP electoral system it’s much easy to fix the result.

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Wow... excellent breakdown of events.

Do we really need anymore evidence that the whole game is rigged, and not in our favour? Actors playing their part on the stage, reading their script, then exiting when they are told to.

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9,696,409 votes => 65% seats

4,114,287 votes => 1% seats

Basically 1/3 of the total votes get you 2/3 of the seats (supermajority?). 1/7 of the total votes has basically no representation. This looks like an extremely unstable political system.

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It’s strange how the Brits have clung on to FPTP while many of their former colonies like Ireland got a PR system on gaining independence.

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PR system hasn't helped them though. As I say to others if the people are bad the government is bad.

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That’s a bizarre way of looking at things.

We live in a hierarchical society where power is exercised from the top down in all walks of life. Not from the bottom up sadly.

Therefore the culture of any group is set from the top down. People in the U.K. do not make the government bad. The government is already bad. Power corrupts.

The system that any group of people live under motivates their behaviour.

It is the system that is bad, not the people.

The criticism that can be made of the people is that they are apathetic & make no attempt to effect radical change in the way government is done.

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If the people are apathetic then they are bad by extension, otherwise to be apathetic would be a good thing which clearly it is not.

A system of government can be bad. i.e. poorly organised, but the system arises out of the people who set it up. Systems may reinforce evil but are not the source of evil.

Government is by people and they arise out of the pool of humanity. If the pool is corrupted then government is corrupted. This is logic rather than bizarre.

Changing a system has never changed the hearts of the people and if they are corrupted then life will be bad. Change must start with the individual, you and me.

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When you have a magic money tree anyone can be bought, it's just a question of price.

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How British people living in a feudal society ruled by an absolute monarch (cleverly disguised as a democracy with a constitutional monarchy) can hope to have any real influence is beyond me.

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Yes Willie, it's a fix.

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In my world, as a corporate systems consultant, we say people don't fail, systems do! Always look at the system!

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‘Subconsciously (because the issue was never raised during the short election campaign) it was also a vote against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.’

I doubt that.

Andrew Bridgen, sitting MP for 14 years in NW Leicestershire with a whopping 33,000 votes in 2019 & champion of the campaign to expose the truth on Covid in the British parliament, got only 1500 votes this time.

True, he was running as an independent, but it’s unprecedented for a sitting MP to lose so badly, independent or not.

Unfortunately this suggests to me how small the numbers are of those with strong enough feelings on the truth of Covid to vote accordingly . Unless of course it was fixed to look this way. But how?

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"Again, whilst his religion shouldn’t matter, as leader of the country he should be candid with what he believes. He says that he is an atheist who was brought up ‘loosely’ as Church of England but his wife is Jewish and they are raising their children as Jewish. He has previously said that Friday night ‘Shabbat’ dinners are a “rock in the week”, but instead of telling the population that he intends to partake in this Jewish tradition whilst Prime Minister, instead he has said he won’t be working on Friday evenings so that he can spend more time with the family. A subtle difference, but a dishonest one which has clearly been done to keep any antisemitic Labour voters."


Confess his Jew-ness, huh?

But he's not taking all of Shabbos off. You see him refusing to hold a pen on Saturdays, let us know.

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Not confess, just be honest. Hiding who you are to get a few more votes is not a good attribute.

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From Wikipedia, quoting an article from The Guardian:

"Starmer said in a radio interview that he would try to avoid working after 6 p.m. on Fridays in order to observe Shabbat dinners and spend time with his family."

How much more do you need?

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Most press reports removed the "to observe Shabbat dinners" bit.

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Ah. Press reports reporting on a radio interview during which he said it loud and clear so that any voter could hear him if they chose to bother.

I'm pretty sure that you are my vastly superior in research skills. That's certainly one of the reasons I read every free post and whatever portion of paid posts we in the cheap seats can squint at. And I have put my touching faith in you, as with the other anonymous Substackers I read, and I have considered all of you--who are only a handful, really, because I'm not that much of a trusting girl--to be honest brokers, though of course that's not really a scientifically-validated conclusion. Just, you know, a feeling.

Well, like I just said, I'm here in the cheap seats and I'm just an anonymous reader and Substacker too, though a much littler one. Ain't no reason to give any sort of damn what I say or think.

But for the very first time I really feel disappointed in you. And sad about it.

I'll keep reading, of course. But it just won't feel the same.

edit: So it was *the press* who were being dishonest, as usual, right? Whose characters, as usual, we must question?

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If he was saying he's taking the 25th December off because he likes walking that day (or if the press reported it that way), then I would say the same thing - clearly, he is taking it off because it is Christmas, why is he (or the press) trying to hide that. It's not what he's doing that is the issue, it's why the press are removing key points. When information starts being cropped out then I get interested as to why. But maybe you are correct - it's not really a major point in the scheme of things.

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"...but instead of telling the population that he intends to partake in this Jewish tradition whilst Prime Minister, instead he has said he won’t be working on Friday evenings so that he can spend more time with the family. A subtle difference, but a dishonest one which has clearly been done to keep any antisemitic Labour voters."

No. It's that you called *him* dishonest.

It took me all of like thirty seconds doing that searchy/findy thingy to see that you were wrong and the proof had been in his own voice right out loud.

And this is a major point in the scheme of things where I read your Substack and have considered it reasonable to trust your judgment.

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