Jun 27Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

ALERT: The Supreme Court just lit a match and tossed it into dozens of federal agencies


On Thursday, the Court handed down a 6-3 decision, on a party-line vote, that could render a simply astonishing array of federal laws unenforceable. As Justice Sonia Sotomayor writes in dissent, “the constitutionality of hundreds of statutes may now be in peril, and dozens of agencies could be stripped of their power to enforce laws enacted by Congress.”

The dispute in Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy turns on whether a hedge fund manager accused of defrauding investors is entitled to a jury trial to determine whether he violated federal securities law, or whether the government acted properly when it tried him before an official known as an “administrative law judge” (ALJ).

The charges against this hedge fund manager, George Jarkesy, are civil and not criminal, which matters because the Constitution treats civil trials very differently from criminal proceedings. While the Sixth Amendment provides that “in all criminal prosecutions” the defendant is entitled to a jury trial, the Seventh Amendment provides a more limited jury trial right, requiring them “in suits at common law” (more on what that means later).

SEC v. Jarkesy could render much of the federal government unable to function.

Congress, moreover, has enacted a wide range of laws on the presumption that many enforcement proceedings may be brought before administrative law judges and not juries. According to one somewhat dated review of federal law cited by Sotomayor, “by 1986, there were over 200” federal statutes calling for trials before ALJs.

Chief Justice John Roberts’s majority opinion in Jarkesy leans heavily into the kind of remedy available to the SEC if it prevails in a suit before an ALJ. Like a suit before a common law court, the SEC sought monetary damages from Jarkesy, and thus this case resembles a suit at common law in that way. As Roberts writes, “money damages are the prototypical common law remedy.”

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Jun 27Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

I read this book. Highly recommend it!

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Jun 28Liked by NE - nakedemperor.substack.com

Great book. One of the best pieces of the puzzle to understand how our liberty is being slowly eroded by a professional propaganda machine utilizing advanced psychological techniques delivered through a communications system that reaches everyone non stop 24/7/365.

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Has Desmet called for Nuremberg II? RFK? Naked Emp?

If not, why not?

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Well, look. It costs a lot of money to maintain a nice book-lined study and the very best pipe tobacco so I don't begrudge anyone writing books that state the obvious and selling them to willing purchasers.

But all you really need is a tape loop of Shias in any Muslim country and Christian worshippers in, say, the Philippines, each group flailing themselves incoherent in a frenzy of commemoration of the suffering and death of one's preferred martyr.

If that don't scare you silly about mass hysteria whipped up on demand, you got some phlegmatic temperament.

It's all the same. It has always been the same. The only thing left out of all those Twitter rants about "the unvaccinated" or "libtards" or "Trumpies" or the International Khazarian Lizard Confederation is the blood streaming down people's faces.

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Oooh, wait.

If I did posts with my na!e, would you/ anyone post on T?

Let me know!

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John! Where've you been?

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I pray Rosary outside Austin Cathedral, and across street. In reparations…

As long as 1 person knows!

But it appeared 3 are upset.

In past, guy coming out of anti-mass n TRIED TO GIVE ME A FEW BUCKS😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Old man homeless look. Stories I Could tell on that


Francis is a non Catholic non pope, A commie destroyer.


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Well dear you know all religions are cults and all cults are the same.

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SCA, You're extremely bright. All religions are from hell except1...

Riddle me this.

Catholic Church, A tiny few left, argue was hit in 1958 by All her enemies.

No resident priest in Tx. No pope in 66 yrs, almost no property

and sedes fight fight fight..

How are we still here.?

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SCA, I had to take care of some people who insulted you

Also check it out. 2nd post coming

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My goodness how times change! You used to consign me to the pits of hell...

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I can't judge interior, or know future.

I can do 54 day Rosary or Novena for any of of your intentions. Let me know.

You could even name Vatican II church I pray in front of.

If n Austin.

My false Bishop, Mr Vasquez should deliver me cold water, Gatorade.

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Prayers sincerely said for the wellbeing of others are never unwelcome.

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Keep me posted on T. They won't let me back on.

You'd smile at my "appeals". I write them when Full Moon hits😂😂✌😎

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One of the many targets in the resistance to be attacked from within the resistance, curious that


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Families give purpose regardless of the job you pursue. Destroy families and you take away that feeling, leading to the loneliness that fuels mass psychosis, especially in the under 30 age group. Primed for brain washing. Radical feminism and the push for transgenderism have that endpoint as their goal.

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