It is becoming increasingly obvious that these people were not “incompetent” but rather very dishonest and corrupt (because that path got them funding & media attention).
YES. YES. YES. Excuse my shouting But you are correct. YES. EVERY THING.
Point by point - sins of Commission, sins of Omission. ALL harmful.
To THIS day here in Karentopia Aus.
In a sort of - what: final insult to the intelligence? - mask mandates have been dropped in SA (without a word of apology) BUT in a pharmacy and a Doctor's office you MUST still wear a mask!
Like what is it? A bald insulting statement of arrogant insanity: 'We know that masks are no longer whatsoever necessary but just to indicate we don't give a damn for logic much less your pleading we are going to insist you still wear them here, right here, in this space dedicated to medicine ! Therapy ! Reason ! Benefit ! The Good ! The Healthy !
By design. I remember early on when masking first was mandated, I started looking into studies on masks and discovered that the evidence was overwhelming that they didn't work, and that there was good evidence of harms to health, not to mention the obvious psychological and social harms. Same for lockdowns and distancing. I realized that if *I* could find this information so easily, certainly the "public health experts" forcing this stuff on us had to know it, and the sickening insight dawned on me that they were *intentionally* harming us. That this was clearly their intention became clearer and clearer as the year wore on. Only a gargantuan effort of willful blindness will allow anyone with a working brain to imagine otherwise.
I don't think the willful blindness requires much if any effort. As you note, realizing that all of this is intentional harm, that our society is run by sociopaths, is literally sickening - when this reality is first accepted, it is accompanied by nausea and terror, real physiological reactions. For most, this alone is enough to cause their minds to turn away from the very possibility. Many times I've heard from normies that "Even if what you're saying is true, it's too frightening, I couldn't live in such a world." That's a tacit admission that at some level, they know that it IS true, and therefore deliberately choose the lie in order to avoid the pain of the truth.
They'll probably try to argue that countries that got hit worse by COVID were more likely to see widespread mask compliance.
The other and obvious interpretation, that smothering people during a respiratory virus outbreak weakened their immune systems and left them more likely to be infected, whilst also weakening their bodies in general and therefore leaving them less capable of fighting and surviving the infections the masks did nothing to prevent, won't be considered.
Not to mention, 90% of time masks were not worn hygienically. Worn for days on end, constantly touched with dirty hands, stuffed in pockets or on the floor of cars, etc.
from this ol mechanic's POV...all the 6mil types of bacteria that reside in our mouths
are co-mingling with the putrid/rotting remnants of breakfast & dinner, are denied escape by face diapers, so are inhaled/recirculated back into the lungs& since O2 is below par, all the anaerobic bacteria rejoice & pneumonia is probable...Ya can't run an engine for long if you stick a hose on the tailpipe and route it to the intake manifold,eh?
Heh. Well put. And yeah, that's exactly the issue. Masks do nothing to keep virii out, but hoo boy are they great at keeping bacteria in and giving them a nice, warm, moist, anoxic environment to breed in.
Exactly! Plus only properly fitted N95 masks (not available to most) supposedly work and can’t be worn for hours on end. Of course, most of us here knew this already.
Yes. 'masking' is not a 'thing' like putting on your hat or shoes or gloves or something: bang, it's on, there, it's done. Masking is a process you engage in. A continuing dynamic process requiring appropriate methodologies, practices to be done correctly. Absolutely impossible en masse. Not the faintest chance.
Even if masks did work and filter out the viruses.
But even a ceramic filter wouldn't filter out the viruses. That's virology 101. That's the origin of virology. That's how they ascertained viruses existed - because they went through a ceramic filter:
the actual ceramic filter that passed viruses through
You only have to read the book 'Unmasked' and look at the dozens of charts there to see cases following masking rather than the other way round. But in any case, get the logic right - supposedly the masks are STOPPING the cases. Regardless of any time lag: cases first, masks second or masks first cases second the two trajectories should not parallel each other. Should not follow at all the same trajectory. As masking goes up the curve the cases curve should commensurately slow and trend more and more down until it stops rising at all and then drops to zero as no more cases are found because they've all been stopped by masks.
Nothing of the sort EVER happened.
Instead the curves copy each other. Look at the book. It's a good one. 'Unmasked' by Ian Miller. Don't get the wrong one - there's one by the same name all about Antifa or something.
I find a google seems only to bring up that one. So I'd say search on 'Unmasked Miller' and then you'll get it.
Here's a link. He's even got a substack page where he has lots of link proving the nonsense of masks.
"They'll probably try to argue that countries that got hit worse by COVID were more likely to see widespread mask compliance."
If so, point them to Sweden. More than 16 000 dead from Covid uring two years (yet no excess morality looking at the national average, it is even lower than 15 years ago despite the Covid deaths which raises all kinds of questions) as cofirmed by post-mortem blood-work (not PCR-testing).
Virtually no masking, except where you usually do it (your dentist, f.e.). Close to zero lockdown. Even when the hysteria was peaking, fewer than 1/20 wore masks and it's the same ones still doing it. Alone. In their cars. With the windows rolled down. While smoking through hole in the mask.
Sometimes, it's very easy to understand the emotions of the "depopulate the world for he Greater Good"-crowd.
True? Smoking through a hole in the mask? Alone in the car? I thought things were bad here but I haven't quite that as yet. :) I wonder what's in their heads....
The people who dumbly wear masks are simply sicker than the rest of us. That's how come they dumbly wear them. It's a small difference but given time and sufficient numbers it shows up. Here it is.
How can a "highly effective treatment" exist for something that cannot even be diagnosed? How can a "viral infection" be diagnosed, if no "virus" in the history of the world has ever been isolated?
Step out of the crazy/fraudulent/criminal paradigm of "viruses," "pandemics," and "infectious diseases." Fear from anything and hope to regain your rights or to get better from the military-grade poisonings wall you in between two facades that don't exist, only in your mind. Make up your mind and you cannot be manipulated so easily.
"Vaccines" are based on a criminal "medical" paradigm and as such, they are ALL poisons, except that the latest ones kill/maim faster.
This is a critical point in the narrative: humanity will not survive, unless the enforcers, including "scientists" and "researchers," realize that they will be next on the road to the slaughterhouse, once they wear out their usefulness. It is vanity and self-importance that prevent them from realizing that they are representing fake science for the masses and as such, they are completely expendable.
CV exists only in computer simulations and on TV. No virus has ever been isolated and there are no infectious diseases, only poisoning and deficiencies. It's the germ vs. terrain theory (read up on it, if you have the time). Pasteur was a fraud, but his gimmicks turned out to be lucrative and there is no better means to enforce oppression (muzzles that humiliate, dehumanize, and kill you slowly with stuff in them and by oxygen deprivation), poisonous (you get infected with self-replicating nanotech), fraudulent (even motor oil, a goat, and a papaya tested "positive" in Tanzania, but the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti were summarily killed shortly after refusing the plandemic scam; Belarus is still surviving) “tests” that infect you with nanobots and artificial parasites, and steal your DNA (once they have that, they can personally target you through 5G or Wi-Fi and can make you sick or just drop you dead), and lethal injections of five levels that "manufacturers" rotate) and mass democide than a good plandemic.
Already about a million Americans died, lots more are going to b/c of the injections. Based on VAERS, lethal batches, containing graphene hydroxide, come out every two months, rotated between the three major manufacturers, and are carefully spread over the land in order to avoid immediate suspicion and ensure plausible deniability. The rest of them maim or make you sick (various carcinogens, poisons, real and artificial parasites, self-assembling nanocomputers, and/or pathogens), turn you into a 5G receptor/emitter through graphene oxide), or do nothing (saline solutions).
This is mass murder. It's not even a secret: the eugenicists announced the plan decades ago.
5G is a killer weapon and it was installed everywhere during the criminal lockdowns in order to ensure population control.
Chemtrails ensure constant weather changes (carbon tax is coming on your UBI card soon, if you are obedient and live long enough). The "green zones" (aka. death camps are awaiting the non-compliant (in Washington state, liquefaction of the dead has already been approved; it's a lot cheaper than funerals or incineration and you can use the dead and the end product can be used as fertilizer; kind of Soylent Green for the masses.
The New Brave New World is in progress. For the slaves who will be allowed to live until they wear out their usefulness (which includes the enforcers, too, because they will be replaced by robots), there will be no goodness or beauty; only functionality. The remaining rulers will know they cannot trust each other and will slowly eliminate each other until only one remains; One Ring To Rule Them All.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather the sheeple and the enforcers realized that their days are numbered, unless they change course...
As soon as I noticed that masks were becoming a "thing," I knew to an absolute certainty that they would not be good for society, in any meaningful way. I was correct. Other than enriching mask makers, masks have caused untold harm, physically, psychologically, environmentally, and more. Damn, sometimes I hate it when I'm right.
Sadly, it appears that no amount of evidence will stop these people from destroying our lives. We know well by now that none of this is about public health. What kind of monster does this to all of humanity?
This is another "conspiracy theory" that we probably got right. I still think the main danger of masks will lie in the acccumulation of microplastics in the lungs...
That too not to mention polluting our water supply and causing harm to animal life from strangulation, digesting, etc. (so many masks blown away or discarded by lazy people). AND they have the nerve (those in power) to tell us about Climate Change, etc.
I get a kick out of the smart solution the site is choosing; it uses the monsters' terminology and propaganda against them. Still, in North America, I'm not sure how many are getting the irony/sarcasm. Not that it matters; those who migh ever make a difference certainly possess the acumen.
Of course, "covid" doesn't exist, because not a single "virus" has been isolated in the history of the world and you cannot diagnose something that has not been isolated.
As for the muzzle, last time I looked, they collected 283 harmful effects, without a single convincing advantage. Moreover, many are tainted with graphene oxide, nanotech, and carcinogens, while causing hypoxia and elevating the culture of the wearer's own bacteria that, for that matter, killed the vast majority of the 1918 scamdemic... Of course, the muzzle is a torture/humilation/obedience training device, too.
Also, graphene oxide was found in dental Lidocaine already in the fall of 2021. Well, a year before, I already called off my dental applointment (couldn't sleep all night b/o the suspicion) and have made sure I can do my own extraction...
They can put the graphene and the nanobots even in dental swabs, without the dentist ever learning about this...
It probably doesn't make much difference anymore. The monsters stopped enforcing the lethal injections probably because they now have other means to poison their targets, which is much of the population. The outcome is the same: genocide. No hurry; it can take years.
Shocked. I feel shocked. . . eh no I don't. No human should restrict their respiration for anything other than actually dangerous fibrous or other foreign material. The mask issue has been driving me crazy that people don't even mention the most important aspect of needing to mingle our cooties with others for our immune system and natural biome health. The human machine is a pretty fricken incredible device without experimental gene therapy poisoning.
Yahahahaha! I was thinking the same thing as I stood in line at my neighborhood coffeehouse this morning behind a young woman in a mask (maybe one other mask in sight...) and speculated to my friend that maybe people still muzzle up because they like not being seen.
I’m trying not to laugh, but I’ve made that observation! Lol 😂🤣😂 I’ve seen people and I’m not being mean, just observation but people I’ve only seen at first with masks for like 6 months and then see them without, it’s quite surprising! Mostly positive but a few they looked better with the mask!
Masks are a visibly recognizable symbol of belief in, compliance with, or submission to a lie. They tested facemasks worn by children all day long the dirty rags contained all kinds of harmful bacteria and pathogens. It's not natural to obstruct breathing. But they had a narrative to protect: that facemasks prevent viral transmission and have no downsides when worn. The "science" had to be gamed to that conclusion.
What may be most interesting is how mass hysteria and associated denial and justification will shape the responses to new information. Perhaps the new disinformation/misinformation function of the US Government will have something to spend their middle management time on.
Mark Rober did an obvious propaganda video about germ spread in an elementary school classroom with flourescent powder and then blacklighted everyone at the end of the day to see where it migrated to. Amazingly coincidentally the 2 weeks to stop the spread school closure announcement allegedly occurred with him and camera crew there. Run the exercise again with kids and teaches and production crew masked. I bronto burger guarantee they their masks would flouresce from a mile away.
Is it possible that wearing masks impaired the immune system? Also, we now know that over 90% of so called Covid deaths were not caused by the virus, but by often unrelated conditions, so it's possible these underlying conditions exacerbated the response to the Covid infection in the presence of masking.
I just don't know what they mean about mask compliance around 60%. How? I live in 2 European countries simultaneously and in 2 years I can recall maybe 2 or 3 cases when someone wilfully not followed the governmental rules. Otherwise every single person followed the official guidance. And during this 2 years I travelled many times internationally on airplanes, trains, public transportation etc.
There needs to be many more GRAPHICS / MEMES comparing mask hole size with the virus, like this one Even this one could be much more graphic. I'd like to see something showing comparative proportions to a mosquito and window screen hole size to illustrate the absolute futility in masking against a virus. Knowing my stick figures are difficult to distinguish, I only have the idea, not the skill to do it. We're looking at 99.99% compliance here (no exaggeration!) with masks being the norm for sick people before covid. It's sad to see people gardening by themselves in the sun masked or driving alone in their own car masked. On open air sidewalks, everyone is masked. There could be a snap change in Japan. It's always hard to say. But it's also possible masking could be the new norm for years to come, a very scary thought.
No doubt that masks can block some viral transmission (assuming you are infectious), but during a pandemic with billions of people, the reduction likely won't stop anything, a bit like if we all opened umbrellas, we'd certainly shade Earth some and cool it a bit, but nobody thinks that's a solution.
When masks catch droplets, those droplets are wicked by the mask and evaporate within microseconds, leaving a residue which gets worked by airjets and friction, resulting eventually in free virus aerosols. Masks actually increase free viruses because they catch large droplets (>= 100 microns diameter) that otherwise would simply fall to the floor and be removed from breathable air.
Voluntary masking correlates with low physics education in a population.
Masks are stupid in concept (being afraid of viruses is childish) and look. That’s all the debate should be about. Arguing if they “work” is like asking a tax accountant whether we should all walk around with hotdogs shoved in our ears. Like maybe the accountant will show it makes tax returns bigger but who cares what they think.
Statistics is stupid. This paper... Just remove the lower left outliers, which I would bet are non-testing Eastern countries, and... no more pretty lines. Just a blob of dots. Again, moving the debate to whether masks “work” or “worsen” is a mistake in the first place. I’ll stick with “I’m a bone-headed American male and don’t care if masks magically stop birds from falling out of trees, they are stupid.”
Every single thing the “experts” recommend or mandated has made things worse.
You'd think they would have gotten something right, by chance if nothing else. Unless....
That presumes that our health was truly their concern
It is becoming increasingly obvious that these people were not “incompetent” but rather very dishonest and corrupt (because that path got them funding & media attention).
No, it's much worse than that.
YES. YES. YES. Excuse my shouting But you are correct. YES. EVERY THING.
Point by point - sins of Commission, sins of Omission. ALL harmful.
To THIS day here in Karentopia Aus.
In a sort of - what: final insult to the intelligence? - mask mandates have been dropped in SA (without a word of apology) BUT in a pharmacy and a Doctor's office you MUST still wear a mask!
Like what is it? A bald insulting statement of arrogant insanity: 'We know that masks are no longer whatsoever necessary but just to indicate we don't give a damn for logic much less your pleading we are going to insist you still wear them here, right here, in this space dedicated to medicine ! Therapy ! Reason ! Benefit ! The Good ! The Healthy !
By design. I remember early on when masking first was mandated, I started looking into studies on masks and discovered that the evidence was overwhelming that they didn't work, and that there was good evidence of harms to health, not to mention the obvious psychological and social harms. Same for lockdowns and distancing. I realized that if *I* could find this information so easily, certainly the "public health experts" forcing this stuff on us had to know it, and the sickening insight dawned on me that they were *intentionally* harming us. That this was clearly their intention became clearer and clearer as the year wore on. Only a gargantuan effort of willful blindness will allow anyone with a working brain to imagine otherwise.
I don't think the willful blindness requires much if any effort. As you note, realizing that all of this is intentional harm, that our society is run by sociopaths, is literally sickening - when this reality is first accepted, it is accompanied by nausea and terror, real physiological reactions. For most, this alone is enough to cause their minds to turn away from the very possibility. Many times I've heard from normies that "Even if what you're saying is true, it's too frightening, I couldn't live in such a world." That's a tacit admission that at some level, they know that it IS true, and therefore deliberately choose the lie in order to avoid the pain of the truth.
Good points.
They'll probably try to argue that countries that got hit worse by COVID were more likely to see widespread mask compliance.
The other and obvious interpretation, that smothering people during a respiratory virus outbreak weakened their immune systems and left them more likely to be infected, whilst also weakening their bodies in general and therefore leaving them less capable of fighting and surviving the infections the masks did nothing to prevent, won't be considered.
Not to mention, 90% of time masks were not worn hygienically. Worn for days on end, constantly touched with dirty hands, stuffed in pockets or on the floor of cars, etc.
from this ol mechanic's POV...all the 6mil types of bacteria that reside in our mouths
are co-mingling with the putrid/rotting remnants of breakfast & dinner, are denied escape by face diapers, so are inhaled/recirculated back into the lungs& since O2 is below par, all the anaerobic bacteria rejoice & pneumonia is probable...Ya can't run an engine for long if you stick a hose on the tailpipe and route it to the intake manifold,eh?
Heh. Well put. And yeah, that's exactly the issue. Masks do nothing to keep virii out, but hoo boy are they great at keeping bacteria in and giving them a nice, warm, moist, anoxic environment to breed in.
Exactly! Plus only properly fitted N95 masks (not available to most) supposedly work and can’t be worn for hours on end. Of course, most of us here knew this already.
and still not good enough. It's not the mask, it's the process...
and as for masks:
the actual ceramic filter that passed viruses through
Chamberland filter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks for this link!
Yes. 'masking' is not a 'thing' like putting on your hat or shoes or gloves or something: bang, it's on, there, it's done. Masking is a process you engage in. A continuing dynamic process requiring appropriate methodologies, practices to be done correctly. Absolutely impossible en masse. Not the faintest chance.
Even if masks did work and filter out the viruses.
But even a ceramic filter wouldn't filter out the viruses. That's virology 101. That's the origin of virology. That's how they ascertained viruses existed - because they went through a ceramic filter:
the actual ceramic filter that passed viruses through
Chamberland filter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You only have to read the book 'Unmasked' and look at the dozens of charts there to see cases following masking rather than the other way round. But in any case, get the logic right - supposedly the masks are STOPPING the cases. Regardless of any time lag: cases first, masks second or masks first cases second the two trajectories should not parallel each other. Should not follow at all the same trajectory. As masking goes up the curve the cases curve should commensurately slow and trend more and more down until it stops rising at all and then drops to zero as no more cases are found because they've all been stopped by masks.
Nothing of the sort EVER happened.
Instead the curves copy each other. Look at the book. It's a good one. 'Unmasked' by Ian Miller. Don't get the wrong one - there's one by the same name all about Antifa or something.
I find a google seems only to bring up that one. So I'd say search on 'Unmasked Miller' and then you'll get it.
Here's a link. He's even got a substack page where he has lots of link proving the nonsense of masks.
"They'll probably try to argue that countries that got hit worse by COVID were more likely to see widespread mask compliance."
If so, point them to Sweden. More than 16 000 dead from Covid uring two years (yet no excess morality looking at the national average, it is even lower than 15 years ago despite the Covid deaths which raises all kinds of questions) as cofirmed by post-mortem blood-work (not PCR-testing).
Virtually no masking, except where you usually do it (your dentist, f.e.). Close to zero lockdown. Even when the hysteria was peaking, fewer than 1/20 wore masks and it's the same ones still doing it. Alone. In their cars. With the windows rolled down. While smoking through hole in the mask.
Sometimes, it's very easy to understand the emotions of the "depopulate the world for he Greater Good"-crowd.
True? Smoking through a hole in the mask? Alone in the car? I thought things were bad here but I haven't quite that as yet. :) I wonder what's in their heads....
I too wonder that, though I tend to the belief that what's in their heads, is best left in there - maybe that's what the mask is for?
The people who dumbly wear masks are simply sicker than the rest of us. That's how come they dumbly wear them. It's a small difference but given time and sufficient numbers it shows up. Here it is.
How can a "highly effective treatment" exist for something that cannot even be diagnosed? How can a "viral infection" be diagnosed, if no "virus" in the history of the world has ever been isolated?
Step out of the crazy/fraudulent/criminal paradigm of "viruses," "pandemics," and "infectious diseases." Fear from anything and hope to regain your rights or to get better from the military-grade poisonings wall you in between two facades that don't exist, only in your mind. Make up your mind and you cannot be manipulated so easily.
"Vaccines" are based on a criminal "medical" paradigm and as such, they are ALL poisons, except that the latest ones kill/maim faster.
This is a critical point in the narrative: humanity will not survive, unless the enforcers, including "scientists" and "researchers," realize that they will be next on the road to the slaughterhouse, once they wear out their usefulness. It is vanity and self-importance that prevent them from realizing that they are representing fake science for the masses and as such, they are completely expendable.
CV exists only in computer simulations and on TV. No virus has ever been isolated and there are no infectious diseases, only poisoning and deficiencies. It's the germ vs. terrain theory (read up on it, if you have the time). Pasteur was a fraud, but his gimmicks turned out to be lucrative and there is no better means to enforce oppression (muzzles that humiliate, dehumanize, and kill you slowly with stuff in them and by oxygen deprivation), poisonous (you get infected with self-replicating nanotech), fraudulent (even motor oil, a goat, and a papaya tested "positive" in Tanzania, but the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti were summarily killed shortly after refusing the plandemic scam; Belarus is still surviving) “tests” that infect you with nanobots and artificial parasites, and steal your DNA (once they have that, they can personally target you through 5G or Wi-Fi and can make you sick or just drop you dead), and lethal injections of five levels that "manufacturers" rotate) and mass democide than a good plandemic.
Already about a million Americans died, lots more are going to b/c of the injections. Based on VAERS, lethal batches, containing graphene hydroxide, come out every two months, rotated between the three major manufacturers, and are carefully spread over the land in order to avoid immediate suspicion and ensure plausible deniability. The rest of them maim or make you sick (various carcinogens, poisons, real and artificial parasites, self-assembling nanocomputers, and/or pathogens), turn you into a 5G receptor/emitter through graphene oxide), or do nothing (saline solutions).
This is mass murder. It's not even a secret: the eugenicists announced the plan decades ago.
5G is a killer weapon and it was installed everywhere during the criminal lockdowns in order to ensure population control.
Chemtrails ensure constant weather changes (carbon tax is coming on your UBI card soon, if you are obedient and live long enough). The "green zones" (aka. death camps are awaiting the non-compliant (in Washington state, liquefaction of the dead has already been approved; it's a lot cheaper than funerals or incineration and you can use the dead and the end product can be used as fertilizer; kind of Soylent Green for the masses.
The New Brave New World is in progress. For the slaves who will be allowed to live until they wear out their usefulness (which includes the enforcers, too, because they will be replaced by robots), there will be no goodness or beauty; only functionality. The remaining rulers will know they cannot trust each other and will slowly eliminate each other until only one remains; One Ring To Rule Them All.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather the sheeple and the enforcers realized that their days are numbered, unless they change course...
As soon as I noticed that masks were becoming a "thing," I knew to an absolute certainty that they would not be good for society, in any meaningful way. I was correct. Other than enriching mask makers, masks have caused untold harm, physically, psychologically, environmentally, and more. Damn, sometimes I hate it when I'm right.
Sadly, it appears that no amount of evidence will stop these people from destroying our lives. We know well by now that none of this is about public health. What kind of monster does this to all of humanity?
This is another "conspiracy theory" that we probably got right. I still think the main danger of masks will lie in the acccumulation of microplastics in the lungs...
That too not to mention polluting our water supply and causing harm to animal life from strangulation, digesting, etc. (so many masks blown away or discarded by lazy people). AND they have the nerve (those in power) to tell us about Climate Change, etc.
Aikido, I'd call it.
I get a kick out of the smart solution the site is choosing; it uses the monsters' terminology and propaganda against them. Still, in North America, I'm not sure how many are getting the irony/sarcasm. Not that it matters; those who migh ever make a difference certainly possess the acumen.
Of course, "covid" doesn't exist, because not a single "virus" has been isolated in the history of the world and you cannot diagnose something that has not been isolated.
As for the muzzle, last time I looked, they collected 283 harmful effects, without a single convincing advantage. Moreover, many are tainted with graphene oxide, nanotech, and carcinogens, while causing hypoxia and elevating the culture of the wearer's own bacteria that, for that matter, killed the vast majority of the 1918 scamdemic... Of course, the muzzle is a torture/humilation/obedience training device, too.
So true and I read somewhere (have since forgotten) that Dentists are seeing an increase of gingivitis which is serious if left untreated.
Also, graphene oxide was found in dental Lidocaine already in the fall of 2021. Well, a year before, I already called off my dental applointment (couldn't sleep all night b/o the suspicion) and have made sure I can do my own extraction...
That’s scary! I will need to look into this. I have dental work coming up that needs to be done.
They can put the graphene and the nanobots even in dental swabs, without the dentist ever learning about this...
It probably doesn't make much difference anymore. The monsters stopped enforcing the lethal injections probably because they now have other means to poison their targets, which is much of the population. The outcome is the same: genocide. No hurry; it can take years.
Shocked. I feel shocked. . . eh no I don't. No human should restrict their respiration for anything other than actually dangerous fibrous or other foreign material. The mask issue has been driving me crazy that people don't even mention the most important aspect of needing to mingle our cooties with others for our immune system and natural biome health. The human machine is a pretty fricken incredible device without experimental gene therapy poisoning.
Listen, I’m not one to judge but a LOT of people need to keep their masks ON purely for aesthetic reasons.
Yahahahaha! I was thinking the same thing as I stood in line at my neighborhood coffeehouse this morning behind a young woman in a mask (maybe one other mask in sight...) and speculated to my friend that maybe people still muzzle up because they like not being seen.
Lol! It’s amazing how a nose and mouth really are necessary for a “first impression”🤣🤣🤣
I’m trying not to laugh, but I’ve made that observation! Lol 😂🤣😂 I’ve seen people and I’m not being mean, just observation but people I’ve only seen at first with masks for like 6 months and then see them without, it’s quite surprising! Mostly positive but a few they looked better with the mask!
Masks are a visibly recognizable symbol of belief in, compliance with, or submission to a lie. They tested facemasks worn by children all day long the dirty rags contained all kinds of harmful bacteria and pathogens. It's not natural to obstruct breathing. But they had a narrative to protect: that facemasks prevent viral transmission and have no downsides when worn. The "science" had to be gamed to that conclusion.
What may be most interesting is how mass hysteria and associated denial and justification will shape the responses to new information. Perhaps the new disinformation/misinformation function of the US Government will have something to spend their middle management time on.
Mark Rober did an obvious propaganda video about germ spread in an elementary school classroom with flourescent powder and then blacklighted everyone at the end of the day to see where it migrated to. Amazingly coincidentally the 2 weeks to stop the spread school closure announcement allegedly occurred with him and camera crew there. Run the exercise again with kids and teaches and production crew masked. I bronto burger guarantee they their masks would flouresce from a mile away.
Is it possible that wearing masks impaired the immune system? Also, we now know that over 90% of so called Covid deaths were not caused by the virus, but by often unrelated conditions, so it's possible these underlying conditions exacerbated the response to the Covid infection in the presence of masking.
I just don't know what they mean about mask compliance around 60%. How? I live in 2 European countries simultaneously and in 2 years I can recall maybe 2 or 3 cases when someone wilfully not followed the governmental rules. Otherwise every single person followed the official guidance. And during this 2 years I travelled many times internationally on airplanes, trains, public transportation etc.
On average and you wouldn’t wear a mask 100% of the time
There needs to be many more GRAPHICS / MEMES comparing mask hole size with the virus, like this one Even this one could be much more graphic. I'd like to see something showing comparative proportions to a mosquito and window screen hole size to illustrate the absolute futility in masking against a virus. Knowing my stick figures are difficult to distinguish, I only have the idea, not the skill to do it. We're looking at 99.99% compliance here (no exaggeration!) with masks being the norm for sick people before covid. It's sad to see people gardening by themselves in the sun masked or driving alone in their own car masked. On open air sidewalks, everyone is masked. There could be a snap change in Japan. It's always hard to say. But it's also possible masking could be the new norm for years to come, a very scary thought.
No doubt that masks can block some viral transmission (assuming you are infectious), but during a pandemic with billions of people, the reduction likely won't stop anything, a bit like if we all opened umbrellas, we'd certainly shade Earth some and cool it a bit, but nobody thinks that's a solution.
When masks catch droplets, those droplets are wicked by the mask and evaporate within microseconds, leaving a residue which gets worked by airjets and friction, resulting eventually in free virus aerosols. Masks actually increase free viruses because they catch large droplets (>= 100 microns diameter) that otherwise would simply fall to the floor and be removed from breathable air.
Voluntary masking correlates with low physics education in a population.
I read somewhere that when a lab wants to aerosolize a solution, they can spray it through a fabric filter. Is that true?
I'd expect a solution would be sprayed through a nozzle, which ensures mixing of the solution with air and produces an aerosol.
Masks are stupid in concept (being afraid of viruses is childish) and look. That’s all the debate should be about. Arguing if they “work” is like asking a tax accountant whether we should all walk around with hotdogs shoved in our ears. Like maybe the accountant will show it makes tax returns bigger but who cares what they think.
Statistics is stupid. This paper... Just remove the lower left outliers, which I would bet are non-testing Eastern countries, and... no more pretty lines. Just a blob of dots. Again, moving the debate to whether masks “work” or “worsen” is a mistake in the first place. I’ll stick with “I’m a bone-headed American male and don’t care if masks magically stop birds from falling out of trees, they are stupid.”