I’m not sure what the fuss is about. People keep talking about global totalitarianism, but as we can plainly see through the censored and controlled media, such talk is clearly just misinformation from paranoid conspiracy theorists. What we need is more mental health services, and some good psychiatric drugs that reduce the likelihood of people making connections, err, I mean suffering from obvious delusions. As far as I’m concerned, people shouldn’t be able to vote for men like this Malaysian prime minister. Being able to vote for such people is a direct threat to democracy. In fact, voting is a threat to democracy. Who are you to make any decisions? Please don’t tell me you do your own research. That just makes you susceptible to Russian disinformation. Our mainstream media is free and independent and would tell us if anything bad was going on. Haven’t you seen movies set in newspapers? Reporters are always looking to break stories. The movies show what it is like. I’ve seen lots of movies about whistle blowers, too. See, you all need to watch more TV.
She's clearly seen a lot of hollywood movies and TV shows about how journalists function. She knows how these things work. If the media was controlled via coercion, bribery, blackmail, and death threats, some whistleblower would tell us! And then the rest of the media would pick up the story!
You see, very few problems can't be solved by just watching more TV.
10 seconds—done. David Rockefeller has stated to the media at some dinner speech years back “thank you for not reporting on what we say.” Paraphrased. Connect the dots. Says it all. The media has been in lockstep for decades or longer…a LOT of monies paid to media CEOs to shut up.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You clearly don't watch enough TV. TV has made it clear that Putin HATES democracy. That's the only reason he invaded Ukraine, in fact. Because he couldn't stand having a democracy next door to his country. And the Russians? Well, there may be something congenitally wrong with them. Perhaps they like living under a strongman. I'm not sure what we can do about them.
What I'm sure of, however, is that we could improve your situation if you just watched more TV. But by your comments I'm beginning to fear that you don't even own one.
Oeps! it is clearly that you don't read history either.. democracy in usa does not exist anymore, the word has been used and abused and raped by the left till it doesn't show any resemblance to what it means to be a democratic society anymore....
Yeah yeah yeah!!! Nothing could be better than gobbling up a whole greasy pizza, throwing back a few pints of Ben and Jerry’s and getting glued into an hour of Rachel Maddow. That’s what I call living the high life!
I'm thankful you understand. Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles are highly correlated with prejudice against our pharmaceutical companies. People who don't watch sufficient porn, MSNBC, and don't consume sufficient numbers of "Hot Pockets" are highly likely to be associated with very troublesome attitudes, such as prejudice against doctors and troubling ideas of self-determination. Good patriots shop, eat, and watch TV so they know what to shop and eat, and can access the best pharmaceutical and mental health treatment to address the problems of shopping, eating, and watching TV. It's good for the economy; it creates jobs.
Refusal to do so clearly threatens jobs of our society's most vulnerable people.
Every now and then I run into people who prepare their own meals, exercise regularly, and read books. A truly troublesome lot.
Why would anyone ever want to think for themselves when there are such highly educated people who have it all figured out? And when you listen to them it’s just so reassuring to know that they are so decent and honest. It’s puzzling that there are some people who question their motives. So foolish.
They're the kind of people who have old, hardcover books that you can only find in used bookstores. It just pisses me off that you've got people wasting time on all that stuff when we have books out like "The Secret" that tell you all you need to know about getting what you want. All a bunch of doubting thomases and killjoys!
What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. (June 22, 1944 / Reading 3976-29)
"“Basically, it is about having a world government which will abolish all states, all nations, all borders. That world government is to be governed by certain people, elites, people who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful. There was not much talk about democracy or choice of leaders, instead a government by elites who will impose the rules on everyone. And for those unwilling to submit to them there will be punishment."
If we had to sum up human history in one paragraph.
Rightfully the people who are promoting this should be the first to volunteer themselves to be culled.
And, as is typical, they make these Malthusian declarations, but when it comes to debating their dogma, they run away, cowards that they are. Debate, discussion is not allowed. It's like "We Are The Science".
The way we fight back is simple. It’s not easy, but it is simple. It starts with swarming. A new kind of technology where we can make our own decentralized and transparent systems separated from government and plug them into the existing corrupted ones.
Swarming isn’t fully developed yet. It isn’t trustworthy enough to scale up for large swarms yet. But it will be soon.
If you really want to fight back, learn about swarming, decentralization, and transparent systems.
There will be a new world order soon. It will be the people once again in control once we swarm these problems together, and organize our alignment into an unstoppable leaderless organization.
For most of human history, the masses were ruled by a wealthy elites with well-documented bloodlines. Egypt, Rome, even Greece. Think about it: why would this fundamental desire for control be any different in todays moment of history? Is it really that hard to imagine that those in power want to keep their power, at the expense of us, who many still view as serfs? Do you think these billionaires really care about the will of the common people when they meet behind closed doors in Davos?
Current democracy is largely an illusion. Following the Enlightenment, these elites realised that it was much more productive to market democracy, self-reliance, and the illusion of political choice than to maintain the current blatant oligarchical structure. Over time, they’ve mastered this, using media, culture, and disgusting immoral psychological research to create mass conformity and trauma while providing us a false sense of agency.
Operation Mockingbird
Bezmenov Model of Psychological Subversion
Cathy O’Brien and Operation Monarch
Tavistock Institute
Under the illusion of democratic choice, populations were most likely to submit and not revolt, thus securing a limited degree power for the elite class that could be slowly subverted over time through increasingly sophisticated measures. Of course, this is a wide brushstroke and the system does allow for a small minority of honest, good men, but it overwhelmingly, and increasingly in modern years, self-selects for psychopathy and malevolence.
This narrative of course is shocking and surprising. But it is the truth.
Discovering that you’ve been lied to about the world can be troubling and traumatic, which is why many of us do look away. However, as I have found, when you pursue the truth and gaze into the abyss you find the light shines through all the brighter.
My friends, you will suffer, but as it is written in Peter 4: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.
15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
Unless one believes growth is not necessary -- this demonstrates why we are doomed :
According to a study published in Nature in 2020 the weight of all human made stuff has surpassed the weight of all things living on this planet for the first time in human history. If you are well read, probably this is no news to you. What is most interesting here, however, is that half of this material was mined, transported and turned into civilization fairly recently: it simply wasn’t there two decades ago. Now close your eyes and imagine half of your house, half of the roads between buildings, half of your washing machine, car and computer disappear. Welcome to the year 2000.
All this was due to exponential growth (a perfect fit for the past century), where we were doubling the amount of human made stuff every 20 years. In case you were wondering: this rate of growth is actually rather modest on an annual basis: equaling a mere 3.5% per annum. Despite these modest gains, the collective mass of materials covered with our fingerprints has gone from 3% of the world’s biomass in 1900 to surpassing 100% of it in a mere 120 years. This is the power of exponential growth. Yet, at least seemingly, we still occupy the same cities with roughly the same infrastructure.
The globalist got extremely rich off of that growth that they encouraged, without aid sent from people in western countries, then countries who couldn’t support that growth on their own would have never happened.
1. If that was the plan he would not in a million years acknowledge this.
2. The fact that he has acknowledged this indicates that this is an attempt to make people believe that this is the plan.
3. We are already seeing staffing shortages due to the vaccine injuries and deaths... if a significant number of humans are culled (even a few hundred million let alone 7 billion) global supply chains would shatter... and everyone would starve.
Hillary was supposed to win the election the following year in 2016. David Martin said they had Covid vaxxes ready to go in 2016. Trumps win slowed down the globalist/China plans.
I didn't know Saturn and Jupiter traced a 6 point star shape (as viewed from earth). I knew about Mercury doing it and Venus doing a 5 point star (as viewed from earth). Cool stuff. Thanks
Magna Carta, English Great Charter, charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215, under threat of civil war and reissued, with alterations, in 1216, 1217, and 1225. By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by “free men,” the Magna Carta provided the foundation for individual rights in Anglo-American jurisprudence. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Magna-Carta
King John was openly challenged by the Barons after much cruelty and abuse of power. He was forced into signing it or risk an uprising which would have removed him from the throne.
Persecution of the Cathars (an enlightened form of Christianity that believed in reincarnation and equality) was intensified by the formation of the Inquisition in 1233. They were effectively wiped out eventually. So that is very interesting about the Great Conjunction today and 800 years ago i.e. lots of bad things happening.. It is also worth pointing out the Cathars thought this life (similar to Buddhists) is fairly low level and something to move on from as quickly as possible. The little book you mention is great too.
I wonder if anyone had every thought what life would be like with only 1billion people on earth and what they would do... Better get farming and get used to not having electricity. Sure, humanity survived with 1billion people on earth before, but I am willing to bet life looked very different. Upgrading is easy, downgrading your lifestyle much harder.
He says, peace will come with the grave... The Bible says that they will seek death and not find it.
Prime Minister Mahathir is a very smart statesman - smarter than most keyboard warriors here and IMF economists. Take his words seriously.
During the Asian financial crisis, he basically gave IMF the middle figure on their draconian demands. Malaysia survived the crisis in far better shape than the other nations that accepted IMF 'bailouts'. There are not many articles or studies on this embarrassing IMF episode but here is one -
"Malaysia stood out as a country that refused IMF assistance and advice. Instead of further opening its economy, Malaysia imposed capital controls, in an effort to eliminate speculative trading in its currency. While the IMF mocked this approach when adopted, the Fund later admitted that it succeeded."
That’s how they troll us, with language. Changing definitions, relabeling, repackaging to occupy us chasing windmills while they trudge along. “We’re all in this together” at least from their perspective, was true.
Well heck. Whose tyranny we want, anyway? The triumph of the Muslim ummah? The restoration of Christendom?
Substack is full of guys seething about the abomination of the Western Enlightenment because it let all those awful liberal ideas in, and trying to wash the Middle Eastern out of their Christianity and turn it into the ultimate expression of Norseness, and other guys seething about the filth of the Western lifestyle and how that can only be cured by a nice dose of sharia.
Real brethren of the spirit, and equally hysterical about that New World Order thingy.
The history of the world is someone is always thundering over the horizon to take over your lands and desecrate your culture and impose theirs as hard as they can.
Malaysians--and Indonesians, of similar culture--are in general nice relaxed people. Things were nicer and more relaxed for them before all those Saudi billions starting funding all those fundamentalist madrassas throughout the Muslim world. That sort of thing made Mahathir very happy. I'd take his views with a couple of mountains of salt.
I’m not sure what the fuss is about. People keep talking about global totalitarianism, but as we can plainly see through the censored and controlled media, such talk is clearly just misinformation from paranoid conspiracy theorists. What we need is more mental health services, and some good psychiatric drugs that reduce the likelihood of people making connections, err, I mean suffering from obvious delusions. As far as I’m concerned, people shouldn’t be able to vote for men like this Malaysian prime minister. Being able to vote for such people is a direct threat to democracy. In fact, voting is a threat to democracy. Who are you to make any decisions? Please don’t tell me you do your own research. That just makes you susceptible to Russian disinformation. Our mainstream media is free and independent and would tell us if anything bad was going on. Haven’t you seen movies set in newspapers? Reporters are always looking to break stories. The movies show what it is like. I’ve seen lots of movies about whistle blowers, too. See, you all need to watch more TV.
I actually had a woman ask me, “why would NPR and NBC News lie to me?” Hmmm, let’s think about that for a minute.
She's clearly seen a lot of hollywood movies and TV shows about how journalists function. She knows how these things work. If the media was controlled via coercion, bribery, blackmail, and death threats, some whistleblower would tell us! And then the rest of the media would pick up the story!
You see, very few problems can't be solved by just watching more TV.
If NPR and NBC were corrupt NPR and NBC would tell us about it.
And Hollywood would make a movie about it!
10 seconds—done. David Rockefeller has stated to the media at some dinner speech years back “thank you for not reporting on what we say.” Paraphrased. Connect the dots. Says it all. The media has been in lockstep for decades or longer…a LOT of monies paid to media CEOs to shut up.
Isn't it interesting that Russia is morphing into the world's bastion of freedom against the USG/NWO? What a reversal of roles. I never saw it coming.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You clearly don't watch enough TV. TV has made it clear that Putin HATES democracy. That's the only reason he invaded Ukraine, in fact. Because he couldn't stand having a democracy next door to his country. And the Russians? Well, there may be something congenitally wrong with them. Perhaps they like living under a strongman. I'm not sure what we can do about them.
What I'm sure of, however, is that we could improve your situation if you just watched more TV. But by your comments I'm beginning to fear that you don't even own one.
LOL... your comments are classic.
Oeps! it is clearly that you don't read history either.. democracy in usa does not exist anymore, the word has been used and abused and raped by the left till it doesn't show any resemblance to what it means to be a democratic society anymore....
“Our Democracy” has become a catchphrase of the authoritarian left.
You must admit that it has a much better ring than "our organized crime racket."
Coming as it does from the Ministry of Truth...
What? The rape part..?
Yeah yeah yeah!!! Nothing could be better than gobbling up a whole greasy pizza, throwing back a few pints of Ben and Jerry’s and getting glued into an hour of Rachel Maddow. That’s what I call living the high life!
I'm thankful you understand. Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles are highly correlated with prejudice against our pharmaceutical companies. People who don't watch sufficient porn, MSNBC, and don't consume sufficient numbers of "Hot Pockets" are highly likely to be associated with very troublesome attitudes, such as prejudice against doctors and troubling ideas of self-determination. Good patriots shop, eat, and watch TV so they know what to shop and eat, and can access the best pharmaceutical and mental health treatment to address the problems of shopping, eating, and watching TV. It's good for the economy; it creates jobs.
Refusal to do so clearly threatens jobs of our society's most vulnerable people.
Every now and then I run into people who prepare their own meals, exercise regularly, and read books. A truly troublesome lot.
Why would anyone ever want to think for themselves when there are such highly educated people who have it all figured out? And when you listen to them it’s just so reassuring to know that they are so decent and honest. It’s puzzling that there are some people who question their motives. So foolish.
They're the kind of people who have old, hardcover books that you can only find in used bookstores. It just pisses me off that you've got people wasting time on all that stuff when we have books out like "The Secret" that tell you all you need to know about getting what you want. All a bunch of doubting thomases and killjoys!
Sort of like what Edgar Cayce said? LOL
What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. (June 22, 1944 / Reading 3976-29)
I don't consider irony or satire to be trolling. Trolling behavior is more like attempting provocation of the OP.
KAhtairso is being sarcastic or ironic...but I admit it doesn't come across as will in print with the inflection of the voice. Great comments LOL
"“Basically, it is about having a world government which will abolish all states, all nations, all borders. That world government is to be governed by certain people, elites, people who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful. There was not much talk about democracy or choice of leaders, instead a government by elites who will impose the rules on everyone. And for those unwilling to submit to them there will be punishment."
If we had to sum up human history in one paragraph.
No kidding.
"9/11 was a false flag by the US Government"
With the help of Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Zoolander was a documentary.
So was the Tower of Babel.
Can we get a vote on which of the 7 billion we kill off?
Rightfully the people who are promoting this should be the first to volunteer themselves to be culled.
And, as is typical, they make these Malthusian declarations, but when it comes to debating their dogma, they run away, cowards that they are. Debate, discussion is not allowed. It's like "We Are The Science".
Eugenicists are big talkers and coerce others to do dirty work ($$$)
We need social credit scores.... for politicians.
The way we fight back is simple. It’s not easy, but it is simple. It starts with swarming. A new kind of technology where we can make our own decentralized and transparent systems separated from government and plug them into the existing corrupted ones.
Swarming isn’t fully developed yet. It isn’t trustworthy enough to scale up for large swarms yet. But it will be soon.
If you really want to fight back, learn about swarming, decentralization, and transparent systems.
There will be a new world order soon. It will be the people once again in control once we swarm these problems together, and organize our alignment into an unstoppable leaderless organization.
Understand and discuss:
For most of human history, the masses were ruled by a wealthy elites with well-documented bloodlines. Egypt, Rome, even Greece. Think about it: why would this fundamental desire for control be any different in todays moment of history? Is it really that hard to imagine that those in power want to keep their power, at the expense of us, who many still view as serfs? Do you think these billionaires really care about the will of the common people when they meet behind closed doors in Davos?
Current democracy is largely an illusion. Following the Enlightenment, these elites realised that it was much more productive to market democracy, self-reliance, and the illusion of political choice than to maintain the current blatant oligarchical structure. Over time, they’ve mastered this, using media, culture, and disgusting immoral psychological research to create mass conformity and trauma while providing us a false sense of agency.
Operation Mockingbird
Bezmenov Model of Psychological Subversion
Cathy O’Brien and Operation Monarch
Tavistock Institute
Under the illusion of democratic choice, populations were most likely to submit and not revolt, thus securing a limited degree power for the elite class that could be slowly subverted over time through increasingly sophisticated measures. Of course, this is a wide brushstroke and the system does allow for a small minority of honest, good men, but it overwhelmingly, and increasingly in modern years, self-selects for psychopathy and malevolence.
This narrative of course is shocking and surprising. But it is the truth.
Discovering that you’ve been lied to about the world can be troubling and traumatic, which is why many of us do look away. However, as I have found, when you pursue the truth and gaze into the abyss you find the light shines through all the brighter.
My friends, you will suffer, but as it is written in Peter 4: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.
15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
Unless one believes growth is not necessary -- this demonstrates why we are doomed :
According to a study published in Nature in 2020 the weight of all human made stuff has surpassed the weight of all things living on this planet for the first time in human history. If you are well read, probably this is no news to you. What is most interesting here, however, is that half of this material was mined, transported and turned into civilization fairly recently: it simply wasn’t there two decades ago. Now close your eyes and imagine half of your house, half of the roads between buildings, half of your washing machine, car and computer disappear. Welcome to the year 2000.
All this was due to exponential growth (a perfect fit for the past century), where we were doubling the amount of human made stuff every 20 years. In case you were wondering: this rate of growth is actually rather modest on an annual basis: equaling a mere 3.5% per annum. Despite these modest gains, the collective mass of materials covered with our fingerprints has gone from 3% of the world’s biomass in 1900 to surpassing 100% of it in a mere 120 years. This is the power of exponential growth. Yet, at least seemingly, we still occupy the same cities with roughly the same infrastructure.
Where did all this stuff go then?
The globalist got extremely rich off of that growth that they encouraged, without aid sent from people in western countries, then countries who couldn’t support that growth on their own would have never happened.
We all benefitted tremendously from the rape and pillage
Most of that "stuff" was bought at walmart or walmart like stores, and has been redeposited in the earth it came from.
Us dumb ass human will be mining our landfills in the coming years....
Pluck that sit.
1. If that was the plan he would not in a million years acknowledge this.
2. The fact that he has acknowledged this indicates that this is an attempt to make people believe that this is the plan.
3. We are already seeing staffing shortages due to the vaccine injuries and deaths... if a significant number of humans are culled (even a few hundred million let alone 7 billion) global supply chains would shatter... and everyone would starve.
Agreed. That seems like plan to hit it from 10 different vectors. But they cannot do too fast.
The plan: https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220
Interesting that this is in 2015.
Hillary was supposed to win the election the following year in 2016. David Martin said they had Covid vaxxes ready to go in 2016. Trumps win slowed down the globalist/China plans.
Trump slowed the China play? Doubt it. They are all in on it.
They do not get to decide. God decides.
But they consider themselves to be Gods.
They are deluding themselves. I have a book on the geometry of snowflakes. There are no 2 snowflakes that are atomically the same - https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/news/nature/animals/the-science-of-snowflakes-winter-weather-pov-point-of-viewer
God is all around us.
Jupiter and Saturn move in planetary orbits that trace a Star of David in their trajectories which is named the "Golden Clock" - https://made-of-light.fr/2020/04/30/the-golden-clock/
All of the highly geometric trajectories of the planets can be seen in the book "A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System" by John Martineau.
You can download the book here - https://www.scribd.com/document/215060209/A-Little-Book-of-Coincidence#
We have just experienced a Great Conjunction, which is when Jupiter and Saturn come very close. It was on Dec. 21, 2020 - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/jupiter-and-saturns-great-conjunction-is-the-best-in-800-years-heres-how-to-see-it/ The last time a Great Conjunction happened as close as this was 800 years ago. That would take us back to 1220.
I didn't know Saturn and Jupiter traced a 6 point star shape (as viewed from earth). I knew about Mercury doing it and Venus doing a 5 point star (as viewed from earth). Cool stuff. Thanks
1220 AD? Gengis Khan was 2/3rds into his reign.
Magna Carta, English Great Charter, charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215, under threat of civil war and reissued, with alterations, in 1216, 1217, and 1225. By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by “free men,” the Magna Carta provided the foundation for individual rights in Anglo-American jurisprudence. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Magna-Carta
The Roman Empire was ruled by Frederick II (l. 1194-1250 CE) - https://www.worldhistory.org/Frederick_II/ Great Conjunctions which are very close denote a Battle between the Energies of Restriction (Saturn) and Expansion (Jupiter). Also. the Magna Carta is signed by King John in 1215 - https://www.bl.uk/magna-carta/articles/magna-carta-an-introduction
King John was openly challenged by the Barons after much cruelty and abuse of power. He was forced into signing it or risk an uprising which would have removed him from the throne.
Persecution of the Cathars (an enlightened form of Christianity that believed in reincarnation and equality) was intensified by the formation of the Inquisition in 1233. They were effectively wiped out eventually. So that is very interesting about the Great Conjunction today and 800 years ago i.e. lots of bad things happening.. It is also worth pointing out the Cathars thought this life (similar to Buddhists) is fairly low level and something to move on from as quickly as possible. The little book you mention is great too.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse!
I wonder if anyone had every thought what life would be like with only 1billion people on earth and what they would do... Better get farming and get used to not having electricity. Sure, humanity survived with 1billion people on earth before, but I am willing to bet life looked very different. Upgrading is easy, downgrading your lifestyle much harder.
He says, peace will come with the grave... The Bible says that they will seek death and not find it.
Prime Minister Mahathir is a very smart statesman - smarter than most keyboard warriors here and IMF economists. Take his words seriously.
During the Asian financial crisis, he basically gave IMF the middle figure on their draconian demands. Malaysia survived the crisis in far better shape than the other nations that accepted IMF 'bailouts'. There are not many articles or studies on this embarrassing IMF episode but here is one -
"Malaysia stood out as a country that refused IMF assistance and advice. Instead of further opening its economy, Malaysia imposed capital controls, in an effort to eliminate speculative trading in its currency. While the IMF mocked this approach when adopted, the Fund later admitted that it succeeded."
That’s how they troll us, with language. Changing definitions, relabeling, repackaging to occupy us chasing windmills while they trudge along. “We’re all in this together” at least from their perspective, was true.
Well heck. Whose tyranny we want, anyway? The triumph of the Muslim ummah? The restoration of Christendom?
Substack is full of guys seething about the abomination of the Western Enlightenment because it let all those awful liberal ideas in, and trying to wash the Middle Eastern out of their Christianity and turn it into the ultimate expression of Norseness, and other guys seething about the filth of the Western lifestyle and how that can only be cured by a nice dose of sharia.
Real brethren of the spirit, and equally hysterical about that New World Order thingy.
The history of the world is someone is always thundering over the horizon to take over your lands and desecrate your culture and impose theirs as hard as they can.
Malaysians--and Indonesians, of similar culture--are in general nice relaxed people. Things were nicer and more relaxed for them before all those Saudi billions starting funding all those fundamentalist madrassas throughout the Muslim world. That sort of thing made Mahathir very happy. I'd take his views with a couple of mountains of salt.