Interesting story. What happened next?

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There are always strings attached! Do you like what came next?

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Quite interesting, you are correct!

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I’m thinking it’s China?

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Was this 'contact' with 'Foundation X' a Nigerian Barrister, perchance? Or a mysterious Middle Eastern temptress ?

Or maybe the usual suspects: Bill Gates or one of his dodgy pals?

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Marcos was reputed to be storing Nazi gold

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Some kind of con, too good to be true...

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Reference to BTC/ FTT?

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Holy Con artists Batman!!! The grift they ran on Lord James makes Hooker & Gondorff's takedown of Lonnegan look amateurish.

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eh? what? what?

How weird - what happened next?

It's all in Hansard is it?

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link is above

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Google the asteroid Psyche... Scarcity is a myth.

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What a queer speech. Let us know if you ever find out

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There's a Netflix series in there somewhere. Especially given that China just now bought up the gold.

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It's a conspiracy theory!

Yes well of course it is, since keeping that much gold secret - it's not like it's easy to lug about either - would need some kind of clandestine agreement between people with the ability to safely and securely store it, legal or otherwise.

Now, who had a lot of unaccounted for gold and a very friendly and sweet deal with the Vatican? Perhaps ODESSA and Die Spinne is not the myth historians have been (sometims rather desperately) claiming.

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The deep state. The are weakest with transparency and decentralization. Like this https://joshketry.substack.com/p/do-you-want-to-know-how-to-stop-the

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