In our idiotic state of Washington, kids had to wear masks to play soccer. Outside. Often in the rain.

Government-mandated waterboarding!

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#Foegen effect. Maddening. It makes my skin crawl to see an idiotic mask wearer constantly grabbing the tip of their useless mask full of spittle and adjust it juuuust right to more perfectly protect them from the nearby unclean heathen freefaces.

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Been bugging me since 2020. Added points for nobody's looking, stuff that sucker in a pocket of yer filthy levis.

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I've concluded that those mask wearers who don't even cover both mouth and nose are likely to survive longer than the 'savvy' sort who know how to fit them properly.

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Stephen Petty knows about soccer for kids and masks.


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"Government-mandated waterboarding!"

It's officially NOT torture, as Dubya told us some time ago.

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Idiotic doesn't even BEGIN to describe it! Ugh.

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Thank you for this article. It is an unnatural abomination to wear masks. Period. And on children it is literal child abuse. Masks are for particulate debris such as drywall sanding dust or saw dust or working with insulation.

Those damn masks are going to be incident to loads of harms in the future from mask particle ingestion. Not to mention the billions that will be swirling in the oceanic garbage patches.

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Medical offices, clinics, facilities, hospitals - all of which KNOW better - being Enemy Numero Uno. Even in my deep blue state, those are the only entities still mandating mask 💩

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Many medical facilities mandated masks due to direct threat by the government that their funding would be withheld or their licenses suspended if they didn’t ban smiles. As the threats by the governors and President started to fall, at least here in Washington, almost all of the remaining private entity mandates were issued by non clinical bureaucrats who didn’t have to mask in their own offices.

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Cindi, you said true. Can you imagine? they KNOW better. Let's start suing them (but actually, I think either they are forced to by State Dept of Health or by their insurers...do you know which?)

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Duchess, honestly don’t know why medicals are doing this EXCEPT many or all were either captured long ago by Pharnma, or doctors & hospitals & pharmacies were deeply monetarily incentivized to recommend all of the idiocy, implement the idiocy or otherwise do the WHO, CDC, FDA bidding, including masks, lockdowns, jabs, etc. I asked my long time PCP & personal friend his advice on the jab in 2021 & he said he & his wife (an RN) had taken it & i should too. I cannot explain why they are STILL doing it. Maybe now that LGB-FJB has “formally ended” the scamdemic, they won’t have justification anymore?

What do YOU think?

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Worked in a hospital for many years. The culture of these institutions are so top down. So many meetings and committees hardly resulted in meaningful clinical decision makings. Felt like too much time was spent for paperwork and meetings.

Blue people seem to have a blinded trust for institutions…

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I do not know what to think......maybe its their training that brainwashes them? I've got a new PCP (my old one forced out he insisted on treating people with IVM/HCQ and antibiotics)...and nice as he is, he took the jab.....I cannot fathom it....really, it is quite outside my ken now...I mean, just look at the Vaers data...but I say nothing, grateful I dont have to wear a mask in his office.....

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The true believers won’t acknowledge VAERS or even know what it is. Medically trained people should be most ashamed of all - for taking it, for recommending it, for administering it &/or for forcing it on pain of job loss. Just goes to show ejookashun ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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Obeying a rule that is known to be wrong is to knowingly do wrong. This makes them more culpable and responsible than those acting from ignorance.

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No argument here...

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I live in a deep blue state as well. My guess is that there might be more people/patients demanding the mask wearing compared to less blue states.

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Low intelligence people wearing an N95 mask ... what could go wrong.

Anecdotally ... I am seeing a lot more stupidity these days.

Here's a follow up article for you:

I read a Yale study over a year ago that indicated cognitive abilities in infants had fallen off a cliff since Covid arrived.

I was wondering what might have caused this and suspected it might be the fact that pregnant women were wearing masks -- often N95 masks --- for many hours per day.

I tried to find studies on the effect of wearing such masks for extended periods when pregnant.

There were no recent studies related to wearing a mask for Covid ... but what I did find was a few studies related to women who wear masks in the work place --- e.g. in auto paint shops...

Ethically they could not ask the subjects of the study - pregnant women -- to wear N95 masks for extended periods --- so they only looked at very short term results ...

And what they found was oxygen depravation to the fetus.

The recommendation was that if you work in a setting that requires mask protection that you not do so for extended periods -- and that you take frequent breaks without the mask to ensure adequate oxygen supply to your unborn child.

Unfortunately I did not save the studies but I am sure they can be easily found with a search. You might use the custom search by dates option and look for results pre 2020 as the current results will no doubt be filled with 'masks are safe' BS.

And BTW - I suggested Steve Kirsch offer Dover 1M for an interview ... seeing as this indicates they have replaced her ... he 'banned me for 100 years'


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I don't know if Steve Kirsch is all that he pretends to be. In 2020 he set up a fund to support research into Covid 19 treatments which is managed by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Hmmmm...


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I thought that Kirsch was originally trusting of the clot-shots to the extent of having a couple himself. Only then did his scepticism start to exhibit itself. That would have been some time after 2020, so what you mention may be something he now regrets?

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Perhaps not coincidentally, there is an increase in fungal infections that are lethal primarily to the same *high risk* populations that are still wearing masks.

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We know about so much of the pollution in the air, ozone, PM2, etc. but since reading about the air microbiome, I wonder what we were not breathing in, which we are adapted to breathe in, while wearing masks. Particularly kids whose immune systems are developing (hopefully) Every single intervention has been at absolute best, utterly stupid and worst, purposefully damaging. Every.Single. One.




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I am jumping up and down and clapping my hands. Oh I hope so. I hope everyone enforcing mask mandates gets SUED. Starting with our own governer and State Dept of Health...and my local School System!!!! Class Action, anyone? God I would LOVE TO SEE THIS.

on the other hand, I have a two colleagues that constantly wear masks...one because she gets RSV (no comment) and the other one because she had a condition thirty years ago...but doesn't want it to come back.

Lord, give me strength.

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Tell them that they’re actually damaging their “health” MORE! I saw two children today wearing masks...I thought I was gonna lose it!

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That particularly gets to me...children do not transmit covid...even if they have it. they should never ever wear the stupid face diaper. I see parents unmasked bringing their kids in masked to school because they "tested positive"....and apparently its a rule...and one of my students has worn it for 3 years because his father had a coronary bypass and thinks he will get Covid and die...nothing like sacrificing your kids so you can stay alive....sigh.

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I totally understand! What the hell has happened to parents? If a “new” heart can’t protect you from a cold, he should get his money back! My parents/grandparents would have laughed if they could be here. And my father had a triple bypass in 1989. But guess what the hospital did? They gave him Hep C blood! The insanity was happening even then.

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"What the hell has happened to parents?"

Thirty-odd years of increasingly duff education that discouraged any questioning of orthodoxies?

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Long vax too.

And long nocebo effect, as some hypochondriacs went full in on the story.

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Low-grade hypoxia from masks can be assessed via altitude studies, which presumably will yield similar results in terms of adverse events, as well as long-term adaptation. Hypercarbia is trickier - perhaps looking at long-term smokers, individuals with significant COPD, or breath-hold divers one might get some insights into adverse events and long-term adaptation.

Of interest is also the altered gas exchange in people with panic disorder, and whether mask use may interact with this condition.

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I have been trying to raise awareness of this one word, one disease for two years. Look it up: also known as brown lung disease (as opposed to the better known black lung disease often afflicting former miners) this is a form of lung cancer which, like asbestosis, takes decades to make itself felt. And like asbestosis is caused by the irritation of tiny fibrous particles invading the lungs. Former workers on the cotton fields were diagnosed with byssinosis in the 1970s, years after they stopped work. Now just think of all those microscopic fibre particles being shed by the N95 and surgical masks that some folk have been wearing for nearly three years and are still inflicting on themselves.

My guesstimate: in around 20 to 30 years we will, unfortunately, witness an epidemic of byssinosis. If I’m still around then you may quote me on this.

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Real question, no joke or irony: Ivor, is covid a real disease in your opinion?

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I’m not Ivor! But I think Covid exists but hasn’t been an issue for most people

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You deserve to be Ivor.

But I will dub ya Nekkid, just for the fun of it.

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A cold or flu is a real occurrence... an external cause is hotly debated!!!

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I know, I know, I'm mostly in the "germ theory is pfake" side.

I started recently using the words "Koch" and "Pasteur" as curse words, LOL.

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There's still a lot of pasteur koch heads out there almost at the cusp of seeing this. The convid debacle gave people a lot of subconscious sense that something is not adding up.

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I don't know why you laughed, but I like to promote health through laughter.

Still curious, why did you laugh?

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We know the answer.

Total deaths are the real indicator and 2020 in most nations was close to previous years. He knows that. He knows no years of life lost, he did a great graph on that. It didn't even change life expectancy.

What pandemic, besides medical treatment issues?

Of course after vac, the year of 0 AV, the total deaths went up...

I don't think he's there yet, lol.

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We will all become Cowanists one sunny day...

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Maybe the most sensible approach is to grant these adherents the equivalent cultural recognition of these clothing choices with an appropriate moniker to acknowledge the religiousness of their dedication, perhaps naming it the ‘Maskjab’ as a tribute to the Hijab worn by another devout sect.

Although in retrospect now that might be unfair to that particular formal religion who may have a much greater foundation in real science than the Maskjab wearers.

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Brilliant. Love the trigger warning.

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My parents are in Spain, where masks became the national government's obsession after society reopened in June 2020. The population was, in essence, bribed into accepting a trade-off: no more lockdowns but you must mask indoors and out for however long we say. (Luckily exceptions were made for eating & drinking, so hospitality venues tended not to enforce masks at all -- and this is where Spanish people spend most of their time outside the home.)

Are masks preferable to lockdowns? From summer 2020 to summer 2021, seen from the UK, I definitely thought yes. At least my family in Spain were mixing freely, resuming their leisure activities, enjoying evenings out, etc., plus my cousin's kids were in school and playing sports, etc.

But as time went on and the UK opened up, life in the UK became preferable for one key reason: we didn't have to mask and even when the indoor rule was reintroduced in autumn 2021 it was never enforced -- you could always claim exemption, which was barely allowed in Spain.

In summer 2021, my dad had a fall while walking outside in the heat while wearing a surgical mask. He felt lightheaded and fell forward, and although he reacted in time by putting his arms out, he still smacked his forehead against the pavement, getting cut and bruised.

I have since concluded that masks are no less evil than everything else we've been asked to endure or submit to these past 3 years.

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Of all the people enforcing mask wearing now, the main offenders are medical people. This information is falling on deaf ears unfortunately...

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I actually laughed out loud! I know it isn't funny, of course. Thank you.

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